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I am positive bro' Mars will really like this one.

The hilited was done by me.

Column By Mike Bibb

Isn’t it weird when COVID was suddenly determined to be no longer a threat to humanity, masks were finally tossed, and its leading spokesperson, the esteemed Dr. Anthony Fauci, also seemed to disappear?

For nearly two years, civilization depended upon Dr. Fauci’s spoken word.  His advice, experience, and knowledge of diseases were without equal.  A master of his craft, guided by scientific erudition from some of the most prestigious virology labs on the globe, particularly those in China and the World Health Organization – appropriately referred to as WHO.

Not since Noah received texts from God that a really big rainstorm was approaching, has an Earthly primate been bestowed with such awesome knowledge, wisdom, and motivation.  Tony was to immediately begin spreading the word of the sacred mandates in a darkened environment plagued with pestilence, ignorance, and obstinance.

Surely, Saint Fauci will be remembered as a latter-day prophet and worker of miracles whose tireless efforts were largely responsible for subduing the dreaded COVID-19 menace.

No, he didn’t make wine from water or even walk on it.  That’s too amateurish.  His mission was to convince 330 million U.S. citizens that unless they wore a mask, closed their businesses, churches, and schools, stayed home from work, skipped granny’s 83rd birthday party, invited a maximum of four people to Thanksgiving dinner, stayed one aisle over from the closest shopper at Walmart (Walmart was granted a special exemption to remain open from the highest in D.C.), washed their hands every 15 minutes and obediently stand in line to receive multiple vaccinations and boosters, then, and only then, might the country survive.

It was almost an impossible assignment, but our diminutive Prometheus excelled at pilfering cures from Heaven for the benefit of man.  He had liberated society before, and he could do it again.

Or, at least, that was the overly-hyped gig.  For which, he has been amply financially rewarded.  Apparently, saving the nation requires certain personal sacrifices, frequent TV talk show appearances, news interviews, magazine spreads, speeches before Congress, vaccine endorsements, and a $400,000+ a year salary.

Not too shabby for government work.

Fauci’s face was everywhere.  However, unlike a popular advertising marketeer hawking pillows and towels, Dr. Tony was constantly modifying his sales pitch to suit his perceptions.  There was no consistency, an obvious flaw in the presentation.  His game strategy changed more often than a Tom Brady audible. 

But people began recognizing the frequent discrepancies.  How, they wondered, if they were being encouraged to “follow the science,” why the science seemed to be wavering every few days? If COVID was a legitimate threat – as we were told – then how come a vaccine became the primary touted cure?  Why didn’t Fauci encourage additional research and development of other therapies, some already known to exist?  Particularly after the shots were recognized as not being effective as promoted. 

Probably the fundamental reason for Fauci’s fall from grace was that his hustle lost its groove.  The public simply wised up to the ruse.  People eventually figured out covering their faces, and sitting six feet apart in the middle of a baseball park didn’t make them less susceptible to becoming infected by the virus.  The little blue paper and cloth rectangles strapped to their ears were about as effective at filtering virus microbes as a catcher’s mask.

People couldn’t gather for church, but they could buy a dozen Dunkin’ Donuts.  Kids were restricted from school but allowed to freely roam the toy and iPad sections at Target.  Certain non-essential adults were compelled to work from home as others stocked Home Depot’s shelves.  Masks and sanitary wipes were handed to customers entering stores, while dirty gas pump nozzles were handled millions of times a day.  Free checks were mailed to practically anyone with a zip code, and now inflation is taking it all back.

Finally, the hypocrisy of many of our government officials and health experts was appalling, including Dr. Fauci’s.  Daily sanctimonious announcements of how we should live our lives in the midst of being surrounded by an invisible invader were over the top.

Enforcement of COVID mandates became dictatorial in some areas of the country.  Constitutional rights and protections were often overlooked during the enforcement of restrictions.  A person could speak at a school board or city council meeting if masked but asked to leave or removed from the room if unmasked.

Yet, the same authorities requiring we acquiesce to their demands were often seen and photographed in public not complying with their own regulations.

“Rules for thee, but not for me” is a prominent display of utter disrespect they have for the very society they are taxpayer-funded to represent.  From Congress to City Hall, numerous elected – and appointed – emissaries tend to forget they were hired to work for the people.  Not themselves.

Eventually, all good things come to an end.  Once Dr. Fauci’s particular role was no longer relevant, he simply faded into near obscurity.  Perhaps he was put back into the Genie bottle until the next health scare “crisis”.

As the media reminds us, a person with his acclaimed talents and inspiration is a rare commodity in today’s topsy-turvy world of misinformation, deceptions, and lies.

They should know — their enthusiastic ovations were largely responsible for creating this smooth-talking character.

The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the author.

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@cain posted:

I am positive bro' Mars will really like this one.

Fauci's recommendations of wearing masks, socially distancing and getting vaccinated saved a few hundred thousand lives in the U.S. If we had listened to the anti-vaxxer knuckleheads, many more would have been pushing up daisies today evidenced by greater than 95% of the COVID deaths being among the unvaccinated.

Surely you didn't expect us to be wearing masks for the rest of our lives? The sharp decline in cases and deaths in the U.S. coupled with the need to return to normal life as we know it, has prompted the CDC to relax the guidelines in the U.S. However, we have to stay vigilant as the virus is surging again in parts of the world, notably in some countries in Europe and Asia. I'd rather take the precautions and live to tell about it than be like some of those fools who were spouting off on social media and then begging for the vaccine when they ended up in the ICU.


Oh please! Dr Farci didn't know his arse from a hole in the ground.

"wear a cloth mask"... don't wear a cloth mask...wear dem blue ones...doan wear dem blue ones...wear N95..."only hang out with four people, the fifth one gon give you covid"......"you need a jab...on second thought you need two jabs....on next second thought you need three jabs....on the other second thought you need four jabs" (it's coming)

I predict next year this time ....on the fifth second thought you need six jabs. In one year it was three jabs but that didn't work soon it will be a jab every two months.

Line up folks...Kaching $$$...get your jabs here...Kaching Kaching $$$.

@cain posted:

Oh please! Dr Farci didn't know his arse from a hole in the ground.

"wear a cloth mask"... don't wear a cloth mask...wear dem blue ones...doan wear dem blue ones...wear N95..."only hang out with four people, the fifth one gon give you covid"......"you need a jab...on second thought you need two jabs....on next second thought you need three jabs....on the other second thought you need four jabs" (it's coming)

I predict next year this time ....on the fifth second thought you need six jabs. In one year it was three jabs but that didn't work soon it will be a jab every two months.

Line up folks...Kaching $$$...get your jabs here...Kaching Kaching $$$.

Fauci explained the effectiveness between the various types of masks. Wear a cloth mask if you have nothing else available which was true in the early days of the virus. It's not as effective as the blue surgical mask and the N95 is even better. Nothing wrong with that but clowns who want to find fault with everything that Fauci says will twist it around in every direction and come up with their own nonsensencial views of the CDC guidelines.

Over time, they tested the effectiveness of the vaccines and they know when it starts to degrade and you then need a booster. This is not unlike many other vaccines which are currently on the market. The CDC recommends that children take four doses of the polio vaccine for it to be completely effective. A tetanus vaccine needs a booster every ten years. The COVID vaccine will probably be like the Flu vaccine where you need one every year. This could only be determined with time and getting field results showing the effectiveness of the vaccine at various periods in time.

The bottom line is that Fauci has been saving lives in the midst of all the criticism, most of which is political from Trump's peeps and the rest from the anti-vaxxer movement. He's selling survival and they are selling death. The anti-vaxxer movement sells disinformation (aka filth) to a gullible crowd who's looking for any nonsense to hold onto. They're cashing in too. All their books, videos, conferences, etc, it's big money. There is a market for everything including the nonsense that they preach. Take your pick.


Oi man spell the banna name right it's Farci. So what you think of now being told to expect other viruses on the way...he and his cohorts working on more shit and expect another leak?

Blaming dem poor Chinese for eating bats not gonna work this time. Those people have been eating any and everything all these years then suddenly BAM they caused a virus that don't spread from animal to people...oops on second thought it does.

Then it was, this virus only affects adults from a certain age and attacks teens let's jab the teens the younger ones are safe...oops...everybody can catch it and throughout all this it is one man's word. See why there is much controversy and skepticism?

@cain posted:

Oi man spell the banna name right it's Farci. So what you think of now being told to expect other viruses on the way...he and his cohorts working on more shit and expect another leak?

Blaming dem poor Chinese for eating bats not gonna work this time. Those people have been eating any and everything all these years then suddenly BAM they caused a virus that don't spread from animal to people...oops on second thought it does.

Then it was, this virus only affects adults from a certain age and attacks teens let's jab the teens the younger ones are safe...oops...everybody can catch it and throughout all this it is one man's word. See why there is much controversy and skepticism?

There have been viruses coming and going as long as mankind has been around. Expecting more viruses to come in the future is not something that we should be surprised about. But the knuckleheads in the anti-vaxxer crowd interpret that to mean that Fauci and Bill Gates and whoever else they choose to disparage at any given time are planning to spread a new virus some time in the near future.

Viruses spread from animals to people and vice versa all the time. There is evidence that HIV and Ebola, among many other viruses (swine flu, bird flu), also originated from animals. The latest scientific studies show that COVID most likely started in the Chinese Wuhan Market - . However, the anti-vaxxer crowd will never accept this as their narative is that Fauci and Bill Gates and some other made up villians manufactured this virus and spread it so they could sell vaccines and become mega rich.

COVID is new and a lot was not known about it. Scientists put their heads together and came up with their best predictions based on all the information available at the time. As time went by they gathered more information and evidence and adjusted their recommendations as needed. That's how shit works in the real world. Fauci is but one person in a field of many others who have worked on the virus. Various agencies such as the NIH, CDC and WHO have their teams working relentlessly to eridicate the virus and educate the public on what they have to do to stay safe. Fauci was chosen by the anti-vaxxer and Pro-Trump crews as public enemy number one and the person for them to vent their anger against. He is not the only one involved in the COVID decision making process and it's certainly not "one man's word" as you choose to describe it. With the anti-vaxxer movement, there will always be controversy and skepticism because that's what they thrive on. They will always have some new conspiracy theory to sell.


Cain, you should read this article if you want to know Dr. Fauci's whereabouts.

Fauci Continues Making Public Appearances and Hasn’t ‘Disappeared’

SciCheck Digest

Dr. Anthony Fauci has continued making public appearances, although news coverage has largely shifted away from the pandemic since Russia invaded Ukraine in February and COVID-19 cases have dramatically fallen. Some politicians and pundits, however, have suggested that Fauci has become so unpopular that he has “disappeared” from public view. He hasn’t. Fauci has made at least a dozen public appearances since Feb. 15.

Full Story

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, became a fixture in the news during the COVID-19 pandemic.

He’s been making fewer media appearances recently, though, as Russia’s war in Ukraine has overtaken much of the news and COVID-19 case counts have fallen. The seven-day moving average for new cases peaked on Jan. 15 at 809,621 and, that month, Fauci appeared on ABC’s and CNN’s Sunday talk shows as well as the New York Times’ The Daily podcast and in interviews with Katie Couric and CNN’s Anderson Cooper. He also appeared at four White House briefings on the pandemic that month.

COVID-19 cases kept declining through February and, as of March 15, the seven-day moving average had reached the lowest point since July — 30,934 cases.

But politicians and pundits have suggested that there might be something else going on.

Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, for example, wrote on Twitter March 2, “Where’s Fauci? Strange how he disappeared just in time for the State of the Union!” On the same day, however, Fauci had participated in a White House briefing on COVID-19. (See the accompanying image with this story.)

Will Cain, who hosted Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight on March 4, played a clip from December 2020 about Fauci’s popularity and then said, “suspiciously, this February, before the invasion of Ukraine, the mood changed. All of a sudden, our political leaders stopped worshipping Tony Fauci. Instead, now they’re pretending he doesn’t exist.”

Cain’s evidence for this was a side-by-side comparison of video interviews with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, in April 2021 and February 2022.

In April, when the state was experiencing a spike in COVID-19 cases and deaths and Whitmer was being interviewed about that surge, there was a pillow depicting Fauci among the items displayed on the shelving behind her. In February, when Whitmer was being interviewed about the economic impact of the Canadian truckers’ blockade, the pillow had been replaced by Michigan-themed artwork. It’s worth noting that Whitmer had changed some other decor, too. But, more to the point, in June 2021 the right-wing outlet Breitbart had already reported that Whitmer had “ditched Fauci’s pillow.”

So, the pillow was gone about eight months before Cain’s piece aired, which makes it a stretch to claim that its removal proves, “All of a sudden, our political leaders stopped worshipping Tony Fauci. Instead, now they’re pretending he doesn’t exist.”

Conservative commentator Liz Wheeler also included the talking point on the March 10 episode of her podcast.

“The reason he vanished is because he’s very unpopular among the American people,” she said of Fauci. “Nobody trusts him anymore, even on the left.”

But that claim isn’t supported by public opinion research. While it’s true that public confidence in Fauci has declined since last spring, a January survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that 65% of respondents were confident in his advice, compared to 71% in April 2021. Among Democrats and those who lean Democratic, that figure was 88%. Among Republicans and those who lean Republican, that figure was 36%. (The Annenberg Public Policy Center is the home of

Wheeler went on to add more conspiratorial claims about why Fauci has made fewer public appearances recently, suggesting that it might be due to a widely debunked theory that the U.S. either runs or funds secret biolabs in Ukraine. As we have written, the U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program works with Ukraine’s public health laboratories to reduce the risk of dangerous infectious disease outbreaks.

But a list of Fauci’s media appearances kept on the NIAID website shows that Fauci has been showing up on TV and in the news, albeit not as frequently.

PolitiFact addressed similar claims in a story posted on March 7 that included a list of nine public appearances by Fauci between Feb. 15 and March 6.

Since then, Fauci was quoted in a March 8 USA Today story about racial equity for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots; featured in a March 14 CNBC story about the future of the pandemic as it enters its third year; quoted in a March 15 CNN story about what rising COVID-19 cases in Europe could mean for the U.S.; and interviewed for a March 16 segment on ABC News’ San Diego affiliate about the newest variant, which Fauci said he expects will cause an uptick in cases in the coming weeks.

Also, the University of Michigan announced that Fauci would be the speaker at a May 7 ceremony for 2020 graduates who didn’t have a commencement due to the pandemic.

We reached out to the NIAID for comment and were told in an email, “Dr. Fauci continues to do media and other appearances. In general, media attention has of course shifted to the war in Ukraine, so I think you’ll find fewer media appearances by COVID experts across the board compared to what was happening prior to Ukraine.”

So, the claim that Fauci has “disappeared” doesn’t hold up. He’s still out there advising the public about health issues and the pandemic, even if other world events — such as the war in Ukraine — have been getting a bigger share of news coverage.

Editor’s note: SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The foundation has no control over’s editorial decisions, and the views expressed in our articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the foundation. The goal of the project is to increase exposure to accurate information about COVID-19 and vaccines, while decreasing the impact of misinformation.


Jordan, Jim (@Jim_Jordan). “Where’s Fauci? Strange how he disappeared just in time for the State of the Union!” Twitter. 2 Mar 2022.

Annenberg Public Policy Center. “Confidence Declines in CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci.” 27 Jan 2022.

Collins, Ben and Kevin Collier. “Russian propaganda on Ukraine’s non-existent ‘biolabs’ boosted by U.S. far right.” NBC News. 14 Mar 2022.

Gambardello, Joseph. “Social Media Posts Misrepresent U.S.-Ukraine Threat Reduction Program.” 2 Mar 2022.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Anthony Fauci in the News. Accessed 16 Mar 2022.

O’Rourke, Ciara. “Dr. Anthony Fauci has not spoken or appeared publicly for several weeks.” PolitiFact. 6 Mar 2022.

Barfield Berry, Deborah. “Many young people of color aren’t getting the COVID booster. Biden aims to change that.” USA Today. 8 Mar 2022.

Tirrell, Meg. “Two years into the coronavirus pandemic, Fauci hopes the world will not forget lessons from a ‘catastrophic experience.’” CNBC 14 Mar 2022.

Goodman, Brenda and Deidre McPhillips. “What rising Covid-19 infections in the UK and Europe could mean for the US.” CNN 15 Mar 2022.

Aarons, Jared. “ABC 10News Exclusive: One-on-One With Dr. Fauci.” ABC 10 News San Diego. 16 Mar 2022.

Zaniewski, Ann. “Shriver, Fauci, Klawe to speak at commencement ceremonies.” The University Record, University of Michigan. 16 Mar 2022.

Spokeswoman, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Email to 14 Mar 2022.


Oh rsss banna you deh on the job. But I doan know what pillow you talking about and I never heard of Ukraine and bio labs but I did hear of China and Farci's "Gain of function tests" which he wouldn't admit to. Should the sleazy Republicans get back into office one good outcome is that it will all come out in the wash.

@cain posted:

Oh rsss banna you deh on the job. But I doan know what pillow you talking about and I never heard of Ukraine and bio labs but I did hear of China and Farci's "Gain of function tests" which he wouldn't admit to. Should the sleazy Republicans get back into office one good outcome is that it will all come out in the wash.

I guess you believe the tripe that Faux News sells.


I can't stand wool covering my eyes. I also don't watch Fox, too much dingbats on there..I only know a bit about them due to some stuff on Utube. I couldn't take more than ten secs of that Tucker Butthead.

I don't watch much of CNN neither, they show the same shyte all day long. When butthead trump was so called prez, for the four years, every second of the day was dedicated to him...they did exactly what he wanted...gave him air time.

Now they show Ukraine and all the suffering that's going on which is fine to a point. What they don't usually show is what the Ukraine forces are doing with the millions of dollars in weaponry so we know it is not a waste of time sending assistance. To my understanding the forces are doing serious damage.

I tend to watch news reports from other sources, Al Jezzera is one.


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