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ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

KP presenting numbers that are facts.

There is ONE FACT, Trump is the legitimate 45th president according to the constitution of the great USofA.  No one can change that!

That is FACT!  You guys can spend your time dabbling i the dry weeds!!

I forgot ONE VOTE from Putin equals 10,000,000 American.The Russians interfered with the election process sloping the graph towards Trump, in some third world countries there would have been riots and a redo of the election. This would go down in history as the most fraud, rigged election, even the Donald said during the debates that the process is rigged, now that he won, he calls it FAIR.

Rambo posted:

Where in the Qur'an mention about freeing slaves?

Under their terms, slaves serve them honourably. It is a pleasure to serve in the Kingdom of an Islamic State. During the Islamic conquest of India, thousands of EasT African slaves were converted to Islam, thereby giving them an air of superiority. In turn, they were taken to India to serve, collecting taxes and beating coolie people in India. Suh dis blackman hatred for cooolie people was before they came to BG. Judging from Caribj, it is an inhierent thing, and notice how quickly some musalman duz urge him on. Damn! people doan change. Hate is inhierent, eventually comes out.   

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Paul is partially correct, without the support of white abolitionists CaribJunk would still be in chains today serving massa. 

And you would be cleaning toilets in some village the Dalit that you are.

I can assure you that whites are way more afraid of blacks and therefore less willing to brazenly exploit than they are towards Indians. In fact they saw Indians are weak and docile, which is why they brought them in.

Perhaps, not weak and docile, but very civilized in dealing with people. That comes from thousands of years of civilization.

seignet posted:
Rambo posted:

Where in the Qur'an mention about freeing slaves?

Under their terms, slaves serve them honourably. It is a pleasure to serve in the Kingdom of an Islamic State. During the Islamic conquest of India, thousands of EasT African slaves were converted to Islam, thereby giving them an air of superiority. In turn, they were taken to India to serve, collecting taxes and beating coolie people in India. Suh dis blackman hatred for cooolie people was before they came to BG. Judging from Caribj, it is an inhierent thing, and notice how quickly some musalman duz urge him on. Damn! people doan change. Hate is inhierent, eventually comes out.   

Thanks for the insight.


That white piece of $hit needs a 2 By 4 across his fken head and so do all who agree with him. I find this truly pathetic when people can side with cumbags like that Maine(gy) piece.ah crap.

seignet posted:
Prince posted:

John Lewis was wrong to say Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. Being a civil right activist/leader doesn't give him the right to disrespect white men. Gov. Paul LePage was absolutely correct in his statement that John Lewis has to thank white men for his freedom. Slavery was history, and history cannot turn back to make things right. Slavery is forced labor on uneducated and unskilled people with strength. The Jews were slaves too, and they didn't complain.  MLK had a foolish dream for crack heads, and Obama free phones and food stamp make it worse for them to stop stealing. That is as black and white as it gets. 

Some people forever will stay on a witch hunt. Slavery was over a century ago and yet they doan move on. A thousand years from today, there will always be anti-white racist who will spew their rhetoric how the white man enslaved people. Two Thousand and Seventeen years ago, 2/3 of the people on earth were slaves, so the experts say. And even Africans owned slaves who later sold captured Africans to the White Slave Traders. In the transactions, an African recieved payments for Black Slaves in the New World. And before the New World was discovered, Africans were slaves in Portugal and Spain. But they had rights.  

Slavery still exist in some form or another, the concept of slavery came about because man want to be dominant over his fellow man.  Which still manifest the principle, foregoing the simple fact that we are created equal, do on to others as you would yourself, what this world is missing today is the simple fact that we can all get along, as long as we respect others. <)<)><       

Drugb posted:

In fact if not for white abolitionists there would be no need for migrant  Mexican farm workers. 

You wouldn't be here but for people like Lewis. Now go join your Indo KKK clan and scream "me hate black man!".

Chief posted:


I miss Kari, D2, . 

Their departure is why you will not see much of me, and I suspect even you will tire of the cesspit inhabitants of druggie and yuji. Their endless Indo KKK rants gets very boring.

Racism in the Arab world is quite pervasive. Africans are attacked and spat on in many of these places, and even the black Muslims don't necessarily get fair treatment. Get a non black angry and they will bring out the "slave" talk very quickly, something that very few whites in the USA will be in a direct encounter with a black person.

Two examples. The first showing how blacks in Iraq are treated.  These people are no more connected to Africa than are black Americans.

Second shows how they treat African immigrants.

Two separate Arab nations. Clearly Muslims don't practice what they preach.


seignet posted:

Perhaps, not weak and docile, but very civilized in dealing with people.

Yes accepting conditions that even the slaves rebelled against.  An adult man had to ask permission to leave the plantation. Endless whippings.

And these were supposedly free. No way that a black person in Guyana in the 1860s would have tolerated that.


Eyes wide shut, who knows when this act will end, it would be nice for me to see it in my lifetime, then again hope is what it is hope. 

What us humans doan realize is that we need our fellow humans to survive. What we cannot get over is our individuality, be what you are and I am what I am let's coexists   

Last edited by ball
kp posted:
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

KP presenting numbers that are facts.

There is ONE FACT, Trump is the legitimate 45th president according to the constitution of the great USofA.  No one can change that!

That is FACT!  You guys can spend your time dabbling i the dry weeds!!

I forgot ONE VOTE from Putin equals 10,000,000 American.The Russians interfered with the election process sloping the graph towards Trump, in some third world countries there would have been riots and a redo of the election. This would go down in history as the most fraud, rigged election, even the Donald said during the debates that the process is rigged, now that he won, he calls it FAIR.

Bull, even the CIA and democrats do not believe it played a role.  The bigger role is Hillary assuming she had a solid Blue Wall and pulled her ads and stopped campaigning in those [Bernie] areas.  Trump went in and zapped her.

I remember Trump going there and even the media questioned his wisdom spending resources where he has no chance!  The rest is history!

America is not 3rd world, the people have spoken!

caribny posted:
Chief posted:


I miss Kari, D2, . 

Their departure is why you will not see much of me, and I suspect even you will tire of the cesspit inhabitants of druggie and yuji. Their endless Indo KKK rants gets very boring.

Racism in the Arab world is quite pervasive. Africans are attacked and spat on in many of these places, and even the black Muslims don't necessarily get fair treatment. Get a non black angry and they will bring out the "slave" talk very quickly, something that very few whites in the USA will be in a direct encounter with a black person.

Two examples. The first showing how blacks in Iraq are treated.  These people are no more connected to Africa than are black Americans.

Second shows how they treat African immigrants.

Two separate Arab nations. Clearly Muslims don't practice what they preach.


And I saw many Afros in India living without persecution.  They move about freely and in peace. The Indian Govt even ensures their kids are catered to in school.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

In fact if not for white abolitionists there would be no need for migrant  Mexican farm workers. 

You wouldn't be here but for people like Lewis. Now go join your Indo KKK clan and scream "me hate black man!".

Nonsense, the white civil rights activists were just as, if not more, influential than Lewis in the fight for civil rights.  Without white partners in the quest for civil rights, I doubt MKL and others would have succeeded.  We are not discounting the black contribution to civil rights, but let us also acknowledge and give credit to whites who contributed. 

caribny posted:

Racism in the Arab world is quite pervasive. Africans are attacked and spat on in many of these places, and even the black Muslims don't necessarily get fair treatment. Get a non black angry and they will bring out the "slave" talk very quickly, something that very few whites in the USA will be in a direct encounter with a black person.

Two separate Arab nations. Clearly Muslims don't practice what they preach.


Chief tends to live in a sheltered world where all muslims love blacks. Good to see that you finally speak out against this. Maybe there is hope still left for you. 

Chief posted:

Indiands are racists and do not know how to coexist with blacks.

As for the white man Indians has weakness and love to worship them , just read Yugi posts.


I am glad you wrote 'Indians', you included. Chief, you talking hog balls here. I have white friends and neighbors and I do not entertain you notion. FYI.. I am married to a white woman.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:


And I saw many Afros in India living without persecution.

African students are also attacked in India and there is a class of blacks in India who are scorned. India cannot claim to be any better.

There is even a case of an Indian who was so angry that his son married a black woman that he killed her.  Was shown in the documentary "Light Girls" which was shown on the OWN network.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
.. I am married to a white woman.

You grovel at her feet every day I bet. The perfect little slave for this white woman.

Continue with your Indo KKK.

I am the man in my house. I wear the pants. You have a problem with any race other than a negro.

Drugb posted:


Chief tends to live in a sheltered world where all muslims love blacks. Good to see that you finally speak out against this. Maybe there is hope still left for you. 

Continue to fester in your Indo KKK hog pen.

caribny posted:

 I wear the panties.


Now don't go exposing yourself here. No wonder you took time off from GNI. You went and got your sex reassignment. Way to go Chelsea Manning.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:


And I saw many Afros in India living without persecution.

African students are also attacked in India and there is a class of blacks in India who are scorned. India cannot claim to be any better.

There is even a case of an Indian who was so angry that his son married a black woman that he killed her.  Was shown in the documentary "Light Girls" which was shown on the OWN network.

No, you don't get it, Indians are still caste/clan driven.  Marrying across caste and clan brings out the same attitudes.

The only race who gets accepted over even their own, is the White man or woman!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

No, you don't get it, Indians are still caste/clan driven. 

And yet the Indo KKK boast that they are married to white women, and I bet that white women are often revered when they marry men from India.




I noticed you give Druggie a hard on when you spoke about the fate of Blacks in Arab countries.

THE Arabs treat every non Arab with disdain, not only blacks. You have to see the condition of the immigrant workers from India, Bagladesh and Pakistan, deplorable.

Now here is where you are getting confused and rightly so, the action by the Arabs towards non Arabs workers  are totally against the teachings of Islam.


Chief posted:


Oh god! You worshipping whites that is the only reason you did not choose one of our local Guyanese girls, even one of D2 cousins.

I married the woman I love; I would not love the woman I have to marry. I do not worship whites. You people have an inferiority complex when it comes to white women. I have friends of all colors, yes even black guys.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

No, you don't get it, Indians are still caste/clan driven. 

And yet the Indo KKK boast that they are married to white women, and I bet that white women are often revered when they marry men from India.

See my last sentence!

Chief posted:


Do you wash the wifey foot with milk?

Hey hey, stop getting into the man and his wifey business.  None of your business who wash down who and what with what!!

Chief posted:



THE Arabs treat every non Arab with disdain, not only blacks. of Islam.


Black Iraqis are MORE Iraqi than you are Guyanese.  If you think hard enough you might even figure out who the last person in your family who arrived from India was. 

These black Iraqis were ENSLAVED BY MUSLIMS (so much for Islam condemning slavery) in the 1300s.  I mixed a video about black Iraqis with one about African students in Morocco just to show that Arabs just don't like blacks. PERIOD!

Blacks throughout the Arab world complain about being called "abd", which means slave.  Imagine if black kids in the USA were called slave by almost every single person that they encountered on the way home from school!

The notion that racism isn't endeminc among Muslims isn't worth defending. It is.

Plus d you have people in this MAJORITY Christian society depriving you of the right to basic freedoms which impact non Muslims in most majority Muslim lands?

I suggest that before Muslims start lecturing us about how tolerant they are they need to look within themselves.

And yes dark Sudanese, who are mainly Muslim, are treated like scum in Egypt.

skeldon_man posted:

Nah!! I hired two Guyanese negro women to do that.

They took your money and buse down your wife every time she puts her foot out. One even told her that next time she sticks her nasty foot in their face they are going to bite it off.

They also told your wife that if she tells you that they refuse to wipe her foot that she would get a good Guyanese style "scrambling".

ba$eman posted:

See my last sentence!

Noted. Prashad couldn't get a full white woman, so got a half white one instead.

Now that she has him trembling in fear and has raised the kids with that "vulgar pirate culture" he wishes to flee them by setting up his "coolie" empire.


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