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kp posted:

I have not seen him posting or being on the board for awhile. Did he get banned or is the man sick? For those of you who know his whereabouts please look into his status. Maybe he gone to Haj.

You mean the man commit all that sin that he has to go to Haj every year? Does he go twice a year?

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

I have not seen him posting or being on the board for awhile. Did he get banned or is the man sick? For those of you who know his whereabouts please look into his status. Maybe he gone to Haj.

Nice to know that I am missed, thanks KP.

Bannas, If anyone would have told me a few years ago, that  running two business at age 60 would have been so taxing, I would have told them " shut your poke". Now my poke is feeling it! Never gave retirement a thought, because I said I will always work , seems like I have to rethink.

Now as for my absence, opened another office in Mid Town Manhattan as of Jan 1st. Then to add , I went away to Florida for a week and a half IN MID jANUARY, the blasted place was colder than NY.

Upon my return still no chance to log in, but today, I said let me take a peek.

Hope everyone doing good, where is Buddy Nehru  COBRA AND THE REST OF THE CREW?




Gilbakka posted:

Salaam, Chief. Welcome back. Glad to know your business is expanding. My business is growing too --- one nut is bigger than the other. And our mutual friend yuji22 is now GNI's Fearless! Oh, before I forget: Demerara_Guy has toppled ASJ for the #1 ranking in this forum. Ta ta.

ASJ must be from an ancient era.  PNC guy?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Salaam, Chief. Welcome back. Glad to know your business is expanding. My business is growing too --- one nut is bigger than the other. And our mutual friend yuji22 is now GNI's Fearless! Oh, before I forget: Demerara_Guy has toppled ASJ for the #1 ranking in this forum. Ta ta.

ASJ must be from an ancient era.  PNC guy?


Gilbakka posted:

Salaam, Chief. Welcome back. Glad to know your business is expanding. My business is growing too --- one nut is bigger than the other. And our mutual friend yuji22 is now GNI's Fearless! Oh, before I forget: Demerara_Guy has toppled ASJ for the #1 ranking in this forum. Ta ta.

Business is booming under Trump.

Gilbakka posted:

Salaam, Chief. Welcome back. Glad to know your business is expanding. My business is growing too --- one nut is bigger than the other. And our mutual friend yuji22 is now GNI's Fearless! Oh, before I forget: Demerara_Guy has toppled ASJ for the #1 ranking in this forum. Ta ta.

Gilly nice to hear that your nuts are doing well.

Hope all's well with the family.

Stay warm.


yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Salaam, Chief. Welcome back. Glad to know your business is expanding. My business is growing too --- one nut is bigger than the other. And our mutual friend yuji22 is now GNI's Fearless! Oh, before I forget: Demerara_Guy has toppled ASJ for the #1 ranking in this forum. Ta ta.

Business is booming under Trump.

At this current time there is a general upbeat and great optimism  among  both small and large businesses.

The groundwork was laid by the previous administration under President Obama.   However,  President Trump being  pro - business and wanting to get rid of certain regulations, is definitely a plus that is fueling the general positive energy in the business world. 

Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Salaam, Chief. Welcome back. Glad to know your business is expanding. My business is growing too --- one nut is bigger than the other. And our mutual friend yuji22 is now GNI's Fearless! Oh, before I forget: Demerara_Guy has toppled ASJ for the #1 ranking in this forum. Ta ta.

Business is booming under Trump.

At this current time there is a general upbeat and great optimism  among  both small and large businesses.

The groundwork was laid by the previous administration under President Obama.   However,  President Trump being  pro - business and wanting to get rid of certain regulations, is definitely a plus that is fueling the general positive energy in the business world. 

I don’t think many understand the reduced regulation and it’s impact on business investment!


Regulations are designed to protect people, property and the environment. Businesses don’t like them because they interfere with profits. To the profit chasers, the absence of regulations is their best case scenario. The long term consequences are akin to parents who focus almost completely on chasing dollars at the expense of their children. At some point, the chickens have to come home to roost. If it wasn’t for regulations, many of our colored people would still be confined to factory work or yard work.

ksazma posted:

Regulations are designed to protect people, property and the environment. Businesses don’t like them because they interfere with profits. To the profit chasers, the absence of regulations is their best case scenario. The long term consequences are akin to parents who focus almost completely on chasing dollars at the expense of their children. At some point, the chickens have to come home to roost. If it wasn’t for regulations, many of our colored people would still be confined to factory work or yard work.

Well, people will criticize anything he does, tighten/loosen regulation, expand or tighten DACA, etc.  He just need to do what the people who elected him wants.  Ignore the screams and shrill of the likes of Ana Navarro!


Voters screwed themselves like they did in Guyana and in both cases they have already realized it so Trump leaning on what happened in 2016 is foolish. Again yesterday a red district went blue at the ballots. People aren’t going to make the same mistake in 2020 although they wouldn’t have to since he would be long gone.

ksazma posted:

Regulations are designed to protect people, property and the environment. Businesses don’t like them because they interfere with profits. To the profit chasers, the absence of regulations is their best case scenario. The long term consequences are akin to parents who focus almost completely on chasing dollars at the expense of their children. At some point, the chickens have to come home to roost. If it wasn’t for regulations, many of our colored people would still be confined to factory work or yard work.

The issue of regulation is always open for discussion, something that will never end, depending on which side you speak to.

The point I am making , is that Businesses are feeling optimistic at this time, for the country has  a President, Republican majority in both houses, who are traditionally always for less regulation.

What struck me at President Trump State of the Union address, his mentioning of rising wages, something which is poison to both Republicans and Businesses.

ksazma posted:

Voters screwed themselves like they did in Guyana and in both cases they have already realized it so Trump leaning on what happened in 2016 is foolish. Again yesterday a red district went blue at the ballots. People aren’t going to make the same mistake in 2020 although they wouldn’t have to since he would be long gone.

Because Trump is his own enemy.

The man is and ass and an evil one as well.


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