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When will the people put an end to this PPP three card game?

November 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, This obsession by the PPP leaders with billions-in-a-hurry is nothing but naked greed by mentally corrupt individuals. Everyone salutes business leaders like Yesu Persaud, who made it the hard way with hard work, but these fly-by-night operators in the PPP leadership remain oblivious to these core values. We are most disgusted by the actions of certain so-called private sector leaders who continue to follow their animalistic greed for illegitimate profits and continue to compromise a nation with the full co-operation of their political friends. Guyana is being destroyed by these greedy people who continue to post their children overseas to live on income earned from the sweat of the working class but continue to lecture the nation on what is proper public behavior. But what these short-sighted people are not realizing is that in the long run, they are the principle contributors to the destruction of Guyana’s competitiveness by bleeding a system that continues to produce functional illiterate students by the thousands; no good to the world and thus banishing them to poverty for the rest of their lives. But even more importantly, these white collar criminals force our people to compromise the inherent values that they learnt from people like Hubert Nathaniel Crictchlow, Balram Singh Rai, Walter Rodney and Yesu Persaud.  As a nation, we continue to lose the core values our ancestors left with us and as a consequence the spirit of the nation continues to die. Too many of our youths get wasted on the PPP’s spurious dream of building an ICT network from Brazil at the cost of G$13 billion. But the facts remain that this Project, which is managed by none other  than the first son of the President, is over two years past its shelf life (the technology has moved on) and we still as a nation cannot benefit from this G$13 billion. This Project is an abject failure and the unaccountable PPP has nothing to say to the taxpayers. Yet the majority opposition continues to vote more billions for this crooked deal.  Yet that same cabal that controls the Private Sector Commission continues to parrot the message of the PPP as they speak for the PPP’s promises of more milk and honey. The PPP continues to use propaganda to talk of the billion dollar Marriot Hotel; billion dollar Skeldon Factory; billion dollar Enmore Factory; billion dollar Specialty Hospital and billion dollar Amaila Hydro-Project, but it is all a trap to siphon off billions of dollars into the pockets of the PPP leaders and their business cronies.  When will the people put an end to this PPP three card game? The Guyanese people remain the biggest loser in this PPP game of deceit and deception and the people will have to, in increasing numbers, walk out of the PPP room if change is ever to happen.  If the PPP continues to win the plurality, then the only way out of these illusionary heights of the PPP for the people, is a generation of HOPELESSNESS. Our fore-parents introduced us to religion based on faith and perseverance, but today the PPP is imposing a religion that is called “quick money” on the people but the illusion is, the money is only available for those in the PPP cabal.  As some climb over each other to get into the PPP cabal, they continue to lose their morality.  As a clear example that Guyana has gone wild, we can ponder upon that deal between Ban Shai Lin and the Commissioner General of the GRA.  Does that deal have an iota of morality in it?  Shame on the GRA and its Commissioner General! Too many of our people do not even know the words of our national songs like “let us Co-operate for Guyana”, “With humble hearts and heads bowed down…”.  But we all continue to practice the PPP art of continuing injustice to our countrymen, poor service to humanity and the phrase like “my country, my society” has now been permanently replaced by “my bank account, my pocket”.  This is what the PPP has done to Guyana. It is time we all in a little way stop paying any bribe and then we will see how, with enough people standing up and telling the clerk at the Registry Office – “no I will not pay a bribe, I paid my processing fee and my country owes me my child’s birth certificate and if you will not provide it to me, I am going to the Kaietuer News and Stabroek News,” how fast Guyana will clean up. It takes just one man; one spark; one NO to corruption and the PPP wall will fall down. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rose and Singh are IDIOTS to believe that stamping out Corruption will cause the PPP to fall.

please expand herr stupid


this should be good . . . ummmmm

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rose and Singh are IDIOTS to believe that stamping out Corruption will cause the PPP to fall.

The PPP continues to use propaganda to talk of the billion dollar Marriot Hotel; billion dollar Skeldon Factory; billion dollar Enmore Factory; billion dollar Specialty Hospital and billion dollar Amaila Hydro-Project, but it is all a trap to siphon off billions of dollars into the pockets of the PPP leaders and their business cronies.  When will the people put an end to this PPP three card game? The Guyanese people remain the biggest loser in this PPP game of deceit and deception and the people will have to, in increasing numbers, walk out of the PPP room if change is ever to happen.




This is what the PPP has done to Guyana. It is time we all in a little way stop paying any bribe and then we will see how, with enough people standing up and telling the clerk at the Registry Office – “no I will not pay a bribe, I paid my processing fee and my country owes me my child’s birth certificate and if you will not provide it to me, I am going to the Kaietuer News and Stabroek News,” how fast Guyana will clean up. It takes just one man; one spark; one NO to corruption and the PPP wall will fall down. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish




The day the PPP selects a Roger Luncheon or a Clement Rohee as their presidential candidate---that is the day black power---the PNC---will return to power in Guyana.





Originally Posted by redux:

@ neroo . . . when u recover from an obvious drunken stupor and stumble upon a response to my inquiry, please post


tanx in advance,


Your inquiry??  Obviously you love to smell SHIT and that is why you always have your head in your stinking ASS!!!!

Originally Posted by Rev:


The day the PPP selects a Roger Luncheon or a Clement Rohee as their presidential candidate---that is the day black power---the PNC---will return to power in Guyana.





rev, u seem to have a raft of powerful, pathological compulsions that your vast dildo collection cannot seem to control


screaming an invite for men to get "vex" with you on multiple threads is not good antiman practice


kwamee can help with strategy (underage boy affair) and other 'things' . . . give him a holler

Originally Posted by Rev:

The day the PPP selects a Roger Luncheon or a Clement Rohee as their presidential candidate---that is the day black power---the PNC---will return to power in Guyana.





rev, u seem to have a raft of powerful, pathological compulsions that your vast dildo collection cannot seem to control


screaming an invite for men to get "vex" with you on multiple threads is not good antiman practice


kwamee can help with strategy (underage boy affair) and other 'things' . . . give him a holler

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by redux:

rev, u seem to have a raft

Good morning Tarron!




Is there any post from you on GNI that does not involve HOMOSEXUAL RANTINGS ?



REv, Obama gave him the OK to come out of the Closet!!!!

Originally Posted by Rev:

The day the PPP selects a Roger Luncheon or a Clement Rohee as their presidential candidate---that is the day black power---the PNC---will return to power in Guyana.





rev, u seem to have a raft of powerful, pathological compulsions that your vast dildo collection cannot seem to control


screaming an invite for men to get "vex" with you on multiple threads is not good antiman practice


kwamee can help with strategy (underage boy affair) and other 'things' . . . give him a holler

Originally Posted by Rev:

The day the PPP selects a Roger Luncheon or a Clement Rohee as their presidential candidate---that is the day black power---the PNC---will return to power in Guyana.





rev, u seem to have a raft of powerful, pathological compulsions that your vast dildo collection cannot seem to control


screaming an invite for men to get "vex" with you on multiple threads is not good antiman practice


kwamee can help with strategy (underage boy affair) and other 'things' . . . give him a holler



redux is clearly excited--he is now spamming the forum with his favorite subject---HOMOSEXUALITY---keep on spamming redux---stay excited---invite Mitwah to join in the spamming---it's his thread---and mitwah is a great spammer.



Originally Posted by Rev:

The day the PPP selects a Roger Luncheon or a Clement Rohee as their presidential candidate---that is the day black power---the PNC---will return to power in Guyana.





rev, u seem to have a raft of powerful, pathological compulsions that your vast dildo collection cannot seem to control


screaming an invite for men to get "vex" with you on multiple threads is not good antiman practice


kwamee can help with strategy (underage boy affair) and other 'things' . . . give him a holler

Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev is shocked! Spammer Mitwah has chosen not to spam on his thread.





His now threatening me on another thread. I addressed him accordingly. He is deeply hurt that I asked some serious questions about the leadership of the AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev is shocked! Spammer Mitwah has chosen not to spam on his thread.





His now threatening me on another thread. I addressed him accordingly. He is deeply hurt that I asked some serious questions about the leadership of the AFC.

Yugi22, you are a nincompoop and a congenital racist.


Not one single member of the AFC is brave enough to address my questions about the leadership of the AFC. The dictatorship leadership of the AFC will deal with them according if they remotely try to question anything about the leadership.


We saw Facebook proofs about members being fired by the AFC because they dare to speak out. They are indeed a party of dictators. Donate elsewhere.


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