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There's a PPP propagandist at Freedom House who is clearly a disciple of Hitler's chief propagandist Josef Goebbels.

The PPP has abstracted Harmon's words out of context to serve its own selfish aims.

This is what Harmon said: β€œDuring Jagdeo’s time, he and his cabal accumulated vast wealth on the back of the Guyanese people.”
β€œWe now have the wealthy Guyana, populated with the people who can afford the works. They can afford to send their children to the best schools and give them the best of everything else including gifts and vacation. Then there is the Guyana which is populated by the majority who cannot afford any of these things.”

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

PPP campaign posters and other ads are already looking ridiculous. They appeal to people's primitive or lower instincts, not to their intelligence.

Remember the one with the gargantuan PPP cow grazing among lilliputian APNU and AFC cows? What's the message there?


They know their audience well. They're not talking to Indians like you and I. They're talking to yugi, Kneeru, et al.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

PPP campaign posters and other ads are already looking ridiculous. They appeal to people's primitive or lower instincts, not to their intelligence.

Remember the one with the gargantuan PPP cow grazing among lilliputian APNU and AFC cows? What's the message there?


They know their audience well. They're not talking to Indians like you and I. They're talking to yugi, Kneeru, et al.

Let's be fair to our fellows here, brother Shaitaan.

You must say color-blind yuji and refined Nehru.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

PPP campaign posters and other ads are already looking ridiculous. They appeal to people's primitive or lower instincts, not to their intelligence.

Remember the one with the gargantuan PPP cow grazing among lilliputian APNU and AFC cows? What's the message there?


They know their audience well. They're not talking to Indians like you and I. They're talking to yugi, Kneeru, et al.

Let's be fair to our fellows here, brother Shaitaan.

You must say color-blind yuji and refined Nehru.


Yugi is blind to every color that is not white. And Nehru believes in refining his blood into 100% alcohol.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Django:

Sponty and crew have no credibility,

bunch of crooks.



Sponty and Yugi22 are racists who believe  that only Indians can run things in Guyana and that the blackman is evil.


The irony of it all is that the PPP/C has proven that they're not even as remotely competent as the most incompetent Black-run Government in the Caribbean.


Personally, I'd live in any Black-run Caribbean island before I live under Indian rule in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:



Let me say this as gently as possible, you are no bright bulb. In your mind you may think you are a wit but truly smart people see through your bull. I am sure the PPP did not endorse your art work. They see its racist tinge clearly and   would not want the spotlight  on the new patrician class that are mainly their fiends.


The Guyanese people know that accretion of loot there was at the loss of the state. The know the PPP lives to steal as every one of them are from the ranks of the multi generational poor until they got into office. It is not smarts that got them the wealth but rabid corruption. 


Most Indians know their status in life has not change with selfish thieves in office. They also know the reflected glow of apparent Indian success via crooked practices in not a light they like shining on themselves.



Those deprived ones who cannot go to school like the 16 year old who died fixing a silo, understands why they are in that state. Amerindians whose poverty ration has not moved in 22 years know that as well. It is the thieves in office that keeps the rest of the society impoverished.


Hinting about some supposed skilled, rich class of smart coolies enjoying the best as a means to return the PPP to office  will not gain you friends or votes and it is clearly dumb. It tells us that thievery under the PPP means continued accretion of wealth in the hands of their friends and family.

Last edited by Former Member

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