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Where is the signing bonus money for giving away these oil blocks days before the PPP lost the elections in 2015? Dem boys seh we might as well full we pockets jus in case the Coalition win.

Guyana likely forfeited US$100 millions and potentially a billion in signing bonuses for the Kaieteur, Canje blocks–Dr. Mangal


By Kiana Wilburg

Guyana likely forfeited US$100 millions and potentially a billion in signing bonuses for the Kaieteur, Canje blocks–Dr. Mangal

A government can obtain revenue from its country’s oil sector using several elements. One of these is a signature bonus. As the name implies, operators provide the State with a one-time payment for the privilege of being granted a licence to explore its territory for oil.
Many countries across the world employ this mechanism. In Brazil, the government was able to get US$2.4B from companies that wanted to explore its waters for oil. The same goes for CARICOM member, Trinidad and Tobago, which was able to get a US$100M signing bonus from interested operators.
But when former President, Donald Ramotar, signed away Guyana’s Canje and Kaieteur Blocks to three inexperienced oil companies days before the 2015 General and Regional Elections, no signing bonus was secured.
Reflecting on the issue, Oil Consultant and former adviser to President Granger, Dr. Jan Mangal said that Guyana likely forfeited US$100’s millions or even a billion dollars in signing bonuses for the blocks. He noted that these blocks are adjacent to the Stabroek Block which is operated by ExxonMobil and is now

Former President, Donald Ramotar

known to hold over 5.5B of oil equivalent resources.
During an exclusive interview with Kaieteur News last night, the transparency advocate said he has observed the statements made by Ramotar and Canje Block operators Mid-Atlantic and JHI Associates Inc. to the effect that the negotiations for the block were in the pipeline since 2013 and that the process was above board.
But Mangal stressed that the dates in 2015, be it March, April or May, as well those of any prior negotiations or application processes, are not critical to the issue.
He said, “The way these companies work is that they know years in advance. Exxon did not appear in Guyana overnight… They were planning to drill the wildcat well in Guyana for years before 2015.
“Ratio, Mid-Atlantic, JHI Associates Inc . and others which were either informed indirectly by Exxon or otherwise, would have known about Exxon’s plans.”
Dr. Mangal said that officials in the Government at the time would have known years in advance and they themselves could have prompted or encouraged the creation of these non-entities who were given the Kaieteur and Canje blocks. This is how it works around the world he said.
The Consultant asserted that when people find out that a large legitimate company like Exxon is planning to drill a well somewhere, these little unknown and irrelevant companies rush to see if they can get in on the act by securing adjacent blocks ahead of any discovery.
And when they manage to get adjacent blocks from the Government for practically nothing, Dr. Mangal said, “You know something very bad has likely happened, and the country was probably robbed by its own officials in cahoots with these non-entities.”
Dr. Mangal stressed that the main point is that these companies have no assets and no experience producing oil, and when a country hires a contractor to develop its oil, it should only hire contractors who are capable and have a track record of doing so.
He said, “The last government hired companies which had nothing and could do nothing. And when the recent press release from Mid-Atlantic/JHI said they have experience, they have zero experience producing oil in deepwater.
“And when they said they can raise capital, that is irrelevant as the government’s role was not to give away our oil for practically nothing to middlemen.”
Dr. Mangal said that the government’s responsibility and obligation to its people was to hire contractors who could do the work. The government failed in this responsibility, and this failure has to be corrected, the consultant categorically stated.
The company, to which Ramotar signed away the Canje Block was Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas. Then JHI Associates Inc. farmed in (or bought in) right after. The block was awarded on March 4, 2015 to Mid-Atlantic.
JHI was only registered in Guyana on May 4, and it bought into the block on May 15. It seems JHI was created from nothing as its archived website only started working and listing managers, including John Cullen, on June 10. The general election was on May 11, 2015.
According to documents held by the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Secretariat, JHI was only incorporated on June 17, 2015, in the British Virgin Islands. This nation is under no obligation to provide countries like Guyana with tax information of companies registered there.
And even though Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas was incorporated here on April 8, 2013, both companies were in one-on-one negotiations with the PPP government for the oil block one month before, that is, March 2013.
This means that the individuals behind the companies were asking for oil blocks without having a company being formed as yet.
What is also significant to note is that the Canje block is the only asset that these two companies have to date. Additionally, JHI and Mid-Atlantic, which participated in Guyana’s EITI reporting process, failed to submit their audited financial statements for review.
JHI also failed to submit information on its beneficial owners. The EITI report lists Kamal
Dookie as the beneficial owner of Mid-Atlantic.
Ramotar awarded the Kaieteur Block to Ratio Energy Limited and Ratio Guyana on April 28, 2015. Both companies are registered at the same offices in Prashad Nagar and Gibraltar, Israel.
Ratio Guyana does not have a website but on the Kaieteur Block’s Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), a Ryan Pereira is signed on as the Company Secretary, Director and General Partner of the company.
It also should be noted that Mr Ryan Pereira is a long time miner in Guyana with no track record in oil. Yet , the last government awarded him (Cataleya Energy) 50% of the block. He recently funded a project in the Rupununi for the Ministry of Natural Resources. He seems to have a close working relationship with past and present Ministry officials.
The Ratio duo’s only asset remains the Kaieteur Block. Not a trace of evidence can be found to prove that it has years of experience in the exploration of oil and gas. (SEE LINK FOR PSA :
Ratio Energy, which also calls itself Ratio Petroleum is chaired by Ligad Rotlevy. With the Kaieteur Block in hand in 2015, this Israeli company was able to capture three other blocks. In 2017, it was able to acquire rights in Suriname’s basin, specifically for Block 47. In June 2016, Ratio Petroleum was granted a licence to operate in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Ireland.
In October 2018, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and Ratio entered into a Production Sharing Agreement, for oil exploration in an offshore section of Philippines continental shelf, known as SC 76.
But Ratio does not have a track record of producing any oil in deepwater or anywhere, nor does it have the required assets to do so.
Of its four assets, Guyana’s Kaieteur Block is its largest. (SEE WEBSITE LINK FOR MORE INFORMATION:
This newspaper understands that the Kaieteur Block operators did not submit their audited financial statements and documents regarding beneficial ownership for Guyana’s EITI report. The dates of incorporation for the two Kaieteur Block operators were also not provided to EITI. (See link for full report:

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I smell a rat here....and foul play....this should be thoroughly investigated. If SARA and Dr. Clive Thomas score a major victory, it should be here...

IF foul play is evidenced here, it should be further evidence convincing PPP supporters that PPP leaders, including Jagdeo and Ramotar were perhaps beneficiaries in these shady deals, and that they were only interested in filling their pockets....

AND...they would have acted knowing fully well that this was a safety net (the suspected kickback, that is) and as a precaution just in case they lost the 2015 election....

KN did report that there was a picture of former President Ramotar and the suspected "beneficiaries" saying that "Guyana struck oil"

If all of this is true....PPP supporters were again scammed by the biggest scammers in government...Pradoville will not even compare to this one....



Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

As usual, your ignorance is manifest. Now you are posing as an oil expert by discounting what the experts tell you is the the prudent would attach a signing bonus on the potential for oil discovery. Add to that the oil companies ought to be paying some rental fees. You do not confer them legal claims to areas of the coast with no associated cost. Maybe that is how they teach you to do at your school.

Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 


You jumping the gun...all the facts have not come out as yet...

your $18 million is a red herring...we know where that money is (thanks to Chris Ram breaking that story)...

The circumstances surrounding Ramotar's government selling of the oil blocs...whether they knew there were oil deposits in these areas is also in question...the oil bonuses is another issue

Those records should be available to the public...the owners and signatories to those agreements (private and government) should be revealed...

we can make a judgment then...stop drinking the COOL-AID...(or need I remind you about Jimmy Jones)

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

As usual, your ignorance is manifest. Now you are posing as an oil expert by discounting what the experts tell you is the the prudent would attach a signing bonus on the potential for oil discovery. Add to that the oil companies ought to be paying some rental fees. You do not confer them legal claims to areas of the coast with no associated cost. Maybe that is how they teach you to do at your school.

Bai yuh is a bigger jackass then the one who post this thread. How many years companies exploring fuh oil in guyana and hold lawra after spending millions. CGX is a prme example. Hindsight for many of you slow thinkers is 20 20. Only now a braying donkey like you can jump up and claim that the "signs" were there that oil discovery was eminent. 

VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 


You jumping the gun...all the facts have not come out as yet...

your $18 million is a red herring...we know where that money is (thanks to Chris Ram breaking that story)...

The circumstances surrounding Ramotar's government selling of the oil blocs...whether they knew there were oil deposits in these areas is also in question...the oil bonuses is another issue

Those records should be available to the public...the owners and signatories to those agreements (private and government) should be revealed...

we can make a judgment then...stop drinking the COOL-AID...(or need I remind you about Jimmy Jones)

Dirt bag boy, ramoutar already spoke on this. go find his response where he articulated the same, no oil find, no leverage.  

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

As usual, your ignorance is manifest. Now you are posing as an oil expert by discounting what the experts tell you is the the prudent would attach a signing bonus on the potential for oil discovery. Add to that the oil companies ought to be paying some rental fees. You do not confer them legal claims to areas of the coast with no associated cost. Maybe that is how they teach you to do at your school.

Bai yuh is a bigger jackass then the one who post this thread. How many years companies exploring fuh oil in guyana and hold lawra after spending millions. CGX is a prme example. Hindsight for many of you slow thinkers is 20 20. Only now a braying donkey like you can jump up and claim that the "signs" were there that oil discovery was eminent. 

Oil exploration like any other financial act involves risk and expenditure. You need to read more of the oil industry ie Peter Maass on what are the moneys to be earned by a nation holding potential for oil reserves. Again you stretch your intellect to its elastic limit and given your experience that snaps quickly. 

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

As usual, your ignorance is manifest. Now you are posing as an oil expert by discounting what the experts tell you is the the prudent would attach a signing bonus on the potential for oil discovery. Add to that the oil companies ought to be paying some rental fees. You do not confer them legal claims to areas of the coast with no associated cost. Maybe that is how they teach you to do at your school.

Bai yuh is a bigger jackass then the one who post this thread. How many years companies exploring fuh oil in guyana and hold lawra after spending millions. CGX is a prme example. Hindsight for many of you slow thinkers is 20 20. Only now a braying donkey like you can jump up and claim that the "signs" were there that oil discovery was eminent. 

Oil exploration like any other financial act involves risk and expenditure. You need to read more of the oil industry ie Peter Maass on what are the moneys to be earned by a nation holding potential for oil reserves. Again you stretch your intellect to its elastic limit and given your experience that snaps quickly. 

Like yuh hard ears, Exxon had them by the balls and could call the shots since no significant oil was found by the several companies that tried over the years.  Ramoutar and the ppp were playing with a poor hand of cards. Now that oil is found pnc got a royal flush that they can play, yet the jackasses settled for a measly 18 million, only enough to sport for 1 weekend. 

Drugb posted:

Dirt bag boy, ramoutar already spoke on this. go find his response where he articulated the same, no oil find, no leverage.  

Trolling another again with pretenses to brilliance? You are low wattage so you need to increase output by adding some more and learn. People do not look for oil haphazardly. They look in areas of high potential based on the presence of oil bearing shale and test the area for productive capacity. The higher the potential for an area to yield success has value. Only you and the dumb PPP would lease it gratis ( I bet they got paid under the table) would do that  

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Like yuh hard ears, Exxon had them by the balls and could call the shots since no significant oil was found by the several companies that tried over the years.  Ramoutar and the ppp were playing with a poor hand of cards. Now that oil is found pnc got a royal flush that they can play, yet the jackasses settled for a measly 18 million, only enough to sport for 1 weekend. 

No one in possession of a valuable asset is held by the nut maybe. 

Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Nonsense, the oil find was only revealed after pnc got into power.  May 20th 2015 to be exact.  Clearly a conspiracy by PNC and Exxon who wanted them in power so they can share out a measly 18 M signing bonus to hungry belly dwags in pnc. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Nonsense, the oil find was only revealed after pnc got into power.  May 20th 2015 to be exact.  Clearly a conspiracy by PNC and Exxon who wanted them in power so they can share out a measly 18 M signing bonus to hungry belly dwags in pnc. 

Banna...You have a way with words...

is dem fired cane cuttas who really hungry belly right now...

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Nonsense, the oil find was only revealed after pnc got into power.  May 20th 2015 to be exact.  Clearly a conspiracy by PNC and Exxon who wanted them in power so they can share out a measly 18 M signing bonus to hungry belly dwags in pnc. 

I see that you're still making up shit as you go along. Between you and Ramotar, I don't know who's the worse liar. The PPP published an ad in the newspaper before the elections on May 8th 2015 announcing the oil find.


Former President, Donald Ramotar, is on record saying he had no knowledge that ExxonMobil found oil when he signed away the Canje and Kaieteur blocks to inexperienced firms just days before the May 11, 2015 General and Regional Elections.
But on May 8, 2015, just three days before elections, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) published an advertisement in all the local newspapers saying that oil was found. The ad said, “BREAKING NEWS!!! US OIL GIANT EXXON STRIKES OIL IN GUYANA…”
On the ad as well, is a picture of Ramotar who was the PPP Presidential Candidate at the time, smiling and shaking hands with staff onboard the drill ship, Deepwater Champion, as it conducted hydrocarbon exploration in the Stabroek Block.
In light of the disparity between the contents of the advertisement and Ramotar’s statements to the media, which he continues to maintain, officials at the State Asset Recovery Agency (SARA) said they will press on with its probe regarding the award of oil blocks.

VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Nonsense, the oil find was only revealed after pnc got into power.  May 20th 2015 to be exact.  Clearly a conspiracy by PNC and Exxon who wanted them in power so they can share out a measly 18 M signing bonus to hungry belly dwags in pnc. 

Banna...You have a way with words...

is dem fired cane cuttas who really hungry belly right now...

If yuh was guyanese you would know about dem white mouth dwags in pnc. 

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Nonsense, the oil find was only revealed after pnc got into power.  May 20th 2015 to be exact.  Clearly a conspiracy by PNC and Exxon who wanted them in power so they can share out a measly 18 M signing bonus to hungry belly dwags in pnc. 

I see that you're still making up shit as you go along. Between you and Ramotar, I don't know who's the worse liar. The PPP published an ad in the newspaper before the elections on May 8th 2015 announcing the oil find.


Former President, Donald Ramotar, is on record saying he had no knowledge that ExxonMobil found oil when he signed away the Canje and Kaieteur blocks to inexperienced firms just days before the May 11, 2015 General and Regional Elections.
But on May 8, 2015, just three days before elections, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) published an advertisement in all the local newspapers saying that oil was found. The ad said, “BREAKING NEWS!!! US OIL GIANT EXXON STRIKES OIL IN GUYANA…”
On the ad as well, is a picture of Ramotar who was the PPP Presidential Candidate at the time, smiling and shaking hands with staff onboard the drill ship, Deepwater Champion, as it conducted hydrocarbon exploration in the Stabroek Block.
In light of the disparity between the contents of the advertisement and Ramotar’s statements to the media, which he continues to maintain, officials at the State Asset Recovery Agency (SARA) said they will press on with its probe regarding the award of oil blocks.

had no bearing on the lack of signing bonus which predated the oil discovery and/or the amount of oil predicted. It looks like as soon as some ah dem ban you revive de mars handle. Ah wonda if is iguana or ronan yuh channel in yuh alta ego. 

Drugb posted:

had no bearing on the lack of signing bonus which predated the oil discovery and/or the amount of oil predicted. It looks like as soon as some ah dem ban you revive de mars handle. Ah wonda if is iguana or ronan yuh channel in yuh alta ego. 

You change yuh tune now that your lies are exposed. Ask Ramotar why he's lying like you about this issue. You actually think that these fly by night companies signed a contract for oil blocks right next to Exxon days before the elections and big money ain't pass. Dem boys seh leh we cash in jus in case we lose the elections. Now Ramotar and Jagdeo laughin all the way to the bank while you porters are strainin yuh goadie tryin to fetch the piss pot. 


Sam Blinds must fix jail sentence fuh Jagdeo and de crew

When Donald sign away dem two oil blocks wha deh next door to de one Exxon got, he mek dem boys remember de parents who dead and lef de big son in charge of all de properties.
De whole family believe in de big brother. He gun tek care and look out fuh all he buddy and sissy interest.
Instead, de man secretly transfer two of de big family property to ee wife buddy and sissy.
De family only find out wha de big brother do when he wife buddy and sissy tell dem that dem owe dem couple million.
That is exactly wha happen wid Guyana. Donald was responsible fuh controlling de property including de oil wealth.
He sign away two oil blocks as big as Stabroek block wha ExxonMobil get. Exxon give Guyana a pittance fuh a signing bonus.
De companies who Donald give de two blocks to, give Guyana nutten. Instead, Guyana owe dem $131M, fuh what only de Donald and de Creatah know.
De things dem boys find strange about this is all over de world oil blocks does be given out and de countries does get big signing bonus. In de case of Brazil, de country get US$700M from one oil block.
Guyana wid Kaieteur and Canje should have gotten at least US$500M which woulda pay off fuh de money wha Jagdeo borrow to build de Skeldon factory, de airport, de Marriott and de Enmore packaging plant.
Dem boys trying to find de people and dem want Donald help dem. But instead, he playing games. He telling de nation he didn’t know Guyana found oil when ee sign away de two blocks. He think people stupid.
He was President of Guyana although he was not de man in power. Jagdeo, that scamp, and Rob de Earth is de people who give Donald de documents to sign.
He didn’t even read de contract but sign he name. And when he sign away de blocks was days before de elections.
He party even advertise bold. De headline was breaking news: Exxon strikes oil in Guyana. But de president of Guyana and presidential candidate seh he didn’t know.
Talk half and ask Sam Blinds how much jail fuh Jagdeo, Rob de Earth and Donald Dumb should get.

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Exxon did not disclose the oil find until a few days after the 2015 election.

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

had no bearing on the lack of signing bonus which predated the oil discovery and/or the amount of oil predicted. It looks like as soon as some ah dem ban you revive de mars handle. Ah wonda if is iguana or ronan yuh channel in yuh alta ego. 

You change yuh tune now that your lies are exposed. Ask Ramotar why he's lying like you about this issue. You actually think that these fly by night companies signed a contract for oil blocks right next to Exxon days before the elections and big money ain't pass. Dem boys seh leh we cash in jus in case we lose the elections. Now Ramotar and Jagdeo laughin all the way to the bank while you porters are strainin yuh goadie tryin to fetch the piss pot. 

PPP never thought for a moment that they were going to lose the 2015 elections. Surajbali took them by surprise.  In fact, they are still 100% sure that they never lost the election.

Bibi Haniffa
Leonora posted:
Django posted:

That banna got short term memory.

Is Lips messing with alyuh, talking dirty, and trying to appear smart.

Who is talking dirty on GNI? They should save that stuff for bedtime.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Exxon did not disclose the oil find until a few days after the 2015 election.

The PPP knew from Exxon that oil was found before the elections. They took out a full page ad in the newspapers announcing it in the hope that it would sway the voters to drink from the piss pot. What about this don’t you simpletons understand or are you just trying to cover it up?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

had no bearing on the lack of signing bonus which predated the oil discovery and/or the amount of oil predicted. It looks like as soon as some ah dem ban you revive de mars handle. Ah wonda if is iguana or ronan yuh channel in yuh alta ego. 

You change yuh tune now that your lies are exposed. Ask Ramotar why he's lying like you about this issue. You actually think that these fly by night companies signed a contract for oil blocks right next to Exxon days before the elections and big money ain't pass. Dem boys seh leh we cash in jus in case we lose the elections. Now Ramotar and Jagdeo laughin all the way to the bank while you porters are strainin yuh goadie tryin to fetch the piss pot. 

PPP never thought for a moment that they were going to lose the 2015 elections. Surajbali took them by surprise.  In fact, they are still 100% sure that they never lost the election.

The writing was on the wall since the 2011 Elections, were they also 100% sure then, they will never lost an election ?

Their chances are tough again at the coming elections.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

had no bearing on the lack of signing bonus which predated the oil discovery and/or the amount of oil predicted. It looks like as soon as some ah dem ban you revive de mars handle. Ah wonda if is iguana or ronan yuh channel in yuh alta ego. 

You change yuh tune now that your lies are exposed. Ask Ramotar why he's lying like you about this issue. You actually think that these fly by night companies signed a contract for oil blocks right next to Exxon days before the elections and big money ain't pass. Dem boys seh leh we cash in jus in case we lose the elections. Now Ramotar and Jagdeo laughin all the way to the bank while you porters are strainin yuh goadie tryin to fetch the piss pot. 

PPP never thought for a moment that they were going to lose the 2015 elections. Surajbali took them by surprise.  In fact, they are still 100% sure that they never lost the election.

If wishes were horses.....

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Exxon did not disclose the oil find until a few days after the 2015 election.

The PPP knew from Exxon that oil was found before the elections. They took out a full page ad in the newspapers announcing it in the hope that it would sway the voters to drink from the piss pot. What about this don’t you simpletons understand or are you just trying to cover it up?

Please post that ad.  I don’t recall seeing it.

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

had no bearing on the lack of signing bonus which predated the oil discovery and/or the amount of oil predicted. It looks like as soon as some ah dem ban you revive de mars handle. Ah wonda if is iguana or ronan yuh channel in yuh alta ego. 

You change yuh tune now that your lies are exposed. Ask Ramotar why he's lying like you about this issue. You actually think that these fly by night companies signed a contract for oil blocks right next to Exxon days before the elections and big money ain't pass. Dem boys seh leh we cash in jus in case we lose the elections. Now Ramotar and Jagdeo laughin all the way to the bank while you porters are strainin yuh goadie tryin to fetch the piss pot. 

PPP never thought for a moment that they were going to lose the 2015 elections. Surajbali took them by surprise.  In fact, they are still 100% sure that they never lost the election.

If wishes were horses.....

If elections weren’t stolen......

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

had no bearing on the lack of signing bonus which predated the oil discovery and/or the amount of oil predicted. It looks like as soon as some ah dem ban you revive de mars handle. Ah wonda if is iguana or ronan yuh channel in yuh alta ego. 

You change yuh tune now that your lies are exposed. Ask Ramotar why he's lying like you about this issue. You actually think that these fly by night companies signed a contract for oil blocks right next to Exxon days before the elections and big money ain't pass. Dem boys seh leh we cash in jus in case we lose the elections. Now Ramotar and Jagdeo laughin all the way to the bank while you porters are strainin yuh goadie tryin to fetch the piss pot. 

PPP never thought for a moment that they were going to lose the 2015 elections. Surajbali took them by surprise.  In fact, they are still 100% sure that they never lost the election.

The writing was on the wall since the 2011 Elections, were they also 100% sure then, they will never lost an election ?

Their chances are tough again at the coming elections.

You think they will rig again?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Exxon did not disclose the oil find until a few days after the 2015 election.

The PPP knew from Exxon that oil was found before the elections. They took out a full page ad in the newspapers announcing it in the hope that it would sway the voters to drink from the piss pot. What about this don’t you simpletons understand or are you just trying to cover it up?

Please post that ad.  I don’t recall seeing it.

It’s in this thread. Look up.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP never thought for a moment that they were going to lose the 2015 elections. Surajbali took them by surprise.  In fact, they are still 100% sure that they never lost the election.

The writing was on the wall since the 2011 Elections, were they also 100% sure then, they will never lost an election ?

Their chances are tough again at the coming elections.

You think they will rig again?

Who rig in 2011 and 2015 Elections ? 

Which party had bag fulls of ID Cards giving people to vote ?  the master rigger know  the tricks of adding few votes at each polling station, numbering just over 2000.

From observation there will be new registration, new ID Cards  for the upcoming elections, all the old ID Cards gone fuh channa, one of the reasons they are against new registration.

Last edited by Django
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like a jackass came back from the dead. The 18 million signing bonus by the pnc, and which they tried to steal, was done after the oil find. Before in Ramoutar time, there was no oil find, hence no signing bonus on the table. 

Oil was found by Exxon during Ramotar’s time, Numpty. The PPP advertised it in the papers before the elections. Given that the blocks, which were hurriedly doled out before the elections, were given away in underhand deals to inexperienced companies, big money was paid. These blocks are worth a fortune because they are large and adjacent to the block where Exxon found billions of barrels of oil. Somebody got paid and the people of Guyana got none of it. 

Exxon did not disclose the oil find until a few days after the 2015 election.

The PPP knew from Exxon that oil was found before the elections. They took out a full page ad in the newspapers announcing it in the hope that it would sway the voters to drink from the piss pot. What about this don’t you simpletons understand or are you just trying to cover it up?

Like I said...DrugB has a tough time understanding English...its not his primary language...


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