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Former Member

When a White man is acquitted for murdering a Black man in self-defense. 

Many cases made national headlines and so is the Zimmerman's case. Florida is the right State at the right time for the right reasons, and that is to secure Florida for the democratic party in 2016.                                    


It's all comes down to politics. It doesn't matter if Zimmerman was sentence to death for defending himself, Obama strikes when the iron is hot.  Obama wants to tell Guyana and the world how to run their business when he himself is dividing America between white States and black States.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

You should called on Obama when he wants to be the David Dinkens of NYC to thanked the blacks for not rioting.


Let me simplify this for you:


When you thanked the blacks for not rioting, it means it's ok to riot, loot, destroy government property and caused many cities in a America to be in chaos and ungovernable, but they didn't riot and he thanked them. 


Sincerely, David Dinkens - former Mayor NYC

Endorsed by: President - Barack Hussain Obama 

Originally Posted by Chief:

Obama comes over as a hypocrite. On one side of his mouth he is so sympathetic to African Americans and minorities, on the other side of his mouth he is considering Raymond Kelly as head of National Security.


Raymond Kelly as head of NYPD profiled blacks and minorities like none before him.

But he reduced crime significantly, that's what matters.  Blacks are profiled because the vast majority of crime in America are committed by Black youths.  Maybe Zimmerman "profiled" Martin due to the criminal onslaught on the citizenry by Black youths.

Originally Posted by Chief:


Be specific!  You mean like spying, ok maybe we are at a point one day when people could be better checked out.  Until then , it is how it is.


What ever one's views on New York City Police's "Stop-n-Frisk" approach, Raymond Kelly's role in crime management, including the threat of terrorism, is what President Obama looked at in his comment on the suitability of Commissioner Kelly. This is NOT being duplicitous or hypocritical. Law enforcement is a local matter and Presidents do not make judgements on it. What a President can do is to look at credentials of suitable candidates for the the head of Homeland Security. This is the point that I think Chief misses.


Obama's impromptu comments on the George Zimmerman's acquittal are a studied advancement in the race for ridding this country of racism. The Treyvon Martin case is simply that a teenage kid went to a store in the early evening and was killed by a man with a gun, and that man was acquitted on the grounds of self-defense. That your unarmed kid can be shot and the armed killer get off on self-defense is troubling - whether the victim is black or otherwise. Zimmerman was told to stay put but he became an agent de provocateur because he had a gun. When Obama speaks of his experiences it is not race-baiting as some Conservatives are claiming. Obama is asking white America to to figure out if when they walk into a store whether they are being followed, or when they cross the road they hear the clicks of car doors shutting. He is addressing a mind-set that led to a death and he will be seen as a major force in advancing race relations in America. You're seeing the Nobel prize winner in him.

Originally Posted by Kari:

What ever one's views on New York City Police's "Stop-n-Frisk" approach, Raymond Kelly's role in crime management, including the threat of terrorism, is what President Obama looked at in his comment on the suitability of Commissioner Kelly. This is NOT being duplicitous or hypocritical. Law enforcement is a local matter and Presidents do not make judgements on it. What a President can do is to look at credentials of suitable candidates for the the head of Homeland Security. This is the point that I think Chief misses.


Obama's impromptu comments on the George Zimmerman's acquittal are a studied advancement in the race for ridding this country of racism. The Treyvon Martin case is simply that a teenage kid went to a store in the early evening and was killed by a man with a gun, and that man was acquitted on the grounds of self-defense. That your unarmed kid can be shot and the armed killer get off on self-defense is troubling - whether the victim is black or otherwise. Zimmerman was told to stay put but he became an agent de provocateur because he had a gun. When Obama speaks of his experiences it is not race-baiting as some Conservatives are claiming. Obama is asking white America to to figure out if when they walk into a store whether they are being followed, or when they cross the road they hear the clicks of car doors shutting. He is addressing a mind-set that led to a death and he will be seen as a major force in advancing race relations in America. You're seeing the Nobel prize winner in him.

Also Zimmerman was a mad man. He break his own nose on a lantern post, and bust his head on the bed head in a bad dream


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:


Be specific!  You mean like spying, ok maybe we are at a point one day when people could be better checked out.  Until then , it is how it is.

Who said crime reduced across America? Actually more people have guns across America. People don't even report muggings anymore to the police unless somebody gets killed.

Originally Posted by Kari:

....The Treyvon Martin case is simply that a teenage kid went to a store in the early evening and was killed by a man with a gun, and that man was acquitted on the grounds of self-defense. That your unarmed kid can be shot and the armed killer get off on self-defense is troubling - whether the victim is black or otherwise. Zimmerman was told to stay put but he became an agent de provocateur because he had a gun....

Nonsense, that kid liked to fight.  Zimmerman had every reason and right to ask a question as young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.


Black people have a propensity to fight and thief and cry foul when they get boomerang.  I saw the mother and the "star" witness saying why would he come home if someone was following.  Well, not sure what they tell their kids, I tell mine to make it home and I will take it from there.  This banna (Martin) had every opportunity to go home.  He chose to fight.


Another point, this "kid" was a minor, who was watching over him?  How come his father did not miss him or even show any concern until next day.  Come on, save the croc tears.  Alyuh katahars just cannot wait to jump on the black band wagon, however you all teach your kids differently than how this kid acted.


It's unfortunate, it's a tragedy he was killed.  It's also unfortunate the law does not allow for some penalty as baseman believes Zimmerman is culpable in some way, but it it how it is.  There is wrong on both sides but Martin is more wrong in this incident.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

....The Treyvon Martin case is simply that a teenage kid went to a store in the early evening and was killed by a man with a gun, and that man was acquitted on the grounds of self-defense. That your unarmed kid can be shot and the armed killer get off on self-defense is troubling - whether the victim is black or otherwise. Zimmerman was told to stay put but he became an agent de provocateur because he had a gun....

Nonsense, that kid liked to fight.  Zimmerman had every reason and right to ask a question as young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.


Black people have a propensity to fight and thief and cry foul when they get boomerang.  I saw the mother and the "star" witness saying why would he come home if someone was following.  Well, not sure what they tell their kids, I tell mine to make it home and I will take it from there.  This banna (Martin) had every opportunity to go home.  He chose to fight.


Another point, this "kid" was a minor, who was watching over him?  How come his father did not miss him or even show any concern until next day.  Come on, save the croc tears.  Alyuh katahars just cannot wait to jump on the black band wagon, however you all teach your kids differently than how this kid acted.


It's unfortunate, it's a tragedy he was killed.  It's also unfortunate the law does not allow for some penalty as baseman believes Zimmerman is culpable in some way, but it it how it is.  There is wrong on both sides but Martin is more wrong in this incident. young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.


That says it all you racist buffoon. Get off this thread you idiot!


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

....The Treyvon Martin case is simply that a teenage kid went to a store in the early evening and was killed by a man with a gun, and that man was acquitted on the grounds of self-defense. That your unarmed kid can be shot and the armed killer get off on self-defense is troubling - whether the victim is black or otherwise. Zimmerman was told to stay put but he became an agent de provocateur because he had a gun....

Nonsense, that kid liked to fight.  Zimmerman had every reason and right to ask a question as young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.


Black people have a propensity to fight and thief and cry foul when they get boomerang.  I saw the mother and the "star" witness saying why would he come home if someone was following.  Well, not sure what they tell their kids, I tell mine to make it home and I will take it from there.  This banna (Martin) had every opportunity to go home.  He chose to fight.


Another point, this "kid" was a minor, who was watching over him?  How come his father did not miss him or even show any concern until next day.  Come on, save the croc tears.  Alyuh katahars just cannot wait to jump on the black band wagon, however you all teach your kids differently than how this kid acted.


It's unfortunate, it's a tragedy he was killed.  It's also unfortunate the law does not allow for some penalty as baseman believes Zimmerman is culpable in some way, but it it how it is.  There is wrong on both sides but Martin is more wrong in this incident. young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.


That says it all you racist buffoon. Get off this thread you idiot!


Go to hell, you ain't king here.  Tell me where I'm incorrect, which part of that statement, you lil sorrowful katahar.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Nonsense, that kid liked to fight. 

U know this, how? . . . wasn't Zimmerman the one with the cop assault and restraining order on his record?


Zimmerman had every reason and right to ask a question as young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.

ummmmm . . . NO! only Police have the "right" to a "civil and polite answer and identify who he was" response from Trayvon Martin; certainly not some ignorant, puffed-up, wannabe like Zimmerman who purchased some courage with a piece in his waistband. 


Black people have a propensity to fight and thief and cry foul when they get boomerang.  I saw the mother and the "star" witness saying why would he come home if someone was following.  Well, not sure what they tell their kids, I tell mine to make it home and I will take it from there.  This banna (Martin) had every opportunity to go home.  He chose to fight.

hmmmmm . . . baseman prappa indulging he super virile blackman fetish; sticking he head full up in carrion hay . . . masturbating furiously


Another point, this "kid" was a minor, who was watching over him?  How come his father did not miss him or even show any concern until next day.  Come on, save the croc tears.  Alyuh katahars just cannot wait to jump on the black band wagon, however you all teach your kids differently than how this kid acted.

yaaaawwwn . . . irrelevant, rambling, incoherent rant; low-IQ notion of making a "point"


It's unfortunate, it's a tragedy he was killed.  It's also unfortunate the law does not allow for some penalty as baseman believes Zimmerman is culpable in some way, but it it how it is.  There is wrong on both sides but Martin is more wrong in this incident.

baseman finish jerking off to blackman fantasy . . . cleaning up now

no matter how much u perfume and dress up carrion, the stench . . .


my observations above in red

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nonsense, that kid liked to fight. 

U know this, how? . . . wasn't Zimmerman the one with the cop assault and restraining order on his record?


Zimmerman had every reason and right to ask a question as young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.

ummmmm . . . NO! Only Police have the "right" to a "civil and polite answer and identify who he was" response from Trayvon Martin; certainly not some ignorant, puffed-up, wannabe like Zimmerman who purchased some courage with a piece in his waistband. 


Black people have a propensity to fight and thief and cry foul when they get boomerang.  I saw the mother and the "star" witness saying why would he come home if someone was following.  Well, not sure what they tell their kids, I tell mine to make it home and I will take it from there.  This banna (Martin) had every opportunity to go home.  He chose to fight.

hmmmmm . . . baseman indulging he super-virile blackman fetish; sticking he head in carrion hay . . . masturbating furiously


Another point, this "kid" was a minor, who was watching over him?  How come his father did not miss him or even show any concern until next day.  Come on, save the croc tears.  Alyuh katahars just cannot wait to jump on the black band wagon, however you all teach your kids differently than how this kid acted.

yaaaawwwn . . . irrelevant, rambling, incoherent rant; low-IQ notion of making a "point"


It's unfortunate, it's a tragedy he was killed.  It's also unfortunate the law does not allow for some penalty as baseman believes Zimmerman is culpable in some way, but it it how it is.  There is wrong on both sides but Martin is more wrong in this incident.

baseman finish jerking off to blackman fantasy . . . cleaning up now

no matter how much u perfume and dress up carrion, the stench . . .


my observations above in red

Well, too bad for the likes of you, the legal system and process have spoken and they do not see it your way.  Back to the drawing board.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nonsense, that kid liked to fight. 

U know this, how? . . . wasn't Zimmerman the one with the cop assault and restraining order on his record?


Zimmerman had every reason and right to ask a question as young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.

ummmmm . . . NO! only Police have the "right" to a "civil and polite answer and identify who he was" response from Trayvon Martin; certainly not some ignorant, puffed-up, wannabe like Zimmerman who purchased some courage with a piece in his waistband. 


Black people have a propensity to fight and thief and cry foul when they get boomerang.  I saw the mother and the "star" witness saying why would he come home if someone was following.  Well, not sure what they tell their kids, I tell mine to make it home and I will take it from there.  This banna (Martin) had every opportunity to go home.  He chose to fight.

hmmmmm . . . baseman indulging he super virile blackman fetish; sticking he head full up in carrion hay . . . masturbating furiously


Another point, this "kid" was a minor, who was watching over him?  How come his father did not miss him or even show any concern until next day.  Come on, save the croc tears.  Alyuh katahars just cannot wait to jump on the black band wagon, however you all teach your kids differently than how this kid acted.

yaaaawwwn . . . irrelevant, rambling, incoherent rant; low-IQ notion of making a "point"


It's unfortunate, it's a tragedy he was killed.  It's also unfortunate the law does not allow for some penalty as baseman believes Zimmerman is culpable in some way, but it it how it is.  There is wrong on both sides but Martin is more wrong in this incident.

baseman finish jerking off to blackman fantasy . . . cleaning up now

no matter how much u perfume and dress up carrion, the stench . . .


my observations above in red

Well, too bad for the likes of you, the legal system and process have spoken and they do not see it your way.  Back to the drawing board.

do u see ANYTHING in my post about the "legal system" . . . eh, u masturbating fool?


"back to the drawing board" indeed!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman: young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.


That says it all you racist buffoon. Get off this thread you idiot!


Go to hell, you ain't king here.  Tell me where I'm incorrect, which part of that statement, you lil sorrowful katahar.

I'll go all Nehru on yuh lil sorry racist ass....yuh Cunumunu....lamuta.....get yuh ass-wipe Bush face off of this Board. You don't have the dignity and class to be among us. Even a stale hard roti has more intelligence than this sorry excuse for a human being.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman: young Black men were terrorizing the citizenry.  Instead of being civil and polite and identify who he was, what he was doing there and where his father was, he chose to apply what he does best, break the nose of Zimmerman, jumped on him and bash his head on the walk way.  Well, he got popped.


That says it all you racist buffoon. Get off this thread you idiot!


Go to hell, you ain't king here.  Tell me where I'm incorrect, which part of that statement, you lil sorrowful katahar.

I'll go all Nehru on yuh lil sorry racist ass....yuh Cunumunu....lamuta.....get yuh ass-wipe Bush face off of this Board. You don't have the dignity and class to be among us. Even a stale hard roti has more intelligence than this sorry excuse for a human being.

Well katahar, you had your moment in the sun, now crawl back into you lil worm hole.


"Dignity and class", well katahar standards are not my benchmark.


BTW, you don't have the flavor of Nehru, be yourself, try not to fake it or feign affection.


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