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AuthorTopic:   B.K , Cheif, Bushmaster , D2 and other . Do you still think that crime is racially motived in Guyana?
Junior Member
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Monday September 23, 2002

Comments came from a GHRA submission

Unreasonable middlemen

Another fatal shooting by the police

Gambling is a personal option

The GPSU should negotiate with the government on wages now

The criminals from both ethnic groups have managed to team up

A breath of fresh air

An offence to the local legal fraternity

Nothing unfair about pageant coverage

The criminals from both ethnic groups have managed to team up
Dear Editor,
It seems as though the social scientists and commentators have it wrong. They have been saying (based on their analysis of the situation in Guyana) that the racial divide is great between the two major races. As a consequence we are in the current plight.
From the evidence now emerging, it seems as though the criminal elements within the two communities have been able to team up quite successfully and achieve their objectives.
What lessons can and should be learned by so-called civil society?
How will civil society respond to the fact that the criminal elements within the two races have actually combined forces to commit crimes of every nature against both groups (even though Guya-nese Indians have sufferred more than Guyanese Afri-cans)?
The figures seem to be changing as more and more persons in the Guyanese African community are targeted. It just shows, if I keep quiet when my neighbour is wronged, it is just time before I too become a victim of a similar or a worse crime.
Both representatives of the two racial groups owe each community apologies for the various negative statements made about the other.
I (as a person in whose veins flows the blood of both groups) wish to apologise to Guyanese Indians for the vicious attacks committed against females especially, and persons of that community generally, by Guyanese African persons that I would wish to believe are misguided.
In like manner I also wish to apologise to Guyanese Africans for the terrible stereotyping by Guyanese Indians and the consequential effects that it has had on their lives. Perhaps, if both sets of people in their respective communities begin focusing on the positives about each other and work with each other to understand and help each other then we will survive as a nation.
It is therefore important that those persons who use the letters column to promote superiority or inferiority of the other ethnic group desist. Why not begin to focus on the positives while working to overcome the negatives.
If the two races do not unite, the criminal elements will destroy them both.
Yours faithfully,

Posts: 107 | Registered: July 14, 2002
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted September 23, 2002 09:33 AM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
Akbar, come on those bad Indos have black/afro blood in them somewhere back in their family tree. No 100% Indo would ever do a stickup, kill or steal. big grin
Posts: 36533 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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I believe you are inviting the wrong man to your party. I have stated over and over that crime are opportunistic activities and criminals have a responsibility to themselves> I have also said that the PNC has taken the opportunity to instigate many criminals to rationalize their predatory behavior (unfortunately they preyed only on Indians) on social marginalization and political disenfranchisement.
Posts: 9426 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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I have studied this situation with some detail and intensity.



Posts: 8614 | Registered: February 22, 1999
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Let History be written correctly otherwise it will have to be corrected at alater date.

Let every Vulgar PNC Man writes his or her Memoirs.

Posts: 8614 | Registered: February 22, 1999
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David Hinds and Nuff are American Citizens and they Sport the American Passport.

let them tell us how the PNC planned to kill Indo Guyanese.
They owe that to their American Citizenship otherwise they are al Qaeda terrorists.

Posts: 8614 | Registered: February 22, 1999
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Bai Bushie ... yuh gon wear out mah name.

I agree with you there are no indian bandits ... only black bandits. big grin

Posts: 36533 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Look at this Oscar Clark makes a citizen arrest on a poor indo man.

Posts: 36533 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Now I agree with that letter writer. He states that both races are involved in crinme targeting both races, and that Indians should note the effect that their racism has on blacks. Woinder when some people here will rrealize how wise this guy's statements are.
Posts: 761 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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in general criminals do not discriminate -- they go after the people who have the mad loot.
Posts: 31256 | Registered: March 02, 1999
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The bandits that the PNC recruited initially were all Drug Addicts.

Blackie made enough money to Buy the whole PNC party all the Drugs they need.
In this Group were the Indian Drug Addicts who tried to follow Blackie and Douglas and Anderson.

A lot of the Drug people are behind the whole affair.
Blackie's Appartment was also formerly occupied by a Colombian Drug Lord.

And the Drugs seized in Guyana and dumped in to the Atlantic ocean is still a sore spot.

Posts: 8614 | Registered: February 22, 1999
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I do not see any information coming from the people in the USA.

Who killed who in Guyana?
Who are the drug lords in Guyana?

Who shot Dr. Joshua Ramsammy? If the man had died none of you bastards whould have cared.

Posts: 8614 | Registered: February 22, 1999
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Bushmaster that was such a lame an excuse. Have you no shame?
Posts: 36533 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Let the statistics speak for themselves. Look at the prison population in Guyana and draw your own conclusions. Blacks unfortunately make up a dispropotionate % of the prison population. The Indians are too chicken to commit some of the crimes that blacks are involved in, else the prison % would not have been so disproprotionate. All races have their bad but in Guyana when a political party which is supported by 95% of blacks encourages criminal behavior this raises many questions of the overall moral values of blacks in Guyana.
Posts: 1146 | From: Maplewood,NJ,USA | Registered: April 08, 2002
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Originally posted by D2:
I believe you are inviting the wrong man to your party. I have stated over and over that crime are opportunistic activities and criminals have a responsibility to themselves> I have also said that the PNC has taken the opportunity to instigate many criminals to rationalize their predatory behavior (unfortunately they preyed only on Indians) on social marginalization and political disenfranchisement.

Akbar, I think D2 answered your question but of course what's the use, you will hold on to your beliefs.

Posts: 4015 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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Originally posted by Nuff:
Bai Bushie ... yuh gon wear out mah name.

I agree with you there are no indian bandits ... only black bandits. big grin

I never said that.

I said the PNC used drug addicts.

Remember how them boys used to hide the money in some Indian Girls panties.
He He.

Posts: 8614 | Registered: February 22, 1999
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Originally posted by bushmaster:
Remember how them boys used to hide the money in some Indian Girls panties.
He He.

Is that where the term dirty money came from? big grin

Posts: 36533 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by D2:
I believe you are inviting the wrong man to your party. I have stated over and over that crime are opportunistic activities and criminals have a responsibility to themselves> I have also said that the PNC has taken the opportunity to instigate many criminals to rationalize their predatory behavior (unfortunately they preyed only on Indians) on social marginalization and political disenfranchisement.

Akbar, I think D2 answered your question but of course what's the use, you will hold on to your beliefs.

D2 anwers what question? I still hear the same s hit that the PNC "instigate this and that". Are you and D2 saying that the PNC who you said that no East Indians votes for are now organising East Indians criminals, or are you saying that there are no East Indian criminals.

I remember when I lived in Guyana I saw the owner of that racehorse betting place at Berbice car park got robbed about $ 400,000.00 Us because he was racist like you. He was robbed by two criminals one called Ricky Khan and one called Fancypants. The East Indian one set him up for the Black one to rob him , all because he was racist. I hope you and D2 do not go back to Guyana thinking the way you do because you are going to get rob by someone East Indian.

Posts: 107 | Registered: July 14, 2002
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Posts: 8614 | Registered: February 22, 1999
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Originally posted by akbar:

D2 anwers what question? I still hear the same s hit that the PNC "instigate this and that". Are you and D2 saying that the PNC who you said that no East Indians votes for are now organising East Indians criminals, or are you saying that there are no East Indian criminals.

I remember when I lived in Guyana I saw the owner of that racehorse betting place at Berbice car park got robbed about $ 400,000.00 Us because he was racist like you. He was robbed by two criminals one called Ricky Khan and one called Fancypants. The East Indian one set him up for the Black one to rob him , all because he was racist. I hope you and D2 do not go back to Guyana thinking the way you do because you are going to get rob by someone East Indian.

How come you know so much about this crime, I bet you were involved in the heist. Are you Fancypants?

Posts: 1146 | From: Maplewood,NJ,USA | Registered: April 08, 2002
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Akbar, D2 did answered you correctly, however let me add this.
The opposition party in any country has a moral obligation to the citezens. What we have witnessed in Guyana since the 97 elections, is the PNC openly encouraging citezens to commit crimes.Looting, burning and acts of violence against indians and even against their own, (Haslyn Parris) has become the norm of that party. The leader is on record calling for more fiah, the leader attended the funeral of one of the most notorious bandits. Now tell me, what message is being sent to the average man in the street?
A bandit is a bandit regardless of race, but the present situation in Guyana is a direct result of the PNC call for making the country ungovernable.

Posts: 1526 | Registered: March 27, 2001
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Akbar, in every race of people you have those who have still not fully evolved.
I agree there are many Indians who are taking advantage of the lawness conditions in Guyana .
The point being made is the fact that the PNC created, encouraged , protected and inflicted violence as a means to their political end and the PPP facilitated them by not taking appropriate measures.
IF you can deny this blatant fact then you are obviously as bare faced a liar as they are.

Posts: 4015 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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It's time to move on.

There are some crimes which are politically motivated.. Those which are indirectly instigated by the PNC crime Lords.
We have to move from slo fire to more fire. We have to fight fire with fire... I will make this country ungovernable..

There are crimes which are revengeful in nature. The ones caused by PPP racists (you know who they are) who are hell bent in getting back at the PNC blacks for their treatment of Indians...

Then there are crimes (these are in the majority) which are strictly for economic reasons. Crimes committed by both afros and Indos.

Then there are crimes which are just committed by people who had no reason whatsoever to commit them. They just can't help themselves.. These are also committed by both races....

Posts: 1047 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Rama, I agree with you, however you forgot to add the crimes committed by the enforcers of certain PPP supporters who are involved in drug trafficking. You also fail to realize that a corrupt country with a weak govt, an ineffective police force is tailor made for criminals.
Posts: 761 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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Originally posted by akbar:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by D2:
I believe you are inviting the wrong man to your party. I have stated over and over that crime are opportunistic activities and criminals have a responsibility to themselves> I have also said that the PNC has taken the opportunity to instigate many criminals to rationalize their predatory behavior (unfortunately they preyed only on Indians) on social marginalization and political disenfranchisement.

Akbar, I think D2 answered your question but of course what's the use, you will hold on to your beliefs.

D2 anwers what question? I still hear the same s hit that the PNC "instigate this and that". Are you and D2 saying that the PNC who you said that no East Indians votes for are now organising East Indians criminals, or are you saying that there are no East Indian criminals.

I remember when I lived in Guyana I saw the owner of that racehorse betting place at Berbice car park got robbed about $ 400,000.00 Us because he was racist like you. He was robbed by two criminals one called Ricky Khan and one called Fancypants. The East Indian one set him up for the Black one to rob him , all because he was racist. I hope you and D2 do not go back to Guyana thinking the way you do because you are going to get rob by someone East Indian.
How can I have a satisfactory answer for you when you are in pursuit of a foolÃĒ₮â„Ēs gold? Further you are content to search among the manure and swill of political swines for the fore mentioned treasure. DonÃĒ₮â„Ēt beguile yourself that the moral equivalent of true north may be discovered among the likes of Mr. Hoyte and his henchmen.

He is a most knavish man. He never won an election, balanced a budget, or ever presided over any organization in our nation with integrity in over 4 decades. Under the dictatorship, he excelled at casting aside the lives of working people as carelessly as cigarette butts, pillaging the nation's coffers and rigging every election under his watch. Despite this, you trolls chose to sanctify his presence and demand that we stand back and even pay homage! That will not happen.

These brazen brutes are not remotely remorseful of their thievery. Not even the pretentious and sheepishly ingratiating regret of a televangelist caught with hands in the panties of a local hooker and with the church cashbox stashed under her bed! Instead he continue in his knavish ways calling down "more fiah", on the heads of the innocent, advising his minions that " the police will give up" since they were "kith and kin" and ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“we will make this nation ungovernableÃĒ₮.

Ethical relativism of a most incongruent sort appears to be your guide. You pass the blame forward and seek excuses among the tall grasses of distraction and denial. I don't care about your one instance of witnessing Indian cruelty. I care about the over 650 robberies this year increasing numerous death toll with the victims being Indians. I care that BuxtonÃĒ₮â„Ēs residents understand that Indian villages have similar option to persecute their Afro Guyanese neighbors but they do not and yet this village insist on being Hutuville.

Hoyte bears a great burden for the state of our economy and the rise of criminality and that is a fact. The PPP and their incapacity to deal with it is at least excusable from the perspective that no government can without simply stomping on the social degenerates undemocratically, control a society where at a minimum one half is bent on revolt.

[This message was edited by D2 on September 25, 2002 at 11:34 AM.]

Posts: 9426 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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It was not necessary to make the assumption that certain members of PPP enforcers,(and Kidmost & others will say that there isn't any)are in violation of the law without ample proof....

Posts: 1047 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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So, D2 you suggest that the PPP be released from the responsibility of developing strategies to deal with the alienation of at least half of the population (your words), that you feel are involved in crime, or at least support it despite also being victims, a seeming contradiction to me.

It is the responsibility of leaders to develop responses to all the obstacles thrown at them. If they cannot they need to go. Funny we aspire for something and yet when we get it we shirk the responsibility that it entails. The PPP has demonstrated a total inability to govern Guyana, which involves by definition managing the PNC and dealing with Guyana's ethnic insecurities. If they cannot deal with this, they cannot lead Guyana.

Posts: 761 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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Originally posted by caribj:
So, D2 you suggest that the PPP be released from the responsibility of developing strategies to deal with the alienation of at least half of the population (your words), that you feel are involved in crime, or at least support it despite also being victims, a seeming contradiction to me.

It is the responsibility of leaders to develop responses to all the obstacles thrown at them. If they cannot they need to go. Funny we aspire for something and yet when we get it we shirk the responsibility that it entails. The PPP has demonstrated a total inability to govern Guyana, which involves by definition managing the PNC and dealing with Guyana's ethnic insecurities. If they cannot deal with this, they cannot lead Guyana.
DonÃĒ₮â„Ēt invent opinions for me. The PPP has its responsibility but so does the people. The PPP has not done one hundredth of what the PNC did to Indians yet men like you peddle your piffle here that Indians are responsible for the state of Africans. I suggest you examine the means where be wealth are accumulated and tell me whose responsibility it is to take the initiative for themselves.

No form of Galbraithian intervention will make black folks any better. That comes from habit and roles adopted over time. You should be out there teaching them principles of building wealth rather than complain. The government is not a charity institution nor is it capable of becoming a nursemaid to any Guyanese.

I am making a point that the PNC has embarked on a road of terrorism and has used its base as political criminals. That fact has a lot to do with the PPPÃĒ₮â„Ēs inability to take pro-active steps to reign in criminality. It means political war and they are doing their best to avoid it. But I believe that is over as of today.

Posts: 9426 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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Rama did you hear about the executions of your PPP comrades ? Did I not tell you it was going to happen soon ? And still you persist this is common crime does Jagdeo , I am sorry they did not get Jagdeo, the Pandit Reepu and mata Janet. Then we might have been in for a change in the PPP's posture .

More is coming Rama , this is nothing compared to what these barbarians have in store and the sad part is that the Innocent Indians te PPP leave defenceless are paying for the stupidity of the PPP and their leadership.

I am calling on you stalwarts to get moving and give to the cause so we can protect and defend our Jihaji.

Maybe now Jagdeo will call Uncle Sam. Hope that bastard gets a bullet up his arse.

Posts: 4015 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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D2, why don't you stop your lofty ranting and peddling of conspiracies, and answer the question. If the PPP are supposed to lead Guyana, why aren't they more creative in dealing with the country's problems. Look at what the opposition in Venezuela does. Staged a coup, and they are planning another. Imagine if the PPP had that type of opposition? What would they do, sit down and cry? Why doesn't the PPP figure out how to outmaneuvre the PNC and dispel the anxieties of AfroGuyanese? Doesn't take great intelligence to figure that out.If AfroGuyanese were less insecure their support for the PNC would drop dramatically. You and others prefer to wring your hands and cry about the PNC rather than to hold the PPP to standards. You have been crying since 1997.

As a nonblack D2 are you qualified to opine on what it is to be black in Guyana? If they claim discrimination against them by Indians, it would be nice for you to respect that sentiment. Given that as a nonblack you really do not know what it is to be black, to state so authoritatively that they are wrong to feel discriminated against seems hypocritical. The fact remains is that in Guyana in 2002, certain Indians are dominant and a quite capable of making life hard if they so choose. It appears that at least some actually do set out to make life difficult for blacks. Your opinions are not relevant given that you are not the target of such treatment.Do not tell a man how well his shoes fit on his feet. He knows. You don't. Before you claim that a significant # of blacks do not feel this way, explain your claims that half of the population are in rebellion against the PPP.Obviously they do not feel that they are treated equitably.

Posts: 761 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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Originally posted by caribj:
D2, why don't you stop your lofty ranting and peddling of conspiracies, and answer the question. If the PPP are supposed to lead Guyana, why aren't they more creative in dealing with the country's problems. Look at what the opposition in Venezuela does. Staged a coup, and they are planning another. Imagine if the PPP had that type of opposition? What would they do, sit down and cry? Why doesn't the PPP figure out how to outmaneuvre the PNC and dispel the anxieties of AfroGuyanese? Doesn't take great intelligence to figure that out.If AfroGuyanese were less insecure their support for the PNC would drop dramatically. You and others prefer to wring your hands and cry about the PNC rather than to hold the PPP to standards. You have been crying since 1997.

As a nonblack D2 are you qualified to opine on what it is to be black in Guyana? If they claim discrimination against them by Indians, it would be nice for you to respect that sentiment. Given that as a nonblack you really do not know what it is to be black, to state so authoritatively that they are wrong to feel discriminated against seems hypocritical. The fact remains is that in Guyana in 2002, certain Indians are dominant and a quite capable of making life hard if they so choose. It appears that at least some actually do set out to make life difficult for blacks. Your opinions are not relevant given that you are not the target of such treatment.Do not tell a man how well his shoes fit on his feet. He knows. You don't. Before you claim that a significant # of blacks do not feel this way, explain your claims that half of the population are in rebellion against the PPP.Obviously they do not feel that they are treated equitably.

What conspiracies am I peddling? You know it I know it and the nation knows that Hoyte has been looking at every means to shorten the PPPÃĒ₮â„Ēs term as well as to disrupt the nation in every way. Were they concerned with government they would be in government acting as they should and airing views for change. The PPP were the opposition for 3 decades and Indians never took to murdering black people or insisting on regime change except via the vote.

There is no crying here, just plain anger that those like you can frame the issue of African dispossession in terms of Indians and not in terms of African responsibility to themselves. Further, if the disparity was such that Indians were earning at least a quarter as much as an African then consideration of deliberate disenfranchisement would have been probable. However the whole issue is a farce and rural Indians bear their chafe without wincing while urban blacks insist they are at the mercy of some deliberat ploy to keep them poor.

Around 12 families have always been rich in Guyana and they did not need the PPP to make them so. They did not neet the PNC either because they know how the game is played. The fact that they are rich ought not to impact blacks more than Indians. The government is still the largest employer and they have about equal numbers of each races in their employ.

My opinion is relevant because I have, together with other family members, sought to uplift the lives of our black relatives. Most did not need it because they were brought up in families that relied on personal initiative and self-actualization as a means to the good life. Further, I am not obliged to assist in making my fellow citizen feel better about themselves. I truly do not care that they may feel bad or neglected. I care that whatever evidence that exists of Guyanese poverty points to a general impoverished state of most Guyanese.

I do not care if the shoes of another pinches all his toes either. The fool ought not to wear it in the first place. If he or she does not have the money also, their failing to acquire it is not my responsibility. I am accountable to myself. I am not obliged to find out why he lacks it specifically. My charity or any supplication of the government on his behalf is not because of his color but because of him being a member of the society. Our people are poor in general and only by change in the manner of exercise of political power can a difference be made. The PNC heeds a lesson in what it means. I suggest you send them Foucault on power.

Posts: 9426 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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Caribj your are wasting your time with D2. This is the guy that said the fellas from Berbice that were caught with Night googles , Blank Canadian passports , and foreign citizen in Guyana were not committin a crime. This is the same guy that says he is Amerindian and do not know what a Sakiwinki is . Do not waste your time with this a sshole.
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Originally posted by akbar:
Caribj your are wasting your time with D2. This is the guy that said the fellas from Berbice that were caught with Night googles , Blank Canadian passports , and foreign citizen in Guyana were not committin a crime. This is the same guy that says he is Amerindian and do not know what a Sakiwinki is . Do not waste your time with this a sshole.
This is the third time you are deliberately telling a lie. I said they were not shipping arms, which was our point on departure on the crime. You and de blight want to beg the question that Indians are smuggling arms and responsible for the crime wave. I noted that they were committing a crime but smuggling electronic equipment and possession of fraudulent document.

The only claims left to you idiots is to distort what is said and deliberately lie. In fact I noted the sakiwinki is a monkey and that questioned what is it I hear about some berbicians calling a  a bird called by that name. Your lack of knowledge of it is not my fault. Many here including ray say they heard it also. You can wallow in the lie I said something I did not and that will be your delusion as it does not bother me.

Posts: 9426 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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Do you know how many licences for guns were issues in the last five years????

Posts: 1047 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Do you know how many licences for guys were issues in the last five years????

Posts: 1047 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002


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AuthorTopic:   Benschop says hi
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 02:47 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
To all the GN&I posse.
Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 02:50 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for InqbusAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Tell him to stay strong for the revolution.
Posts: 3429 | Registered: October 19, 2000
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 02:52 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
It must be told to some of those 'dirt bags' in the USA and Canada who are blinded by their party's lies about Afro-Guyanese.

Here are some real facts on crimes in Guyana...

#1 The couple in Annandale were killed as a result of bad (business???) transaction with some other dealers, the dead man's brother is alleged to have been the master mind behind the killings.

#2 Shiek Ali 'aka' Dinksie according to reports drove on the main road of Buxton and fired several shots at residents, the police investigated and were paid off.

#3 Shaka Blair was shot and killed by Steve Merai (Indian) of the murderous 'police' black clothes unit. Throughout Guyana it is said that members of the black clothes are working for drug dealers and would execute rivals of their pay masters, evidence will be provided and I am certain has already been provided to the relevant persons. The murder of Wesley Hendricks 'aka' little mate, was killed by Merai and Robo Cop over a missing safe with 'diamond' owned by a popular Regent Street Indian businessman who is wanted by the DEA and the RCMP. The so called businessman is being protected by the PPP government and senior members of the Guyana Police Force (Merai, Eustace Abraham aka 'Robo Cop', Eon Smith aka 'gangsta' and others). That businessman has ordered the execution of several Afro-Guyanese, their names are Errol Butcher aka 'Taps', Wesley Hendricks, Mark Sancho among others. Recently, Sancho was shot and killed in a drive by shooting by Robo Cop and Gangsta. They are currently after several persons, (1) Junior Callendar aka 'baby junior' who witness the shooting to death of his friend Sancho by the two notorious killiers dressed in 'police' uniforms. (2) The police killers are also after "Small Boy", this is another execution in waiting (paid for by the same businessman). The businessman has several prominent government officials on his payrol, ie Gagraj, Lumumba (who cannot enter the US), and a few hit men. This is not the end of the story of the businessman on Regent Street
who lost his safe and is paying 'policemen' to kill persons who (may?) have some answers.

#4 Four policemen were shot (one later died) in an all Indian community, the evidence is there to suggest that they were shot by several PPP gun and drug dealers in the community.

#5 The policeman at Albert Town Police Station was shot and killed by an Indian gun man, who jumped out of a car and opened fire on the officer. Let the police and Government tell the truth.


Mark A. Benschop

Executive Member of

Citizens Against Police Oppression


Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 02:53 PM   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Nuff:
To all the GN&I posse.

This man is probably responsible for many deaths and injury in Guyana because of his incitefull rhetoric, we will never know how many. But that is the price of free speech and demacrocy.
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 02:53 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for BKAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
So which newspaper is Mark reporting for these days?
Posts: 30141 | Registered: March 02, 1999
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 02:54 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
Did y'all read the man's writings above? [Big Grin]
Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 02:56 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for InqbusAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Thanks for the enlightenment Brother Mark. Keep up the good work. Guyana needs strong and vibrant leaders like you.
Posts: 3429 | Registered: October 19, 2000
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 03:21 PM   Reply With Quote
Inky is not only a good fiction writer but the biggest fool on the planet.
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 03:27 PM   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Nuff:
It must be told to some of those 'dirt bags' in the USA and Canada who are blinded by their party's lies about Afro-Guyanese.

Here are some real facts on crimes in Guyana...

#1 The couple in Annandale were killed as a result of bad (business???) transaction with some other dealers, the dead man's brother is alleged to have been the master mind behind the killings.

#2 Shiek Ali 'aka' Dinksie according to reports drove on the main road of Buxton and fired several shots at residents, the police investigated and were paid off.

#3 Shaka Blair was shot and killed by Steve Merai (Indian) of the murderous 'police' black clothes unit. Throughout Guyana it is said that members of the black clothes are working for drug dealers and would execute rivals of their pay masters, evidence will be provided and I am certain has already been provided to the relevant persons. The murder of Wesley Hendricks 'aka' little mate, was killed by Merai and Robo Cop over a missing safe with 'diamond' owned by a popular Regent Street Indian businessman who is wanted by the DEA and the RCMP. The so called businessman is being protected by the PPP government and senior members of the Guyana Police Force (Merai, Eustace Abraham aka 'Robo Cop', Eon Smith aka 'gangsta' and others). That businessman has ordered the execution of several Afro-Guyanese, their names are Errol Butcher aka 'Taps', Wesley Hendricks, Mark Sancho among others. Recently, Sancho was shot and killed in a drive by shooting by Robo Cop and Gangsta. They are currently after several persons, (1) Junior Callendar aka 'baby junior' who witness the shooting to death of his friend Sancho by the two notorious killiers dressed in 'police' uniforms. (2) The police killers are also after "Small Boy", this is another execution in waiting (paid for by the same businessman). The businessman has several prominent government officials on his payrol, ie Gagraj, Lumumba (who cannot enter the US), and a few hit men. This is not the end of the story of the businessman on Regent Street
who lost his safe and is paying 'policemen' to kill persons who (may?) have some answers.

#4 Four policemen were shot (one later died) in an all Indian community, the evidence is there to suggest that they were shot by several PPP gun and drug dealers in the community.

#5 The policeman at Albert Town Police Station was shot and killed by an Indian gun man, who jumped out of a car and opened fire on the officer. Let the police and Government tell the truth.


Mark A. Benschop

Executive Member of

Citizens Against Police Oppression


These tales are suddenly fact because Mark says so? Is he the fountain of truth or ignorance? Where is his evidence, where is he getting these stories from? Shall we take hearsay to be fact? He is nothing but a political wannabee using the situation in Guyana to further his own interests.
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 03:35 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
banna doan shoot me ... I'm just the messenger.
Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 03:36 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
Then again drugb ... the PPP is always accusing the PNC of being involved in criminal activity, but they never call any names. At least MB has pulled a few names out of the hat. I must give him credit for that, cause that bai dus get nuff beatings from the police.
Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 03:45 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for delite1Add to Contacts   Reply With Quote
These are not foucking tales. I mentioned previously about this prominent Indian dealer calling the shots in Guyana. You swines will call it tales because it is not in your interest to believe the truth.

I mentioned previously that the biggest pusher in Guyana is an Indian. He owns several businesses in Georgetown. Most of these killings the government will like to politicize, but reality is that they are drug related. I mentioned how come the bandits knew that a box of jewelry was given to the brother of the deceased? Inside information was necessary here.

You clowns sometimes its a waste of time conversing with. You are always in denial of the truth. Your truth are always far fetched. Let the blaming begin.

Fraser wasn't killed by bandits on the highway like the gov't will have you doggs believe, he was killed somewhere in Turkeyen collecting drugs.

Most of the Indians killed were contract killings.

The chickens have come home to roost.


Posts: 1713 | Registered: November 27, 2000
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 03:50 PM   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by delite1:
These are not foucking tales. I mentioned previously about this prominent Indian dealer calling the shots in Guyana. You swines will call it tales because it is not in your interest to believe the truth.

I mentioned previously that the biggest pusher in Guyana is an Indian. He owns several businesses in Georgetown. Most of these killings the government will like to politicize, but reality is that they are drug related. I mentioned how come the bandits knew that a box of jewelry was given to the brother of the deceased? Inside information was necessary here.

You clowns sometimes its a waste of time conversing with. You are always in denial of the truth. Your truth are always far fetched. Let the blaming begin.

Fraser wasn't killed by bandits on the highway like the gov't will have you doggs believe, he was killed somewhere in Turkeyen collecting drugs.

Most of the Indians killed were contract killings.

The chickens have come home to roost.


Sounds like PNC talking points.

Anyway Nuff pleaseeee give Delite the 100dollars so that he could buy his bottle of Jonnie Walker to calm his mind for he day.
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 03:58 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for delite1Add to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by drugb:
Originally posted by delite1:
These are not foucking tales. I mentioned previously about this prominent Indian dealer calling the shots in Guyana. You swines will call it tales because it is not in your interest to believe the truth.

I mentioned previously that the biggest pusher in Guyana is an Indian. He owns several businesses in Georgetown. Most of these killings the government will like to politicize, but reality is that they are drug related. I mentioned how come the bandits knew that a box of jewelry was given to the brother of the deceased? Inside information was necessary here.

You clowns sometimes its a waste of time conversing with. You are always in denial of the truth. Your truth are always far fetched. Let the blaming begin.

Fraser wasn't killed by bandits on the highway like the gov't will have you doggs believe, he was killed somewhere in Turkeyen collecting drugs.

Most of the Indians killed were contract killings.

The chickens have come home to roost.


Sounds like PNC talking points.

Anyway Nuff pleaseeee give Delite the 100dollars so that he could buy his bottle of Jonnie Walker to calm his mind for he day.

I see you survived the thrashing from D2. You fools are always with your political jargon. Its about drugs and contract killings bro. My mind is calm without money or alcohol. Dont try to deviate from what surrounds you clown.


Posts: 1713 | Registered: November 27, 2000
Nero Prakash
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 05:59 PM   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Inqbus:
Thanks for the enlightenment Brother Mark. Keep up the good work. Guyana needs strong and vibrant leaders like you.

Wasn't Benchop the person who targetted the Indian businesses before 1997 and 2001 Elections to be beaten up. He has no credibility and is a known felon.........Nobody will vote for him...
Nero Prakash
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 06:01 PM   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Nuff:
Then again drugb ... the PPP is always accusing the PNC of being involved in criminal activity, but they never call any names. At least MB has pulled a few names out of the hat. I must give him credit for that, cause that bai dus get nuff beatings from the police.

It looks like he wants some more trashing for spreading lies about my Indian brothers.
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 06:03 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for InqbusAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Nero Prakash:
Originally posted by Inqbus:
Thanks for the enlightenment Brother Mark. Keep up the good work. Guyana needs strong and vibrant leaders like you.

Wasn't Benchop the person who targetted the Indian businesses before 1997 and 2001 Elections to be beaten up. He has no credibility and is a known felon.........Nobody will vote for him...
We'll see about that
Posts: 3429 | Registered: October 19, 2000
Nero Prakash
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 06:06 PM   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Inqbus:
Originally posted by Nero Prakash:
Originally posted by Inqbus:
Thanks for the enlightenment Brother Mark. Keep up the good work. Guyana needs strong and vibrant leaders like you.

Wasn't Benchop the person who targetted the Indian businesses before 1997 and 2001 Elections to be beaten up. He has no credibility and is a known felon.........Nobody will vote for him...
We'll see about that
You should put your money where your mouth is..
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 06:25 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for kidmostAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email kidmost   Reply With Quote
Nuff i see you are Benschop PR man.
Posts: 3613 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 06:57 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for artyAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
'Taps' is believed to have been murdered by the members of Blackie's gang after they escaped from prison. It is reported that it was Taps that alerted Police that Blackie was holed up in the Toucan Guesthouse in Eccles. Taps girlfriend was with Blackie at the time of the shootout. Her house in Werk-en-Rust was burnt to the ground in a suspicious fire after the jailbreak.
Posts: 984 | Registered: March 21, 2001

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Originally posted by arty:
'Taps' is believed to have been murdered by the members of Blackie's gang after they escaped from prison. It is reported that it was Taps that alerted Police that Blackie was holed up in the Toucan Guesthouse in Eccles. Taps girlfriend was with Blackie at the time of the shootout. Her house in Werk-en-Rust was burnt to the ground in a suspicious fire after the jailbreak.

I believe Benschop's version.
Posts: 3429 | Registered: October 19, 2000
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 07:11 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for rabidAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email rabid   Reply With Quote
Let me raise this question AGAIN!!!

When Mr. Carroll from the US embassy said he was using Black Clothes Police as the enforcer for his Visa scam, how come no one in the Government has called for an investigation of these Black Clothes Police?

This evidence is in court documents here in the US. Yet, we have these PPP/c criminals not thinking that all recent crime is as a result of the PNC. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE!!!

Posts: 12440 | From: East Coast for now... | Registered: March 15, 1999
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Editorial from Stabroek:

A sense of security
After the passage of three months, two weeks and one day, the Government has finally announced a strategy to deal with the current crime situation. Why this was not done three months ago, will probably never be publicly admitted. Outsiders unfamiliar with the corrosive context in which the local political drama is played out, must be quite mystified as to how it is that a situation which started as the straightforward escape of five violent prisoners underwent a transformation to become an issue with implications for the stability of the state.
As it is, however belatedly, President Jagdeo and his administration at least appear to have reached the same point which all sane citizens reached a long time ago, and that is to recognize that the core issue of crime per se must be addressed. Nearly a decade after its accession to office, therefore, it will be pouring money and resources into the Guyana Police Force (GPF). Certainly, law enforcement cannot function without such resources, especially in times like these, but there is nothing in the declaration of intent in relation to the upgrading of the GPF which suggests that the governing party is prepared to confront the all-important matter of police corruption, or that it is addressing the issue of public trust and the police.
No law enforcement agency can operate effectively without the confidence of the public, and nothing has undermined the trust of the African community in the police more than the activities of the Target Special Squad (TSS). The restoration of that trust will be partly dependent, therefore, on the approach the Government is prepared to adopt towards the unit. Unfortunately, if we are to judge from the statements made by President Jagdeo at his media briefing on Friday, the prognostications are not good. The head of state gave no indication that he was in any way inclined to entertain a serious investigation into the squad's operations, despite credible allegations of extra-judicial killings made against it, and despite the fact that it was named by a US prosecutor as performing 'enforcement' functions for Thomas Carroll in the visa scam case.
The reason for the governing party's unreasoned responses whenever the subject of the TSS is raised, is not far to seek. Given the intimate connection between ethnicity and voting patterns in this society, given the ethnic composition of the larger portion of the security forces, and given the fact that they did play a political role under the PNC Government, the PPP/C feels a deep sense of insecurity in office. And there would be no use in pretending that that insecurity was without foundation.
The attempts to alleviate the administration's sense of unease, however, have tended to skew policy in an anomalous direction, undermining the capability of law enforcement to function as it should, and, incidentally, undermining the capability of the army to discharge its primary duty in relation to national defence.
The answer of the administration to its dilemma, was first of all to starve the GPF of the kind of resources which could cause the Government further disquiet, to build up the community policing groups particularly among its own constituents, and most important, to try and exercise some level of political control over the security forces. It was not just the objective situation which no doubt prompted the PPP to explore solutions along these lines, but also its own history as a former communist party, and its experience during the long years in opposition. It presumably felt that an independent, strong, professional police force had the potential in the circumstances to be inimical to its own long-term security and that of its constituency.
While the administration clearly found a basis on which to work with the highest echelon of the police, its reluctance to equip the force effectively prior to the present crisis implies a continued reservation about the unquestioning loyalty of the GPF as a whole. It obviously had no such reservations in relation to the TSS, and its quite virulent attacks on critics of the squad's actions have given rise to speculation that this segment of the police force answers directly to the political directorate, and is only technically embraced within the administrative structure of the larger GPF.
If it is that the Government has tied its security to the 'Black Clothes' police, then it is something of an irony that it is this very squad which is playing a role in undermining its sense of security now. The perception, right or wrong, that the TSS is something apart from the force as a whole, and that it is not directly responsible to the Commissioner of Police, has caused the African community to see its actions as being politically motivated. The issue is not whether or not that is so; the fact is, that unfortunately it is perceived to be so.
Ultimately, the Government's security dilemma can only find some resolution within the context of a larger political accommodation with the Opposition. However, that, as we all know, is a complicated matter. In the meantime the route to go is a more professional police force. While the Government as noted above appears to have committed itself finally to this goal, it has to recognize that it cannot do things by half measures; if it wants a GPF which performs, it will have to resist the temptation for political interference, it will have to be prepared to tackle the question of corruption in the force, and most of all, if it is sincere, it will have to accept at the minimum an investigation into the abuses of the TSS.
If nothing else the lesson of the last three months is that where policing is concerned, politics is no substitute for professionalism

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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 07:30 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for InqbusAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
The above would only be true if it was in the Chronicle or Mirror.
Posts: 3429 | Registered: October 19, 2000
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 07:53 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by kidmost:
Nuff i see you are Benschop PR man.

Nah man ... I know MB from Brooklyn and from time to time he kicks me a little email. I do him justice by posting it, that's if it has some juicy literature.

I had to tease the man and tell him after the last batch of rumors (about his death) I had to rush my black suit to the dry cleaners.

Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted June 11, 2002 08:05 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for BKAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by rabid:
Let me raise this question AGAIN!!!

When Mr. Carroll from the US embassy said he was using Black Clothes Police as the enforcer for his Visa scam, how come no one in the Government has called for an investigation of these Black Clothes Police?

This evidence is in court documents here in the US. Yet, we have these PPP/c criminals not thinking that all recent crime is as a result of the PNC. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE!!!

Wake up indeed!
Posts: 30141 | Registered: March 02, 1999
Terry Ishmael
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I see BinChump still chomping on garbage.
Posts: 2993 | From: New York | Registered: March 22, 1999
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Originally posted by Nero Prakash:
Originally posted by Inqbus:
Thanks for the enlightenment Brother Mark. Keep up the good work. Guyana needs strong and vibrant leaders like you.

Wasn't Benchop the person who targetted the Indian businesses before 1997 and 2001 Elections to be beaten up. He has no credibility and is a known felon.........Nobody will vote for him...
Nero, in 1997 Benschop was an Indian lover going all over Brooklyn criticizing the PNC. He said that Guyana had no race problem and that Indians were nice to him. It is in 2000/1 when he did not get what he wanted that he turned antiIndian men. He still loves the women. Get your facts straight.
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Originally posted by guyanaj:
QUOTE]Nero, in 1997 Benschop was an Indian lover going all over Brooklyn criticizing the PNC. He said that Guyana had no race problem and that Indians were nice to him. It is in 2000/1 when he did not get what he wanted that he turned antiIndian men. He still loves the women. Get your facts straight.[/QB]


I remember when he started that paper I thought he was anti-everything. I wonder how he gets along with his mother-in-law seeing that she writes for the Mirror [Big Grin]

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Mark is the ultimate political butterfly. But what surprises me is he ketch Nuff to do his stooge work so now I see the idiot Mark got more brains than Nuff.
So it proves that even 'intelligent' people can be made political fools, this is how Forbes did it but Cheddi could not because the intelligent Indians left when Cheddi showed he was not in charge and now the PPP has been scarping the bottom of the barrel since the mid 1960's. The quality keeps diminishing.

Posts: 3613 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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banna ... Nuff thinks for himself. I just love controversy. [Big Grin]

I'm like Tyson, I'll eat your kids and fight you on the moon. BTW I do fornicate with women even when I don't talk to them. [Big Grin]

<small>[ June 12, 2002, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: Nuff ]</small>

Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Originally posted by arty:
'Taps' is believed to have been murdered by the members of Blackie's gang after they escaped from prison. It is reported that it was Taps that alerted Police that Blackie was holed up in the Toucan Guesthouse in Eccles. Taps girlfriend was with Blackie at the time of the shootout. Her house in Werk-en-Rust was burnt to the ground in a suspicious fire after the jailbreak.

Taps was killed before the bandits escaped from the prison.
Posts: 11185 | From: Ny NY USA | Registered: October 15, 1999
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Originally posted by Gtman1:
Taps was killed before the bandits escaped from the prison.

Are you sure about that? I think it was after the break out. I could be wrong.
Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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I believe that Taps was killed either late last year or early this year (before Feb 23)
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Originally posted by Nuff:
Are you sure about that? I think it was after the break out. I could be wrong.[/QB]

Check it, but the person that they connected to his death is the son of a prominent real estate owner in Guyana.
Posts: 11185 | From: Ny NY USA | Registered: October 15, 1999
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Maybe I am confusing it with his son who was shot a few months ago. For some reason I thought Taps was killed after the breakout.
Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Taps was killed AFTER the breakout. On the third of March to be precise.
Posts: 12440 | From: East Coast for now... | Registered: March 15, 1999
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Originally posted by Gtman1:
Taps was killed before the bandits escaped from the prison.

More misinformation from the scourge of our society.
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Originally posted by rabid:
Taps was killed AFTER the breakout. On the third of March to be precise.

Fair enough. The plot thickens.
Posts: 11185 | From: Ny NY USA | Registered: October 15, 1999
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Originally posted by Gtman1:
Originally posted by rabid:
Taps was killed AFTER the breakout. On the third of March to be precise.

Fair enough. The plot thickens.
You should get down on your Knees(with your Kneepads of course) and apoligize to this forum for your loose tounge.


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AuthorTopic:   Benschop says hi
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Originally posted by drugb:
]You should get down on your Knees(with your Kneepads of course) and apoligize to this forum for your loose tounge.[/QB]

Why, according to the police in Guyana, the killing of Butcher was not linked to the escapees.
Posts: 11185 | From: Ny NY USA | Registered: October 15, 1999
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Originally posted by Gtman1:
Originally posted by drugb:
]You should get down on your Knees(with your Kneepads of course) and apoligize to this forum for your loose tounge.

Why, according to the police in Guyana, the killing of Butcher was not linked to the escapees.[/QB]
I see when its convinient you quote the police as a legitimate source of information, you who speaks with fork tounge.
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Originally posted by drugb:
]I see when its convinient you quote the police as a legitimate source of information, you who speaks with fork tounge.[/QB]

Nope they never attributed the of Butcher to those paid by the PPP gov't thats all.
Posts: 11185 | From: Ny NY USA | Registered: October 15, 1999
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Drugb .... GTMan1 fada was a big police bai, I mean way up there. The man (GTM) is pro-police until extra-judicial killings are involved.
Posts: 33801 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Originally posted by Nuff:
Drugb .... GTMan1 fada was a big police bai, I mean way up there. The man (GTM) is pro-police until extra-judicial killings are involved.

Maybe he was pro-police until PPP took power. There is no doubt that the police are involved in indiscriminate killings however we should seek to reform instead of condemning.
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Originally posted by drugb:
There is no doubt that the police are involved in indiscriminate killings however we should seek to reform instead of condemning.
They may seem indiscriminate to you because you do not know. Cambridge, shot by Police last weekend, was responsible for the shooting death of a cop and the shootings of two homes, injuring a man and his wife, because he was told that they were police informants. The other home was the man's relatives. It is believed that the policeman had information on Cambridge concerning the robberies and the shooting.

You tell me how you can even convict these criminals if witnesses are intimimdated and scared to testify. Why do you suppose the reward is still out there?

Posts: 984 | Registered: March 21, 2001
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Originally posted by drugb:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Drugb .... GTMan1 fada was a big police bai, I mean way up there. The man (GTM) is pro-police until extra-judicial killings are involved.

Maybe he was pro-police until PPP took power. There is no doubt that the police are involved in indiscriminate killings however we should seek to reform instead of condemning.
What drugs is this man on? He condemns when it serves his political affiliation. If the police are involved in indiscriminate killings, which they are, then why shouldn't one condemn? Again, these clowns are like lambs to the slaughter. They go to their death in silence. Your argument is porous to say the least.


Posts: 1713 | Registered: November 27, 2000
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Originally posted by arty:
Originally posted by drugb:
[QUOTE] There is no doubt that the police are involved in indiscriminate killings however we should seek to reform instead of condemning.

They may seem indiscriminate to you because you do not know. Cambridge, shot by Police last weekend, was responsible for the shooting death of a cop and the shootings of two homes, injuring a man and his wife, because he was told that they were police informants. The other home was the man's relatives. It is believed that the policeman had information on Cambridge concerning the robberies and the shooting.

You tell me how you can even convict these criminals if witnesses are intimimdated and scared to testify. Why do you suppose the reward is still out there?

I am not saying that all the killings are not justified. However, the police have been developing a habit of bringing in more dead than alive. These statistics does raise a red flag even to the most liberal of us.
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Or the police are brought in dead...which one you prefer?
Posts: 261 | From: Queens NY USA | Registered: March 22, 2001
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Originally posted by drugb:
Originally posted by arty:
Originally posted by drugb:
[QUOTE] There is no doubt that the police are involved in indiscriminate killings however we should seek to reform instead of condemning.

They may seem indiscriminate to you because you do not know. Cambridge, shot by Police last weekend, was responsible for the shooting death of a cop and the shootings of two homes, injuring a man and his wife, because he was told that they were police informants. The other home was the man's relatives. It is believed that the policeman had information on Cambridge concerning the robberies and the shooting.

You tell me how you can even convict these criminals if witnesses are intimimdated and scared to testify. Why do you suppose the reward is still out there?

I am not saying that all the killings are not justified. However, the police have been developing a habit of bringing in more dead than alive. These statistics does raise a red flag even to the most liberal of us.
You are talking but you are not saying a god damn thing. Your voice should be raised at those red flags. Then again, you are too weak to face reality so you drown yourselves in drugs.


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Originally posted by rabid:
Let me raise this question AGAIN!!!

When Mr. Carroll from the US embassy said he was using Black Clothes Police as the enforcer for his Visa scam, how come no one in the Government has called for an investigation of these Black Clothes Police?

This evidence is in court documents here in the US. Yet, we have these PPP/c criminals not thinking that all recent crime is as a result of the PNC. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE!!!

Carroll claims 3600 visas were distributed and the BCP were used as enforcers. Why isn't the gov't investigating these swines? Some here claim the bandits are protected by the police, well the BCP are protected by the government.

The opposition has been calling for investigations into the operations and murders by these swines. The gov't ignores the plea from the opposition and many citizens. The Americans found it necessary to bring Robocop here to America and question him. Guyana is playing deaf and stupid when it comes to these swines. What is there to hide? Is the gov't involved in the visa fiasco? Are they involved in the smuggling of drugs? Are they afraid of direct involvement in some of these murders?

How is crime going to be solved with gov't taking this hands off approach to investigating serious breeches in the trust of the public? The BCP, with their henchmen, are involved in protecting drug traffickers. If the gov't is protecting them, then it is safe to assume that the gov't is shielding drug dealers.


Posts: 1713 | Registered: November 27, 2000
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Delite cut out the dramatics, you are beginning to sound like my wife who has a flair for the dramatics.
First of all you are relying on the testimony from a snake and admitted felon, Carol. Why are you assuming that all of the BCP are criminals? Could this not be an isolated incident that's confined to the PNC soup licking arm of the BCP?

You continue with your incoherent rambling of Drug Smuggling however you have already contradicted yourself in previous posts claiming that Guyana is a major trans shipment location. Make up your mind, is Guyana a drug producer or a transit point for drugs? If Guyana is a transit point then your theory of Indian druglords falls apart because druglords produce or sell drugs. There is no need for Guyana druglords if the its only a port of transit.

You are nothing but a PNC mouthpiece and my job is to silence you by exposing your faulty logic. Hopefully, we shall do battle again soon.
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Drugbai, are you admitting that the PPP is so stupid as to create a police squad, made-up of PNC supporters?
Posts: 11185 | From: Ny NY USA | Registered: October 15, 1999
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Originally posted by Gtman1:
Drugbai, are you admitting that the PPP is so stupid as to create a police squad, made-up of PNC supporters?

They have been negligent in this area. The very least that should have been done would have been to create an equilibrium in the make up of the force. Instead they hire the rats to guard the cheese, now they pay as all fools do.
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Originally posted by drugb:

They have been negligent in this area. The very least that should have been done would have been to create an equilibrium in the make up of the force. Instead they hire the rats to guard the cheese, now they pay as all fools do.[/QB]

True to form, in reality ma brother rats do not have a preference for cheese.

Posts: 11185 | From: Ny NY USA | Registered: October 15, 1999
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Originally posted by drugb:
Delite cut out the dramatics, you are beginning to sound like my wife who has a flair for the dramatics.
First of all you are relying on the testimony from a snake and admitted felon, Carol. Why are you assuming that all of the BCP are criminals? Could this not be an isolated incident that's confined to the PNC soup licking arm of the BCP?

You continue with your incoherent rambling of Drug Smuggling however you have already contradicted yourself in previous posts claiming that Guyana is a major trans shipment location. Make up your mind, is Guyana a drug producer or a transit point for drugs? If Guyana is a transit point then your theory of Indian druglords falls apart because druglords produce or sell drugs. There is no need for Guyana druglords if the its only a port of transit.

You are nothing but a PNC mouthpiece and my job is to silence you by exposing your faulty logic. Hopefully, we shall do battle again soon.

You are wasting my time with nonsense. carroll implicated the BCP with aiding him in his efforts in the visa fiasco. You dont even understand how to debate. Your defense is filled with "most likely's and could this...."

You are here to divert attention from the topic at hand. Every argument we both are involved in you are playing catch up.

I mentioned in the past and for your listening pleasure for the last time that Guyana is used as a major transhipment point for drug smuggling. Where is the contradiction? You were the clown who mentioned that this wasn't true. For my claim to be true, the US would have Guyana on a special list like they have with Mexico. I am tired of defeating you. I come to debate with facts backed up by intelligent reasoning. You are always ill prepared and mumble political garbage. I am awaiting you to silence me with your logic you illogical fool.

There is no need for drug lords if Guyana is only used as a transhipment port? You must be smoking more crack. Somebody has to purchase the drugs and provide a safe routr to NA. The profits then return to Guyana. You are worse than taking candy from a baby with your irrational scenarios.

Put pressure on your cronies to call for an investigation if they are not directly involved with the crimes and drug smuggling.


<small>[ June 14, 2002, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: delite1 ]</small>

Posts: 1713 | Registered: November 27, 2000
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Originally posted by delite1:
You are wasting my time with nonsense. carroll implicated the BCP with aiding him in his efforts in the visa fiasco. You dont even understand how to debate. Your defense is filled with "most likely's and could this...."

You are here to divert attention from the topic at hand. Every argument we both are involved in you are playing catch up.

I mentioned in the past and for your listening pleasure for the last time that Guyana is used as a major transhipment point for drug smuggling. Where is the contradiction? You were the clown who mentioned that this wasn't true. For my claim to be true, the US would have Guyana on a special list like they have with Mexico. I am tired of defeating you. I come to debate with facts backed up by intelligent reasoning. You are always ill prepared and mumble political garbage. I am awaiting you to silence me with your logic you illogical fool.

There is no need for drug lords if Guyana is only used as a transhipment port? You must be smoking more crack. Somebody has to purchase the drugs and provide a safe routr to NA. The profits then return to Guyana. You are worse than taking candy from a baby with your irrational scenarios.

Put pressure on your cronies to call for an investigation if they are not directly involved with the crimes and drug smuggling.


I am your mentor when it comes to debates. I am very carefull not to state rumors as facts while you on the other hand choose to post any farth as though is was the truth. I am Lewis and you are the lowly Tyson, a bully who gets taken out on judgement day.

There is not a single shread of fact in your claims about Indians druglords. The persons most notably implicated in such scandals were Afros, but I choose not to harp about that. You find it amazing that the Indian business people can progress so quickly that you had to invent these drug fairy tales to quell the jealousy in your mind.

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AuthorTopic:   BEWARE
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Posts: 3725 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 12, 2002 02:54 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
Kidmost they like all of the above. Then they cast the blame on the PNC. Someone has to play the fall guy.
Posts: 34550 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Bhai, I said that for 28 years. Now it is time for a new slogan... Wake up and smell the coffee. The train starts to move, get on board or get crushed by it.. tell me what you can for your country...
Posts: 497 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Nuff:
Kidmost they like all of the above. Then they cast the blame on the PNC. Someone has to play the fall guy.

The PNC has already done all that. They blamed Communism and then they tried to practice it. You should know they ran you out of your beloved country..

Posts: 497 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 12, 2002 03:04 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NuffAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Nuff   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

The PNC has already done all that. They blamed Communism and then they tried to practice it. You should know they ran you out of your beloved country..

I'm glad I left, it would have been 38 wasted years. Then to add salt to the wounds or insult to injury, the PPP came along.

Posts: 34550 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

The PNC has already done all that. They blamed Communism and then they tried to practice it. You should know they ran you out of your beloved country..

I'm glad I left, it would have been 38 wasted years. Then to add salt to the wounds or insult to injury, the PPP came along.

On a point of correction: You didn't just leave. You ran like hell to get away from the incompetent government of Forbes Burnham and Hammie Green..

Come on Bro, admit it..

Posts: 497 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Banna I didn't run, I flew. I left in '72 at the age of 13. All I knew is I was going to country where you could buy apples, there were double deckered buses, and it snowed during the winter.

At 13 years of age those things excite you.

Posts: 34550 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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All this talk talk of war all parties should bloody hell get it over and done with ... and then the people who are left remaining can rebuild from the chaos and destruction.
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Bhai, I said that for 28 years. Now it is time for a new slogan... Wake up and smell the coffee. The train starts to move, get on board or get crushed by it.. tell me what you can for your country...

The new slogan is ' innocent victims ' Ramakant , can you tell me who are these innocent victims.

The problem is you and your PPP and WPA fartheads can only write , none of you want to roll up your sleeves ,jump in trenches and serve the people you been screwing for 40 years.

Maybe you in University too getting a Phd in polscience or sociology to line up for a fat paycheck as minister or diplomatic .

Ah tell yuh ayuh indian boys lef yuh balls in Forbes backpocket because the people who gon bury all ayuh is the Indian women.

Keep writing and see how many indians in Guyana gon read yuh shyte. Yuh see Rohee and his propaganda crew busy digging at Freedom House Archives for old stories for the new era, but ayuh out ah touch with the indians dem.

Ah bet yuh de Cheddi Jagan Center gon punish fuh funds and de PPP itself gon cant come to USA and Canada and London and full up dem Christmas stockings with greenbacks .

Banna , manna nah fall from heaven nah mo. You stay pun de train, it going straight to hell where all ayuh gon join Forbes.

Meh gon hear how big ayuh mouth is when de well run dry.

Posts: 3725 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 12, 2002 11:06 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for JansherAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Jansher   Reply With Quote
I am ashamed to call my self a Guyanese because of those idiots who represent us. No wonder why I am neutral on the Surinamese Border controversy. Half of me is in that land. The PPP idots who represent Guyanese cant articulate. Many are uneducated, backward and naive. The congress was a joke an for Indians to choose these people to represent them. The idots are proccupied worshipping Jagan and Blue eye bhabi, while singing the song of the fall martyr and the red blood crap. Here I mean the party song. If they were occupied with the violence/banditry one would be happy but the are so concern with Dr. Jagan's communist legacy.
Posts: 1177 | From: Elmsford, NY 10523 | Registered: May 17, 1999
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 12, 2002 11:17 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for kidmostAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email kidmost   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by BK:
All this talk talk of war all parties should bloody hell get it over and done with ... and then the people who are left remaining can rebuild from the chaos and destruction.

BK when the PPP was ousted by the CIA and British the PPP tell de Indians the Yankees and Bristish like blacks more than Indians .

When the Forbes get Uncle Peter, you know the Indians Uncle XM, to form a coalition the PPP say de putugee and buckman ah screw ahwee.

When Forbes kick out Uncle XM and declare dictatorship de PPP accepted opposition seats in an illegal undemocratic govt.

When Forbes tell Cheddi no, no , no , Cheddi walk out ah parliament , give up the illegal seats and vowed a policy of critical watchfullness.

When Rodney rock the PNC boat the PPP stan easy and wait fuh Rodney dead so they two bit Indian intellectuals would come back into their fold.

When Forbes dead and Uncle desi tek over , de PPP beg the enemy they chastised , The Almighty USA , to save dem and the USA did .

Now de PPP in powa dem stupidee collie dem ah still ketch slo and mo fiah ah dem ra55.

Ah wah wrang wid dis picture?

meh say if de PNC uses fuh abuse we and the PPP uses fuh misuse we den we must cut both ah dem ra55 wid wan balata.

Meh say if dem coolie tek matters into dem own hands dem gon betta off without de PPP and de PNC .

Talk if meh rite or wrang? if Uncle Cheddi and hold meh down and uncle Forbes ah cut meh ra55 ah who meh must kill , ah nah suh logic ah wuk.

Posts: 3725 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 12, 2002 11:55 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for D2Add to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by kidmost:

BK when the PPP was ousted by the CIA and British the PPP tell de Indians the Yankees and Bristish like blacks more than Indians .
This is your brand of history? No need to ask for the evidence...that comes fast and loose like your big mouth.
When the Forbes get Uncle Peter, you know the Indians Uncle XM, to form a coalition the PPP say de putugee and buckman ah screw ahwee. When Forbes kick out Uncle XM and declare dictatorship de PPP accepted opposition seats in an illegal undemocratic govt.
The PPP did its best to make sure its voice is heard in an organized body however illegally it may have been foisted on the nation. The pretence of government made the PNC a little more deliberate with its mean spiritedness. In hindsight you can make believe you have great insight on how to deal with these things but I doubt you can point to one opposition party of the period that had the benefit of one half of your insight and did better. Since you know so much about how to approach these things and would have been better at it , could you tell me why is it that no other person or party on the planet fared better when faced with cold war partisan politics and a corrupt dictatorship ?
When Forbes tell Cheddi no, no , no , Cheddi walk out ah parliament , give up the illegal seats and vowed a policy of critical watchfullness.
and you would have done different.....what would you have done? Of course! Like Sparticus you would have shucked your shackles, taken to arms and dispatched the dictator by mere force of military brilliance!
When Rodney rock the PNC boat the PPP stan easy and wait fuh Rodney dead so they two bit Indian intellectuals would come back into their fold.
And you know this by virtue of being a great scribe, privy to intimate details of the Guyanese experience not yet available to regular historians!. Further, Cheddi had to have been privy to LFSB's plan if he "wait fu Rodney dead"! I never heard of this nefarious conspiracy involving Cheddi previously to you mentioning it! Indeed, you and Dr Batoram sure know a lot more about Guyanese history. Given this gross negligence, who shall we now chastise for our engineers not knowing about the Old HaigÃĒ₮â„Ēs (sp) method of flight!. Guyana would have had a national airlines by now if not for this negligence!
When Forbes dead and Uncle desi tek over , de PPP beg the enemy they chastised , The Almighty USA , to save dem and the USA did .
The PPP always asked the US for aid; prior to the theft of government and also afterward to liberate the people from the dictatorship. It is not Cheddi's fault the USA was busy with the cold war, Vietnam, flower power and civil rights respond.
Now de PPP in powa dem stupidee collie dem ah still ketch slo and mo fiah ah dem ra55. Ah wah wrang wid dis picture? meh say if de PNC uses fuh abuse we and the PPP uses fuh misuse we den we must cut both ah dem ra55 wid wan balata. Meh say if dem coolie tek matters into dem own hands dem gon betta off without de PPP and de PNC . Talk if meh rite or wrang? if Uncle Cheddi and hold meh down and uncle Forbes ah cut meh ra55 ah who meh must kill , ah nah suh logic ah wuk.
The only thing wrong with the picture is your operatic telling of the Guyanese story, it is so convincing!

[This message was edited by D2 on August 13, 2002 at 12:41 AM.]

Posts: 8672 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 13, 2002 12:10 AM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for caribjAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Jansher:
I am ashamed to call my self a Guyanese because of those idiots who represent us. No wonder why I am neutral on the Surinamese Border controversy. Half of me is in that land. .

Jansher how do you compare Suriname with Guyana. It is even more complex ethnically with the Javanese and the Maroons, and each group speaks its own language!

Posts: 420 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 13, 2002 10:08 AM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for NARAAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jansher:
I am ashamed to call my self a Guyanese because of those idiots who represent us. No wonder why I am neutral on the Surinamese Border controversy. Half of me is in that land

Then you should not call yourself a Guyanese.

Posts: 363 | From: Queens NY USA | Registered: March 22, 2001
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 13, 2002 10:19 AM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for bushmasterAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by NARA:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jansher:
I am ashamed to call my self a Guyanese because of those idiots who represent us. No wonder why I am neutral on the Surinamese Border controversy. Half of me is in that land

Then you should not call yourself a Guyanese.

The man is a ****ing Idiot.

He wants to be somebody important just like ??

Posts: 8175 | Registered: February 22, 1999
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Posted by Kidmost:The problem is you and your PPP and WPA fartheads can only write , none of you want to roll up your
sleeves ,jump in trenches and serve the people you been screwing for 40 years.

The people are better off today than 12 years..

I asked you to tell me what you can do for your country, not to insult me and the other WPA

Posts: 497 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 13, 2002 10:55 AM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for Ramakant_pAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Jansher:
I am ashamed to call my self a Guyanese because of those idiots who represent us. No wonder why I am neutral on the Surinamese Border controversy. Half of me is in that land. The PPP idots who represent Guyanese cant articulate. Many are uneducated, backward and naive. The congress was a joke an for Indians to choose these people to represent them. The idots are proccupied worshipping Jagan and Blue eye bhabi, while singing the song of the fall martyr and the red blood crap. Here I mean the party song. If they were occupied with the violence/banditry one would be happy but the are so concern with Dr. Jagan's communist legacy.

How did you become a Guyanese..?

You are the one who said that guyana is doing OK after your last visit. You said that most of the villages have running water and electricity, Something the You Guys lambasted the PPP government for not taking care of...

Instead of teaching in New York, why don't you go to guyana and teach, if you care so much for the country..

What I am doing for Guyana in canada is recruiting qualified people to return and serve their country..

The police are doing a fine job taking care of the security of the country..

There are some people who went back from the United states who were involved in armed robberies. These people are known to the police and eventually they will be caught... I hope you are not one of them...

Posts: 497 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 13, 2002 12:28 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for kidmostAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email kidmost   Reply With Quote
"What I am doing for Guyana in canada is recruiting qualified people to return and serve their country.."

Rama this is the biggest load of crap if I ever smelled.
How many people have you recruited and what are they going to do for Indian Rights in Guyana ?
Plueeezzz! don't assume we are all idiots and knuckle heads like you PPP stooges.

Posts: 3725 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 13, 2002 01:30 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for kidmostAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email kidmost   Reply With Quote
D2 since I came to GNI you have been pi55ing piwari into the wind. Talk about a big mouth by comparing my posts with yours and see who has the not only the big mouth and slack jaw but the biggest bullshyte.
You are an apologist , left to you all of Guyana could burn to the ground and all the Indians be slaughtered before you retreat into obscurity silence.

I stated before and I will say it again that people like you and the PPP have always kept dialogue between and amongst yourselves , self delusion, and way above the heads of the people.

The PPP abused the Indians by identifying them as socialist commies which brought the Western Powers to bear their power upon the Indians. This is fact , this is truth and this is what you and the PPP deny so you can keep the Indians enslaved and shackled to your political plantation.

The PPP did not do their best, you limp , lame , apologist. I don't give a rat's a55 about other gov'ts we are talking about Guyana and your and the PPP's lameness. You people subjected the Indians in Guyana to the effects and conditions of the cold war , you idiot , by declaring your position as commie socialists while the poor struggling indians had no F'ing clue what it meant. You guys prostituted the Indians politically . You high and mighty a55holes sent the Indians into the slaughterhouse and you are still doing it ....but it must and will cease !

D2 Historians cannot record what is not recorded and documented, they are afraid of public redicule and condemnation , like you. I dont have to answer to pathetic wimps like you and you and the PPP and PNC never and still dont scare me . In fact you bastards are now more scared than ever before .

When Rodney and his WPA had the PNC trembling the PPP sat back and watched and never offered to form an alliance but now the PNC kicking the a55ses of the PPP and threatening to kill the PPP executive now the PPP talking powersharing and alliances etc. Monkey know wuh limb fuh jump pun!
People like you and the PPP hogs can redicule and accuse others becuase that is your specialty , that is the only form of weaponry you limp lame curs are capable of using . You and and your tribe of PPP a55holes dont have the testicular nor the intestinal fortitude to take curative actions but you hide behind the pen and microphone.
The USA was never too busy with the cold war and vietnam to give aid to Guyana you idiot , the USA had no intentions of supporting a commie bastard party in their own backyard and the backyard of their nemises USSR via Cuba.
When are you guys going to cease shovelling this crap down the craws of the poor indians who have no idea of these political intrigues.

My story is that since the 1960's ,the Indians been murdered, raped, looted, booted, burnt out , forced into exile , live in fear, intimidate , brutalized , WHILE THE PPP WAS IN OPPOSITION AND IS IN you tell me that I fabricating a story here ?

I know you cant help thinking beyond the parameters the PPP have established which is why you and the PPP are more of a threat and danger to the Indians than the PNC. With the PNC we know they seek to kill beat ,rape and murder but with the you and the PPP the Indians getting screwed by political rhetoric , lies and denial.


You and the PPP got to cease prostituting yourselves.

Posts: 3725 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 13, 2002 02:08 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for BubblyAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email Bubbly   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Jansher:
I am ashamed to call my self a Guyanese because of those idiots who represent us. No wonder why I am neutral on the Surinamese Border controversy. Half of me is in that land. .

Jansher how do you compare Suriname with Guyana. It is even more complex ethnically with the Javanese and the Maroons, and each group speaks its own language!

How dare you describe Suriname in that fashion. Get yourself a good history book and learn more about Suriname. Where did you get the idea that Maroons live there ? Suriname is very distinct ; It's the only country in the caribbean in which it's Native Hindustani people still speak Hindu.
Javanese still speak their native tong, Africans adhere strongly to their roots, Chinese still speak Mandarian .
It is ethnically diverse and the peopele don't live live dog and cat. They all consider themselves "Surinamse" regardless of how many languages each ethnic group speaks.

If you don't believe ask Jansher.

It's a beautiful country.

Posts: 196 | From: New York | Registered: March 21, 2002

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FM Âŧ Guyana News and Information Discussion Forums Âŧ Political Discussions Âŧ Can Buxtonians be all that bad?

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AuthorTopic:   Can Buxtonians be all that bad?
Junior Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted July 20, 2002 03:25 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for caribjAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Kidmost the only institution that blacks have in Guyana to protect them is the PNC. But for the PNC they would be no dialogue, no blacks on state boards, no consideration that the black 40% have rights. Guyana would have been like your homeland Uttar Pradesh with us being the untouchables.

As bad as the PNC is, blacks will not dstroy that party until Indians, who now totally dominate Guyana economically and politically show inclusiviness and stop being clannish. Imagine how silly the PNC would look if Indians could show large numbers of blacks in management and professional positions in Indian companies (there are at least 10 such companies I have been told), and if the PPP could have shown the large numbers of black business and professionals getting contracts. They cannot so the marginalization charge sticks. Until it is removed, though we may hate the PNC that is all we have.

Kidmost, it is your move. What AfroGuyanese want is peace and progress after 25 yearsof stagnation. They will support which ever entity that offers that.It would be nice if an Indian entity would offer that. Then blacks will quickly deal with any of their kind who attempt to disrupt the peace.

Posts: 250 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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Yuh telling me if I were to create employment only for blacks my business would be protected from criminal blacks. That's not true yuh know.

Do you know that decent blacks are scared no shit of even speaking the truth.

Look at Haslyn Parris and the black family in Buxton who reported to the Vigilance police the whereabouts the bandits.

Bai, we cooolies and blacks loosing Guyana a little bit everyday.

The PPP gon return from congress and with no change.

Sometimes I think the sooner they get kicked out the better for Guyana but who will be replacing them.

Posts: 1892 | From: Mc Callum, Texas, USA | Registered: July 25, 2000
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted July 21, 2002 10:52 AM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for artyAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by caribj:
I get sick and tired of one sided views and lies being perpetrated on this BB. One would think that the PPP were corruption free and highly competent, IndoGs were angels and AfroGs devils reading this BB. The other side needs to be represented.

Are there two Arty's? I distinctly remember 6 weeks ago you OPENED up the topic outlining reasons for AfroG antipathy to IndoGs, raising among other factors discrimination in unemployment. Arty. It seems to me as if either you are Jekyll and Hyde or some one else is writing using your name. There are diametrically opposed viewpoints on many occasions, this being one of them.

You have never met me but seem to be an expert on my life. You will be surprised to know that I have an Ivy League educational background and work in corporate America in an environment with few other immigrants, and earn a very good income. You have decided that I am a loser. I will also inform you that there are many other Ivy Leaguers in my family. We are very success oriented people. I wish that AfroGs in Guyana with these attitudes had the same opportunities as we who are fortunate to have left Guyana do, including those in other parts of the Caribbean.

There are many other AfroGs with my background who would love to contribute to Guyana's devlopment but have been thwarted by clannishness. They have moved on to Guyana's loss. Ted Sabat's story has ben replicated many times, even in cases were people wanted to donate goods or their services. Those that succeeded had to find an IndoG partner. I think that says it all.


You know what ironic is? Ironic is Growing up in a multiracial society such as Guyana where we all have friends of all races but purport on this BB views opposite in nature to the lives we live. We constantly castigate and opine on a particular race in response to other posters. That, my fiend, shows that words of another have the ability to alter views, in the form of reactive responses. And if someone possess the ability to alter the view of another, then that person has some degree of control over the other.You have gone from an independant thinking entity to a reactive robot.

If I seem to behave like a pendulum it is because I believe 1)in the inherent goodness and evil that lurks in the minds of all humans, and 2) I believe all generalizations are wrong; including this one. I believe in seeking to understand your position and with so many emotions and myths floating around the world today it becomes akin to walking through a minefield. One never knows when one of those things will go off.

Such is the situation in our homeland.What Blacks such as yourself seek, as I see it, is simply a 'level playing field' and 'equal opportunity'. To seek those things then, one has to be using the premise that such things do not currently exist. The examples you give to support that view are 1) Indian domination of commerce in Guyana coupled with their perpensity for 'clannishness' has all but locked out Blacks from achieving high office. You made that statement but failed to give supporting evidence in the form of facts. When I offered evidence to the contrary you proceeded on to another plane.

Your second example of discrimination concern vendors who are mainy Black and the harrassment they continue to suffer. But in using this example you are not taking into account the plight of legimate businesses which pay property taxes, duties on their wares and other taxes. As a businessperson any dollar that goes elsewhere is one dollar less in my pocket. Irrespective of social conditions, my landlord requires his rent by a certain date. The very nature of my having a higher overhead means that I am forced to sell at a cost higher than that of someone plying their wares out of a cardboard box on the sidewalk in front of my establishment.

Many have put foward the arguement that vending is a million times better than stealing. That may be true if stealing is a legal and open option. It is not and therefore cannot be considered in the discussion of vendors vs stores. Every move at relocating the vendors have met with opposition. They want prime shopping locations such as Water & Regents Sts. when they cannot afford the real estate in those areas. Organization of this bunch into some form of cooperative and the establishment of a market place where expenses such as upkeep and advertising are spread amoung its members would do wonders in alleviating this on-going problem.The authorities possess the legal right to have them removed. Not doing so has more to do with avoiding confrontations than anything else.

Although I commend you on your educational achievments, such distinctions does not a wise man make. What is the use of all our degrees and diplomas if we are rich in theory but lacking in an understanding of real world issues concerning our fellow humans?

Posts: 999 | Registered: March 21, 2001
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted July 21, 2002 01:19 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for BKAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
arty - That's a very good summary. However some would no doubt tell you many of those big business don't pay their fair share of the taxes.

BTW we have many of these around Although I commend you on your educational achievments, such distinctions does not a wise man make. What is the use of all our degrees and diplomas if we are rich in theory but lacking in an understanding of real world issues concerning our fellow humans?

Posts: 30255 | Registered: March 02, 1999
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted July 21, 2002 01:27 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for caribjAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote

You opened up a topic asking the question why are blacks who are normally so agreeable now ambivalent towards Indians, Ask the other Arty. He will remind you.

There is a letter in today's Stabroek News where a guy, who is married to an Indian, discusses his experiences with a our grand multiracial society where we all "mix". REad it. He mixed. See what happened to him. An Indian friend of my sister married a black man. The whole Christian family, including members who used to visit my house and eat my food, shunned her. But you applaud our mixing in Guyana. I will add that this guy owns his own business and is very decent.Now I thought that these people were my friends but clearly they were not.

Arty, purchasing from vendors is impulse buying. People are not going to go to the darkest recesses of town in search for what vendors sell. That is the reason why, like good business people, they demand prime locations where they then become nuisances. That is the reason why I decry the notion that all these unemployed blacks in GT should go into businesses because that is the only business accessable to them. THEY NEED JOBS!

Yes, if they have no work, cannot vend, then they will steal. I expect that you know that they will not just lie down and starve. They become excellent raw material to be used by charlatans like Benschop and Bynoe and Corbin.

Posts: 250 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted July 21, 2002 02:41 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for kidmostAdd to ContactsClick Here to Email kidmost   Reply With Quote
posted by Caribj:
Kidmost the only institution that blacks have in Guyana to protect them is the PNC. But for the PNC they would be no dialogue, no blacks on state boards, no consideration that the black 40% have rights. Guyana would have been like your homeland Uttar Pradesh with us being the untouchables.

response by kidmost:
Caribj dont sell that crap to me , go sell to fools on GNI but not me dude.
The Blacks in Guyana had a solid , decent alternative in the WPA but the Burnham gravy train was too good at the time. Why trade hard and tedious work for FREE LOADING of the State , Indian Business , Indians in general and the IMF and World Bank.
Then here it is again they have what is hopefully another viable alternative , the Reform , but more and more and more Blacks have to come forth openly and publicly against the PNC in order to provide the Reform with a solid support base.
Will they do it? Well let's see, a few came out so far, maybe those who are sensible will follow.

The reason you have no blacks on State Boards is the same reason there were / are a low number of Indians in the military , police and civil service. The PPP directed Indians to stay out and way during the PNC dictatorship. The Executions of police officers , involved in arrests and investigations of the PNC criminals and their activities and the flogging they gave Haslyn Parris are messages the PNC is sending out to blacks in Guyana, who think they can break ranks with the PNC.

True the blacks 40% have rights but I never hear you guys ever talking about the 40%'s responsibilities. How about addressing their responsiblities first , then we can talk rights. They have no rights to abuse innocent indians , they got beef with the govt then go and kill the members of govt not the innocent Indians.

I cannot believe you fail to acknowledge the basic human traits of fear and distrust by the victim of their aggressors.

Uttar Pradesh is not my homeland and has absolutely nothing to do with Guyana , however, if you need to go there maybe I can divert you to the continent of Africa where the black african politicians have sold their people in a new form of slavery and where the Warlords have caused more death and destruction to their own peoples than the white man has. In fact , more black Africans have been victims of genocide in the past 40 years at the hands of their own African leaders than they were during Slavery.
But like most humans , everyone is looking to blame someone else for their own inadequacies.
Similarly , the Indians are to blame themselves for allowing the PPP to lead them into the PNC slaughter den and not rising up and striking out against the violence .
The crux of the matter is that everyone is waiting on manna to fall from heaven or for soem angel of goodwill to solve their problems .
I say the Indians should have struck back in the 1960's back then and now and I will maintian that position. Even if the PNC and PPP goes away Indians must remain in full state of readiness forever. Never must Indians allow these abuses to ever happen again, it sends a very bad negative message to the world.

posted by caribj:
As bad as the PNC is, blacks will not dstroy that party until Indians, who now totally dominate Guyana economically and politically show inclusiviness and stop being clannish. Imagine how silly the PNC would look if Indians could show large numbers of blacks in management and professional positions in Indian companies (there are at least 10 such companies I have been told), and if the PPP could have shown the large numbers of black business and professionals getting contracts. They cannot so the marginalization charge sticks. Until it is removed, though we may hate the PNC that is all we have.

response by kidmost:

Contrare , under no circumstances must the Indians allow themselves to be lulled into empty promises and open themselves to any further victimization.
Indians are clannish and closed becuase the PNC and their 40% have demonstrated nothing but vile hate and you expect Indians to tuck that away in the deep recess of their psyche. How about if the PNC and the 40% demonstrate some civility first then hope the trust can be rebuilt between the two.
I cannot imagine you would have the temirity to make a request for the Indians to employ blacks when all we have seen for 40 years is beating , burning and looting of Indian businessmen and their businesses . The 40% got a whole lot of proving to do, the onus is on them to demonstrate they can function within a democratic system in a very civil manner.
The marginalization you speak of is Bull and does not deserve a response. You , who profess to be the objective mind of the Black in Guyana must be fair and honest first or Indians will be faced with having to deal with double edged swords. You cant talk the talk and not be expected to walk the talk.
What the PPP does is irrevelant , they like the PNC will screw anyone , we both know this fact.
The PNC is not all you have , the PNC is all the 40% want. They have rejected good viable options .

posted by caribj:
Kidmost, it is your move. What AfroGuyanese want is peace and progress after 25 yearsof stagnation. They will support which ever entity that offers that.It would be nice if an Indian entity would offer that. Then blacks will quickly deal with any of their kind who attempt to disrupt the peace.

response by kidmost:
Assist me to comprehend the actions of the 40% Afro Guyanese over the past 40 years ? What have they done to demonstrate their desire for peace and progress when all they have waged is war and destruction.
Caribj I hate all this cheap talk and jibe , Blacks and Indians who bring this cheap talk about peace and progress need to get in touch with reality.
Indians cannot forget 40 years of oppression and destruction. Indians cannot forget Wismar. Indians cannot forget being forced into Exodus.
The crimes of the PNC and the 40% have left an indelible in the psyche of the Indians and it will take generations to fadeaway.
Let us be realistic and not get carried away with useless wishfull thinking.
Deal with facts and reality!

Posts: 3670 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted July 22, 2002 12:11 AM Members Posts: PopIt!Click Here to See the Profile for artyAdd to Contacts   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by caribj:

You opened up a topic asking the question why are blacks who are normally so agreeable now ambivalent towards Indians, Ask the other Arty. He will remind you.

There is a letter in today's Stabroek News where a guy, who is married to an Indian, discusses his experiences with a our grand multiracial society where we all "mix". REad it. He mixed. See what happened to him. An Indian friend of my sister married a black man. The whole Christian family, including members who used to visit my house and eat my food, shunned her. But you applaud our mixing in Guyana. I will add that this guy owns his own business and is very decent.Now I thought that these people were my friends but clearly they were not.

Arty, purchasing from vendors is impulse buying. People are not going to go to the darkest recesses of town in search for what vendors sell. That is the reason why, like good business people, they demand prime locations where they then become nuisances. That is the reason why I decry the notion that all these unemployed blacks in GT should go into businesses because that is the only business accessable to them. THEY NEED JOBS!

Yes, if they have no work, cannot vend, then they will steal. I expect that you know that they will not just lie down and starve. They become excellent raw material to be used by charlatans like Benschop and Bynoe and Corbin.

And I know why. It is becaause those perceptions and insecurities have been brought to the fore by those who possess their own agenda. It has become so real that it is now everywhere and in every action. It has permeated the minds of law abiding and peaceful people all across the country. Now everyone is racist and everything suspect. Up is down and left is right. Criminals are the good guys and law enforcement bad. The wealthy are greedy and the poor marginalized. Myths become truths and truth becomes irrevelant; brushed aside so that we can maintain our beliefs.

When a spouse begins to question the fidelity of their mate it signals the beginning of the end of the union.

Caribj I don't place much in another's experience. I can only speak of that which I know is true because of experiences I have had. And I have never have the experience that the man spoke of. As a matter of fact in all my years of living in Guyana and going 3-4 times a year I have never, ever been the recipient of any racist word or action.

And if people who ate at your home acted ignorantly what has that to do with you? The only lesson that you should have learned from that incident is that you should choose your friends with more care. Instead this was one more bullet to add to your arsenal.

I wasn't aware that Merriman's mall or the Toolsie Persaud property on Water Street purchased last year for that purpose were in the dark recesses of Georgetown. I am also sure that Stabroek Market, Bourda Market, and other areas with concentrated commerce were nothing before someone decided on their respective locations.
In America the largest retailer in the world , Walmart build on the outskirts of towns and became successful because they could pass on the savings in lower real estate prices to the consumer. Lower prices will attract customers 100% of the time.

We should in all that we do think long term. It is your belief that they will starve if moved. It is my belief that with proper planning and execution it is a more than a workable option. But with views like yours that preach gloom and doom at every turn I can see the futility.

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For you to trivialize the way that MOST blacks in Guyana think and pretend it is because some one TOLD them to feel that way seems arrogant doesn't it. So you earn a fantastic income through your business dealings with Indians. Good for you. Others have not had that good fortune. This is what the issue is, not who is friendly with whom. Even the PPP and ROAR acknowledge that blacks feel insecure in Guyana so don't try to deny that fact. Arty the reality in Guyana is that unless one owns some little mom and pop store you will have to deal with the PPP/Indian business elite at some point. If they are "racially exclusive" it negatively impacts your business.

I mention that example to suggest to you the great Guyanese saying "all skin teet nah laff". Some of the people who you think are friends might not be. You seem to like to lecture me about how I should manage my life. Are you somebody who I know because you always seem to be ready to tell me what to do?

Also Bourda market and Walmart are destinations. Some little vendors' mart is not. The vendors know that. Get off your arrogant pedestal and respect that. They know a whole lot more about their business than you do, or do you feel better than them because they are black and poor.

Posts: 250 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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If something is repeated often enough it takes on the aura of truth. If enough qualifying thoughts are accumulated we arrive at a belief. That belief will guide our further thoughts and actions until such time that an opposing thought is allowed to manifest itself. But we guard against such intrusions. To justify ourselves we seek only thoughts that enhance our positions for we will not act until we are able to solidify our belief.

The things you and others speak of are not newly discovered thoughts. As early as the 1840's, Sir Henry Light, Governor Of British Guiana(1838-48) made this ominous prediction: 'The pure African race will come into collision with that called mixed who now rarely fraternize with the former'. Another observation of note: "Jealousies and local prejudices, a preponderating influence in the hands of a few individuals, are more or less characteristics of society in most West Indian colonies".

Before Bourda and Walmart became destinations were they not just another alternative? If the vendors could envision a mall setting with electricity and brightly lit stores with colourful wares, clean surroundings, facilities and garbage disposal don't you think it would be of benefit to them? Hawking goods on the sidewalk is as passe as the arguments you put foward. Business is far more complicated than that, especially retail. It involves inventory controls, a knowledge of your customer base and an astute knowledge to manage financial affairs. It is not simply buying something for $10 and selling it for $20. Any idiot can do that. It involves expansion; something that cannot be accomplished unless you intend to occupy more sidewalk.

I may not know more than the vendors but I do have a vision. Other than the knowledge that they will be out there day after day and year after year could you enlighten me as to their long term goals?

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Arty, your experience is yours. You will note that I am not disputing what you experience. I understand that you make loads of money from your business dealings with Indians. Good for you. Please respect other people's experiences. Many can tell of horrendous frustrations and blatant discrimination where they are told it is "our time now", "you people had your chance", "28 years",etc. Safraz knows this full well but is embarrassed to admit it.

There was a woman who was looking for a contract from Guyana Stores. Heard some racist nonsense about her while they thought that they had her on hold. She, living in the USA, knew how to threaten to sue them and make a public relations nightmare. She got the contract. I can mention numerous other examples. I will not mention names because people are vindictive. I know that there are some people who are trying to figure out who I am and probably how to penalize me. Fortunately I have no intentions of doing business in Guyana, and have limited dealings with Indians.

Arty, this experience is real and there are many others.It is a slap in the face and an insult for you to claim that these highly successful business and professional people residing outside of Guyana are either lying or are being hoodwinked. You and safraz need to take your heads out of which ever hole that you have stuck it in and understand that your realities are not every body's.

By the way, most businesses lose money in the beginning. A vendor, who gets no credit for that they sell (they must pay cash), and who has a family to feed and rent to pay, can ill afford the early losses until the location takes hold, if it in fact does. Arty learn business 101 and stop rushing to the defense of the PPP and the Indian elite. I know they are paying you well as their PR agent. I wonder if you are Kit Nascimento.

Posts: 250 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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You keep insisting on recounting other people's experiences. I am not interested and in any case most of hassles concerning Guyana is as a result of rampant corruption and not race. There are many things told to me by others but I will not post them or repeat them because I cannot prove them to be factual.

A few years ago I needed a licence to conduct an aspect of business here in the US. The cost of the licence was about $4ooo. Because of red tape and bureaucracy I was advised to get an 'expeditor'. The cost of the expeditor; $5000. All this was legal and above board. I got my licence, the city got their money and the expeditor got his fee. Everybody happy.

But yet when we go down to Guyana we seem to think that the same rules must not apply. Instead of factoring in payoffs as a normal expense of conducting business we are of the opinion that it is us doing the favour of returning and throw our hands in the air in utter contempt. The point is do you want to bad enought or don't you. In the US it is an artform, in Guyana it is in its infancy.

As they say the business of business is risky business. You are right, if one is unwilling to take the leap of faith then stay the hell where one is. The rewards are great for those who put aside convential wisdom in pursuit of their passionate goals. It is the way man is meant to live. Some will succeed and some will fail but all will be better persons for having given their best shot. That is what builds character. The exhilaration of having taken the path less travelled. What joy!!!what life!!!

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Terry Ishmael
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What AfroGuyanese want is peace and progress after 25 yearsof stagnation. They will support which ever entity that offers that.

hehehe! Slo fiah, mo fiah!!!

Posts: 3007 | From: New York | Registered: March 22, 1999
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Arty, we are talking about vendors, many of whom are mothers with kids and limited education. Their husbands/childfathers are unemployed or surviving as security guards on a kiddy allowances instead of a living wage. Th3y want to survive and are trying to do it honestly. I don't know where your babble about challenges, blah, blah, blah comes in.
Try a week of bread and water when you have babies to feed and maybe reality will set in.

You claim that you only consider your own experiences. Good for you. Then shut up when it comes to other people's experiences. You are unable to understand or empathize by your own admission, least of all these vendors.

Posts: 250 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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Originally posted by caribj:
Arty, we are talking about vendors, many of whom are mothers with kids and limited education. Their husbands/childfathers are unemployed or surviving as security guards on a kiddy allowances instead of a living wage. Th3y want to survive and are trying to do it honestly. I don't know where your babble about challenges, blah, blah, blah comes in.
Try a week of bread and water when you have babies to feed and maybe reality will set in.

You claim that you only consider your own experiences. Good for you. Then shut up when it comes to other people's experiences. You are unable to understand or empathize by your own admission, least of all these vendors.


In an earlier post you declared that busisness was the way for Blacks to go in Guyana because they were locked out of the job market. I outlined a senario that would legitimize vendors but you said it would cause ruin to many. So I guess your suggestion would be to leave them where they are. Simply surviving 'honestly' as you put it. Am I correct?

I am neither unwilling or unable to understand the plight of others, including vendors. As a matter of fact it is primarily because of humble beginnings, that I am qualified to speak on the subject. You want them to survive, I want them to succeed. There is a marked difference. I am no different to those people and I am firmly convinced the only stumbling block to achieving our true potential is the one we place in our path. Fear in this case is not our friend.

If you would like me to 'shut up' then stop posting the unfortunate experiences of your 'friends'. You and I both know that you do so only to enforce a belief you seek to impart here. What about your experiences? Don't you have any? You achieved success in your life irrespective of the many hurdles you had to overcome, didn't you? Why do you feel it impossible for others to do the same? That is selfishness.

It is not I my friend who is on the pedestal. It is you. I offer solutions. You offer the same old tired argument. I offer myself as an example. You offer yourself as an exception.

If you and I can achieve some degree of success in our lives, so too can the eight hundred thousand or so in Guyana.

Posts: 999 | Registered: March 21, 2001
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I have acheived success because I do not live in Guyana. I have nothing to do with that country for the very reasons that I outline. And the stories that I tell are from others who are also highly successful outside of Guyana. It is to our homeland's loss that the narrow minded, pettiness of others prevents them from making a contribution to Guyana. They would be very shocked to be told that they, with 6 figure incomes and living the American dream, are failures.

As for the vendors, how do you suggest that they succeed? I do not ask this meaning to attack you. This is a problem through out the Caribbean where our poverty and lack of welfare (a good thing in my opinion) forces many into this trade. With no capital they remain stuck in this rut. I doubt that their businesses are hugely profitable due to the vast numbers of vendors in GT. Your answers would be appreciated by jmany, and I say this in all seriousness, because we have a big problem even in NYC.

Business ownership is an option, but most people regardless of ethnicity lack the capital or the mindset for this. What do we then do with them. They need jobs based on merit. This is all I ask.Most IndoGs work for a salary/wage, 60% vs. 67% for AfroGs, (census numbers). Not as big a difference as we normally think.

Posts: 250 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002


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AuthorTopic:   Jagdeo Formally Rejects International Forces For Guyana
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Caribbean New Yorker 11/1/02

Georgetown, Guyana Oct. 27 - It is being reported out of the resident Guyana Diplomatic Corps that President Bharat Jagdeo was presented in early July with a proposal to end the current state of anarchy in Guyana by the diplomatic envoys of Great Britain, Canada, and the United States which he immediately rejected.

British High Commissioner Glover, Canadian High Commissioner Marcoux, & U.S Ambassador Goddard with approval from their home governments offered to deploy a joint tripartite task force of special forces soldiers drawn from each country to Guyana on a ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“search and destroyÃĒ₮ operation targeted against the African Terrorists currently ramsacking the country.

The official response to this unprecedented offer from the Three Powers was a definitive ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“no thanksÃĒ₮ from the Government of His Excellency Bharat Jagdeo.

One highly placed British diplomatic source said: ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“Our collective disgust at this man (President Bharat Jagdeo) is unmentionable. We gave him the chance to save his government and his people (the Indians) and he insulted our goodwill. Any further shedding of innocent blood in this country is on his shoulders not ours.ÃĒ₮

CNY also understands from sources close to the recently departed India High Commisioner for Guyana, Dr. Prakash Joshi, that a similar offer of military assistance from the Government of India was rejected as well by President Jagdeo.

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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I t-o-l-d y-o-u s-o! big grin
Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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And CNY is a credible news source. Yeah right. With all this Iraq business going I doubt the US or the British have any interest in Guyana. They will offer technical assistance and possibly arms. Troops. No waaaaaaay!
Posts: 1043 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 05, 2002 09:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Nuff   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Motilal_J:
Caribbean New Yorker 11/1/02

British High Commissioner Glover, Canadian High Commissioner Marcoux, & U.S Ambassador Goddard with approval from their home governments offered to deploy a joint tripartite task force of special forces soldiers drawn from each country to Guyana on a ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“search and destroyÃĒ₮ operation targeted against the African Terrorists currently ramsacking the country.

African Terrorists ramsacking the country. What de hell is ramsacking. Must be an indo term. De village Ram, or Ramsammy. big grin

Posts: 38601 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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That must be Motilall operation razz
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As much as I hate to say this but I tink dem Indians are gonna cream his ass for this one. big grin
Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Motilal_J:
Caribbean New Yorker 11/1/02

British High Commissioner Glover, Canadian High Commissioner Marcoux, & U.S Ambassador Goddard with approval from their home governments offered to deploy a joint tripartite task force of special forces soldiers drawn from each country to Guyana on a ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“search and destroyÃĒ₮ operation targeted against the African Terrorists currently ramsacking the country.

African Terrorist _ramsacking_ the country. What de hell is ramsacking. Must be an indo term. De village ram. big grin

The biggest drug dealer in Guyana is an indian creating most of the havoc and the statement above depicts "African Terrorists?"

"nuff gun man dem a control de area but the fastest one...him a live longer!"


Posts: 2450 | Registered: November 27, 2000
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Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Motilal_J:
Caribbean New Yorker 11/1/02

British High Commissioner Glover, Canadian High Commissioner Marcoux, & U.S Ambassador Goddard with approval from their home governments offered to deploy a joint tripartite task force of special forces soldiers drawn from each country to Guyana on a ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“search and destroyÃĒ₮ operation targeted against the African Terrorists currently ramsacking the country.

African Terrorists _ramsacking_ the country. What de hell is _ramsacking_. Must be an indo term. De village Ram, or Ramsammy. big grin
Could be a typo when they meant ransacking
Posts: 10218 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Motilal_J:
Caribbean New Yorker 11/1/02

British High Commissioner Glover, Canadian High Commissioner Marcoux, & U.S Ambassador Goddard with approval from their home governments offered to deploy a joint tripartite task force of special forces soldiers drawn from each country to Guyana on a ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“search and destroyÃĒ₮ operation targeted against the African Terrorists currently ramsacking the country.

African Terrorists _ramsacking_ the country. What de hell is _ramsacking_. Must be an indo term. De village Ram, or Ramsammy. big grin
Could be a typo when they meant _ransacking_


I like ramsacking better. Sounds more "sheepish" big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 05, 2002 10:01 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Nuff   Reply With Quote
D2 ... I know ... it's just funny the way they state African terrorist ramsacking. Like the Africans are animals. big grin
Posts: 38601 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Originally posted by Nuff:
D2 ... I know ... it's just funny the way they state _African terrorist ra_m_sacking_. Like the Africans are animals. big grin


You know recently in Guyana, they convened some kinda Conference on "Black Fatherhood" or the lack therof and much time was spent on the "Village Ram Goat" approach to fatherhood/daddyhood within de negro community.

So I guess it would make sense, Right, cuz? big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 05, 2002 10:07 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Nuff   Reply With Quote
Bai ... it takes a village ram to raise a child. big grin
Posts: 38601 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Originally posted by Nuff:
Bai ... it takes a village ram to raise a child. big grin

Yuh see why you people juss end up with Burnham types? big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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Jagdeo did reject the help from outside and there is a reason for that..

1. A label was put on the bandits as being Africans.. There are also Indian bandits.. That's one of his objections.

2. The Police advised him to hold off asking for help. They convinced him that they can handle the situation..As a Leader, he is supposed to have confidence in his people..

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
As a Leader, he is supposed to have confidence in his people..

Are you one of those people he confides with and has confidence in?

I see you and cuz Mo are tight recently!

Posts: 38601 | From: Beantown | Registered: March 07, 1999
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Jagdeo did reject the help from outside and there is a reason for that..

1. A label was put on the bandits as being Africans.. There are also Indian bandits.. That's one of his objections.

2. The Police advised him to hold off asking for help. They convinced him that they can handle the situation..As a Leader, he is supposed to have confidence in his people..

3. Many of his Ministers are caught up in the drug trade.

Posts: 12831 | From: Ny NY USA | Registered: October 15, 1999
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Originally posted by Gtman1:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Jagdeo did reject the help from outside and there is a reason for that..

1. A label was put on the bandits as being Africans.. There are also Indian bandits.. That's one of his objections.

2. The Police advised him to hold off asking for help. They convinced him that they can handle the situation..As a Leader, he is supposed to have confidence in his people..

3. Many of his Ministers are caught up in the drug trade.

4. Those not in drugs, busy with other runninz and couldn't withstand the scrutiny.

Posts: 2044 | Registered: September 13, 2001
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You know..... something got to be really effed up with that guy's mental capacity if the police convinced him they can handle the situation.
Posts: 2044 | Registered: September 13, 2001
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Gee, I thought I was de resident purveyor of untruths & gossip. I'd like an apology from my Good Buddy D2 over this particular issue cause I recall saying this some months ago.

Come on D2, be man enough and RETRACT!

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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There goes the credibility of Moti's source: ramsacking big grin
This man is carry his jokes too far

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Originally posted by BONUS:
There goes the credibility of Moti's source: ramsacking big grin
This man is carry his jokes too far

Since they were referring to negroes I believe RAMsacking is more appropriate.

It it was about Coolies, I would say RUMsucking would be in order.

See how raccially balanced in opinions I am dese days? big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Jagdeo did reject the help from outside and there is a reason for that..

1. A label was put on the bandits as being Africans.. There are also Indian bandits.. That's one of his objections.

2. The Police advised him to hold off asking for help. They convinced him that they can handle the situation..As a Leader, he is supposed to have confidence in his people..

Rama like yuh running fuh tek over from George Carlin !

So why could he not label them as domestic terrorists ? and their acts as domestic terrorism?

The problem with blacks and Indians in Guyana is they make excuses for their leaders and leadership.

The day Guyanese hold their leaders and leadership responsible and accountable is the day Guyana will begin to move forward until then , stop making excuses for Jagdeo like blacks on GNI make for the PNC actions .

The PPP and PNC are riddled with corruption and evil . When parasites run the country expect vermin to take over .

Posts: 4353 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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Originally posted by Motilal_J:
Gee, I thought I was de resident purveyor of untruths & gossip. I'd like an apology from my Good Buddy D2 over this particular issue cause I recall saying this some months ago.

Come on D2, be man enough and RETRACT!
What am I to retract? I am yet to see a reliable source citing this to be true and even so what has it to do with me? I think you are a fool and that is solely your own doing.
Posts: 10218 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Jagdeo did reject the help from outside and there is a reason for that..

1. A label was put on the bandits as being Africans.. There are also Indian bandits.. That's one of his objections.

2. The Police advised him to hold off asking for help. They convinced him that they can handle the situation..As a Leader, he is supposed to have confidence in his people..


Is my Bhai Ram's statement credible enough for you? Or is Cuz lyin too??

Retract and desist from childish name-calling. Quite unseemly coming from the progeny of a race of humanity's elders.

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
dr. j
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In most of the pronouncements from the government side, they have indicated that no useful purpose will be served by a curfew, and it is believable that the government could have refused help.

But, someone probably needs to send a letter to the editor of Stabroek News asking them to verify this report.

It is obvious the government believes that asking for help is a sign of weakness, so Indian lives will be political fodder for now.

However, from the way things are going now, a lot of the riff raffs are turning up dead. Maybe Darwinism will take care of the problem.

Posts: 104 | Registered: July 27, 2002
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Originally posted by dr. j:
Maybe Darwinism will take care of the problem.

Yea Darwinism & a military force loyal to a common Indian Command. big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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Originally posted by dr. j:
In most of the pronouncements from the government side, they have indicated that no useful purpose will be served by a curfew, and it is believable that the government could have refused help.

But, someone probably needs to send a letter to the editor of Stabroek News asking them to verify this report.

It is obvious the government believes that asking for help is a sign of weakness, so Indian lives will be political fodder for now.

However, from the way things are going now, a lot of the riff raffs are turning up dead. Maybe Darwinism will take care of the problem.
It may be believable that they would refuse help but that does not mean they actually did so.

I doubt this government will be ashamed to accept help since it exists on handouts. Their police force is a mess the army undisciplined, and their combined efforts to date has proven fruitless. Obviously, they need help since they are failing terribly at the most basic social task; protecting citizens.

Posts: 10218 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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Has that ever stopped you from taking money they stole, has it stopped your frequent trips to Florida and your visits to his sister?; answer me hypocrite!
Posts: 982 | From: miami,florida, u.s.a. | Registered: June 16, 2002
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Has that ever stopped you from taking money they stole, has it stopped your frequent trips to Florida and your visits to his sister?; answer me hypocrite!
Do these demons come to you frequently or only after you downed a couple?
Posts: 10218 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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Originally posted by D2:
Has that ever stopped you from taking money they stole, has it stopped your frequent trips to Florida and your visits to his sister?; answer me hypocrite!
Do these demons come to you frequently or only after you downed a couple?

In case you two lovebirds have'nt noticed, there's sort of a theme to to this thread. Would be nice to stick to it.

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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Moti, the PPP wants to prove to the world that a socialist party can maintian a racially diverse country even if it means all Indians must die in the process .
I met with certain people who categorically stated that Jagdeo refused assistance thrice , and this came from one member of a western diplomatic corp and UN representative .
Jagdeo and the PPP will not change their position even though they know they are sinking and taking the country with them . They still maintain the problem is common criminality and not domestic terrorism nor race hate political ploys .
When Jinga's son had audience with Jagdeo he told Jinga's son that Scotland Yard was doing all it could in assisting the GPF , a lie ! a downright lie , since the only involvement Scotland Yard has is in advising the GPF on their re-structuring to deal with modern day crime . Theor assistance is organizational .
Jinga bought land aback of Buxton and his work force was 90% black . He provided a living for Buxtonians and when he added more land through purchase they executed him . The call made to his family stated that ayuh coolies teking over everything and no Coolie must own land in nor near Buxton .
Jagdeo lies like a kite and fools the Indians but the fault lies with the Indians that they do not and will not hold the PPP accountable and responsible , just as the moderate blacks are afraid to do the same to the PNC.
If Indians do not take matters into their own hands with regards to their protection and defence they will perish enmasse.
Had Bramha not made the second attack these Buxtonians would have burnt out an Indian village .
Mr. Kumar who was kidnapped with his daughter sought audience with Jagdeo also and he was told the by Jagdeo not to complain if he was not please with the govt's recent action on Monday when in fact the wipe out was done by Bramha . Here again Jagdeo lies .
But the man and his family are in NY and we will do a TV interview with him and the public will hear the truth from the man himself.

Posts: 4353 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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Jagdeo has spoken the truth. What do you know about the truth..??
Something is being done.. They just have to have patience..
Hey! The man may not be the best President, but he is currently the best we have available on all sides...

One thing, The blacks kicked out the Indians from Buxtom in 1964. What made them think that it was OK to go back..????

And don't feed me your B/S....

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Jagdeo has spoken the truth. What do you know about the truth..??
Something is being done.. They just have to have patience..
Hey! The man may not be the best President, but he is currently the best we have available on all sides...

One thing, The blacks kicked out the Indians from Buxtom in 1964. What made them think that it was OK to go back..????

And don't feed me your B/S....

Correction Rama, not maybe , he is definitely not the best , in fact the PPP has no idea what is best which is why they wil always be mediocre and suffer the Indians .

Posts: 4353 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Jagdeo has spoken the truth. What do you know about the truth..??
Something is being done.. They just have to have patience..
Hey! The man may not be the best President, but he is currently the best we have available on all sides...

One thing, The blacks kicked out the Indians from Buxtom in 1964. What made them think that it was OK to go back..????

And don't feed me your B/S....

Correction Rama, not maybe , he is definitely not the best , in fact the PPP has no idea what is best which is why they wil always be mediocre and suffer the Indians .

Then we will have to live with mediocrety, cause the Indians will keep voting for the PPP.

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Then we will have to live with mediocrety, cause the Indians will keep voting for the PPP.

Bhai Ram,

How can you say such things about our glorious party? Bhai, I lookin forward to see you as a fellow freshman MP next Parliament. wink

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Motilal_J:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Then we will have to live with mediocrety, cause the Indians will keep voting for the PPP.

Bhai Ram,

How can you say such things about our glorious party? Bhai, I lookin forward to see you as a _fellow _freshman MP next Parliament. wink

It's a rhetorical sarcasm....


Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Motilal_J:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Then we will have to live with mediocrety, cause the Indians will keep voting for the PPP.

Bhai Ram,

How can you say such things about our glorious party? Bhai, I lookin forward to see you as a _fellow _freshman MP next Parliament. wink

It's a rhetorical sarcasm....


So what sort of bouteiner will you be attaching to your lapel for de Formal Opening? big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
Terry Ishmael
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Jagdeo did reject the help from outside and there is a reason for that..

1. A label was put on the bandits as being Africans.. There are also Indian bandits.. That's one of his objections.

2. The Police advised him to hold off asking for help. They convinced him that they can handle the situation..As a Leader, he is supposed to have confidence in his people..

Bai, are you serious?
He objecting because there are also indian bandits?
He objecting because of advice from the police who are themselves part of the crime spree?
As a leader, is he followingthese nonsensical whims, or showing some leadership skills? I have no quarrel with the Prez, but if he is adopting this attitude in the present crisis, then his policy is no better than Hoyte's. If you think indians will continue to vote for him you better think again. The man appears to be a weakling in the face of adversity.

Posts: 3595 | From: New York | Registered: March 22, 1999
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 07, 2002 09:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for BK   Reply With Quote
Terry - maybe its because the Indian bandits are "big shots" - calling the shots as well razz
Posts: 32377 | Registered: March 02, 1999
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Originally posted by Terry Ishmael:

Bai, are you serious?
He objecting because there are also indian bandits?
He objecting because of advice from the police who are themselves part of the crime spree?
As a leader, is he _following_these nonsensical whims, or showing some leadership skills? I have no quarrel with the Prez, but if he is adopting this attitude in the present crisis, then his policy is no better than Hoyte's. If you think indians will continue to vote for him you better think again. The man appears to be a weakling in the face of adversity.

Take a look at Hitler.. Do you see what happen when you don't listen to your lieutenants?

Would you like The President not to listen to his 21 advisers?

Would you like him to become a dictator?



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AuthorTopic:   Jagdeo Formally Rejects International Forces For Guyana
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Would you like him to become a dictator?

Cousin Bhai,

That would certainly be a step up from just bein a plain dick. Don't you tink so? big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
Terry Ishmael
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Take a look at Hitler.. Do you see what happen when you don't listen to your lieutenants?

Would you like The President not to listen to his 21 advisers?

Would you like him to become a dictator?

Hitler had Goeballs!
It appears that Jag has Noballs! big grin

I think you should run for loo-tenant!

Posts: 3595 | From: New York | Registered: March 22, 1999
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Originally posted by Terry Ishmael:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Take a look at Hitler.. Do you see what happen when you don't listen to your lieutenants?

Would you like The President not to listen to his 21 advisers?

Would you like him to become a dictator?

Hitler had Goeballs!
It appears that Jag has Noballs! big grin

I think you should run for loo-tenant!

What is the right thing to do, Terry?

The people who taught the PNC to loot, rape, murder and steal, have the balls to tell us how we must do our business.

Do you want foreign troops to enter Guyana in order to seek and destroy a handfull of criminals. Do you think that Guyana is afghanistan?

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
Terry Ishmael
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The right thing to do is to clean up the damm country, by all means possible. If you can't clean house by yourself (as it clearly appears) then get professional help!
Posts: 3595 | From: New York | Registered: March 22, 1999
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Originally posted by Terry Ishmael:
The right thing to do is to clean up the damm country, by all means possible. If you can't clean house by yourself (as it clearly appears) then get professional help!

You are repeating your own sentiments. Please be more specific..and show me that you can do a better job than Jagdeo...This is a challenge, even if it is in theory only...

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
Terry Ishmael
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How more specific can I get?
The man cannot handle a national crisis and refuses help. Is he hoping that if he puts his head in the sand, it will go away?

Last I heard, flights to guyana were underbooked. Apparently nobody is going home for Christmas this year, so no FX dollars for the economy.

Posts: 3595 | From: New York | Registered: March 22, 1999
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Originally posted by Terry Ishmael:
How more specific can I get?
The man cannot handle a national crisis and refuses help. Is he hoping that if he puts his head in the sand, it will go away?

Last I heard, flights to guyana were underbooked. Apparently nobody is going home for Christmas this year, so no FX dollars for the economy.

Oh! Yes! We do have a national crises. Drug dealers killing bandits and vise versa...
That is your crises....

Bandits Killing the Police and Vise versa....

The People are safe...In a national emergency, they all have to stay home.

When they all kill themselves, then and maybe the last one will come after you. The last one could be Kidmost...

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Oh! Yes! We do have a national crises.

This contradicts the official Mirror stance you know?

This is very serious. I may be forced to report you to the Disciplinary Committee.

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Terry Ishmael:

Bai, are you serious?
He objecting because there are also indian bandits?
He objecting because of advice from the police who are themselves part of the crime spree?
As a leader, is he _following_these nonsensical whims, or showing some leadership skills? I have no quarrel with the Prez, but if he is adopting this attitude in the present crisis, then his policy is no better than Hoyte's. If you think indians will continue to vote for him you better think again. The man appears to be a weakling in the face of adversity.

Take a look at Hitler.. Do you see what happen when you don't listen to your lieutenants?

Would you like The President not to listen to his 21 advisers?

Would you like him to become a dictator?

Ill advice from 21 political advisors is stealing of public funds .
May I recommend that Jagdeo makes peace with Bramha and make him his advisor..maybe then we will see good results.
You and the PPP prey on Indian Fears that is why the Indians vote PPP but this time around the PPP is in for a surprise , if they can manage to make it to another election.

Posts: 4353 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Terry Ishmael:

Bai, are you serious?
He objecting because there are also indian bandits?
He objecting because of advice from the police who are themselves part of the crime spree?
As a leader, is he _following_these nonsensical whims, or showing some leadership skills? I have no quarrel with the Prez, but if he is adopting this attitude in the present crisis, then his policy is no better than Hoyte's. If you think indians will continue to vote for him you better think again. The man appears to be a weakling in the face of adversity.

Take a look at Hitler.. Do you see what happen when you don't listen to your lieutenants?

Would you like The President not to listen to his 21 advisers?

Would you like him to become a dictator?

Ill advice from 21 political advisors is stealing of public funds .
May I recommend that Jagdeo makes peace with Bramha and make him his advisor..maybe then we will see good results.
You and the PPP prey on Indian Fears that is why the Indians vote PPP but this time around the PPP is in for a surprise , if they can manage to make it to another election.
While I do not know if Bramma is in nefarious business, all indicators point that he is not of immaculate character. Why should we want him as part of our nation's advisory panel? He would have more kinship with the freedom fighters in this respect. His ability is in getting to the crooks, if in reality he did, cannot be difficult for any astute person intent on curbing crime. The President is a fool. He does not need a Bramma but he needs a brain.
Posts: 10218 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
peter r
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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Then we will have to live with mediocrety, cause the Indians will keep voting for the PPP.

keep fooling yourself rama. just like how people rallying all over the place for defence, just so they will start rallying for a new missed the boat since this whole thing bruck out. wake up befor you miss it again. one wonders why the indians put up with all that shit since the 60s. you're a perfect example why. this time nah lang time rama.

Posts: 945 | From: toronto canada | Registered: March 20, 2001
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I say bring in the damn MARINES and that place will be cleaned up in a second. Only about two dozen Marines will be necessary.
Posts: 424 | Registered: June 17, 2002
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Originally posted by D2:
While I do not know if Bramma is in nefarious business, all indicators point that he is not of immaculate character. Why should we want him as part of our nation's advisory panel? He would have more kinship with the freedom fighters in this respect. His ability is in getting to the crooks, if in reality he did, cannot be difficult for any astute person intent on curbing crime. The President is a fool. He does not need a Bramma but he needs a brain.

Dont be fooled by his boyish demeanor, he has brains alright , enough to fool too many people for too long , just look at Rama and others who worship him .What he is lacking is balls and perhaps this is where Bramha may satisfy this shortcoming of the PPP.
Be it what it may, Bramha has displayed he has sufficient for all of the PPP and Indians in Guyana .
Besides , since decency is definitely absent in politics in Guyana and within the cadre of leaders ,again ,Bramha is really 'Bramha'compare with the leaders in Guyana.
I for one won't moralize since I am definitely not without sin , nor do I ever hope to go to heaven, but I will continue to make my case that justice for indians will only come from the barrel of guns .

Posts: 4353 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by D2:
While I do not know if Bramma is in nefarious business, all indicators point that he is not of immaculate character. Why should we want him as part of our nation's advisory panel? He would have more kinship with the freedom fighters in this respect. His ability is in getting to the crooks, if in reality he did, cannot be difficult for any astute person intent on curbing crime. The President is a fool. He does not need a Bramma but he needs a brain.

Dont be fooled by his boyish demeanor, he has brains alright , enough to fool too many people for too long , just look at Rama and others who worship him .What he is lacking is balls and perhaps this is where Bramha may satisfy this shortcoming of the PPP.
Be it what it may, Bramha has displayed he has sufficient for all of the PPP and Indians in Guyana .
Besides , since decency is definitely absent in politics in Guyana and within the cadre of leaders ,again ,Bramha is really 'Bramha'compare with the leaders in Guyana.
I for one won't moralize since I am definitely not without sin , nor do I ever hope to go to heaven, but I will continue to make my case that justice for indians will only come from the barrel of guns .
I never denied he had brains. In any case the point is mute for every reason from enflaming anger to ethics. Your suggestion that he is our Moses come to lead us out to the promise land is ridiculous.

But you are obsessed with the dilemma of Indians specifically and not our nation in general.

Posts: 10218 | From: NY | Registered: February 25, 1999
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D2 honestly and sincerely ,my primary interest at this time is Indian Rights and Security, once that can achieve this I am all for nation building and nationhood.

I was being the devil's advocate when I said maybe Bramha is the man for Bharrat ,however, isn't it wierd that 'Bramha' saved 'Bharrat' in Guyana ?

Posts: 4353 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001
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Originally posted by Nehru:
I say bring in the damn MARINES and that place will be cleaned up in a second. Only about two dozen Marines will be necessary.

Yuh wan communicate that to El Presidente of Gandhu??? Cause for Jagdeo now its not the giving that's the problem, its the receiving of the said giving.

This must be a first time for our Dear President considering this sort of situation a dilemma. big grin big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 07, 2002 09:31 PM Click Here to See the Profile for caribj   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Terry Ishmael:
The right thing to do is to clean up the damm country, by all means possible. If you can't clean house by yourself (as it clearly appears) then get professional help!

Terry, I assume that you realize that foreign intervention will cost money. Can the Guyana govt pay for it? If not who will, and why?

Posts: 1043 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 07, 2002 09:40 PM Click Here to See the Profile for caribj   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Nehru:
I say bring in the damn MARINES and that place will be cleaned up in a second. Only about two dozen Marines will be necessary.

And who will pay for these marines? You?

Posts: 1043 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
Terry Ishmael
Executive Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 09, 2002 09:00 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Terry Ishmael   Reply With Quote
I will gadly pay for crime to be eradicated in Guyana.

Which yu prefer? Guns or butter?

Posts: 3595 | From: New York | Registered: March 22, 1999
Junior Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 09, 2002 09:14 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Motilal_J   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Terry Ishmael:
I will gadly pay for crime to be eradicated in Guyana.

Which yu prefer? Guns or butter?


Doan worry about Carib Beer. He's just one a dem smaart uppity nigras from some fancy learnin skool up Noyth. big grin

Dah bai dun fugget about cent butta an cassava bread. He's a Fromage Brie & Pain Francaise man now. big grin big grin

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 09, 2002 09:21 AM Click Here to See the Profile for baseman   Reply With Quote
caribj: And who will pay for these marines? You?

Don't worry.....we will not stick it on your people. In anycase, it a little payback for putting-in you guys in the first place....Uncle Sam builds you up then he brings you down...just ask Saddam.

Posts: 144 | From: Switzerland | Registered: August 21, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 09, 2002 12:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for Ramakant_p   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by baseman:
caribj: And who will pay for these marines? You?

Don't worry.....we will not stick it on your people. In anycase, it a little payback for putting-in you guys in the first place....Uncle Sam builds you up then he brings you down...just ask Saddam.

Uncle Sam will not interfare with the internal affairs of guyana anymore.

The fact that Jagdeo was able to tell them, we can handle our own affairs and don't need their help, says that he, Jagdeo is in charge, and don't you ever forget that..
If you are waiting for Uncle Sam to overthrow the PPP and install the PNC, then you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 10, 2002 06:50 AM Click Here to See the Profile for baseman   Reply With Quote
Rama: The fact that Jagdeo was able to tell them, we can handle our own affairs and don't need their help, says that he, Jagdeo is in charge,

Yes PPP smart-one...tell that to all those dead Indians. I don't doubt that you are "smart", but convince the many Indians in and out of Gy that you and yours will make their lives better in their lifetime...assuming it's not going to be too short.

Posts: 144 | From: Switzerland | Registered: August 21, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 10, 2002 08:39 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Ramakant_p   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by baseman:
Rama: The fact that Jagdeo was able to tell them, we can handle our own affairs and don't need their help, says that he, Jagdeo is in charge,

Yes PPP smart-one...tell that to all those dead Indians. I don't doubt that you are "smart", but convince the many Indians in and out of Gy that you and yours will make their lives better in their lifetime...assuming it's not going to be too short.

I don't see them as dead indians, I see them as dead criminals..Black or brown...

There lives are now better than when the PNC was in government...

Mr. Baseman, I do respect your opinion, but one thing you must know, your enemies are not my enemies.

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002
Junior Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 10, 2002 01:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for caribj   Reply With Quote
So baseman write out your check then. GW needs the cash to pay for his war against Saddam. Put your money where your mouth is and write the damm check! Easy to chat nonsense over your PC than to stand behind your conviction of paying for the marines is it? Guess you suddenly realized that teh price tag is high and you lack the cash. To busyreading nazi and kkk literature to figure that out.
Posts: 1043 | From: ny | Registered: July 12, 2002
Junior Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 10, 2002 07:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for drugb   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by caribj:
So baseman write out your check then. GW needs the cash to pay for his war against Saddam. Put your money where your mouth is and write the damm check! Easy to chat nonsense over your PC than to stand behind your conviction of paying for the marines is it? Guess you suddenly realized that teh price tag is high and you lack the cash. To busyreading nazi and kkk literature to figure that out.

There is no need for the American public to pay for this war. The war will pay for itself plus 10 fold via the spoils(oil). Iraq is the second largest oil country, and the oil there is the cheapest to produce. That's why there is support for this war. Drugb has enlightened you once again. wink

Posts: 1419 | From: Maplewood,NJ,USA | Registered: April 08, 2002
Terry Ishmael
Executive Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 11, 2002 08:13 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Terry Ishmael   Reply With Quote
There is no support for the war. The majority of americans do not want a war. And the bulk of the rest of the world do not want a war. Check out the protests in Europe.
Posts: 3595 | From: New York | Registered: March 22, 1999
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 11, 2002 08:24 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Nehru   Reply With Quote
Caribj, I am paying for the damn Marines.
Posts: 424 | Registered: June 17, 2002
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This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 11, 2002 10:23 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Motilal_J   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Nehru:
Caribj, I am paying for the damn Marines.

As far as I'm aware, Olde Farte has not as yet been elevated to the rank of a national currency, so try again!

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
Junior Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted December 02, 2002 11:43 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Motilal_J   Reply With Quote
Update As Of Dec. 2:

The Government of Guyana/ Office of the President has retained Kawal Totaram to represent it against Caribbean New Yorker.

They have threatened the Editor with a lawsuit and various other gratuitous threats if he does not issue a full-front page apology for it.

It seems the PeePeePee Gov't has plenty of free time on its hands these days.

Posts: 1587 | From: "It Ain't No Fun If De Homies Can't Have None" | Registered: August 17, 2002
Executive Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted December 02, 2002 09:25 PM Click Here to See the Profile for kidmost   Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Motilal_J:
Update As Of Dec. 2:

The Government of Guyana/ Office of the President has retained Kawal Totaram to represent it against Caribbean New Yorker.

They have threatened the Editor with a lawsuit and various other gratuitous threats if he does not issue a full-front page apology for it.

It seems the PeePeePee Gov't has plenty of free time on its hands these days.

Motiji the PPP is doing a lot of damage control ONLY within the Indian community and no where else since it is the Indians who maintain them and keep them in power, so they need to bring an Indian brother to his knees to prove to the Indians and ONLY the Indians that other Indians who are critical of them can absolve them from such shameless guilt .

By the way, what ever happened to the investigation concerning the monies paid to Totoram's company for the CD-ROM on Guyana's Laws .

Maybe CNY should demand the results of the investigation and have it published .

Anyone knows anyone in this dept of the PPP govt who can leak the facts on this story, I am sure they will take a raise in exchange.

Posts: 4353 | From: Queens,N.Y. 11418 | Registered: May 09, 2001

All times are ETPage 1 2 
Django posted:
Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Must be a slow day for pnc propaganda. and I pelt blows pon one another. but now I see what you mean about people delving into personal business. these fking people got nothing better to do.

What are you insinuating ?

Not insinuating, but saying clearly "these fking people got nothing better to do". Now if the cap fit, WEAR IT proudly!

Iguana posted:
Django posted:
Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Must be a slow day for pnc propaganda. and I pelt blows pon one another. but now I see what you mean about people delving into personal business. these fking people got nothing better to do.

What are you insinuating ?

Not insinuating, but saying clearly "these fking people got nothing better to do". Now if the cap fit, WEAR IT proudly!

Well i got clearly, saw the post on another thread.

Django not here to pick fights with anyone, don't step on my toe, who ever does feel the brunt.


I guess, in hind sight, Rama was wrong.....the US did intervene 13 years later and removed the PPP


Junior Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted November 09, 2002 12:35 PM

Uncle Sam will not interfare with the internal affairs of guyana anymore.

The fact that Jagdeo was able to tell them, we can handle our own affairs and don't need their help, says that he, Jagdeo is in charge, and don't you ever forget that..
If you are waiting for Uncle Sam to overthrow the PPP and install the PNC, then you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Posts: 2063 | From: Brampton,ontario,Canada | Registered: June 28, 2002

Django posted:

I guess you can figure why the links are broken.

The post was captured by Google and resides on their server.

NO;  it was captured by me using a  webzipper. It can back up entire sites down to the hosting server root for the site. The hosting system was UBB which was written in perl and had a special s hypertext character set and allowed scripting so some of the links do not translate when republishing. Additionally, many of the links point to data that no longer exists on the present host server.  Amral, back up and prunes regularly so I am sure even his backups will have dead links. I have complete backup of the sites in the late 90's to about 2005. They are not easily accessible because they are on 20G tapes and one has to hook up a VISTA or below version of windows to work or an earlier version of Debian machine to access it. 

Drugb posted:

Those old posts are fraudulent, fabricated by a fraud, stormy aka d2.  They can not be verified by any source, in fact the links are broken and admin should immediately delete this fraud. 

Dummy, the links are broken because the machine or the hosting site they point to no longer exist. If you are smart enough you can look at the html. to see if the pages are cut arbitarily. 

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

Those old posts are fraudulent, fabricated by a fraud, stormy aka d2.  They can not be verified by any source, in fact the links are broken and admin should immediately delete this fraud. 

Dummy, the links are broken because the machine or the hosting site they point to no longer exist. If you are smart enough you can look at the html. to see if the pages are cut arbitarily. 

You are not a reliable source of information. Admin should delete this topic as the source is not traceable or verifiable. The only "proof" your provide is your word, and we all know what a manipulative individual you are. 

D2 posted:
Django posted:

I guess you can figure why the links are broken.

The post was captured by Google and resides on their server.

NO;  it was captured by me using a  webzipper. It can back up entire sites down to the hosting server root for the site. The hosting system was UBB which was written in perl and had a special s hypertext character set and allowed scripting so some of the links do not translate when republishing. Additionally, many of the links point to data that no longer exists on the present host server.  Amral, back up and prunes regularly so I am sure even his backups will have dead links. I have complete backup of the sites in the late 90's to about 2005. They are not easily accessible because they are on 20G tapes and one has to hook up a VISTA or below version of windows to work or an earlier version of Debian machine to access it. 

My bad, thought it was captured by Google.

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

Those old posts are fraudulent, fabricated by a fraud, stormy aka d2.  They can not be verified by any source, in fact the links are broken and admin should immediately delete this fraud. 

Dummy, the links are broken because the machine or the hosting site they point to no longer exist. If you are smart enough you can look at the html. to see if the pages are cut arbitarily. 

You are not a reliable source of information. Admin should delete this topic as the source is not traceable or verifiable. The only "proof" your provide is your word, and we all know what a manipulative individual you are. 

Banna haul your @ss , does it appear the post are edited and not true, you always have this doubting thomas attitude.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
D2 posted:
Django posted:

I guess you can figure why the links are broken.

The post was captured by Google and resides on their server.

NO;  it was captured by me using a  webzipper. It can back up entire sites down to the hosting server root for the site. The hosting system was UBB which was written in perl and had a special s hypertext character set and allowed scripting so some of the links do not translate when republishing. Additionally, many of the links point to data that no longer exists on the present host server.  Amral, back up and prunes regularly so I am sure even his backups will have dead links. I have complete backup of the sites in the late 90's to about 2005. They are not easily accessible because they are on 20G tapes and one has to hook up a VISTA or below version of windows to work or an earlier version of Debian machine to access it. 

My bad, thought it was captured by Google.

Lots of apologizing you seem to be doing lately. Now that you ketch sense, join me in calling for the thread to be deleted. This guy posting information that is not verifiable. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
D2 posted:
Django posted:

I guess you can figure why the links are broken.

The post was captured by Google and resides on their server.

NO;  it was captured by me using a  webzipper. It can back up entire sites down to the hosting server root for the site. The hosting system was UBB which was written in perl and had a special s hypertext character set and allowed scripting so some of the links do not translate when republishing. Additionally, many of the links point to data that no longer exists on the present host server.  Amral, back up and prunes regularly so I am sure even his backups will have dead links. I have complete backup of the sites in the late 90's to about 2005. They are not easily accessible because they are on 20G tapes and one has to hook up a VISTA or below version of windows to work or an earlier version of Debian machine to access it. 

My bad, thought it was captured by Google.

Lots of apologizing you seem to be doing lately. Now that you ketch sense, join me in calling for the thread to be deleted. This guy posting information that is not verifiable. 

I don't think the post are doctored.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
D2 posted:
Django posted:

I guess you can figure why the links are broken.

The post was captured by Google and resides on their server.

NO;  it was captured by me using a  webzipper. It can back up entire sites down to the hosting server root for the site. The hosting system was UBB which was written in perl and had a special s hypertext character set and allowed scripting so some of the links do not translate when republishing. Additionally, many of the links point to data that no longer exists on the present host server.  Amral, back up and prunes regularly so I am sure even his backups will have dead links. I have complete backup of the sites in the late 90's to about 2005. They are not easily accessible because they are on 20G tapes and one has to hook up a VISTA or below version of windows to work or an earlier version of Debian machine to access it. 

My bad, thought it was captured by Google.

Lots of apologizing you seem to be doing lately. Now that you ketch sense, join me in calling for the thread to be deleted. This guy posting information that is not verifiable. 

I don't think the post are doctored.

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
D2 posted:
Django posted:

I guess you can figure why the links are broken.

The post was captured by Google and resides on their server.

NO;  it was captured by me using a  webzipper. It can back up entire sites down to the hosting server root for the site. The hosting system was UBB which was written in perl and had a special s hypertext character set and allowed scripting so some of the links do not translate when republishing. Additionally, many of the links point to data that no longer exists on the present host server.  Amral, back up and prunes regularly so I am sure even his backups will have dead links. I have complete backup of the sites in the late 90's to about 2005. They are not easily accessible because they are on 20G tapes and one has to hook up a VISTA or below version of windows to work or an earlier version of Debian machine to access it. 

My bad, thought it was captured by Google.

Lots of apologizing you seem to be doing lately. Now that you ketch sense, join me in calling for the thread to be deleted. This guy posting information that is not verifiable. 

I don't think the post are doctored.

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. 

So you are not the fella who swam across the Demerara sewerage?

Drugb posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. one has to edit you or anyone. I am not ashamed of what I wrote then even if I may have different opinion on some issues given new understanding of them. 

You are as dumb as a skunk and not equipped to call anyone a pseudo intellectual.

Mitwah posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. 

So you are not the fella who swam across the Demerara sewerage?

I told him then the water would not be good for him. 

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. one has to edit you or anyone. I am not ashamed of what I wrote then even if I may have different opinion on some issues given new understanding of them. 

You are as dumb as a skunk and not equipped to call anyone a pseudo intellectual.

The fact is that you a low life individual posted this from alleged personal "backups". Which normal people take backups of forums when the owners don't do it themselves? This is really creepy and you are a creepy person, I would not put it beyond you to have fabricated this. 

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. one has to edit you or anyone. I am not ashamed of what I wrote then even if I may have different opinion on some issues given new understanding of them. 

You are as dumb as a skunk and not equipped to call anyone a pseudo intellectual.

Give that fella a break !!

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. one has to edit you or anyone. I am not ashamed of what I wrote then even if I may have different opinion on some issues given new understanding of them. 

You are as dumb as a skunk and not equipped to call anyone a pseudo intellectual.

The fact is that you a low life individual posted this from alleged personal "backups". Which normal people take backups of forums when the owners don't do it themselves? This is really creepy and you are a creepy person, I would not put it beyond you to have fabricated this. 

Looks like this nick is rented, sounds like a female conversating here.

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. one has to edit you or anyone. I am not ashamed of what I wrote then even if I may have different opinion on some issues given new understanding of them. 

You are as dumb as a skunk and not equipped to call anyone a pseudo intellectual.

The fact is that you a low life individual posted this from alleged personal "backups". Which normal people take backups of forums when the owners don't do it themselves? This is really creepy and you are a creepy person, I would not put it beyond you to have fabricated this. 

dude go swim in a sewer....makes more sense.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. one has to edit you or anyone. I am not ashamed of what I wrote then even if I may have different opinion on some issues given new understanding of them. 

You are as dumb as a skunk and not equipped to call anyone a pseudo intellectual.

The fact is that you a low life individual posted this from alleged personal "backups". Which normal people take backups of forums when the owners don't do it themselves? This is really creepy and you are a creepy person, I would not put it beyond you to have fabricated this. 

Looks like this nick is rented, sounds like a female conversating here.

Its his feminine side. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. one has to edit you or anyone. I am not ashamed of what I wrote then even if I may have different opinion on some issues given new understanding of them. 

You are as dumb as a skunk and not equipped to call anyone a pseudo intellectual.

The fact is that you a low life individual posted this from alleged personal "backups". Which normal people take backups of forums when the owners don't do it themselves? This is really creepy and you are a creepy person, I would not put it beyond you to have fabricated this. 

Looks like this nick is rented, sounds like a female conversating here.

It's a female and educated too. It's not Drugb's vernacular.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

This is where pseudo intellectuals like yourself err. It is not about what you think, but rather the fact that it can not be verified. The fraud d2 is not to be given a free pass, is he was honorable he would delete it himself. one has to edit you or anyone. I am not ashamed of what I wrote then even if I may have different opinion on some issues given new understanding of them. 

You are as dumb as a skunk and not equipped to call anyone a pseudo intellectual.

The fact is that you a low life individual posted this from alleged personal "backups". Which normal people take backups of forums when the owners don't do it themselves? This is really creepy and you are a creepy person, I would not put it beyond you to have fabricated this. 

Looks like this nick is rented, sounds like a female conversating here.

What is even creepier is that I had that exact conversation with someone over the weekend. I have to try and figure this out. 


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