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State resources are to be handed out near to where PPP/C holding Linden meeting

Posted By Stabroek staff On October 15, 2011 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

The wiles of the PPP/C in manufacturing seeming support across Guyana is by now common knowledge in almost every household in Guyana, and the eve of what has been advertised as a major meeting by that party in Linden, has brought illumination to several machinations by the government to present a show of support which is disingenuous at best.

I am told that there is a programme being organized under the aegis of a state agency to coincide with the planned PPP/C meeting at Wismar on Sunday October 16th, where items are to be handed over to persons in the logging industry just a stone’s throw away from the location of the meeting, but strategically timed so that these persons, many of whom will no doubt hail from far-flung reaches both in and out of Region 10, will have no recourse but to remain for the political event to follow after this sham ‘presentation’, in effect creating a manufactured crowd of supporters on the back of the presentation of state resources to our residents.
My commitment to the People’s National Congress Reform and A Partnership for

National Unity makes it inconceivable that as a staunch supporter of the principles of the partnership, I could stand idly by and accept this detestable manipulation by the government of a state activity for political purposes, and so I look forward to the publishing of this letter before the conduct of this activity, so that persons will be forewarned of the duplicity being practiced by the government.

I am convinced that the A.P.N.U. is clearly the movement for change that Guyana needs at this time, as demonstrated by our statement of principles, and I urge Lindeners and Guyanese all to not be fooled by these tricks being employed by the PPP/C but to remain steadfast in their demonstrated will to see the backs of this government.

For a better life for all Guyanese, we must vote A.P.N.U. in the 2011 National and Regional Elections!

Yours faithfully,
Mortimer Mingo
Regional Chairman – Region 10


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Originally posted by Sase Singh:
State resources are to be handed out near to where PPP/C holding Linden meeting

Posted By Stabroek staff On October 15, 2011 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

The wiles of the PPP/C in manufacturing seeming support across Guyana is by now common knowledge in almost every household in Guyana, and the eve of what has been advertised as a major meeting by that party in Linden, has brought illumination to several machinations by the government to present a show of support which is disingenuous at best.

I am told that there is a programme being organized under the aegis of a state agency to coincide with the planned PPP/C meeting at Wismar on Sunday October 16th, where items are to be handed over to persons in the logging industry just a stone’s throw away from the location of the meeting, but strategically timed so that these persons, many of whom will no doubt hail from far-flung reaches both in and out of Region 10, will have no recourse but to remain for the political event to follow after this sham ‘presentation’, in effect creating a manufactured crowd of supporters on the back of the presentation of state resources to our residents.
My commitment to the People’s National Congress Reform and A Partnership for

National Unity makes it inconceivable that as a staunch supporter of the principles of the partnership, I could stand idly by and accept this detestable manipulation by the government of a state activity for political purposes, and so I look forward to the publishing of this letter before the conduct of this activity, so that persons will be forewarned of the duplicity being practiced by the government.

I am convinced that the A.P.N.U. is clearly the movement for change that Guyana needs at this time, as demonstrated by our statement of principles, and I urge Lindeners and Guyanese all to not be fooled by these tricks being employed by the PPP/C but to remain steadfast in their demonstrated will to see the backs of this government.

For a better life for all Guyanese, we must vote A.P.N.U. in the 2011 National and Regional Elections!

Yours faithfully,
Mortimer Mingo
Regional Chairman – Region 10


So we have them using taxpayer money to bring people from Kwakwani near to the PPP rally and then telling the people the bus late, they have to hang around Linden and why not come to the rally.

Hmmm Mad


So we have them using taxpayer money to bring people from Kwakwani near to the PPP rally and then telling the people the bus late, they have to hang around Linden and why not come to the rally.

The peanut butter crew has to engage in all kinds of creative trickery and gimmicks and lies to get people to attend their meetings hahahahaahh

DONALD DUCK is a judas, a hypocrite, an opportunist, a traitor to Cheddi Jagan.  Cheddi never stole from the Treasury for themselves and their friends.


"The reason why I Moses left the PPP after 50 years was prescisely because becaome the vision of Dr Jagan has been betrayed by Jagdeo and the Robb Street gang"  - said by MOSES NAGAMOOTOO




Gi' am words Cde Moses.


Dem boys seh… Donald let people down

March 7, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

When a man in a certain position, people expect he to talk a certain way. If de Queen stand up pun a stage and tell a man bout he backside people gun lef wid dem mouth open. Then dem gun talk she name and one man might even tell she bout she tail.
Now Donald is president and people expect he to talk in a certain way. But de man stoop real low that people got to worry whether dem can invite he to lunch wid dem and dem children. De man stand up pun a stage and cuss from Tom to Dick. De only person he ain’t cuss was Harry Nokta.
Moses and he was friend till Moses get vex wid de whole party and lef. Because Moses talk bout certain things Donald dig a first class cussing pun Moses. And de Chronicle tek pride in highlighting de cussing that Donald put down. No president ever call anybody Jackass. Donald did.
Dem boys expect better. If any child repeat dem things in school is trouble fun de child and de parents. Dem same children can’t tell de teacher how is Donald dem hear it from. Ignorance is no excuse.
Fuh sure dem boys know that Donald wouldn’t want nobody to call he a jackass although he behave suh de other day. And dem boys wouldn’t stand up and hear anybody refer to he as such. But then again, all dem people who does like talk fuh Donald gun seh that is politics. Wha people know is that Cheddi pepper he in he sleep that night.
Donald going to Chavez funeral and fuh sure dem ain’t gun allow he to talk because dem ain’t sure wha language he gun use. And when he got to meet at de White House Obama gun mek sure that dem two girls ain’t deh round when he talking to Donald.
Talk half and hope that Donald change he language

Originally Posted by jags (Guest):
How about bloody hands joe and Odinga from the PPNC's House of Israel will they be there also?

OH hell, bloody PPP hands still around - where is Odinga and the House of Isreal man in the PPP leadership called Hamilton whose son tief 100 laptop from Lunchman project?


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