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Former Member
When lust leads to embarrassment

Dear Editor,

Cops are like the Kennedys: they enjoy a privileged status and – even though the good ones far outnumber the bad — their rotten apples get all the attention. This is how a story which detailed the ten worst police scandals in American history began. From all indications, it would appear that police forces worldwide are being faced with increased scandals which arise from breaches of ethics and organizational regulations. However, this police scandal is different, as it deals with unbridled lust and forbidden fantasies.

Several weeks ago, a senior police officer had an ‘exotic liaison’ with a male sex worker in the vicinity of King Street and North Road. The arrangement provided for a fee of $4,000 to be paid in exchange for services. Some time during this moment of deep and abiding togetherness, which took place in the officer’s vehicle, the sex worker allegedly came into contact with, and stole an expensive cell phone and the officer’s wallet, which contained $23,000.

The following evening, the officer returned to the venue in uniform, and confronted the sex worker. He told him that he was nice to him and even tipped generously! And demanded his items, the sex worker vehemently denied, and the officer threatened that unless he was told about his items, he was going to call for back up to have the sex worker arrested and taken into custody. Convinced that he was getting nowhere, the officer took out a cell phone and called for backup.

Upon seeing this, the sex worker took out his cell phone and called for backup as well. A few minutes later a vehicle arrived with five police officers. Shortly after that, another vehicle arrived with the sex worker’s support team. By this time things had started to become heated between the officer and the sex worker. The officer threatened that unless he was told about his items, he would have the sex worker arrested and fed to the wolves.

Soon after, a second police vehicle arrived with four more officers, the sex worker who was dressed in female apparel became afraid and began to strip and to lie prostrate on North Road. Meanwhile, his sisters (as they commonly refer to themselves) employed disruptive measures to frustrate any attempt by the police to arrest their colleague. From his position on the road, the sex worker said that he was not going anywhere to talk to anybody. As the scene gathered momentum and the attention of passersby, the driver of the first vehicle decided that he did not want to become a victim of the sex worker’s attention seeking ploy, so he and his colleagues hastily departed.

Seeing this as a victory, the sex worker stood up and said the only person he would be willing to speak to is the Commissioner of Police. He said he would tell the Commissioner how the officer said the police work does stress people out! So he wanted stress relief! He said he would tell the Commissioner how the officer rode him breathlessly last night, and at high speed. Upon hearing this, the second police vehicle hastily departed, this time though, with the officer’s vehicle in hot pursuit.

Clairmonte Featherstone


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