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Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, alyuh cannot see, but from the Indian perspective, the hatred of Indians by Afros run deep, deep, deep.  Nothing to do with Burnham.

Indians are pumped with manufactured stories about diabolical plots for "douglarization" of indians, intentional starving of indians, wholesale rape and "genocide" against Indians by tribalists like you. The list of these tall tales and embellishments in alyuh arsenal is miles long. You lie with impunity, but now you are being called on it and running like p.u.ssies claiming you are being "bullied".


Fifty years from we gon read how 2 or 3 blackman on a messageboard mek 50 Indian posters die from heart attack. such is the victimhood shit you manufacture.

Let me examine this.  Up to the early 60s Indos didn't have any masculinity complexes.  The stereotypical Indian had a hot temper, was quite adept at using his cutlass, and was certainly not seen as bully material by most blacks.  Opinions are that in 1964 blacks and Indians killed and injured roughly equal amounts of each other.


But along came a narrative peddled by Janet Jagan of the PPP being victimized by all.  Saintly and yet harassed by the West and by black goons in Guyana.  Only the USSR and Cuba were their friends.


Given that PPP=Indian, then a narrative of MALE Indo victimhood developed.  Of Indos so terrified of blacks that even black females terrified them.  Indos so disrespected by their females who thought them to be soft and effeminate.  The whole douglarization mythology, based on over sexed black men raping Indo virgins, with Indo fathers, husbands and brothers too emasculated to protect them.


Eventually there was even psychic glee in playing the poor defenseless Indo male, constantly bullied by these savage black man  AND WOMEN!  So the tales have become more extraordinary.  Powerless Indos who couldnt ply their trade as farmers without blacks allowing them access to cutlasses.  Powerless Indo doctors who couldn't practice unless a black thug gave them permission. An Indo genocide under the Burnham regime with thousands of Indos slaughtered.  At lunch time black thugs arriving and calling out Indo women for their daily rape, while their men remained huddled inside to lacking in masculinity to defend.


I expect that baseman, rama, cobra and others will soon concoct a story that Burnham feasted on "curried Indian" at state dinners.



These guys need to get a grip and seek psychological help!  It is without a doubt that the Burnham regime was racist towards Indians, and sought to marginalize them.  But why not stick to verifiable truths and cease the lies.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, alyuh cannot see, but from the Indian perspective, the hatred of Indians by Afros run deep, deep, deep.  Nothing to do with Burnham.

Indians are pumped with manufactured stories about diabolical plots for "douglarization" of indians, intentional starving of indians, wholesale rape and "genocide" against Indians by tribalists like you. The list of these tall tales and embellishments in alyuh arsenal is miles long. You lie with impunity, but now you are being called on it and running like p.u.ssies claiming you are being "bullied".


Fifty years from we gon read how 2 or 3 blackman on a messageboard mek 50 Indian posters die from heart attack. such is the victimhood shit you manufacture.

Nah, nothings was ever "intentional", things happen sometimes.  There are some policies of the PNC which actually benefited Indians.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, nothings was ever "intentional", things happen sometimes.  There are some policies of the PNC which actually benefited Indians.

So baseman when will you start screaming that "curried coolie gyal" was on the menu at Burnham's state dinners.   I mean with the tales of thousands of massacres, scheduled rape, flour banned only for Indians, I mean this must be next.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, nothings was ever "intentional", things happen sometimes.  There are some policies of the PNC which actually benefited Indians.

So baseman when will you start screaming that "curried coolie gyal" was on the menu at Burnham's state dinners.   I mean with the tales of thousands of massacres, scheduled rape, flour banned only for Indians, I mean this must be next.

Nah, but coolie gyal does mek good curry, mi mean not as di curry.


Not sure where I lamented the flour ban, though it caused major disruption to the daily menu for all.  I still believe LFSB FCH drive was not bad but could have been done more transitionary than abrupt. 


Hey, and remember, one of our king posters did not do too bad on the flour thing!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

Sach, that link is very shocking with the human body parts.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

i have no sane option other than to assume this is some misplaced, macabre attempt at joke logic

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

Sach, that link is very shocking with the human body parts.

Very disturbing..viewer discretion is advise..

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

i have no sane option other than to assume this is some misplaced, macabre attempt at joke logic

If you search the GNI archive to the period some posters did suspect cannibalism while other say the bodies probably fed to hogs..

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

i have no sane option other than to assume this is some misplaced, macabre attempt at joke logic

If you search the GNI archive to the period some posters did suspect cannibalism while other say the bodies probably fed to hogs..

so you hang your hat on the fact that certain GNI posters of that period "suspected" blackman of eating human flesh "for breakfast, lunch and dinner" in 21st Century Guyana . . . hmmmm?


obviously, the teachings of this thread is, for some gawdawful reason, lost on you


btw, whose "heritage" are you referring to?


you do realize that you are linking to a Nazi, Holocaust-denying hate site, no?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

i have no sane option other than to assume this is some misplaced, macabre attempt at joke logic

If you search the GNI archive to the period some posters did suspect cannibalism while other say the bodies probably fed to hogs..

so you hang your hat on the fact that certain GNI posters of that period "suspected" blackman of eating human flesh "for breakfast, lunch and dinner" in 21st Century Guyana . . . hmmmm?


obviously, the teachings of this thread is, for some gawdawful reason, lost on you


btw, whose "heritage" are you referring to?


you do realize that you are linking to a Nazi, Holocaust-denying hate site, no?


Can you guys explain what race has to do with this? Cannibalism occurance in 21st century is not confine to one race -cases whites involve  here and here

Better check your are not on the innocent list either...  

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

i have no sane option other than to assume this is some misplaced, macabre attempt at joke logic

If you search the GNI archive to the period some posters did suspect cannibalism while other say the bodies probably fed to hogs..

so you hang your hat on the fact that certain GNI posters of that period "suspected" blackman of eating human flesh "for breakfast, lunch and dinner" in 21st Century Guyana . . . hmmmm?


obviously, the teachings of this thread is, for some gawdawful reason, lost on you


btw, whose "heritage" are you referring to?


you do realize that you are linking to a Nazi, Holocaust-denying hate site, no?


Can you guys explain what race has to do with this? Cannibalism occurance in 21st century is not confine to one race -cases whites involve  here and here

Better check your are not on the innocent list either...  

dude, you are the one who made the bullshit claim that blackman in Buxton ate people for "breakfast, lunch and dinner," then linked to a hate site chock full of lurid, tendentious stuff about blackman cannibalism in Africa to buttress your wild and stupid "speculations" about Buxton . . . all while babbling about "heritage"


here is one "expert" opinion you linked to:


“I believe that the negro may become a more useful member of mankind than he is at present, that he may be raised to a higher standard; but that, if left to himself, he will soon fall back into barbarism, for we have no example to the contrary. In his own country the efforts of the missionaries for hundreds of years have had no effect; the missionary goes away and the people relapse into barbarism. Though a people may be taught the arts and sciences known by more gifted nations, unless they have the power of progression in themselves, they must inevitably relapse in the course of time into their former state.”


how is this not about race?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

i have no sane option other than to assume this is some misplaced, macabre attempt at joke logic

If you search the GNI archive to the period some posters did suspect cannibalism while other say the bodies probably fed to hogs..

so you hang your hat on the fact that certain GNI posters of that period "suspected" blackman of eating human flesh "for breakfast, lunch and dinner" in 21st Century Guyana . . . hmmmm?


obviously, the teachings of this thread is, for some gawdawful reason, lost on you


btw, whose "heritage" are you referring to?


you do realize that you are linking to a Nazi, Holocaust-denying hate site, no?


Can you guys explain what race has to do with this? Cannibalism occurance in 21st century is not confine to one race -cases whites involve  here and here

Better check your are not on the innocent list either...  

dude, you are the one who made the bullshit claim that blackman in Buxton ate people for "breakfast, lunch and dinner," then linked to a hate site chock full of lurid, tendentious stuff about blackman cannibalism in Africa to buttress your wild and stupid "speculations" about Buxton . . . all while babbling about "heritage"


here is one "expert" opinion you linked to:


“I believe that the negro may become a more useful member of mankind than he is at present, that he may be raised to a higher standard; but that, if left to himself, he will soon fall back into barbarism, for we have no example to the contrary. In his own country the efforts of the missionaries for hundreds of years have had no effect; the missionary goes away and the people relapse into barbarism. Though a people may be taught the arts and sciences known by more gifted nations, unless they have the power of progression in themselves, they must inevitably relapse in the course of time into their former state.”


how is this not about race?

So what about the BBC? are they also a KKK

'Race" hate sight....

Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

i have no sane option other than to assume this is some misplaced, macabre attempt at joke logic

If you search the GNI archive to the period some posters did suspect cannibalism while other say the bodies probably fed to hogs..

so you hang your hat on the fact that certain GNI posters of that period "suspected" blackman of eating human flesh "for breakfast, lunch and dinner" in 21st Century Guyana . . . hmmmm?


obviously, the teachings of this thread is, for some gawdawful reason, lost on you


btw, whose "heritage" are you referring to?


you do realize that you are linking to a Nazi, Holocaust-denying hate site, no?


Can you guys explain what race has to do with this? Cannibalism occurance in 21st century is not confine to one race -cases whites involve  here and here

Better check your are not on the innocent list either...  

dude, you are the one who made the bullshit claim that blackman in Buxton ate people for "breakfast, lunch and dinner," then linked to a hate site chock full of lurid, tendentious stuff about blackman cannibalism in Africa to buttress your wild and stupid "speculations" about Buxton . . . all while babbling about "heritage"


here is one "expert" opinion you linked to:


“I believe that the negro may become a more useful member of mankind than he is at present, that he may be raised to a higher standard; but that, if left to himself, he will soon fall back into barbarism, for we have no example to the contrary. In his own country the efforts of the missionaries for hundreds of years have had no effect; the missionary goes away and the people relapse into barbarism. Though a people may be taught the arts and sciences known by more gifted nations, unless they have the power of progression in themselves, they must inevitably relapse in the course of time into their former state.”


how is this not about race?

So what about the BBC? are they also a KKK

'Race" hate sight....

you realize that i am not here arguing over footage and coverage of cannibalism, rite?


this is about YOU locating cannibals among blackman in Buxton, Guyana,  . . . based on NOTHING, or worse!!


oh yes, and some spectacular footage of wan blackman cannibal in a yellow shirt acting up for the cameras in the Congo



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

I waitin' to hear how Burnham actually gat he name because he used to BURN alyuh alive in a wood stove or something. Good God man!

Just now Baseman will resort to what he used to be and claim that blacks ate Indians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because of their heritage as cannibals.  These tales just get more and more fantastic.  I mean there is enough that Burnham did to Indians that was just plain wrong.  Why do people undermine that fact by resorting to these fantasies?

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

i have no sane option other than to assume this is some misplaced, macabre attempt at joke logic

If you search the GNI archive to the period some posters did suspect cannibalism while other say the bodies probably fed to hogs..

so you hang your hat on the fact that certain GNI posters of that period "suspected" blackman of eating human flesh "for breakfast, lunch and dinner" in 21st Century Guyana . . . hmmmm?


obviously, the teachings of this thread is, for some gawdawful reason, lost on you


btw, whose "heritage" are you referring to?


you do realize that you are linking to a Nazi, Holocaust-denying hate site, no?


Can you guys explain what race has to do with this? Cannibalism occurance in 21st century is not confine to one race -cases whites involve  here and here

Better check your are not on the innocent list either...  

dude, you are the one who made the bullshit claim that blackman in Buxton ate people for "breakfast, lunch and dinner," then linked to a hate site chock full of lurid, tendentious stuff about blackman cannibalism in Africa to buttress your wild and stupid "speculations" about Buxton . . . all while babbling about "heritage"


here is one "expert" opinion you linked to:


“I believe that the negro may become a more useful member of mankind than he is at present, that he may be raised to a higher standard; but that, if left to himself, he will soon fall back into barbarism, for we have no example to the contrary. In his own country the efforts of the missionaries for hundreds of years have had no effect; the missionary goes away and the people relapse into barbarism. Though a people may be taught the arts and sciences known by more gifted nations, unless they have the power of progression in themselves, they must inevitably relapse in the course of time into their former state.”


how is this not about race?

So what about the BBC? are they also a KKK

'Race" hate sight....

you realize that i am not here arguing over footage and coverage of cannibalism, rite?


this is about YOU locating cannibals among blackman in Buxton, Guyana,  . . . based on NOTHING, and worse!!


oh yes, and some spectacular footage of wan blackman cannibal in a yellow shirt acting up for the cameras in the Congo



If I had posted footage from north Korea would have seen the connection? or jump all over like crazy and ask 'what they have to do with the price of eggs in a china market'

Listen, I have a hunch that cannibalism was involve in Buxton base on disappearance of individuals in that era without a trace and cannibalism in the 21 century. If you can convince me otherwise, give it a try but call me raceist or whatever would not change my opinion...over and out.... 

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

I believe cannibalism did occur in Guyana during the Buxton freedom fighter siege. No trace was found of several people dissapearance in the area leaves the possibility they were eaten for "breakfast, lunch and dinner". The heritage as cannibals is not 'tales'....

The fact that you say "I believe" and tie it to several people disappearing makes nonsense of your claim that it isn't tales. Evidence of cannibalism will be bite marks on human remains.  None were found.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

Anyone who says Indians aren't racist take note. They just keep coming out of the woodwork.

Indo racism=Afro racism. 


The Indo racism that is apparent is because this is a very Indo dominated site. In fact every few blacks are here, the majority leaving in disgust about the anti black blatant bigotry which used to abound here.  So bad that some work places flagged GNI as a hate site.


I confirm that some of these AFC Indos (not all) are basically unreconstructed PPP folks who keep their prejudices against Afros intact, and who also have an inability to empathize with those from outside of their group.  They don't know how to function in any environment, unless it is controlled by Indians, with blacks reduced to tokenism. Their "departure" from the PPP is merely because they are die hard Jaganites and they hate Jagdeo.  Its a civil war. 



Jay Bharrat is a classical example of this.  The APNU and AFC seem to be proceeding as agreed under the Cummingsburg Accord.  Yet Jay claims that there is no diversity in its leadership. 


What makes him look ridiculous is that he claims that the PPP was diverse, when with the exception of Hinds, and Benn (and Luncheon who wasn't a minister), the blacks in the PPP cabinet were toothless powerless stooges.


Look at the coalition.  The only Indian who can be called a stooge is Amna Ally.  Sharma has been charged with leading the audit to uncover corrupt practices.  Given the mess that the PPP left Guyana in, this is a VERY IMPORTANT role.  Education, National Security, Communities, and the cabinet HEADED by Nagamootoo.


And yet Jay brays that the PPP was more diverse!



Even as his fellow AFCite Nigel Hughes calls the PPP guilty of institutional racism, he insists that only the PNC  was guilty of this. 


BOTH the PPP and the Burnham era PNC were guilty of institutional racism because of the high correlation of ethnicity and politics.  So as they engaged in vindictiveness and exclusion of the opposition it took on a racist element.  To say that one was guilty of this and not also the other is pure nonsense.




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