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Wheeling and dealing with Providence lands…Ramroop’s deputy made US$2M in one day of buying and selling.

Roopnarine ‘Ravie’ Ramcharitar.

September 6,2017   Source

A top deputy of businessman, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, not only managed to close a sweet land deal with Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) in August 2014, but on the same day, within a space of a few hours, he turned around and under the watchful eyes of the agency, sold it to an overseas buyer.
With the blessings of CH&PA, without lifting a finger, Roopnarine ‘Ravie’ Ramcharitar made a whopping US$2M ($400M) profit on the spot.

The incestuous relationship involving the then management of CH&PA, a few businessmen and the members of the previous administration, are all coming out now and could involve charges.Heading the Ministry of Housing in 2014 was former minister, Irfaan Ali.Ramroop is a close friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo. Ramroop’s companies, including New GPC, benefitted from billions of dollars of concession and contracts under questionable circumstances from previous administrations of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).

The Coalition Government is sitting up and taking notice and likely to start taking actions as the matter could involve some criminal intent, a senior official disclosed yesterday.According to CH&PA documents, on August 28, 2014, Director/Secretary of Luxury Realty Inc., Ramcharitar, a senior official in the Queens Atlantic Investment, signed off on documents which handed him rights to 28.8 acres of Providence lands.That same day, August 28, 2014, the New York-based investor was made to pay a hefty price of US$2.8M (over $570M) for lands that were bought for just over US$800,000 ($173M).
The details are all contained in CH&PA documents that include the Agreement of Sale and Purchase.Under the agreement, the Certificate of Title was to be transferred to Ramcharitar’s company, Luxury Realty Inc., after all the infrastructure works would have been completed.Under the agreement, Ramcharitar was supposed to develop the lands purchased for the construction and sale of homes “only”.Luxury Realty agreed to complete the infrastructure works in eight months.

Former Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

From indications, no infrastructure works, including roads and drainage were done by Ramcharitar within that eight-month period that he was given.
CH&PA did not take actions for Ramcharitar breaching the timeframe conditions.
In fact, the documents indicate that the eight-month period passed without any sanctions.CH&PA officials then accommodated representatives from Luxury Realty, and the overseas buyer, and conducted a sale in the CH&PA’s offices, Brickdam. The monies were paid over to Ramcharitar and his representatives.There are no indications that the profit taxes were ever paid over by Ramcharitar to the Guyana Revenue Authority.Ramcharitar, who was a former director of the Berbice Bridge, registered a company named Luxury Realty Inc. in October 2013. He was listed then as both the Director and Secretary.
That transaction was one of several questionable ones involving lands stretching from Eccles to Providence, sold to a number of close friends of the previous administrations. There were several hundreds of acres involved.Several plots of those lands remained undeveloped despite conditions that construction of the infrastructure had to start within six months, in some cases.
The Coalition Government has started moving to repossess some of those lands.
Ramcharitar’s transactions, while benefitting from a sweetheart deal blessed by CH&PA, would mirror that of Tiwarie, owner of BK International.
Tiwarie’s company, Sunset Lakes Inc, managed to acquire 100 acres of lands not too far from Ramcharitar’s.However, eight weeks after securing the lands from CH&PA for US$2.2M (approximately $440M), Tiwarie turned around and flipped the company to BaiShanLin for US$8M ($1.6B).
BaiShanLin is a Chinese investor that ran into trouble over its operations here and had its forest lands taken away by the Coalition Government.
BaiShanLin, now facing financial problems, was unable to pay Tiwarie the US$8M it promised and early last year, the businessman took BaiShanLin to court, asking for his balance of US$4M. Tiwarie also demanded back his company Sunset Lakes and wanted the court to forfeit the US$4M that BaiShanLin had advanced him.
There are more than 20,000 applications pending at the CH&PA, with Government announcing plans to build duplexes and apartments for low income families in the short term.
Large swaths of lands behind Republic Park and Providence have been sold under questionable circumstances to several private developers who were looking to cash in on the booming housing drive between 2010 and 2014.
CH&PA has been promising to go after the private developers for breaching their conditions, including the building of infrastructure like drains and roads.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The "Money Talks Bushit Walks" crew will not see any thing wrong with the deal,the new PPP and their Cronies managed Guyana,as their personnel property,while at the same time put wool over their supporters eyes.

Some here is saying Bharat Jagdeo the "fake Dr.",is smart..oh yeah smart indeed..smarts to thief and spread the spoils that doesn't belong them.

What modicum of Integrity that some folks have to support such Corrupted Leader?? is it because they are of the same ethnicity ??,inquiring minds want to know.

That fella will never become the President of Guyana again..never..mark my words.

Last edited by Django

Two years later and still they can't find evidence to jail these folks? This tell me that there is no strong evidence that will stand up in court. In the past the slop can boys cried day and night about the Sanata Textile mill deal, now the same jackasses are quiet. You all promised to jail PPP and repossess land but so far, zero has been accomplished, according to DG's tracker threads. 

Drugb posted:

Two years later and still they can't find evidence to jail these folks? This tell me that there is no strong evidence that will stand up in court. In the past the slop can boys cried day and night about the Sanata Textile mill deal, now the same jackasses are quiet. You all promised to jail PPP and repossess land but so far, zero has been accomplished, according to DG's tracker threads. 

Yuh right..glaring evidence are not accepted by the kangaroo courts of Guyana.

Lots of "Shitheads" like you running things in the homeland.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Two years later and still they can't find evidence to jail these folks? This tell me that there is no strong evidence that will stand up in court. In the past the slop can boys cried day and night about the Sanata Textile mill deal, now the same jackasses are quiet. You all promised to jail PPP and repossess land but so far, zero has been accomplished, according to DG's tracker threads. 

Yuh right..glaring evidence are not accepted by the kangaroo courts of Guyana.

Lots of "Shitheads" like you running things in the homeland.

What is the glaring evidence? So far we are told that because the man made a profit then he must be guilty of corruption.  Making a profit is not a crime, it is business. Now if you slop can boys can provide the evidence and jail this man and other officials involved then you have a leg to stand on. So far I don't see the evidence, just accusations. You need to buckle down and do proper investigative work to bring culprits to justice. Instead you gave away free money to SARA and they don't produce anything tangible. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Two years later and still they can't find evidence to jail these folks? This tell me that there is no strong evidence that will stand up in court. In the past the slop can boys cried day and night about the Sanata Textile mill deal, now the same jackasses are quiet. You all promised to jail PPP and repossess land but so far, zero has been accomplished, according to DG's tracker threads. 

Yuh right..glaring evidence are not accepted by the kangaroo courts of Guyana.

Lots of "Shitheads" like you running things in the homeland.

What is the glaring evidence? So far we are told that because the man made a profit then he must be guilty of corruption.  Making a profit is not a crime, it is business. Now if you slop can boys can provide the evidence and jail this man and other officials involved then you have a leg to stand on. So far I don't see the evidence, just accusations. You need to buckle down and do proper investigative work to bring culprits to justice. Instead you gave away free money to SARA and they don't produce anything tangible. 

Banna take a hike,you doan worth my time for a conversation.

you see nothing wrong with that transaction how  "State Land" was flipped.

Pay attention to the highlighted.

Last edited by Django

It is alleged that Ramcharitar broke rules, regulations and laws in that profitable transaction. So, why doesn't Attorney General Basil Williams prepare a case for court? The government had more than 2 years to build a case of fraudulent conduct by Ramcharitar.

Gilbakka posted:

It is alleged that Ramcharitar broke rules, regulations and laws in that profitable transaction. So, why doesn't Attorney General Basil Williams prepare a case for court? The government had more than 2 years to build a case of fraudulent conduct by Ramcharitar.

Hope when the hammer hits.

Discrimination willn't be raised.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Two years later and still they can't find evidence to jail these folks? This tell me that there is no strong evidence that will stand up in court. In the past the slop can boys cried day and night about the Sanata Textile mill deal, now the same jackasses are quiet. You all promised to jail PPP and repossess land but so far, zero has been accomplished, according to DG's tracker threads. 

Yuh right..glaring evidence are not accepted by the kangaroo courts of Guyana.

Lots of "Shitheads" like you running things in the homeland.

What is the glaring evidence? So far we are told that because the man made a profit then he must be guilty of corruption.  Making a profit is not a crime, it is business. Now if you slop can boys can provide the evidence and jail this man and other officials involved then you have a leg to stand on. So far I don't see the evidence, just accusations. You need to buckle down and do proper investigative work to bring culprits to justice. Instead you gave away free money to SARA and they don't produce anything tangible. 

Banna take a hike,you doan worth my time for a conversation.

you see nothing wrong with that transaction how  "State Land" was flipped.

Pay attention to the highlighted.

Is it a crime to buy state land and flip it?  I know many in Guyana who bought land from private persons and flipped it for 2 to 3 times profit, the original owners cried fraud but the fact remains that it was just business, they didn't have to sign the sales agreement as hindsight is 20/20 when it comes to value of land. 

Gilbakka posted:

It is alleged that Ramcharitar broke rules, regulations and laws in that profitable transaction. So, why doesn't Attorney General Basil Williams prepare a case for court? The government had more than 2 years to build a case of fraudulent conduct by Ramcharitar.

Thank you, Gilly.

Mitwah posted:

The current Admin should bring charges and take steps to prevent the alleged violators to leave the country.

Agree. But my problem with the current Admin is their sloth in meteing out justice. During the 2015 election campaign, they gave voters the clear impression that they had ample evidence of PPP corrupt practices. Particularly, Ramjattan told the crowds at rallies that if APNU+AFC won, a lot of PPP officials going to jail. The crowds clapped and roared in ecstasy. Two years and four months later, those PPP officials are still sleeping on their pre-2015 mattresses every night, dreaming sweetly of a return to power next three years. Is it any wonder that the coalition is losing support continually? At this stage they have a credibility problem. People insisting they got no change in 2015, only an exchange.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Mitwah posted:

The current Admin should bring charges and take steps to prevent the alleged violators to leave the country.

Agree. But my problem with the current Admin is their sloth in meteing out justice. During the 2015 election campaign, they gave voters the clear impression that they had ample evidence of PPP corrupt practices. Particularly, Ramjattan told the crowds at rallies that if APNU+AFC won, a lot of PPP officials going to jail. Two years and four months later, those PPP officials are still sleeping on their pre-2015 mattresses every night, dreaming sweetly of a return to power next three years. Is it any wonder that the coalition is losing support continually? At this stage they have a credibility problem. People insisting they got no change in 2015, only an exchange.


Mitwah posted:

The current Admin should bring charges and take steps to prevent the alleged violators to leave the country.

this government is doing every thing slow they need to get off their ass and do as they promise 

Django posted:

The "Money Talks Bushit Walks" crew will not see any thing wrong with the deal,the new PPP and their Cronies managed Guyana,as their personnel property,while at the same time put wool over their supporters eyes.

Some here is saying Bharat Jagdeo the "fake Dr.",is smart..oh yeah smart indeed..smarts to thief and spread the spoils that doesn't belong them.

What modicum of Integrity that some folks have to support such Corrupted Leader?? is it because they are of the same ethnicity ??,inquiring minds want to know.

That fella will never become the President of Guyana again..never..mark my words.

he will if only all the collie dumb like some we have here 

Drugb posted:

Two years later and still they can't find evidence to jail these folks? This tell me that there is no strong evidence that will stand up in court. In the past the slop can boys cried day and night about the Sanata Textile mill deal, now the same jackasses are quiet. You all promised to jail PPP and repossess land but so far, zero has been accomplished, according to DG's tracker threads. 

you right this government is too slow if it was me half of the ppp will be in jail waiting for trial i will break the law to teach the rest of the government official a lesson 

antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:

Is it a crime to buy state land and flip it?   

It is if the land is not available to the general public to buy and flip.

Are you making this up as you go along? If this is the case, how come none of these PPP guys in jail yet after 2 years?

warrior posted:
Drugb posted:

Two years later and still they can't find evidence to jail these folks? This tell me that there is no strong evidence that will stand up in court. In the past the slop can boys cried day and night about the Sanata Textile mill deal, now the same jackasses are quiet. You all promised to jail PPP and repossess land but so far, zero has been accomplished, according to DG's tracker threads. 

you right this government is too slow if it was me half of the ppp will be in jail waiting for trial i will break the law to teach the rest of the government official a lesson 

Fortunate for Bobby, the only power you have is to run your mouth and build house without foundation. Meanwhile you need to get on Granger's ass to move expeditiously on jailing these fellows if indeed they broke the law. 

Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:

Is it a crime to buy state land and flip it?   

It is if the land is not available to the general public to buy and flip.

Are you making this up as you go along? If this is the case, how come none of these PPP guys in jail yet after 2 years?

Make what up? Do you disagree with me that the land should be available to the general public?

antabanta posted:

Make what up? Do you disagree with me that the land should be available to the general public?

I disagree, it is not up to you and I to determine what is a crime, there is an entire judicial system, including parliament with much more qualified persons who can make this determination. 

Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:

Make what up? Do you disagree with me that the land should be available to the general public?

I disagree, it is not up to you and I to determine what is a crime, there is an entire judicial system, including parliament with much more qualified persons who can make this determination. 

you have shit for a brain its the people opinion that counts why u think the ppp lose the election because its the people opinion that counts

warrior posted:
Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:

Make what up? Do you disagree with me that the land should be available to the general public?

I disagree, it is not up to you and I to determine what is a crime, there is an entire judicial system, including parliament with much more qualified persons who can make this determination. 

you have shit for a brain its the people opinion that counts why u think the ppp lose the election because its the people opinion that counts

Then it is incumbent on the govt to ratify the people's opinion by consecrating it into law via the constitution.  Fortunately for us, dimwits like yourself are not the arbiters of right and wrong.  

Drugb posted:
antabanta posted:

Make what up? Do you disagree with me that the land should be available to the general public?

I disagree, it is not up to you and I to determine what is a crime, there is an entire judicial system, including parliament with much more qualified persons who can make this determination. 

Do you disagree that the land should be available to the general public instead of to cronies and relatives?


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