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Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you sure this is Guyana? The houses look like they are built flat on the ground. All those red shirts?? Is this a PPP communist stronghold?

check link

Surprising. This must be some rich community.

Get it that's Vlissengen Rd, between Lamaha St and Carifesta Ave,1526m/data=!3m1!1e3

On the left is Camp Ayanganna. On the right is Kitty with bridge leading to Barr Street. Vlissengen Road and Irving Street in center.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you sure this is Guyana? The houses look like they are built flat on the ground. All those red shirts?? Is this a PPP communist stronghold?

check link

Surprising. This must be some rich community.

Don’t be surprised.  You would be amazed at some of the mansions in Guyana. Those houses would be millions of dollars in the US.  The surprising part is that “regular folk” live in some of them.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you sure this is Guyana? The houses look like they are built flat on the ground. All those red shirts?? Is this a PPP communist stronghold?

check link

Surprising. This must be some rich community.

Get it that's Vlissengen Rd, between Lamaha St and Carifesta Ave,1526m/data=!3m1!1e3

On the left is Camp Ayanganna. On the right is Kitty with bridge leading to Barr Street. Vlissengen Road and Irving Street in center.

This is correct. And that's a movietown adveritsment.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you sure this is Guyana? The houses look like they are built flat on the ground. All those red shirts?? Is this a PPP communist stronghold?

check link

Surprising. This must be some rich community.

Don’t be surprised.  You would be amazed at some of the mansions in Guyana.

Those houses would be millions of dollars in the US.

 The surprising part is that “regular folk” live in some of them.

Mansions with no yard space , most house lots are 50 feet x 100 feet.

Holding on to my prime location lot and small house, in the homeland.

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you sure this is Guyana? The houses look like they are built flat on the ground. All those red shirts?? Is this a PPP communist stronghold?

You knuckleheads cannot recognize the place because you live outside the country and you cant accept the fact that the coalition has cleaned up the PPP mess....

Hey you lying kutnee barachoda, I lived in the country almost 50 years ago. I don't lie about my ignorance of the city.
Unlike you yawari, I am not a professional student I am genuinely a truthful individual.

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you sure this is Guyana? The houses look like they are built flat on the ground. All those red shirts?? Is this a PPP communist stronghold?

You knuckleheads cannot recognize the place because you live outside the country and you cant accept the fact that the coalition has cleaned up the PPP mess....

Eh-eh, knucklehead VishMahabir lives in Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you sure this is Guyana? The houses look like they are built flat on the ground. All those red shirts?? Is this a PPP communist stronghold?

You knuckleheads cannot recognize the place because you live outside the country and you cant accept the fact that the coalition has cleaned up the PPP mess....

Hey you lying kutnee barachoda, I lived in the country almost 50 years ago. I don't lie about my ignorance of the city.
Unlike you yawari, I am not a professional student I am genuinely a truthful individual.

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Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Surprising. This must be some rich community.

Don’t be surprised.  You would be amazed at some of the mansions in Guyana.

Those houses would be millions of dollars in the US.

 The surprising part is that “regular folk” live in some of them.

Mansions with no yard space , most house lots are 50 feet x 100 feet.

Holding on to my prime location lot and small house, in the homeland.

Guyana needs to update the FSI regs for new developments!

ksazma posted:

That is my old neck of the woods. That big building in the forefront used to be 7Dawns.Popular in the 70s. Barr St was one of my bases.

It was popular in the 1980s too. I drank there sometimes. And a few doors eastwards on the other side of the road there was a popular Chinese restaurant. A Chinese guy and his Guyanese wife ran it.

Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

That is my old neck of the woods. That big building in the forefront used to be 7Dawns.Popular in the 70s. Barr St was one of my bases.

It was popular in the 1980s too. I drank there sometimes. And a few doors eastwards on the other side of the road there was a popular Chinese restaurant. A Chinese guy and his Guyanese wife ran it.

That Chinese restaurant used to be jamming music very late at night. Wasn't 7Dawns called Supafly for a little while or was that another place?

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

That is my old neck of the woods. That big building in the forefront used to be 7Dawns.Popular in the 70s. Barr St was one of my bases.

Gaumont and white coconut tree were two of Nehru's bases. Ask e.

I have heard of Gaumont but I am only now hearing about White Coconut Tree. I have never even seen Gaumont. And I am a GT banna, born and grown. Nehru is all the way from the East Coast. 

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you sure this is Guyana? The houses look like they are built flat on the ground. All those red shirts?? Is this a PPP communist stronghold?

You knuckleheads cannot recognize the place because you live outside the country and you cant accept the fact that the coalition has cleaned up the PPP mess....

Quit with your BS;  no ‘coalition’ cleaned anything ! What mess did the PPP leave ? If you have nothing factual to write, you would be much better off keeping your yap tightly shut ! The only achievement that the PNC can claim is rigging of election. Why don’t you list the list of economic achievements that Granger and his goons can point to !                                                                                                                                                            PS: Wine-up and jump-up are not economic achievements !



Last edited by Keffer
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:

That is my old neck of the woods. That big building in the forefront used to be 7Dawns.Popular in the 70s. Barr St was one of my bases.

It was popular in the 1980s too. I drank there sometimes. And a few doors eastwards on the other side of the road there was a popular Chinese restaurant. A Chinese guy and his Guyanese wife ran it.

That Chinese restaurant used to be jamming music very late at night. Wasn't 7Dawns called Supafly for a little while or was that another place?

I can't recall Supafly but you are correct about late music at the Chinese restaurant. In 1982 I loaned them a Kenny Rogers cassette and for months afterwards they played it day and night.


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