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Jalil massaging TK.....


TK congrats my friend..... at least whenever we meet we do not have to run or hide like De World Champion had to do in New York at the Catering Hall close to Smokey Park.

Nehru Guyana Champ had to do the Presidential Crawl across de Toilet Floor as he tried to escape from a Guyanese Crowd.

I guess that is one of the special training or benefits inmates of the Nehru Zoo get that we will never experience.

The Vultures, Jackasses, Monkeys and Swine call the Zoo their Home and.....  love to and enjoy crawling in the filth on the toilet floor.

We could always meet with the people...... we dont hide, run from the Guyanese......or we do not mix and mingle in or with filth in the toilet.


DE Vultures, Hogs, Rodents and Donkeys who form the Jagdeo & Ramotar Corrupt Cabal will have to always be scared of meeting de Guyanese People.


De Aunty-men, Parasites, and Funny Fellas who hijacked the PPP got a mouthful from Nadira Jagan.

According to Jagan, Moses, Khemraj and the AFC are not Crooks or the enemy of the Guyanese People......

the real enemy are the Prostitutes, Pimps and Prasites who posing as following the footsteps of Cheddi Jagan and thiefing from the treasury and filling their pockets...and ignoring the cries of the poor.


Nadira say it is a bunch of Ramotar & Jagdeo thieves who run and control the PPP and the Govt today....and she will not side with any of them thieves who destroying the Good name and reputation of Cheddi Jagan.


The Leadership of the PPP was stolen from the Grassroots and Poor Sugar Workers..... and the party and Govt is in the hands of these Thieves now......and she will not support any of them.


TK, like Churchill, Kari, Mara, Mitwa,Gerhard.....Nadira Jagan.... and many others on GNI we have to continue opposing, exposing ....and Depose the Jagdeo and Ramotar Corrupt Cabal.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Jalil massaging TK.....


TK congrats my friend..... at least whenever we meet we do not have to run or hide like De World Champion had to do in New York at the Catering Hall close to Smokey Park.

Nehru Guyana Champ had to do the Presidential Crawl across de Toilet Floor as he tried to escape from a Guyanese Crowd.

I guess that is one of the special training or benefits inmates of the Nehru Zoo get that we will never experience.

The Vultures, Jackasses, Monkeys and Swine call the Zoo their Home and.....  love to and enjoy crawling in the filth on the toilet floor.

We could always meet with the people...... we dont hide, run from the Guyanese......or we do not mix and mingle in or with filth in the toilet.


DE Vultures, Hogs, Rodents and Donkeys who form the Jagdeo & Ramotar Corrupt Cabal will have to always be scared of meeting de Guyanese People.


De Aunty-men, Parasites, and Funny Fellas who hijacked the PPP got a mouthful from Nadira Jagan.

According to Jagan, Moses, Khemraj and the AFC are not Crooks or the enemy of the Guyanese People......

the real enemy are the Prostitutes, Pimps and Prasites who posing as following the footsteps of Cheddi Jagan and thiefing from the treasury and filling their pockets...and ignoring the cries of the poor.


Nadira say it is a bunch of Ramotar & Jagdeo thieves who run and control the PPP and the Govt today....and she will not side with any of them thieves who destroying the Good name and reputation of Cheddi Jagan.


The Leadership of the PPP was stolen from the Grassroots and Poor Sugar Workers..... and the party and Govt is in the hands of these Thieves now......and she will not support any of them.


TK, like Churchill, Kari, Mara, Mitwa,Gerhard.....Nadira Jagan.... and many others on GNI we have to continue opposing, exposing ....and Depose the Jagdeo and Ramotar Corrupt Cabal.

Yes this was just part of the discussion.....when you lie to me and say DR Rose is the third Jihaji that join the PNC....

What happen to the piece where TK promise Changes in the PNC?


Wha happen to the piece where Jalil say we will see the true picture of Monkey Mountain when the Dust settles?


When will the Dust Settle?


Did our Dear Friend Dr Rose Join the PNC????


TK why everything you say Has to be a Lie???


Are you a Proud PNC Monkey Today?????


Their recent staunch position on the Amaila Hydro issue and wanting to have the AFC blindly join APNU on all issues, was resisted by the national AFC leadership. The NY-NJ Chapter’s leadership also resisted the manner in which they, especially Euclid Rose, was almost violently opposed to the stance taken by our AFC parliamentarians whose position of allowing the Amaila Project to go for an IDB due diligence we found thoroughly sensible and perfectly in order.


We are also aware that they wanted, against the wishes of the majority in the Chapter, the AFC to align with PNC-APNU and to prepare to go in that format to the next elections. They found the Chapter’s resistance to that hard to crack, and hence walked into the arms of the PNC-APNU. We rate one of the AFC’s founding principles very highly, namely, that the AFC must be independent from the PPP and PNC-APNU. If that founding principle is not upheld or observed, then and only then will you see the demise of this NY-NJ AFC Chapter and the AFC nationally. It was this middle course and trajectory which caused us to come into existence here in the USA. What foolishness to now run that aground by joining up with one of the two.


Nah TK seh suh de AFC seh suh so wah is wah jalil? Shine de spotlight leh we hear wah TK seh.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Their recent staunch position on the Amaila Hydro issue and wanting to have the AFC blindly join APNU on all issues, was resisted by the national AFC leadership. The NY-NJ Chapter’s leadership also resisted the manner in which they, especially Euclid Rose, was almost violently opposed to the stance taken by our AFC parliamentarians whose position of allowing the Amaila Project to go for an IDB due diligence we found thoroughly sensible and perfectly in order.


We are also aware that they wanted, against the wishes of the majority in the Chapter, the AFC to align with PNC-APNU and to prepare to go in that format to the next elections. They found the Chapter’s resistance to that hard to crack, and hence walked into the arms of the PNC-APNU. We rate one of the AFC’s founding principles very highly, namely, that the AFC must be independent from the PPP and PNC-APNU. If that founding principle is not upheld or observed, then and only then will you see the demise of this NY-NJ AFC Chapter and the AFC nationally. It was this middle course and trajectory which caused us to come into existence here in the USA. What foolishness to now run that aground by joining up with one of the two.


Nah TK seh suh de AFC seh suh so wah is wah jalil? Shine de spotlight leh we hear wah TK seh.


Looks like the AFC will break up a lot sooner than we think. Granger will then have them for a dime a dozen. 


Thanks for the heads up HM_Redux. 


Any word on what dey saying about Nigel and Kathy and donation funds ? 




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