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baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Maybe Amral will release him by Valentine's Day. Please bossman! Give him a Valentine's day present. 

I hope he gets released soon.  He is an extreme anti-Indian racist however, his viewpoint must be heard!!

Nah, man. I've read a number of posts where Carib was equally harsh with his fellow blacks, including Burnham. Personally, I prefer someone who says honestly what he thinks to someone who doles out flattery. Carib speaks his mind without fear or favor. I can do business with him.

baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Maybe Amral will release him by Valentine's Day. Please bossman! Give him a Valentine's day present. 

I hope he gets released soon.  He is an extreme anti-Indian racist however, his viewpoint must be heard!!

Nah, man. I've read a number of posts where Carib was equally harsh with his fellow blacks, including Burnham. Personally, I prefer someone who says honestly what he thinks to someone who doles out flattery. Carib speaks his mind without fear or favor. I can do business with him.

True, he is tough on Blacks who side with Indians or who holds Indian beliefs and he hates Burnham for not doing enough to prepare Blacks to compete with Indians in Guyana!!

He uses to call the Honorable Prime Minister Mr Sam Hinds Uncle Tom and other derogatory names.


I disagree.  He does not defend the PNC but attacks on black people on this forum. He has been critical of the PNC discrimination against Indians and PPP discrimination of blacks.  With the number of blacks actively participating on this forum disappearing he took on the role of a black advocate which is different from being anti Indian or racist. He addresses what is posted which is predominantly race baiting discussions.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Carib also blamed Burnham for not uplifting the poor blacks.

Burnham did everything possible to uplift the blacks in Guyana. The blacks did not want themselves to progress. They believed then that Burnham will live forever and life would be utopia. He built houses for them at Scottsbrug, Corentyne. They broke down the houses and used them as firewood. They left the place a ghetto. They believed then that their government was in power and that means they don't have to work. All they needed was a PNC card. It worked for a while.

FC posted:

You can be an advocate without being racist. I agree with your other statements but we shouid resist the temptation to let it be a driving force on how we see things and view the world. This board has before  a cesspool of race baiting and racism/hate directed against blacks. 

As long as we have race politics in Guyana, Guyanese, blacks, coolies, buckman, chiney or putagee(don't want to offend Cain) will continue to harbor this race party affiliation. Coolies and blacks see racism as security. They have that uncomfortable and unspoken respect for each other.

baseman posted:
FC posted:

I disagree.  He does not defend the PNC but attacks on black people on this forum. He has been critical of the PNC discrimination against Indians and PPP discrimination of blacks.  With the number of blacks actively participating on this forum he he took on the role of a black advocate which is different from being anti Indian or racist. He addresses what is posted which is predominantly race baiting discussions. 

Nonsense.  I have interacted with him for 14 years.  He sheepishly speak up a few times but comes back with anti-Indian zingers.  He even tried to "explain away" Lusignan and got hammered and took a break till it cooled off.

He hates Blacks who he feels "collaborate" with the PPP/Indians.  He often refer to them as Uncle Toms and worse.

Regarding Guyana's leadership, he hates dead Blacks leaders like Burnham and at the same time hates living Indian leaders.  I asked him many times to name me one single leader of Indian decent who he believes was/is good for Guyana.  I am still waiting!!

He is a racist to the core, at least his posts are.  Is he different in person, maybe, I don't know!!

Maybe he is one of them Westmoreland gang in NY who thinks all Indians are inherently racist, including Gandhiji!!

I don't see that picture you are painting.  He will have to address those charges or you will have to present evidence to support your position.  I think you spinning the truth to reach a predetermined conclusion. Could it be your racism elicits such a view of him? Anyways, how do you view blacks and their contribution to Guyana?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Carib also blamed Burnham for not uplifting the poor blacks.

Burnham did everything possible to uplift the blacks in Guyana. The blacks did not want themselves to progress. They believed then that Burnham will live forever and life would be utopia. He built houses for them at Scottsbrug, Corentyne. They broke down the houses and used them as firewood. They left the place a ghetto. They believed then that their government was in power and that means they don't have to work. All they needed was a PNC card. It worked for a while.

Just when it appeared we onto something you moved back into character of dumping on blacks. You have a serious dose of racism in you.

FC posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Carib also blamed Burnham for not uplifting the poor blacks.

Burnham did everything possible to uplift the blacks in Guyana. The blacks did not want themselves to progress. They believed then that Burnham will live forever and life would be utopia. He built houses for them at Scottsbrug, Corentyne. They broke down the houses and used them as firewood. They left the place a ghetto. They believed then that their government was in power and that means they don't have to work. All they needed was a PNC card. It worked for a while.

Just when it appeared we onto something you moved back into character of dumping on blacks. You have a serious dose of racism in you.

It's not character dumping; it's what I have seen and experienced. As I said, We all have racism in us. I was told that I am bigot. However, my father in law saw it differently and said "no, he just hates everyone who feels he or she can exploit the system". I agree with my in law. I use the "N" word for every race, even Indo Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
FC posted:

You can be an advocate without being racist. I agree with your other statements but we shouid resist the temptation to let it be a driving force on how we see things and view the world. This board has before  a cesspool of race baiting and racism/hate directed against blacks. 

As long as we have race politics in Guyana, Guyanese, blacks, coolies, buckman, chiney or putagee(don't want to offend Cain) will continue to harbor this race party affiliation. Coolies and blacks see racism as security. They have that uncomfortable and unspoken respect for each other.

Why? You have no vision of building a nation where race is not the driving factor.  I am hoping the under 23 generation rubbishes this thinking. I mean you guys will go to your graves with your racial prejudices. 

baseman posted:
FC posted:
baseman posted:

Nonsense.  I have interacted with him for 14 years.  He sheepishly speak up a few times but comes back with anti-Indian zingers.  He even tried to "explain away" Lusignan and got hammered and took a break till it cooled off.

He hates Blacks who he feels "collaborate" with the PPP/Indians.  He often refer to them as Uncle Toms and worse.

Regarding Guyana's leadership, he hates dead Blacks leaders like Burnham and at the same time hates living Indian leaders.  I asked him many times to name me one single leader of Indian decent who he believes was/is good for Guyana.  I am still waiting!!

He is a racist to the core, at least his posts are.  Is he different in person, maybe, I don't know!!

Maybe he is one of them Westmoreland gang in NY who thinks all Indians are inherently racist, including Gandhiji!!

I don't see that picture you are painting.  He will have to address those charges or you will have to present evidence to support your position.  I think you spinning the truth to reach a predetermined conclusion. Could it be your racism elicits such a view of him? Anyways, how do you view blacks and their contribution to Guyana?

Surely you would, wouldn't you!!

If you want an objective 2nd opinion, ask PPP hater, Coalition lover Jalil!!

I take it you are pleading the 5th on my questions.

Last edited by Former Member
FC posted:

I disagree.  He does not defend the PNC but attacks on black people on this forum. He has been critical of the PNC discrimination against Indians and PPP discrimination of blacks.  With the number of blacks actively participating on this forum disappearing he took on the role of a black advocate which is different from being anti Indian or racist. He addresses what is posted which is predominantly race baiting discussions.

You put this very well.  I could not agree more with what you said.

I would add that there have been times when the surly comments and sordid, disgusting racist rants by some on this Board would provoke the most tempered, logical and intelligent person to respond with a retort. Carib may well have retorted at times but I am yet to see rank racism from him. Let he (they) who allege(s) otherwise produce the relevant posts for all to see. 

It is sad to see the depths to which some seemingly mature and otherwise accomplished men have descended - to a point where racism, creed and ethnicity influence the way they view politics, social and economic issues in Guyana and I  believe that is a conscious choice to do so by those persons - At this point in their lives having successful careers and having nurtured their families, they can no longer blame past generations for the way they think and post on this Board.  They make their own choices.

Now why is Carib's suspension troubling so many of them? Could it be because there is some feeling of remorse on their part that they caused his suspension? Could it be because at a sub-conscious but yet largely latent level they can sense that he has been fairer than most and was just being a strong, intelligent advocate for his own beliefs and convictions? 




Sir Baseman, do you read and recall all that you say here? 

I recall someone, I believe it was the Admin, saying that the personas of members here is an extension of the members themselves. I think so too. 

But then maybe, just maybe, there might also be very talented Hollywood, Bollywood or Nollywood type actors here who assume different personas and make differing and even contradicting posts.  

Who knows??!!

Have a peaceful day, sir. 




CaribJ is critical of PPP, PNC and AFC. He blames Burnham for the plight of Afro-Guyanese like I blame PPP for the plight of Indo-Guyanese. Recently he has been urging PPP to reform and create a genuine multiethnic alliance, not the typical pappy show. He says Indos have to also take blame for the racial problems and not only Afros. I don't see anything racist there.

baseman posted:
"PNC introduced race politics in Guyana in the 60's, practiced their quasi-apartheid, destroyed the country, PPP rebuilt, made errors, stumbled and now any societal ills are solely PPP and Indians.  The PNC took over again and what they do, re-institute all the old PNC practices, contrary to Granger's promises."

baseman having a Marco Rubio moment before our eyes

shhhhh . . .

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
susan posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Carib is ah popular fella

Certainly seems so! come on admin, heed the pleas of the one(s) who say(s) he is a good person - but - a rant racist! 

Admin is not a spring chicken nor naive.  He knows exactly what he saw/read over the years and decided to act.  I would like him back for his views, agree or disagree!!  As I said, there are things he says which do drive discussion!!  And he offers a peek into the mind of Guyana-Afro racism, is not a bad thing either!!

Baseman keeps his friends close and his enemies even closer!!!

The Admin did not suspend Carib for being racist. The reason he gave for the suspension was because he called Nehru a drunk.

If the Admin was suspending members for racist views in a fair manner, many of the racist Indians on this site would have already been purged.

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

Admin is not a spring chicken nor naive.  He knows exactly what he saw/read over the years and decided to act.  I would like him back for his views, agree or disagree!!  As I said, there are things he says which do drive discussion!!  And he offers a peek into the mind of Guyana-Afro racism, is not a bad thing either!!

Baseman keeps his friends close and his enemies even closer!!!

The Admin did not suspend Carib for being racist. The reason he gave for the suspension was because he called Nehru a drunk.

If the Admin was suspending members for racist views in a fair manner, many of the racist Indians on this site would have already been purged.

And OJ got a massive sentence for being a lil prick!!

OJ committed a felony and he's paying his dues. He should consider himself lucky that he got away with murder.

Last edited by Mars
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

Admin is not a spring chicken nor naive.  He knows exactly what he saw/read over the years and decided to act.  I would like him back for his views, agree or disagree!!  As I said, there are things he says which do drive discussion!!  And he offers a peek into the mind of Guyana-Afro racism, is not a bad thing either!!

Baseman keeps his friends close and his enemies even closer!!!

The Admin did not suspend Carib for being racist. The reason he gave for the suspension was because he called Nehru a drunk.

If the Admin was suspending members for racist views in a fair manner, many of the racist Indians on this site would have already been purged.

And OJ got a massive sentence for being a lil prick!!

baseman accusing Admin of deceit?

FC posted:
skeldon_man posted:
FC posted:

You can be an advocate without being racist. I agree with your other statements but we shouid resist the temptation to let it be a driving force on how we see things and view the world. This board has before  a cesspool of race baiting and racism/hate directed against blacks. 

As long as we have race politics in Guyana, Guyanese, blacks, coolies, buckman, chiney or putagee(don't want to offend Cain) will continue to harbor this race party affiliation. Coolies and blacks see racism as security. They have that uncomfortable and unspoken respect for each other.

Why? You have no vision of building a nation where race is not the driving factor.  I am hoping the under 23 generation rubbishes this thinking. I mean you guys will go to your graves with your racial prejudices. 

So will you. Maybe we will see you in hell heh?

skeldon_man posted:
FC posted:
skeldon_man posted:
FC posted:

You can be an advocate without being racist. I agree with your other statements but we shouid resist the temptation to let it be a driving force on how we see things and view the world. This board has before  a cesspool of race baiting and racism/hate directed against blacks. 

As long as we have race politics in Guyana, Guyanese, blacks, coolies, buckman, chiney or putagee(don't want to offend Cain) will continue to harbor this race party affiliation. Coolies and blacks see racism as security. They have that uncomfortable and unspoken respect for each other.

Why? You have no vision of building a nation where race is not the driving factor.  I am hoping the under 23 generation rubbishes this thinking. I mean you guys will go to your graves with your racial prejudices. 

So will you. Maybe we will see you in hell heh?

No sir. It is not ingrained in my DNA like you and the Indo Kkk gang here. That is the difference between you and me.  I am conscious of my ethnicity but it does not drive how I view and treat people. 

Last edited by Former Member

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