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Originally Posted by Conscience:

It appears sasenarine and T.K has been sideline and became obsolete by their even wonders what became of Bissessar.... 


(Quote)Where is Sasenarine and T. Khemraj? (Quote)


When will you give us the chance to ask the same of you eh man?


A man on the street said rumour is dem baies say they tired hearin you

talk too much fraff.


They went back to their Caves now that they cant get Minista WUK. Like I said many many times, over and over again, these Snakeoil Salesmen are NOT interested in the Welfare of the Guyanese People BUT in their Wallets. SHAMELESS Political Prostitutes!!!!  They were hoping to get their hands on the People's money and to use their Minista Offices to benefit themselves and Families. Now that the DREAM is over, they are saying " TO HELL WITH THE GUYANESE PEOPLE" UNTIL next Election when they hope to have another chance. Remember how TK was in Guyana regularly, claiming he is there to help the Youts and other CRAP he claimed. HE DONT CARE RAT ASS ABOUT ANY GUYANESE. FLOUR MAN WAS ALREADY LOOKING FOR CUSTOMERS TO SELL FLOUR.  I can go on and on

Originally Posted by Nehru:

They went back to their Caves now that they cant get Minista WUK. Like I said many many times, over and over again, these Snakeoil Salesmen are NOT interested in the Welfare of the Guyanese People BUT in their Wallets. SHAMELESS Political Prostitutes!!!!  They were hoping to get their hands on the People's money and to use their Minista Offices to benefit themselves and Families. Now that the DREAM is over, they are saying " TO HELL WITH THE GUYANESE PEOPLE" UNTIL next Election when they hope to have another chance. Remember how TK was in Guyana regularly, claiming he is there to help the Youts and other CRAP he claimed. HE DONT CARE RAT ASS ABOUT ANY GUYANESE. FLOUR MAN WAS ALREADY LOOKING FOR CUSTOMERS TO SELL FLOUR.  I can go on and on

Bai Nehru, mi know yuh nah deh donk hay so yuh taak, faat and sh1t out from same place.  If yuh know PPP laka abie knoo dem diss bais, yuh ga run far from dah politica *****dom.  Abie coolies gah wan bigg craass pon abie head.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

They went back to their Caves now that they cant get Minista WUK. Like I said many many times, over and over again, these Snakeoil Salesmen are NOT interested in the Welfare of the Guyanese People BUT in their Wallets. SHAMELESS Political Prostitutes!!!!  They were hoping to get their hands on the People's money and to use their Minista Offices to benefit themselves and Families. Now that the DREAM is over, they are saying " TO HELL WITH THE GUYANESE PEOPLE" UNTIL next Election when they hope to have another chance. Remember how TK was in Guyana regularly, claiming he is there to help the Youts and other CRAP he claimed. HE DONT CARE RAT ASS ABOUT ANY GUYANESE. FLOUR MAN WAS ALREADY LOOKING FOR CUSTOMERS TO SELL FLOUR.  I can go on and on

Please do not go on. It takes but a few lines of prose from you do conclude the wisdom of an ass is at work. BTW Using Caps will not increase the information content of the post.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Sase took shame out his eyes and briefly emerge from the shadows of shame and insults, he's trying to create a smoke screen to hide his alleged flour dealss

Why don't you shut your pie hole?

It is amazing these creeps can manufacture a crook in Sase and neglect their own naked corrupt personages that even the blind clearly apprehends.


Note, none in the present PPPite owned a pot to piss in a few years ago now suddenly they are the noblesse oblige, the new the new Sybarites!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"A few bags of flour does not compare........"


D2 are you condoning the Flour thief?......

Birds of a feather truly flocks together

 I do not know th man is a thief except claims by dubious individuals for political reasons seems to be the the underlying reality. The one making the claim is obviously a thief himself and while he benefited was silent if it happened.Now the PPP has a way to more freebies the the latent parasitism takes over again to make good and be on the inside with those with access to graft.


That you think to link me with anything alone is evidence of your nasty ways. Speak to the corrupt practices of Ramotar sitting on the board of OMAI and doing nothing but lining his pockets. Speak to his failure sitting on the Sugar board as well or his implanting of his kith and kin in cushy jobs.


You folks like to call others thieves when that is more your calling and creed. I doubt poor Sase ever did as suggested and only the need of worms like yourselves for cover for your own nasty ways that you seek to debase him. Alas, you do more injury to yourselves because in him you have created the greatest foot soldier ever. Nastiness always seed warriors.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

It appears sasenarine and T.K has been sideline and became obsolete by their even wonders what became of Bissessar.... 



Compared to guys like TK you and Prem are lumps of dog shit. Your boss Prem has failed in the US academic world and was forced to return to Guyana to lick the backside of political leaders in search of work. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

They went back to their Caves now that they cant get Minista WUK. Like I said many many times, over and over again, these Snakeoil Salesmen are NOT interested in the Welfare of the Guyanese People BUT in their Wallets. SHAMELESS Political Prostitutes!!!!  They were hoping to get their hands on the People's money and to use their Minista Offices to benefit themselves and Families. Now that the DREAM is over, they are saying " TO HELL WITH THE GUYANESE PEOPLE" UNTIL next Election when they hope to have another chance. Remember how TK was in Guyana regularly, claiming he is there to help the Youts and other CRAP he claimed. HE DONT CARE RAT ASS ABOUT ANY GUYANESE. FLOUR MAN WAS ALREADY LOOKING FOR CUSTOMERS TO SELL FLOUR.  I can go on and on



Ok I see you have written a paragraph. There are several problems and grammar flaws. But it is a start. It appears like you miss TK. The man's absence made you write one paragraph - flawed and all. 


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