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The AFC is doing things to its own detriment. The party did fairly well in the last elections thanks to the Whim rebel. Even the Whim rebel is crashing downhill without realizing it.. If they work in the interest of the nation instead of seeking revenge on the party they left the AFC won't be tumbling down like a barrell going over Niagara Falls.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Pandit Nehru....yuh agree with Billy Bhai...

Billy believe Kwame is a PPP Gal .... and a PPP Prize ....a winner....

Stop running and answer the question, or bring out your drawing book and draw Kwame picture as it seems to float your boat. Is people like you does bring down the AFC and put them to shame.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Pandit Nehru....yuh agree with Billy Bhai...

Billy believe Kwame is a PPP Gal .... and a PPP Prize ....a winner....

Stop running and answer the question, or bring out your drawing book and draw Kwame picture as it seems to float your boat. Is people like you does bring down the AFC and put them to shame.

Wait, wan old man like dat like float his boat wid Kwamme?? Well what is this World turning to???


I guess you folks like calculations like the ones made here to validate the rapid rise to riches of these formerly noutar *****.


Imagine the efforts being made to cast aspersions on the integrity of a woman because her poor knowledge of anatomy produced a doozie!


Ponder whom you would prefer,Priya and her fat no account self disrupting a comment on the neglect and sexual abuse of our young or the Party that hands over no mid contracts to the tune of 4 billion dollars that see the rise of opulent patricians from gutter dredges!




minister irfaan ali second house – more corruption in Guyana govt

4 Votes



the house pictured above was built by Irfaan’s money.
minister ali’s rise to riches and fortune is stupendous even by guyana cocaine standards. two years after becoming minister he built himself a mansion with pool, pool house.
the only explanation given so far by the minister goes as follows.
“i used my parents retirement money”
mr and mrs ali are both retired teachers. a profession not known for large salaries or retirement packages.

minister ali was spotted at the site during construction many times and after completion directing events.
a worker wearing an alliance for change arm band was promptly fired by an irate irfan.

the male occupant of the house says he is an employee at the Ministry of Housing.
propaganda press has failed to locate any personnel records on this individual at the ministry. we could only conclude he is one of the many ppp crime family ghost employees collecting free salaries

the house is located at zeeburg public road, West coast demerara
same location the old gas station used to be

where does a thirty something year old minister get hundreds of millions to buy real estate and build two massive homes?


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I guess you folks like calculations like the ones made here to validate the rapid rise to riches of these formerly noutar *****.


Imagine the efforts being made to cast aspersions on the integrity of a woman because her poor knowledge of anatomy produced a doozie!


Ponder whom you would prefer,Priya and her fat no account self disrupting a comment on the neglect and sexual abuse of our young or the Party that hands over no mid contracts to the tune of 4 billion dollars that see the rise of opulent patricians from gutter dredges!




minister irfaan ali second house – more corruption in Guyana govt

4 Votes



the house pictured above was built by Irfaan’s money.
minister ali’s rise to riches and fortune is stupendous even by guyana cocaine standards. two years after becoming minister he built himself a mansion with pool, pool house.
the only explanation given so far by the minister goes as follows.
“i used my parents retirement money”
mr and mrs ali are both retired teachers. a profession not known for large salaries or retirement packages.

minister ali was spotted at the site during construction many times and after completion directing events.
a worker wearing an alliance for change arm band was promptly fired by an irate irfan.

the male occupant of the house says he is an employee at the Ministry of Housing.
propaganda press has failed to locate any personnel records on this individual at the ministry. we could only conclude he is one of the many ppp crime family ghost employees collecting free salaries

the house is located at zeeburg public road, West coast demerara
same location the old gas station used to be

where does a thirty something year old minister get hundreds of millions to buy real estate and build two massive homes?


when them cane cutters finish picking at parlament ALI taking them to party and swim in his pool


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