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Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Says Afro Guyanese should welcome statement


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, yesterday supported the statements made by his comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, to the effect that the incumbent party is a “coolie people” party.


PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee


As he hosted the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House Robb Street, Georgetown, Rohee said that he saw nothing wrong with former President Jagdeo’s allusion to the PPP as a coolie people party.

Jagdeo made this statement on Sunday when he spoke at the memorial service held in honour of former President and founder member of the PPP, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice.
Jagdeo, who is known to speak rashly at this yearly forum, told thousands who gathered at the event that the “opposition” whispers to its supporters, “Let us throw out the coolie people.”

Jagdeo added that the opposition “consistently shouts about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote.”

Yesterday Rohee was questioned as to whether he supported the statements made by his comrade and he responded in the affirmative.
Rohee said that PPP is indeed a “coolie people” party as it is “overwhelmingly supported by Indians.”

Asked if he considered the impact such a statement can have on PPP supporters who are of another race, Rohee said that he doesn’t see that any harm can be caused.

He even told media operatives that PPP supporters who are Afro-Guyanese should welcome the statement as it is forthright.

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Originally Posted by redux:

where was the Roger Khan associate's stink mouth last March when this went down?

Do you really think that this mere peon would say anything to HER Majesty.


You want him to get the same bytch slaps that Ramotar got?  Followed by a "visit" from some phantoms?  Ramsammy knows better than the rest of us about who Jagdeo rolls with.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

where was the Roger Khan associate's stink mouth last March when this went down?

Do you really think that this mere peon would say anything to HER Majesty.


You want him to get the same bytch slaps that Ramotar got?  Followed by a "visit" from some phantoms?  Ramsammy knows better than the rest of us about who Jagdeo rolls with.

Rohee saying it does not make it OK. Nagamootoo saying it does not make it OK either. It says a lot about both of their understanding of the pejorative use of the term "coolie". 

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Rohee saying it does not make it OK. Nagamootoo saying it does not make it OK either. It says a lot about both of their understanding of the pejorative use of the term "coolie". 

Rohee called the party that maybe 95% of Indians supported in May, a "coolie party".  He stated that, given that the vast majority of its leadership and its support are Indian, then this is an appropriate to call it a "coolie party".  Jagdeo and Rohee were calling 95% of the Indo Guyanese population "coolies".


Nagamootoo called ONE Indo Guyanese a "coolie bully".


How come the PPP is so offended when ONE Indo Guyanese is called a "coolie bully", and yet NONE were angry with Jagdeo when he called 100% of Indians who voted PPP "coolies".


Let us cease to be hypocritical.  The issue is being raised, NOT because the PPP is offended with the word.  The wish to continue playing the "baad black man, innocent Indian", painting all those Indians not on the PPP "coolie party" plantation, as being self hating tools of the black savage!

Last edited by Former Member

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