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Wally posted:

I was looking for the Gilbakka.  But it looks like the fish is missing from the curry. Anyone heard from him.

Wally, Gilbakka took time off to rest, reflect, and replenish his purse. I am feeling energized and at peace with my soul. If you were following my posts here, you would recall that I supported the AFC up to February 14, 2015. After the signing of the Cummingsburg Accord I supported APNU+AFC. No question. However, after the APNU+AFC Cabinet approved 50 percent salary increases for government ministers and all parliamentarians, I downgraded to critical support for the AFC. 

During my recent spell of reflection, I concluded that I could not continue offering the AFC even critical support. The AFC has disappointed me or, to be precise, I had mistakenly put extra high hopes on the AFC. Two recent events broke my camel's back, so to speak.

Firstly, AFC leader Ramjattan's defence of Dr Shamir Ally, currently serving as Guyana's Ambassador in Kuwait. Secondly, Dr Ramayya's resignation from the AFC. I don't know Ramayya personally but I have a high regard for him. I think he played an instrumental role in securing a massive amount of votes for the AFC in the 2011 elections which made the PPP a minority government. Without Ramayya's hard work and influence, Moses Nagamootoo and Prakash Ramjattan would not have made much headway in Berbice in 2011. Even though APNU+AFC did not get the same number of votes in Berbice in 2015, in my opinion it could have been worse without Ramayya's active campaigning. 

Ramayya has stated publicly his reasons for resigning from the AFC and the word "corruption" features big. I have no reason to doubt him. Further, I am told privately that a few other AFC members who campaigned vigorously last year are now disenchanted like Ramayya but they're not as courageous as he is. I think the AFC will be disappointed in Berbice in the 2020 elections. Ramayya is out, Seetaram has less influence, and the parliamentarian Persaud seems to operate only in Parliament these days, leaving only Harbajan as the visible AFC face in Berbice.

So, from now on Gilbakka is not supporting the AFC and is offering APNU only critical support. I remain opposed to the Jagdeo PPP. 

On a ligher note, Wally, Gilbakka's purse is almost empty so he decided to employ his musical talent to gather some paisa. Here he is with Mrs Gilbakka :


Gilbakka posted:
Wally posted:

I was looking for the Gilbakka.  But it looks like the fish is missing from the curry. Anyone heard from him.

Wally, Gilbakka took time off to rest, reflect, and replenish his purse. I am feeling energized and at peace with my soul. If you were following my posts here, you would recall that I supported the AFC up to February 14, 2015. After the signing of the Cummingsburg Accord I supported APNU+AFC. No question. However, after the APNU+AFC Cabinet approved 50 percent salary increases for government ministers and all parliamentarians, I downgraded to critical support for the AFC. 

During my recent spell of reflection, I concluded that I could not continue offering the AFC even critical support. The AFC has disappointed me or, to be precise, I had mistakenly put extra high hopes on the AFC. Two recent events broke my camel's back, so to speak.

Firstly, AFC leader Ramjattan's defence of Dr Shamir Ally, currently serving as Guyana's Ambassador in Kuwait. Secondly, Dr Ramayya's resignation from the AFC. I don't know Ramayya personally but I have a high regard for him. I think he played an instrumental role in securing a massive amount of votes for the AFC in the 2011 elections which made the PPP a minority government. Without Ramayya's hard work and influence, Moses Nagamootoo and Prakash Ramjattan would not have made much headway in Berbice in 2011. Even though APNU+AFC did not get the same number of votes in Berbice in 2015, in my opinion it could have been worse without Ramayya's active campaigning. 

Ramayya has stated publicly his reasons for resigning from the AFC and the word "corruption" features big. I have no reason to doubt him. Further, I am told privately that a few other AFC members who campaigned vigorously last year are now disenchanted like Ramayya but they're not as courageous as he is. I think the AFC will be disappointed in Berbice in the 2020 elections. Ramayya is out, Seetaram has less influence, and the parliamentarian Persaud seems to operate only in Parliament these days, leaving only Harbajan as the visible AFC face in Berbice.

So, from now on Gilbakka is not supporting the AFC and is offering APNU only critical support. I remain opposed to the Jagdeo PPP. 

On a ligher note, Wally, Gilbakka's purse is almost empty so he decided to employ his musical talent to gather some paisa. Here he is with Mrs Gilbakka :


You are good!!!! Too bad there were not more paisas coming your way.


Welcome back, Mr. Gilbakka! I am happy to know that you are well rested. 

Since you back stabbed the PPP and sold out the Indians, you never found peace and comfort in the AFC. You will never be rewarded for anything in APNU either for your dutty work. God is not Bajan. AFC & APNU put you to shame. The PPP may one day rise from the ashes and you will run out of political parties to hold on to. Welcome back to the hell that you created. I considered you a terrorist for your ill words against the Indians of Guyana. 

Peace and love my brother.

Sincerely, Prince Charming.

Prince posted:

Welcome back, Mr. Gilbakka! I am happy to know that you are well rested. 

Since you back stabbed the PPP and sold out the Indians, you never found peace and comfort in the AFC. You will never be rewarded for anything in APNU either for your dutty work. God is not Bajan. AFC & APNU put you to shame. The PPP may one day rise from the ashes and you will run out of political parties to hold on to. Welcome back to the hell that you created. I considered you a terrorist for your ill words against the Indians of Guyana. 

Peace and love my brother.

Sincerely, Prince Charming.

Haul yuh conceited narcissistic racial rass. With PPPites like you, I cannot like the PPP.

Gilbakka posted:
Prince posted:

Welcome back, Mr. Gilbakka! I am happy to know that you are well rested. 

Since you back stabbed the PPP and sold out the Indians, you never found peace and comfort in the AFC. You will never be rewarded for anything in APNU either for your dutty work. God is not Bajan. AFC & APNU put you to shame. The PPP may one day rise from the ashes and you will run out of political parties to hold on to. Welcome back to the hell that you created. I considered you a terrorist for your ill words against the Indians of Guyana. 

Peace and love my brother.

Sincerely, Prince Charming.

Haul yuh conceited narcissistic racial rass. With PPPites like you, I cannot like the PPP.



Quote by Gil:

"I remain opposed to the Jagdeo PPP."

"During my recent spell of reflection, I concluded that I could not continue offering the AFC even critical support. The AFC has disappointed me or, to be precise, I had mistakenly put extra high hopes on the AFC. Two recent events broke my camel's back, so to speak."

Question by Yuji:

If the PPP elects a new leader with broad based appeal, will you consider providing critical support to the new PPP leader until he/she can prove that he/she can move the PPP forward and make the PPP more inclusive and provide Afro Guyanese an equal share in the PPP ?

Thank you.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Quote by Gil:

"I remain opposed to the Jagdeo PPP."

"During my recent spell of reflection, I concluded that I could not continue offering the AFC even critical support. The AFC has disappointed me or, to be precise, I had mistakenly put extra high hopes on the AFC. Two recent events broke my camel's back, so to speak."

Question by Yuji:

If the PPP elects a new leader with broad based appeal, will you consider providing critical support to the new PPP leader until he/she can prove that he/she can move the PPP forward and make the PPP more inclusive and provide Afro Guyanese an equal share in the PPP ?

Thank you.

If that new PPP leader has not only broad-based appeal but also fetches no dirty corrupt baggage from the past and is ready to reach out sincerely and proactively to all ethnic groups, I shall be willing to offer my goodwill. 

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quote by Gil:

"I remain opposed to the Jagdeo PPP."

"During my recent spell of reflection, I concluded that I could not continue offering the AFC even critical support. The AFC has disappointed me or, to be precise, I had mistakenly put extra high hopes on the AFC. Two recent events broke my camel's back, so to speak."

Question by Yuji:

If the PPP elects a new leader with broad based appeal, will you consider providing critical support to the new PPP leader until he/she can prove that he/she can move the PPP forward and make the PPP more inclusive and provide Afro Guyanese an equal share in the PPP ?

Thank you.

If that new PPP leader has not only broad-based appeal but also fetches no dirty corrupt baggage from the past and is ready to reach out sincerely and proactively to all ethnic groups, I shall be willing to offer my goodwill. 

You goodwill might not be needed. You are asking for somebody like a semi god.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quote by Gil:

"I remain opposed to the Jagdeo PPP."

"During my recent spell of reflection, I concluded that I could not continue offering the AFC even critical support. The AFC has disappointed me or, to be precise, I had mistakenly put extra high hopes on the AFC. Two recent events broke my camel's back, so to speak."

Question by Yuji:

If the PPP elects a new leader with broad based appeal, will you consider providing critical support to the new PPP leader until he/she can prove that he/she can move the PPP forward and make the PPP more inclusive and provide Afro Guyanese an equal share in the PPP ?

Thank you.

If that new PPP leader has not only broad-based appeal but also fetches no dirty corrupt baggage from the past and is ready to reach out sincerely and proactively to all ethnic groups, I shall be willing to offer my goodwill. 

You goodwill might not be needed. You are asking for somebody like a semi god.

So what you are saying Skeldon man, the PPP has no one nor will they ever have anyone that is not corrupt etc?

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quote by Gil:

"I remain opposed to the Jagdeo PPP."

"During my recent spell of reflection, I concluded that I could not continue offering the AFC even critical support. The AFC has disappointed me or, to be precise, I had mistakenly put extra high hopes on the AFC. Two recent events broke my camel's back, so to speak."

Question by Yuji:

If the PPP elects a new leader with broad based appeal, will you consider providing critical support to the new PPP leader until he/she can prove that he/she can move the PPP forward and make the PPP more inclusive and provide Afro Guyanese an equal share in the PPP ?

Thank you.

If that new PPP leader has not only broad-based appeal but also fetches no dirty corrupt baggage from the past and is ready to reach out sincerely and proactively to all ethnic groups, I shall be willing to offer my goodwill. 

You goodwill might not be needed. You are asking for somebody like a semi god.

So what you are saying Skeldon man, the PPP has no one nor will they ever have anyone that is not corrupt etc?

Guyana will never produce a leader who will not be ethnically biased. It's not PPP alone..PNC, AFC, GAIL, GUMP etc. All of them.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quote by Gil:

"I remain opposed to the Jagdeo PPP."

"During my recent spell of reflection, I concluded that I could not continue offering the AFC even critical support. The AFC has disappointed me or, to be precise, I had mistakenly put extra high hopes on the AFC. Two recent events broke my camel's back, so to speak."

Question by Yuji:

If the PPP elects a new leader with broad based appeal, will you consider providing critical support to the new PPP leader until he/she can prove that he/she can move the PPP forward and make the PPP more inclusive and provide Afro Guyanese an equal share in the PPP ?

Thank you.

If that new PPP leader has not only broad-based appeal but also fetches no dirty corrupt baggage from the past and is ready to reach out sincerely and proactively to all ethnic groups, I shall be willing to offer my goodwill. 

You goodwill might not be needed. You are asking for somebody like a semi god.

So what you are saying Skeldon man, the PPP has no one nor will they ever have anyone that is not corrupt etc?

Guyana will never produce a leader who will not be ethnically biased. It's not PPP alone..PNC, AFC, GAIL, GUMP etc. All of them.

That is true but only if we can find a political who is somewhat colour blind then there will be hope for Guyana. The younger generation will bring about change.

Us old farts need to give them a chance.

Last edited by Former Member

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