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Mixed New Year’s messages from parties…Ramotar prepared for discussions, AFC wants “skeletons” confronted

January 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- Granger wants 2013 dedicated to youths




“Clearly we need more dialogue and discussions in our society.  History has shown that a nation’s all round progress is always enhanced when honest debates, dialogue and compromise are the tools used in the body politic.   - Preszzy Rumtar



What really is this man smoking?


1. Asni singhaman has shut out the opposition from the budget dialogue;


2.  The FAT tief, Brazzy, hiding billions from the taxpayer in NICIL, Marriot, Fip Motlal pocket and every conceivable place under the sun;


3.  Rawberta Persaud, getting paid a stipend of G$$2 million a month from the Forestry Commission and also from the Geology & Mines Commission and doing all kinds of deals with the Canadian Miners who ripping up the earth in the backdam in Guyana.  I HOPE THE NORWEGIANS WATCHING.



4.  and the Prezzy is having his Zzzzzzzzz!


and the story goes on!


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