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caribny posted:

.Your racism makes you hide true logic. Part of the reason why the PPP was thrown out was because they couldn't control crime. So what does Granger have to gain by encouraging crime.

The racist idiot you are will not admit that many criminals are Indians and many victims of crime are black.

Your reaction is exactly why they put an Indian to handle crime. Had it been Harmon you would be busy screaming that daily the criminals meet in his office with plots hatched to kill Indians.

Nonsense, the PPP lost due to rigging by the pnc/afc operatives who refuse to do a recount. But let us pretend that indeed the PNC/AFC won fair and square, it was not about crime but rather about the efforts by lilmohan, Kaiteur, Stabroek and other media that convinced the people that their otherwise prosperous lives under the PPP could become even more prosperous if "corruption" was eliminated.  However on ascension to power the PNC proceeded to become one of the most corrupt governments to govern Guyana; handing out cushy jobs as rewards to friends and family, giving themselves 50% raises, taking kickbacks from the Chinese and crooked Indo businessmen, taking kickbacks from Trinidadian firms for contracts even though they were blacklisted by the UN. 


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