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Former Member

Ok folks


We see some AFC/PNC supporters posting 100 percent negative news about Guyana. 


It is written in scripture that only an evil person sees evil everywhere.


When will they show that they love their country and post something positive about Guyana ?


It does not have to be political but post something that highlights Guyana or Guyanese with some positive events or news.


Any resident from across the world who reads their post will get an impression that Guyanese are evil people. It is time they stop being unpatriotic and highlight our beloved Guyana.


Those who paint Guyana as an evil place are nothing less than unpatriotic and does not love their country. They are evil incarnate.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Another plane door opens while craft airborne

April 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Passengers onboard a flight bound for Port Kaituma, Region 1, were shaken up on Sunday when the door of the twin-turbo prop Caravan they were traveling in opened minutes after taking off from the Ogle International Airport. A passenger, a 53-year-old businessman who opted not to be named, explained that he had to hold on to the door and he managed to get it closed before the aircraft returned to Ogle. The Berbice resident said he was heading to the interior location to conduct business and had boarded the SkyWest flight in the morning hours on Sunday.

A twin-turbo prop Caravan

A twin-turbo prop Caravan

He explained that the plane took off normally, but about three minutes into the air, passengers felt a “heavy breeze” and noticed that the door on the left side of the plane was unlocked. The man said no one moved, so he decided to release his seatbelt and hold on to the door shouting to the captain, “Stop, completely forgetting that we were in the air.” The man said that he was finally able to close that door and was convinced that he had done so after hearing a “click”. Soon after, he alleged, passengers alerted that the door on the right side of the plane also became loose and he was able to move across and close that one also. He claimed that the flight returned to Ogle and passengers disembarked so that the door could be looked at. Another passenger, who also wished not to be named, confirmed that an incident took place onboard the hinterland-bound flight. The businessman said that he is dissatisfied since the Company did not engage passengers following the incident. He claimed, “No official came to apologise or say anything because our flight was delayed and this thing was scary.” He added that when he contacted SkyWest about his return flight, he was ‘handled” by a harsh woman who hung up the phone on him before he could have made his inquiries. Kaieteur News was greeted with the same tone when the publication made calls to the Company to ascertain the facts of the matter. A woman who later identified herself as the “maid” told this publication that she is the Public Relations Officer when a request was made to speak to someone in authority. She blurted, “Why ya’ll ain’t call Trans Guyana? You ever hear SkyWest own plane?” Trans Guyana’s spokesperson Kit Nascimento was at the time unaware of the incident. He explained that while Trans Guyana would charter their aircraft, the agency is fully responsible for its maintenance and its crew. After ascertaining the information, Nascimento explained that there was an incident which resulted in the plane having to return to Ogle. He said the flight which took off at 07:17 hours, returned to Ogle at 07:20hours when the rear door on the Caravan became loose. He said that the pilot immediately turned the plane around and landed when the door began to rattle. Engineers tended to the aircraft and found that there was a faulty latch which was replaced. The plane then took off with no further incident, Nascimento stated. The Trans Guyana spokespersons also clarified that the agency is not affiliated to Skywest, other than the charter. He said that Trans Guyana did not receive any complaints from passengers regarding Sunday’s incident. Thirteen passengers including the pilot were said to be onboard the flight.


Investigations continue into businessman’s kidnappingâ€ĶMedia should be responsible, lives at stake – Top Cop

April 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


- victim contacted wife yesterday

It’s been almost 72 hours since Foulis spare parts dealer, Rajendra Singh, called Sunil, was kidnapped from his business place and there appears to be still no deal made between the kidnappers and the victim’s relatives.

 Rajendra Singh called “Sunil”

Rajendra Singh called “Sunil”

But newly appointed Commissioner of Police (acting) Seelall Persaud is cautioning media houses to be responsible in their reporting on the matter. Speaking yesterday, Persaud said that kidnappings are sensitive in nature and he will have to engage members of the media to come up with a solution on how to address the issue. Several media houses have published details of the kidnapping and the subsequent progress made by the police during their investigations. There were also publications of what was communicated by the kidnappers to the victim’s wife. “I don’t want to slow down the aggressiveness of the press but there must be some responsibilityâ€Ķ A person’s life is at stakeâ€Ķkidnappers are reading the newspapers,” the Commissioner (ag) told Kaieteur News. However, while up to late last night the businessman had not been released, family members were earlier assured that he was alive and well. Sources close to the investigations told this newspaper that Singh was allowed to speak to his wife early yesterday morning. Initially the kidnappers, who snatched Singh on Saturday night, were demanding a whopping $50M. However, they dropped their demand to $25M on Sunday. Investigators have so far not been able to narrow down their search to any particular area, although they did manage to locate the owner of a SIM card through which telephone contact was made with Singh’s relatives by the kidnappers. On Saturday night, Singh, his wife Heema and two employees were about to close his business to go home when two men pretending to be purchasers of auto spares came up. “The men come and ask fuh ‘Fat Man’,” the source said. They then pulled out guns and held their victims at gunpoint. They took away an undisclosed amount of cash that the business had accumulated from the day’s sales, while assaulting the victims with their guns.

Commissioner of Police [ag) Seelall Persaud

Commissioner of Police (ag) Seelall Persaud

The source said that the kidnappers appeared to be well aware of Singh’s activities since they questioned him about the whereabouts of his 13-year-old son. The teenager had left to go to a nearby barber. The gunmen demanded the keys to Singh’s car and when it was handed to them by his wife, they bundled the businessman into the trunk and drove away with the vehicle, a Toyota Ist. Singh’s wife later got help and tried to go after the kidnappers but the men had disappeared with the businessman and his car, which was later found abandoned at Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara


New Guyana Veterans Legion to serve World War and GDF veterans


THE Guyana Legion and the Ex-GDF Association of Guyana last Sunday officially amalgamated to form the Guyana Veterans Legion (GVL).

Newly-elected President of the Guyana Veterans Legion, Col. [ret’d) George Gomes

Newly-elected President of the Guyana Veterans Legion, Col. (ret’d) George Gomes

Colonel (ret’d) George Gomes who was elected last month as the new president, after the walkout by the old body, said that this was a monumental achievement since the merging of the two organisations would strengthen and solidify the structure of the new Guyana Veterans Legion.
The newly-elected executive board includes Col. (ret’d) George Gomes, president; Lt. Col. (ret’d) Frank Bishpan, Arno Solomon and Carol Haynes, vice-presidents; Major (ret’d) Stanislaus Canzius, treasurer; and Wilbert Nurse, assistant treasurer; while Ben Douglas, Wilfred James and James Samuels were elected committee members.
The new GVL will occupy the same premises as the former Guyana Legion on Carifesta Avenue. The new GVL logo resembles that of the Guyana Legion but it carries a slight difference with the national bird replacing the national flower.
And the primary objective of the GVL is to “Promote and maintain harmony among Guyana’s past and present veterans”.
The Legion is partially supported by membership fees of $3,600 annually per member and through budgetary support from the Government of Guyana.
The official coalescing of the two organisations, which came against a backdrop of instability in the old executive body, was done in the presence of many members of both bodies at the Guyana Legion headquarters on Carifesta Avenue.
In order to assist the public to become more aware of the organisation and its purpose, it was decided to have the new name include the word ‘veteran’.
This publication understands that over the years a number of items belonging to the Guyana Legion, such as computers and chairs, have gone missing. Therefore, the Ex-GDF Association is not considering financial inheritance in the amalgamation but rather it is looking to “build from what they have and restore what they have lost.”
Meanwhile, Gomes assured the meeting that the newly-elected executive body would work to ensure that the core principles of the Legion are restored while the implementation of new strategic policies will aim to preserve the nature of both organisations.
Apart from having the financial records reviewed soon and published for members of the GVL, the president also assured that it will be one of the aims of the organisation to hold monthly meetings to discuss issues surrounding the Legion and to discuss social development and the preservation of the cultural heritage for veterans.
Gomes also disclosed that the decision to have the two organisations merged came from the Government of Guyana as many small bodies for veterans were being formed. As a result, the idea surfaced to have one combined organisation to facilitate veterans from both World Wars and the Guyana Defence Force (GDF).
By Ravin Singh


The AFC is here to stay!

December 22, 2013 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 


By Moses Nagamootoo M.P

A major success was the defeat of the notion that a “third party” such as the Alliance For Change (AFC) could not survive in our divisive and polarized political arena. The AFC has not only carved out an indelible niche on the Guyana political landscape, but has become the fastest growing political party as well. The AFC is here to stay!

Moses Nagamootoo

Moses Nagamootoo

This is due primarily to three factors: 1. AFC maintains a vibrant and robust voice in the National Assembly; 2. AFC mirrors the image of a genuinely authentic multi-ethnic, multi-class movement with equal appeal in places such as Port Mourant, Linden, Anna Regina, Moruca and in the Marudi Mountains; 3. AFC has become part of the national consciousness that demands that the scourge of corruption should be wiped out from this land. These are no small successes which we share with other political and civic forces that have made the fight for accountability a national concern. AFC has finally bought a building to house its headquarters, and the Centre For Change will soon be part of the our profile of being ready for Government. We maintained a cohesive leadership, in spite of the attempts at character assassination and “cuss-down politics” and our National Executive Committee and Management Committee broke new grounds in meeting outside the Capital. AFC, defying shortage of money, is still able to publish our newspaper, “Key”. Our major failure has been ineffective communication with our members and supporters, and not having sufficient outreach in the riverain and interior communities. AFC’s messaging problem is due primarily to denial of access to the state media (radio, TV and newspaper), all of which have been converted into propaganda outlets of the ruling party. So we will keep our scissors sharpened for any subvention to these state agencies. We have been denied the right of reply to vicious attacks and mis-information by the ruling cabal and have to divert our meagre resources to paying for TV time on private channels. The result is that our rank and file does not get timely information of AFC’s position on national issues resulting, as in the case of our conditional support for the Amaila Hydro project, in a few dropouts from our membership. We have not been successful against the PPP’s propaganda onslaughts, to convince a wider section of our people that AFC’s position on various issues is patriotic, in the national interest, and intended to make our governance clean, honest, transparent and accountable. But, it is satisfying to know that our fight against dirty money via crooked deals and contracts, is gaining ground, which is why there is now broader support for the establishment of a Public Procurement Commission (PPC) to end government’s role in approving or disapproving public sector contracts amounting to billions of dollars. There are several issues that will roll over to 2014, at the top of the agenda being how to get Local Government elections by mid-year so that we can energise the grassroots to be involved in the process of changing their communities. We will continue to track the spending of public funds and may cite senior government officials for corrupt practices, and up the fight to bring all public funds into the State Treasury, like excess monies from NICIL, Wildlife, Lotto, etc., so that they flow to the people and not into the pockets of government cronies. The AFC will also continue to fight for a fully-staffed Financial Intelligence Unit to go after dirty money; Integrity Commission to probe the assets and unjust enrichment of the political elite; broad-based state media board to ensure equitable access; and for a Commission of Inquiry to examine the give-away allocation to friends and family of television, radio and other telecommunications frequencies, as well as state lands and concessions. The AFC is grateful for the goodwill, and even the criticisms, it has received from our people here and abroad, and pledges to uphold high standard of political behaviour, as we follow the road map to change and honest government in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The AFC is here to stay!

A major success was the defeat of the notion that a “third party” such as the Alliance For Change (AFC) could not survive in our divisive and polarized political arena.


The AFC has not only carved out an indelible niche on the Guyana political landscape,......

but has become the fastest growing political party as well.

Moses Nagamootoo

Moses Nagamootoo M.P

The AFC is here to stay!






Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We see some AFC/PNC supporters posting 100 percent negative news about Guyana. 


It is written in scripture that only an evil person sees evil everywhere.


When will they show that they love their country and post something positive about Guyana ?


It does not have to be political but post something that highlights Guyana or Guyanese with some positive events or news.


Any resident from across the world who reads their post will get an impression that Guyanese are evil people. It is time they stop being unpatriotic and highlight our beloved Guyana.


Those who paint Guyana as an evil place are nothing less than unpatriotic and does not love their country. They are evil incarnate.

So why don't you start posting something positive about Guyana without giving credit for it to the PPP.


Start with Linden.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


“If patriotism is "the last refuge of a scoundrel," it is not merely because evil deeds may be performed in the name of patriotism, but because patriotic fervor can obliterate moral distinctions altogether”

Samuel Johnson was not around for 9/11. Those military personnel who sacrificed their lives to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda are scoundrels?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We see some AFC/PNC supporters posting 100 percent negative news about Guyana. 


It is written in scripture that only an evil person sees evil everywhere.


When will they show that they love their country and post something positive about Guyana ?


It does not have to be political but post something that highlights Guyana or Guyanese with some positive events or news.


Any resident from across the world who reads their post will get an impression that Guyanese are evil people. It is time they stop being unpatriotic and highlight our beloved Guyana.


Those who paint Guyana as an evil place are nothing less than unpatriotic and does not love their country. They are evil incarnate.

So why don't you start posting something positive about Guyana without giving credit for it to the PPP.


Start with Linden.




Yuji speaks about issues affecting Indo Guyanese as much as you speak about issues affecting Afro Guyanese.


As for Linden, in spite of my rants about Linden, I am certain that as a Nation, the people of Linden deserves better.The people of Linden should not allow politicians from all political stripes to use them as pawns.


I do not have an answer to the problems affecting Linden but hope that some day, a younger generation bring change to Guyana. Will it happen in my lifetime ? Yes, it will.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 the people of Linden deserves better.The people of Linden should not allow politicians from all political stripes to use them as pawns.


When you talk about the politicians using them, do you include the PPP?


Here is the difference between our race talk.  I concede that the PNC was oppressive towards Indians and that African racism against them is a fact.


You pretend that the only racism which exists in Guyana comes from blacks and that Indians don't play a role, including the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 the people of Linden deserves better.The people of Linden should not allow politicians from all political stripes to use them as pawns.


When you talk about the politicians using them, do you include the PPP?


Here is the difference between our race talk.  I concede that the PNC was oppressive towards Indians and that African racism against them is a fact.


You pretend that the only racism which exists in Guyana comes from blacks and that Indians don't play a role, including the PPP.




The PPP is not perfect but the Electricity subsidy should not be discounted. 


Racism will end in Guyana when a young generation takes over the political scene. Take a look at Mash, Guyanese of all races get together and celebrate. Times are changing.


We must find a common ground for Guyana to move ahead.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We see some AFC/PNC supporters posting 100 percent negative news about Guyana. 


It is written in scripture that only an evil person sees evil everywhere.


When will they show that they love their country and post something positive about Guyana ?


It does not have to be political but post something that highlights Guyana or Guyanese with some positive events or news.


Any resident from across the world who reads their post will get an impression that Guyanese are evil people. It is time they stop being unpatriotic and highlight our beloved Guyana.


Those who paint Guyana as an evil place are nothing less than unpatriotic and does not love their country. They are evil incarnate.

Knuckle head; the epitome of patriotism is civic mindedness and the highest form of this expression is vigilance over the administration of the states affairs. It is not expressed in platitudes of how pretty a thing looks or deflecting the corrupt practices of an administration simply to point to a mountain and say that looks good.


Alas the nation is being pillaged. Patriotism means highlighting those instances and making fellow citizens aware of the transgressions. Neglecting that is the shame.


If one looks in and see the idiotic racist rants from fools like you they will conclude some Guyanese are bad and that would be correct. Illustrating the fact that the Present administration demands autocratic rule highlights an evil that is antithetical to democracy. Further showing that those demanding this authority are the minority and that the minority is composed of mainly one racial group concertize the idea we have evil at t he core of our system. Nothing you can say will change that. Pretending that patriotism involves ignoring a rapacious and insidious government is the basis of this evil.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



The PPP is not perfect but the Electricity subsidy should not be discounted. 


Racism will end in Guyana when a young generation takes over the political scene. Take a look at Mash, Guyanese of all races get together and celebrate. Times are changing.


We must find a common ground for Guyana to move ahead.

I see you destroy a people's livelihood when you sell the bauxite company, see 80% of them lose their jobs, and then refuse to develop an appropriate economic development plan with incentives to capitalize on the fact that Linden has the cheapest electricity, and the greatest concentration of skilled workers.


Linden is a source of much of the migration to the Islands.  Lindeners have no reason to like the PPP.


Why does the PPP make much of superficial things like "people of all races dancing in the streets"?  Well the very next day they return to a slow burn distrust of each other.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The PPP is not perfect but the Electricity subsidy should not be discounted. 


Racism will end in Guyana when a young generation takes over the political scene. Take a look at Mash, Guyanese of all races get together and celebrate. Times are changing.


We must find a common ground for Guyana to move ahead.

I see you destroy a people's livelihood when you sell the bauxite company, see 80% of them lose their jobs, and then refuse to develop an appropriate economic development plan with incentives to capitalize on the fact that Linden has the cheapest electricity, and the greatest concentration of skilled workers.


Linden is a source of much of the migration to the Islands.  Lindeners have no reason to like the PPP.

Like we said, Burnham was the reason we left Guyana. Burnham spoiled the Lindeners.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Like we said, Burnham was the reason we left Guyana. Burnham spoiled the Lindeners.

Funny thing.  The two groups of black people who fought back against Burnham was Linden and Buxton.  Yet these are now two of the deepest PNC strongholds.


Its interesting how PPP racism can drive people back to a party which they fought against, enduring tear gas and a deliberate attempt by Burnham to starve these two communities.


Your closet racism suggesting that Lindeners are less deserving than sugar workers has been noted.  In both instances there were poorly managed state owned companies, operating in an increasingly hostile global environment. 


You think that the sale of Guymine was appropriate but now Guysuco.  Why so?  If the bauxite industry needed to be put in the hands of the private sector to relieve the burden of the state then its is also appropriate for the sugar industry to be treated the same way.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is here to stay in the opposition.

Clap mo hard, padna.

Opposition nah mek fo daag.

PPP was in opposition for 28 long years, enough time fo mek picknie and grandpicknie.

I have a dream, that one day the AFC will climb to the mountaintop.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is here to stay in the opposition.

Clap mo hard, padna.

Opposition nah mek fo daag.

PPP was in opposition for 28 long years, enough time fo mek picknie and grandpicknie.

I have a dream, that one day the AFC will climb to the mountaintop.

Gilly, hate to disagree with you. I don't think that the AFC can build a ladder tall enough to reach the mountain top. Maybe a hilltop. Minority parties like roar, gump, gail and the uf have all come and gone. Once there are race problems in Guyana, Guyana will continue to be ruled by the PPP or the PNC. 
Guyana needs new blood.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

New blood, Jenifa Wesford, she is not human, she got a horse face.



Bai Kish, you deh in Guyana and you ah see. Me nah kall ah lady haas face. Maybe jackass face , yes.

LOL.   I sorry fuh she husband, he got to get pillow at nights during lolo action.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

New blood, Jenifa Wesford, she is not human, she got a horse face.



Bai Kish, you deh in Guyana and you ah see. Me nah kall ah lady haas face. Maybe jackass face , yes.

LOL.   I sorry fuh she husband, he got to get pillow at nights during lolo action.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is here to stay in the opposition.

Clap mo hard, padna.

Opposition nah mek fo daag.

PPP was in opposition for 28 long years, enough time fo mek picknie and grandpicknie.

I have a dream, that one day the AFC will climb to the mountaintop.




I know that you like to fight for the underdog but things are not looking too good for the AFC these days.


A top member's resignation lately and now Moses calling for a National Front Government.


I do support a National Front Government. 



Last edited by Former Member

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