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Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

I have to read the Riot Act on you now. Cease and desist employing the word "Blackman" in your comments. Absurd. Meaningless. Irrational.

who objects to the use of "blackman"?

this is news to me

there are people here using much worse words (including yuji222) when referring to Black people who have not elicited even a whisper of condemnation by you over the years

i suspect that you jest

I think he is serious. Gilly is not a racist in my books. 

What is racialism anyway?

 I think it has to do with our mind not colour of our skin. 

Like when you posted that blackman can't even run a cake shop. Then you have Yugi the racist who believes that he is of a superior caste amongst the coolees. Racialism refers to your group, whilst racism is more individualistic with the primary goal to antagonize.

Mitwah posted:

Like when you posted that blackman can't even run a cake shop. Then you have Yugi the racist who believes that he is of a superior caste amongst the coolees. Racialism refers to your group, whilst racism is more individualistic with the primary goal to antagonize.

De Yugli man, whose hypocrisy rank 2nd only to ahwe "kreestyan" obeah man Seignet, used much much more derogatory terms to describe estate Indians of old while maintaining he "Easter Lily" braminness. Terms like "weeder gang people", "black pat" etc. much more derogatory than the C word.

Yugli meets the classic definition of a racist. This spigot of horse piss slander up one ah he own Indian woman right hay and had admin cover up fuh he nasty deeds by deleting de thread.

Yet this diseased, shameless sack of horse manure want to "set standard' for conversation hay, pretending he is some defender of Indian folks.  SMFH

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Mitwah posted:

Like when you posted that blackman can't even run a cake shop. Then you have Yugi the racist who believes that he is of a superior caste amongst the coolees. Racialism refers to your group, whilst racism is more individualistic with the primary goal to antagonize.

De Yugli man, whose hypocrisy rank 2nd only to ahwe "kreestyan" obeah man Seignet, used much much more derogatory terms to describe estate Indians of old while maintaining he "Easter Lily" braminness. Terms like "weeder gang people", "black pat" etc. much more derogatory than the C word.

Yugli meets the classic definition of a racist. This spigot of horse piss slander up one ah he own Indian woman right hay and had admin cover up fuh he nasty deeds by deleting de thread.

Yet this diseased, shameless sack of horse manure want to "set standard' for conversation hay, pretending he is some defender of Indian folks.  SMFH

Iggy, I asked Admin. to delete the stink thread. The pious Brahmin is a dirty hypocrite, Indian supremacist, and nasty racist.

yuji22 posted:


I am a newcomer here, with all due respect, Carib and D2 an a couple more blacks were here when I joined and they are still here.

How about Gil advocate the banning of the C word at GNI ?

Your newcomer status was lost a long time ago. I did not know you met my ancestors but I guess you know more of me than I do. I do have a madrasse in my great grandmother who was black as coal and t hat is my only connection I know to blackness. I am an amateur at mining ancestry but as far back as I go I have not seen any African genes. Maybe they are there but you will have to tell me where to look since you know.

There was a consensus here many years ago when Safraz was still the admin and he put the term "coolie" to a vote as whether to include it on the banned list. Members here voted overwhelmingly to retain the term.  Many insist it is their heritage. I remember I took the time to archive that thread for posterity and will have to find it. 

However, any excuse to be a vile racist is solely your choice. You apparently came off your mothers knees with that attitude. Do not blame it on anyone's wrong doing here. As I can see it most here have ethnocentric opinions but only a few of you ignoramuses persist in claiming superiority over others. The funny thing is your are the ignorant, backward lot in any accounting. Now take your sorry, pathetic ugli ass da side!

yuji22 posted:

The HYPOCRITE IS YOU. For not speaking out against injustices against Indos. 

Every time Indo speaks out, they are labelled racists.

Shame on those who tolerate and not one Single time speak out against injustices and PNC racism and daylight theft.

Shame on You !!!

I believe we have all highlighted Pnc injustices umteen Times.  There is no shame on anyone because they don’t stand lock step with you on everything. 

You seem to have a special hatred towards Indians working with the APNU. Another time you said you can understand them for breaking with the ppp.  

Point out where she said one thing and did another.  We all take differing views one time or another, and this goes for you too.  

What drives your hatred against other Indians, including the former First Lady, is a mystery.  Then you turn around and agree the ppp screwed things up.  You need to lighten up or go take the battle in Guyana if you that serious.

Baseman posted:

You seem to have a special hatred towards Indians working with the APNU. Another time you said you can understand them for breaking with the ppp.  

Point out where she said one thing and did another.  We all take differing views one time or another, and this goes for you too.  

What drives your hatred against other Indians, including the former First Lady, is a mystery.  Then you turn around and agree the ppp screwed things up.  You need to lighten up or go take the battle in Guyana if you that serious.

No mystery. The Yugli man meets the classic definition of a racist. Indians who embrace a "Guyanese" identity or are at least open to listening to black folks are his enemy. He views Indians as superior to blacks. He then views himself as superior to many Indians who he sees as low class and refers to them as "weeders", black pat and suh on.

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

I think you should take it easy, in what way did he offended you?

kp posted:
Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

I think you should take it easy, in what way did he offended you?

Thanks for the advice.

Seems like you missed the low level comments and personal attacks.

alena06 posted:

The world is obsessed with BJ.  The man is in power ‘even when he is not’.  The pea brain AFC supporters who installed the dictator has nothing to fall back on but cuss Jagdeo. 🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū

 You are barking up the wrong tree, Tell BJ give up the leader of the opposition position and if you don't want people to respond, have him stop writing trash in the media daily - Saturday 22.       Sunday 23. Monday 24  Yall cant have it both ways...

Last edited by sachin_05
Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

I think you should take it easy, in what way did he offended you?

Thanks for the advice.

Seems like you missed the low level comments and personal attacks.

I can see the good in some people you don't have to stoop to their level.

Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

You still mad that the mad got a nicer house than you. Even poorasss me got a nicer house than you.

Bibi Haniffa
sachin_05 posted:
alena06 posted:

The world is obsessed with BJ.  The man is in power ‘even when he is not’.  The pea brain AFC supporters who installed the dictator has nothing to fall back on but cuss Jagdeo. 🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū

 You are barking up the wrong tree, Tell BJ give up the leader of the opposition position and if you don't want people to respond, have him stop writing trash in the media daily - Saturday 22.       Sunday 23. Monday 24  Yall cant have it both ways...

Hell no.  He ain’t giving up nothing.  Take your jealous self and go cry in a corner.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
sachin_05 posted:
alena06 posted:

The world is obsessed with BJ.  The man is in power ‘even when he is not’.  The pea brain AFC supporters who installed the dictator has nothing to fall back on but cuss Jagdeo. 🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū

 You are barking up the wrong tree, Tell BJ give up the leader of the opposition position and if you don't want people to respond, have him stop writing trash in the media daily - Saturday 22.       Sunday 23. Monday 24  Yall cant have it both ways...

Hell no.  He ain’t giving up nothing.  Take your jealous self and go cry in a corner.

'He ain't giving up nothing' â€Ķ he already out... got booted out of presidential contention so he is just like a empty barrel making useless noise. Wait till Anil Nandalall take the reins and give he the boot...yall better save some eye water fuh he...

Bibi Haniffa posted:
sachin_05 posted:
alena06 posted:

The world is obsessed with BJ.  The man is in power ‘even when he is not’.  The pea brain AFC supporters who installed the dictator has nothing to fall back on but cuss Jagdeo. 🇎ðŸ‡ū🇎ðŸ‡ū

 You are barking up the wrong tree, Tell BJ give up the leader of the opposition position and if you don't want people to respond, have him stop writing trash in the media daily - Saturday 22.       Sunday 23. Monday 24  Yall cant have it both ways...

Hell no.  He ain’t giving up nothing.  Take your jealous self and go cry in a corner.

Woman, give it a rest. Is Alyuh say people talking about him all the time.  Well, that’s what to expect when he keeps talking all the time.  

As Sachin_05 said, you cannot have it both ways!  That’s all to it. 

If you notice, he tends to suck the oxygen out of the room.  The potential 2020 candidates suffocating.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

You still mad that the mad got a nicer house than you. Even poorasss me got a nicer house than you.

Looks like madness stepping in,the sentence doan mek sense.Them never see come fuh see talking bout who house nicer.

I rather live in a shack having a clean mind,than living in wan nice house having dutty mind.

By the way it's not about the house,it's the quality of living stress free in a poorrass State.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

You still mad that the mad got a nicer house than you. Even poorasss me got a nicer house than you.

Truly amazing. This is what "discussions" have devolved to, who has a nicer house.

Last edited by GTAngler
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

You still mad that the mad got a nicer house than you. Even poorasss me got a nicer house than you.

Truly amazing. This is what "discussions" have devolved to, who has a nicer house.

Is not what you have; it's who you are as a person. We are here on earth to help our unfortunate brothers and sisters.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Iguana posted:

Nasty fella and universally hated on GNI. Delusional enough to think that is because he "speaks the truth" and not because of his stench.

Give him some slack,he may go in a corner crying.Bibiski will have to wipe the tears,his other condescending  compadre the wallah not around to help he out.

The man is crude,it's mind boggling of about his religious upbringing.

You still mad that the mad got a nicer house than you. Even poorasss me got a nicer house than you.

But he has a better home and a happier environment. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not the one who lives in the boondocks behind God back.  My house is worth three times his.

This speaks volumes of your personality disorder, an exaggerated feeling of self importance. Paradoxically, superiority complex rises from the dep-seated and repressed feeling of inferiority or lack of self-esteem. Grow up!

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not the one who lives in the boondocks behind God back.  My house is worth three times his.

This speaks volumes of your personality disorder, an exaggerated feeling of self importance. Paradoxically, superiority complex rises from the dep-seated and repressed feeling of inferiority or lack of self-esteem. Grow up!

Such a pity😒!   But it is what it is!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not the one who lives in the boondocks behind God back.  My house is worth three times his.

Are you fuh real !! peace of mind and happiness worth more than the value of any material gains .You need help,seek such it's never too late.

Django is not on GNI to compete with any one,don't care what they are worth,good for them.Stick to the topics instead of getting personnel,if can't it's better to stay put than make a fool of yourself.

Have a good day.


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