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Do you expect an answer? In the PNC era the incident that brought the greatest outrage and which remained the metaphor for PNC corruption was the purchase of a broken barge by Corbin. It was supposed to be an electric plant. He paid 2 million or so for it.


That is small potatoes to what these crooks do. Jagdeo brazenly traded 800k for right to use hotel rooms in Buddy's hotel. They rented 8 electric plants from their friend for 90 percent of their worth  over a year. They spent 90 percent of the cost to build the berbice river bridge and give it away 100 percent to the people who put up the 10 percent. We have the same being proposed for the Marriott with 54 million worth of property going to t he person w ho will put up 8 million. And then there was all those NICIL give aways.


I think Corbin got bad mouthed by these crooks for nothing. He was a poor thief. Even  the  Fip Motilal deal  out performed his error with 15 million in contracts ( could not do as everyone here predicted) and another 12 million in license fees. Fip produced nothing. Corbin at least transported a barge from Brownsville to Guyana so he could only have skimmed a few 100K at most.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

What happen to Stanley Ming and Peter R. They cross over to PPP?

I do not know ming made his money from robbing us. I do know Peter Ramsaroop made his money here and lost it there. The PPP possibly has him jacked up by the balls that is why we do not hear a squeak from him. He is too much connected to conservative politicians here to be afraid of the PPP if they did not have something on him.


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