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Former Member

The former KFC outlet at Stabroek.

Yes, I am talking about KFC and Pizza Hut. When it was there, yall see it and play blind. Now it is gone and allyou suddenly miss it. Yesterday, yall were talking about two international business chain that close their doors on Guyanese consumers. So what you do? Blame the PPP. This is what rotten people does.


Anyway, G/T is now a business hub for International franchise and local businesses. When one door close, another is open. (Remember the old saying?) G/T is in constant development to worry about one business when many more will take its place. Bad management is the primary cause for business to close. (study business 101).


Yall forget that Marriott is an International chain. Unto this day, yall crying over the bloody hotel, and even blame the Benab fire on the hotel. Who look more like a fool today?


Finally, it's the PPP who give you KFC, Pizza Hut, Marriott and every news businesses that erecting all over G/T. Only people who eat from a plate and shit inside wouldn't understand this.



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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

Cobra Cobra Cobra. Banna if you cay on with silly threads like this you'll soon be in the same league as patacake boy and you probably doan wanna do that.

I don't know what you deh pun, but I ain't smoking that stuff. I would like to join the AFC league.

You should stay away from booze an smoke a lil bit, is better for you, jus look at Nehru an you'll see wat a mean.


About joinin AFC league.


First, seein you from de PPP/C camp...denounce buggerism

Second,"   "    "   "    "       "    "   ...denounce corruption


there's lots more but if you want come in fast I could pull some strings string fo you.


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