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D2 already commented before the results, he said he sees no reasons why the PNC would not rig the elections. He considers the PPP just as terrible. Look for his post about a week ago.

Caribj is a negro, obviously he would not be insensed about the PNC rigging the elections. He is all for it.

Indians are real naive if they think Black ppl love them, not even in the Caribbean.

Call another election, this time it only going to APNU/AFC and PPP/c with C being all the small parties.

Allah doan like Ali, he wrang and strang and the PNC knows dat, dem being wrang and strang too.


These people accuse the PPP as being thieves. Here we see the negro dominated party publicly stealing. What are they stealing? The peoples' right to choose a government. This is something dearer than money or material things. So, when these PNC supporters accuse the PPP of theft, they should first look in their own backyard. PNC has always been a thief and will continue to be thieves and bullies.


@Siggy.  Shuman is fighting like hell with the PPP for democracy.  This is not going to be PPP and PNC.  Timothy Jonas also from ANUG is showing stellar support.  He was the first at the courthouse yesterday when they announced the swearing in.  

Some heroes are emerging from this crisis and they are making a name for themselves.  

Bibi Haniffa

@Skelly.. No one has been allowed to access the GECOM building.  My aunt owns a nearby building.  She evacuated and the security guard at her building told her that there were people there during the night.  He did not see them going or coming so it appears they are occupying the building.

We have copies of the SOPs.  And pics of the location where they were placed at GECOM.

Claudette faked her illness and left in an ambulance.  Several coalition members including Amna Ally were at her house last night.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

@Former Member.  Each contesting party has a copy of the SOPs showing that the PPP won the election.  The count for region 4 was not completed.  If there is tampering it would be known.  My understanding is that the government is making new SOPs which is stupid as it can be easily verified.  Lennox Shuman has taken a leadership role in the verification process.  He was up all night when they were allowed into the building and he likes a good challenge.  The small parties are fighting hard as their votes were also stolen.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa



The SOP are available to all contesting parties. These are the local count tally sheets signed by the presiding officers and party observers at the polling places as directed by the constitution. That is the first and only authoritative count.
What is being added up at GECOM are these tally sheets. Why they were taking so long was obvious to all. I had my wife read me out one so I can input it on a spread sheet and it takes under  a minute to do one.
There are some 885 of these for region 4 so everyone knew the books were being cooked. They already knew the count and so did the APNU. The GECOM official count was just to validate the results as are t heir constitutional right.
There is no mystery to this brazen daylight, in your face, thievery of the nations franchise. Granger is plainly a crook and a vile one at that. 


Last edited by Former Member

@Nehru: The man is an accomplice to murder in 1973. Next time if and when he goes for cancer treatment, his maker might just detain him and start asking questions. Karma will be a bitch. A murderer is never a believer in God. He, Granger, hides sins behind God...Jim Jones. I have always complained that I do not trust the Guyanese negroes. I have always said that they behave like tree dwellers and bullies. Here are my proofs.


Everything in Guyana leads to racism.

Negroes are born and fed with it. Indo ppl are plain stupid to think they will be loved.

Dem Negroes were slaves and believe to have entitlement to Guyana. Shuman should show dem otherwise, all the way to the United Nations

Anybody, who followed Hamilton Green comments to Desmond Hoyte in 1992 must know that Granger will follow Green's instructions, same episode different times.

Divide the frigging country, I am certain it will be better than sharing it with the negroes. Because Indians will not choose Alternatives. The PPP has their souls no matter how devious a leadership they are presented.

Black ppl have class and leadership qualities, dem damn cooolie ppl juss bringing out the worst of Black ppl. Jagdeo and his gang treated dem badly for 23 years. In return dem bruddahs start killing indians. When will indians learn that they have to live and let live.

Guyana has no better future that what we see. All dat oil and it will be stolen.



@Billy Ram Balgobin

Guyana's race issues should be spoken of constructively, first to acknowledge it and solutions to it.For instance, right now black people in Guyana are afraid of another 23 years of anti black governance where they were denied jobs etc. This is why there is resistance to the PPP. And I'm sure the same exists on the other side.

This is what we need to understand and come to a solution. Right now I see black policemen in all those videos Dave is posting restraining APNU supporters and trying to protect. One black policeman was carried out of Tain beaten up.

Yet the tone here is to denigrate ALL black people while spouting the "virtues" of Indians. This you and your clan of barefoot primitives like Sean, Nehru etc. practice daily, to the extent no black person except me bothers to post here.


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