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Ask the top brass of the AFC, if they had released the results of the investigation on election funding with a Bush doctor it could have been exposed.


We are still awaiting on the results of the investigation, they refuse to investigate their own. 


It is no secret that the AFC had paid supporters, ask their executive member who exposed this matter that is still being covered up by the AFC.


Talk about transparency !

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ask the top brass of the AFC, if they had released the results of the investigation on election funding with a Bush doctor it could have been exposed.


We are still awaiting on the results of the investigation, they refuse to investigate their own. 


It is no secret that the AFC had paid supporters, ask their executive member who exposed this matter that is still being covered up by the AFC.


Talk about transparency !

why are you so worked up about a party that you think is meaningless?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Cain, were you hoping to make something out of nothing? This is exactly how AFC go about doing business.

I simply asked a question because I wanted to know where the heck did everyone go. I am getting tired of cussing up the same morons over and over. Catch my drift?


As for the AFC.

You and patacake guy yuji love to bring up shit about them.

Why? Because you are f-in scared of them that's why, they stand in the way of CORRUPTION carried out by the PPP bastards.


Catch my drift again snakeshit?


Like Mitwah, I speak for myself, I just happen to back the AFC because so far they have done exactly what I would wish politicians would do.


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