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Dave posted:

Basil Williams did make a impact on Django brains . 

Mr Django What ever happened to this promise by APNU/ AFC.... now, when you provide the honest answer, then you have credibility to speak of constitutional abused.

Priority Reform by APNU/AFC  InClUde:
Constitutional Reform
• The APNU+AFC Coalition will immediately appoint a Constitutional Reform Commission consisting of representatives of all major Stakeholders - trades unions, the private sector, religious and faith-based organisations, women, youths, professional organizations and the University. Its mandate will be to undertake the urgent task of fashioning comprehensive reforms, for early implementation, designed to guarantee
a democratic society free from the abuse of citizens by those in high office fuelled by the exercise of arbitrary powers and behaviour by the Executive which is inconsistent with the spirit and provisions of the Constitution.
Powers of President and
Prime Minister
• Re-balancing the powers and responsibilities of the Prime Minister and the President in a manner meant to reduce abuse, avoid conflicts of interest and facilitate the more efficient execution of state functions;

This is what happened in 2006. 

At the end of February, the opposition PNC/R began to express concerns that GECOM would be unable to verify the list of electors before August 4, much to the disillusionment of the ruling PPP/C which is of the opinion that there is sufficient time to do so. In addition, the PNC/R demanded house-to-house verification of the electoral register, a procedure that is not seen as necessary by the government. 

As a result battle lines over the date of the elections were suddenly drawn – with the PPP/C wanting elections by the constitutional due date; and the PNC/R insisting on elections at a later date, holding GECOM’S lack of readiness as its trump card. The more the government insisted that GECOM should be ready to hold the elections, the more the opposition accused the government of trying to influence the decision of the supposedly independent commission.

On 2 May 2006, President Bharrat Jagdeo dissolved the National Assembly. Elections, originally scheduled for 4 August 2006, were subsequently held on 28 August 2006

Election not possible until August 30th .. say GECOM.

After weeks of protracted discussions on a date for the upcoming elections, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has identified August 30th as the possible elections day following a four to three vote at last Wednesday's statutory meeting. This means that the August 4 constitutional deadline for holding elections will not be met and arrangements will have to be put in place to extend the life of the government.
President Jagdeo had asked for elections deadline to be met. The PPP, had expressed the view that the polls could be held before the deadline if GECOM reduced the number of days ascribed to some activities in the election plan. However, following subsequent revisions, GECOM's operations department indicated that it still could not meet the due date.
The opposition commissioners were against fixing a date with a number of outstanding issues still on the commission's agenda, including the verification of the 2001 Official List of Electors (OLE). The late August date does not take into consideration a verification exercise.
Two days after this decision was communicated to the President, the three opposition commissioners announced that they would no longer participate in discussions related to the upcoming polls. They said electoral stakeholders have been deliberately misled and that there has been a lack of transparency in the conduct of the commission's poll preparations.


Django bai, check the info above. Looks like Jagdeo did announce elections day when he dissolved parliament. It looks like the PPP wanted elections to be held by the constitutional deadline while the PNC were delaying it. No wonder Nandlall stated equivocally that the PPP never delayed any elections beyond its constitutional boundries.

Fast forward to 2018/2019. The PNC has done every pathetic thing to delay elections which should have been held by March 22, 2019 including first coercing ole man Patterson to extend his sick leave (against his doctor's advise) and then by using Singh to pull a February 28, 2020 date out of her lazarus ass.

Dave posted:

If I recall, Django say some people on GNI wanna rewrite history😊 now I Man undastand what he meant. Go DJ Go. 

Now Nehru gon have a field day with you. 

The true history goes like this;

Jagan gave Burnham a chance to be part of the PPP after he returned from England.

Burnham being the kind of selfish person he is wanted to be the leader of the PPP instead.

He couldn't so he left and formed his own party which he also called the PPP.

He eventually changed the name of the party to the PNC and began his racist profiling.

He then conned D'Aguiar into giving his three parliamentary seats to him giving his a one seat advantage over the PPP.

From that point he intensified his racist profiling and undermining of Indians.

That along with some more rigged elections (Burnham couldn't convince or charm voters to side with him) ensued until he decided that he should be president for life.

But karma was ready to kick his ass. He lasted less than a full parliamentary term having died in 1985 and eventually being dumped in the hole in a puss filled liquid form burial.

Then enters Hoyte to continue the same wickedness of his predecessor. He tried the same shit but by then the full weight of decades of PNC mismanagement and incompetence broke the back of Guyana and when he stretched his begging bowl out for more pittance, he was strongly told that he needs to stop behaving like an animal and hold real free and fair elections.

In herald Guyana's golden age. The PPP took over government and the country began its long and arduous  journey back to a world of promise.

But the wicked PNC were done with their nonsense. They continued to employ violent means to destabilize the country until they were temporarily chained.

Then they conned yet another party, now the AFC to give them their seats and so began the second era of PNC destruction of Guyana.

The good guys in the PPP sought to limit the damage through the NCV last year but the wicked PNC opted to squat illegally in office thereby dumping the country into a constitutional crises.

Now Guyana is once again at the mercy of other as they stretch out their begging bowl for more pittance. But the people with the pittance has refused to help because they are pissed with the wicked PNC.

That is Guyana's history. Anything else is a gross fabrication.

ksazma posted:
Dave posted:

Basil Williams did make a impact on Django brains . 

Mr Django What ever happened to this promise by APNU/ AFC.... now, when you provide the honest answer, then you have credibility to speak of constitutional abused.

Priority Reform by APNU/AFC  InClUde:
Constitutional Reform
• The APNU+AFC Coalition will immediately appoint a Constitutional Reform Commission consisting of representatives of all major Stakeholders - trades unions, the private sector, religious and faith-based organisations, women, youths, professional organizations and the University. Its mandate will be to undertake the urgent task of fashioning comprehensive reforms, for early implementation, designed to guarantee
a democratic society free from the abuse of citizens by those in high office fuelled by the exercise of arbitrary powers and behaviour by the Executive which is inconsistent with the spirit and provisions of the Constitution.
Powers of President and
Prime Minister
• Re-balancing the powers and responsibilities of the Prime Minister and the President in a manner meant to reduce abuse, avoid conflicts of interest and facilitate the more efficient execution of state functions;

This is what happened in 2006. 

At the end of February, the opposition PNC/R began to express concerns that GECOM would be unable to verify the list of electors before August 4, much to the disillusionment of the ruling PPP/C which is of the opinion that there is sufficient time to do so. In addition, the PNC/R demanded house-to-house verification of the electoral register, a procedure that is not seen as necessary by the government. 

As a result battle lines over the date of the elections were suddenly drawn – with the PPP/C wanting elections by the constitutional due date; and the PNC/R insisting on elections at a later date, holding GECOM’S lack of readiness as its trump card. The more the government insisted that GECOM should be ready to hold the elections, the more the opposition accused the government of trying to influence the decision of the supposedly independent commission.

On 2 May 2006, President Bharrat Jagdeo dissolved the National Assembly. Elections, originally scheduled for 4 August 2006, were subsequently held on 28 August 2006

Election not possible until August 30th .. say GECOM.

After weeks of protracted discussions on a date for the upcoming elections, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has identified August 30th as the possible elections day following a four to three vote at last Wednesday's statutory meeting. This means that the August 4 constitutional deadline for holding elections will not be met and arrangements will have to be put in place to extend the life of the government.
President Jagdeo had asked for elections deadline to be met. The PPP, had expressed the view that the polls could be held before the deadline if GECOM reduced the number of days ascribed to some activities in the election plan. However, following subsequent revisions, GECOM's operations department indicated that it still could not meet the due date.
The opposition commissioners were against fixing a date with a number of outstanding issues still on the commission's agenda, including the verification of the 2001 Official List of Electors (OLE). The late August date does not take into consideration a verification exercise.
Two days after this decision was communicated to the President, the three opposition commissioners announced that they would no longer participate in discussions related to the upcoming polls. They said electoral stakeholders have been deliberately misled and that there has been a lack of transparency in the conduct of the commission's poll preparations.


Django bai, check the info above.

Looks like Jagdeo did announce elections day when he dissolved parliament.

It looks like the PPP wanted elections to be held by the constitutional deadline while the PNC were delaying it. No wonder Nandlall stated equivocally that the PPP never delayed any elections beyond its constitutional boundries.

Fast forward to 2018/2019. The PNC has done every pathetic thing to delay elections which should have been held by March 22, 2019 including first coercing ole man Patterson to extend his sick leave (against his doctor's advise) and then by using Singh to pull a February 28, 2020 date out of her lazarus ass.

Jagdeo didn't  !!!  

Dave always pull up articles to deflect from the issues, that's common from the PPP, thinking they can fool all the people.

GECOM wasn't ready for the elections to be held on the Constitutional date  in 2006, there was issues with the voters list that had to be rectified , so some of the blame was painted on the then opposition.

Last edited by Django

Bai Django there are just two possibilities. Either the information highlighted above is a fabrication by Dave or you are determined to not believe your lying eyes. 

I think it may be useful if you post the correct account for Dave et al.

ksazma posted:

Bai Django there are just two possibilities. Either the information highlighted above is a fabrication by Dave or you are determined to not believe your lying eyes

I think it may be useful if you post the correct account for Dave et al.

Here you go joking again, no one can't point out the faults of the PPP,  it's either the person is lying or the opposition parties at fault.

Wasn't paying attention to Guyana politics during those years, last night stumbled on some information ,it's on my other computer will post later.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Jagdeo dissolved Parliament?? News to me. In which Country??

Yuh drunk ??  it's too early !!! who was President of Guyana in  the year 2006 ?

Yeah I was in yuh Basement just waking up. Butta Bing Butta Bang!!!

Don't have the qualities to be in my basement, gutter rat !!!

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:

Basil Williams did make a impact on Django brains . 

Mr Django What ever happened to this promise by APNU/ AFC.... now, when you provide the honest answer, then you have credibility to speak of constitutional abused.

Priority Reform by APNU/AFC  InClUde:
Constitutional Reform
• The APNU+AFC Coalition will immediately appoint a Constitutional Reform Commission consisting of representatives of all major Stakeholders - trades unions, the private sector, religious and faith-based organisations, women, youths, professional organizations and the University. Its mandate will be to undertake the urgent task of fashioning comprehensive reforms, for early implementation, designed to guarantee
a democratic society free from the abuse of citizens by those in high office fuelled by the exercise of arbitrary powers and behaviour by the Executive which is inconsistent with the spirit and provisions of the Constitution.
Powers of President and
Prime Minister
• Re-balancing the powers and responsibilities of the Prime Minister and the President in a manner meant to reduce abuse, avoid conflicts of interest and facilitate the more efficient execution of state functions;

This is what happened in 2006. 

At the end of February, the opposition PNC/R began to express concerns that GECOM would be unable to verify the list of electors before August 4, much to the disillusionment of the ruling PPP/C which is of the opinion that there is sufficient time to do so. In addition, the PNC/R demanded house-to-house verification of the electoral register, a procedure that is not seen as necessary by the government. 

As a result battle lines over the date of the elections were suddenly drawn – with the PPP/C wanting elections by the constitutional due date; and the PNC/R insisting on elections at a later date, holding GECOM’S lack of readiness as its trump card. The more the government insisted that GECOM should be ready to hold the elections, the more the opposition accused the government of trying to influence the decision of the supposedly independent commission.

On 2 May 2006, President Bharrat Jagdeo dissolved the National Assembly. Elections, originally scheduled for 4 August 2006, were subsequently held on 28 August 2006

Election not possible until August 30th .. say GECOM.

After weeks of protracted discussions on a date for the upcoming elections, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has identified August 30th as the possible elections day following a four to three vote at last Wednesday's statutory meeting. This means that the August 4 constitutional deadline for holding elections will not be met and arrangements will have to be put in place to extend the life of the government.
President Jagdeo had asked for elections deadline to be met. The PPP, had expressed the view that the polls could be held before the deadline if GECOM reduced the number of days ascribed to some activities in the election plan. However, following subsequent revisions, GECOM's operations department indicated that it still could not meet the due date.
The opposition commissioners were against fixing a date with a number of outstanding issues still on the commission's agenda, including the verification of the 2001 Official List of Electors (OLE). The late August date does not take into consideration a verification exercise.
Two days after this decision was communicated to the President, the three opposition commissioners announced that they would no longer participate in discussions related to the upcoming polls. They said electoral stakeholders have been deliberately misled and that there has been a lack of transparency in the conduct of the commission's poll preparations.


Django bai, check the info above.

Looks like Jagdeo did announce elections day when he dissolved parliament.

It looks like the PPP wanted elections to be held by the constitutional deadline while the PNC were delaying it. No wonder Nandlall stated equivocally that the PPP never delayed any elections beyond its constitutional boundries.

Fast forward to 2018/2019. The PNC has done every pathetic thing to delay elections which should have been held by March 22, 2019 including first coercing ole man Patterson to extend his sick leave (against his doctor's advise) and then by using Singh to pull a February 28, 2020 date out of her lazarus ass.

Jagdeo didn't  !!!  

Dave always pull up articles to deflect from the issues, that's common from the PPP, thinking they can fool all the people.

GECOM wasn't ready for the elections to be held on the Constitutional date  in 2006, there was issues with the voters list that had to be rectified , so some of the blame was painted on the then opposition.



Django you need to be truthful and stop with your propaganda, all these informantion is on Google and its FREE  ..

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B. GEORGETOWN 328 C. GEORGETOWN 08 D. GEORGETOWN 181 Classified By: Ambasador Roland W. Bullen For reason 1.4 (d) 1. U) SUMMARY. The Guyana Elections Commission (GECO) says it cannot deliver elections by the Auust 4 constitutional due date and will not be ready before August 30. This raises thorny constitutional questions about Guyana's governance after August 4. GECOM has also failed to set a new election date, which leaves the process in limbo. Making matters worse, the three opposition election commissioners have "withdrawn" from GECOM, further disrupting the process. President Bharrat Jagdeo and opposition leader Robert Corbin met April 19 - an encouraging sign - but did not achieve a breakthrough. As it currently stands, if key compromises are not reached by May 4 when Parliament dissolves, Guyana will be left with neither a legislature nor an election date. END SUMMARY. --------------------------------------------- --------- It's Official: No Elections by Constitutional Deadline --------------------------------------------- --------- 2. (SBU) GECOM decided April 12 that it cannot meet the August 4 constitutional deadline for elections and, furthermore, cannot deliver elections before August 30. However, GECOM stopped short of declaring a new election date, leaving the election timeline in disarray. In the absence of official word, several rumors are circulating Georgetown about when elections might be held. The donor-funded Joint International Technical Assessor (JITA) who monitors GECOM's activities told PolOff that GECOM is capable of delivering elections by August 31 and that any failure to do so will only be the result of "deliberate sabotage" by political forces who do not want elections to take place. --------------------------------------------- ------- Sulking Opposition Commissioners Withdraw from GECOM --------------------------------------------- ------- 3. (SBU) The three opposition-nominated GECOM commissioners announced April 15 that they had "withdrawn" - but did not resign - from GECOM. (Note: Actually resigning would entail financial hardships such as having to retroactively pay duty on their imported duty-free personal vehicles.) They cited GECOM Chairman Steve Surujbally's misleading and non-transparent management style as the reason why they could no longer work with him. The commissioners have made their point, storming away from the table but preserving the option to return. 4. (SBU) The commissioners and GECOM staff have often expressed their frustration with Surujbally in the past five years. But the real impetus for their action now is that Surujbally voted with the PPP-nominated commissioners to proceed with printing of the Preliminary List of Electors, a step the opposition opposes. Casting the tie-breaking (4 to 3) vote was unprecedented and it paves the way for the Claims and Objections exercise to begin May 2. Proceeding with Claims and Objections now is critical if elections are to be held without additional delay. 5. (SBU) Where does this leave the elections process? The absence of opposition commissioners might make it easier for GECOM to make urgently needed decisions - the constitution allows the remaining three commissioners and the Chairman to form a quorum. But this would give the opposition parties a very convenient excuse for disowning and discrediting the election process at a later date. Corbin made this perfectly clear in declaring that "the elections commission is treading on dangerous ground" if it plans to make decisions about elections without the opposition commissioners. --------------------------------------------- ----- Jagdeo, Corbin Meet: A First Step Towards Dialogue --------------------------------------------- ----- 6. (SBU) President Jagdeo met with opposition leader Robert Corbin April 19, a step that post and other donors have been urging for months. The upshot was an agreement to establish a four-person team to assess the constitutional implications of the now inevitable delay of elections beyond their August 4 due date. This team will be comprised of two from each side - reported to be Attorney-General Doodnauth Singh and Speaker of Parliament Ralph Ramkarran on one side, with PNC/R Chairman Winston Murray and senior counsel Rex McKay on the other. Ramkarran and Murray command some respect as independent-minded politicians, but it is difficult to foresee how a structure that pits the two parties evenly against each other will bring any resolution to the extremely contentious constitutional questions at play. 7. (SBU) The Jagdeo-Corbin meeting, although a useful first step in reestablishing dialogue, does not mean that compromise is in the offing. The opposition PNC/R's weekly statement April 20 flatly sets out its position - Jagdeo and his cabinet cannot hold office after August 4 without a constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds majority vote in the National Assembly. This further supports post's view that the opposition's strategy remains the same - to trade its support for a constitutional amendment in exchange for full house-to-house verification as a concession. 8. (SBU) Baroness Amos, leader of the UK House of Lords and Tony Blair confidante, will visit her native Guyana the weekend of April 29-30 following the UK-CARICOM summit in Barbados. She plans to use the occasion to talk some sense into Guyana's political leaders - and not a moment too soon as the Parliament dissolves May 4, at which time Guyana will have neither a legislature nor an election date. --------------------------------------------- ----- Continued Veiled Threats by Opposition Troublesome --------------------------------------------- ----- 9. (C) The PNC/R also launched another personal broadside against Surujbally in its April 20 statement, accusing him of "pursuing a dangerous program of deception". In the wake of the April 22 assassination of GoG cabinet-member Satyadeow Sawh (septel), this type of rhetoric is no laughing matter. Surujbally, who has been the focus of verbal attacks by opposition politicians for months, recently confided to Ambassador that he considers himself a "dead man walking". 10. (C) The PNC/R leaders have made a habit of peppering their public statements with references to the chaos and violence that will ensue if election preparations continue on their current path. Of course, they point to other uncontrollable, unnamed elements as the sources of such unrest. Post believes these veiled threats are irresponsible and inflammatory, giving succor to those who want to disrupt the election process. Post will devise and seek Department concurrence on tactics to be used against political parties that directly or indirectly promote election-related violence. -------- Comment -------- 11. (SBU) Guyanese bristle at comparisons between their country and Haiti. Yet, as one letter-writer put it recently in the Stabroek News, Guyana "is suffering from gross managerial incompetence" if after five years and US$15 million, GECOM cannot deliver an election for less than 500,000 voters on time. Recent events underscore GECOM's fundamentally flawed structure where the politically appointed commissioners are put in straightjackets by their political masters. 12. (SBU) Comment continued. GECOM made a critical mistake when it failed to set a new election date when announcing August 4 was no longer achievable. We are now in a state of limbo. GECOM staff are moving ahead with preparations for an August 31 poll date. But as far as the opposition parties are concerned, nothing can happen until a full house-to-house verification exercise is agreed to and a deal is struck on post May 4 governance. And so with each passing week that these fundamental issues go unresolved, Guyana heads closer to a Haiti-like scenario of election delays. End comment. BULLEN

2006 May 17, 19:23 (Wednesday)

1. (U) SUMMARY. Guyana's election impasse has moved into a new phase. The country currently has neither a legislature (dissolved May 2 by President Jagdeo) nor an election date (no new date has been set since the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) decided April 12 that it could not meet the August 4 constitutional due date for elections (ref A)). Over the past month GECOM has worked towards a revised timeline for an August 31 election day.

The GoG has temporarily bought itself some breathing room by unilaterally amending the constitution to extend the election deadline by one month -- a move that has predictably brought threats of legal action from the opposition. Observers agree that meeting even this new September 2 constitutional deadline will be very difficult. While Parliament's dissolution passed without great incident, opposition leaders at a May 13 rally called on their supporters to take to the streets in protest.


--------------------------------------------- ------ Governance Status: No Legislature, No Election Date --------------------------------------------- ------ 2. (U) President Jagdeo dissolved Parliament on May 2 (the next to last possible day) without bipartisan consensus on election timing or how to deal with the country's governance until elections take place. Just prior, Parliament amended Article 61 of Guyana's constitution to require that elections be held within four months of Parliament's dissolution, instead of three months as originally written. The GoG was able to pass this amendment with a simple majority.

Legislators left Article 69, the other pertinent section, unchanged -- the new Parliament "shall begin ... four months from the end" of the prior Parliament's dissolution. Unlike Article 61, Article 69 is one of the constitution's sections that requires a two-thirds majority (and thus opposition support) to amend. The parliamentary opposition parties were counting on this fact to extract political concessions for their support of an amendment. Circumvented by the GoG, the opposition predictably disagrees with the GoG's constitutional interpretation and has threatened legal challenge. 3. (SBU) Where does this constitutional tinkering leave the elections process? On the one hand, the GoG has temporarily bought itself some breathing room by extending the constitutional due date for elections to September 2, in post's estimation.

(Note: The parties and GECOM are still unclear as to whether the actual new due date is September 2nd or 3rd -- underscoring that this was a rush job constitutional amendment). On the other hand, the consensus view in Georgetown is that the chances of meeting the new deadline are slim.

Under Article 69, the new Parliament is still constitutionally mandated to meet by September 2.

GECOM is working on the basis of a timeline with an August 31 election day. This creates an untenable situation. In practical terms, this means that votes would have to be transported and counted, results announced, and new MPs named between August 31 and September 2 -- an almost inconceivable scenario even in the unlikely event that there are no more slippages in GECOM's work plan.

4. (U) The GoG's internal legal analysis supporting Article 61's amendment also set forth the opinion that President Jagdeo and his ministers could remain in their positions indefinitely until the next elections are held.

--------------------------------------------- -------------- Opposition Election Commissioners Return: But For How Long? --------------------------------------------- -------------- 5. (U) The three opposition-nominated election commissioners who "withdrew" from GECOM April 15 returned to the fold for GECOM's May 12 meeting. Nevertheless, the meeting was acrimonious and unproductive. The source of dispute remains GEORGETOWN 00000462 002 OF 002 the opposition's demand for verification of the voters list (reftels). Having set a precedent of retreating when they fail to get their way, the opposition commissioners could withdraw again before the May 19 GECOM meeting. --------------------------------------------- ------ Faltering Political Dialogue; Opposition Rally Call --------------------------------------------- ------ 6. (U) The ruling PPP/C and main opposition PNC/R parties continue to engage in a halting dialogue aimed at resolving the impasse over verification. If a solution is to be found, it will have to come from the politicians rather than GECOM. However, both sides have sent only lukewarm signals of willingness to compromise. 7. (U) The parliamentary opposition parties held a May 13 rally, urging their supporters to "enter the struggle" and go "into the streets". PNC/R leader Robert Corbin later invoked his stock phrase again: "There can be no peace without justice." As usual, the speakers did not explain what these statements/threats entail, nor what supporters should do once they are in the streets. ------------------------------ OAS Long-term Observers Arrive ------------------------------ 8. (U) OAS' two-person electoral observation mission arrived in Guyana May 12-13. They are on contract to remain in country through the end of September and will focus on technical preparations for the elections. ------- Comment ------- 9. (SBU) Most observers think that further slippages in election preparations are unavoidable, meaning that the additional month gained by the constitutional amendment is merely a superficial fix.

The root cause of the unresolved election delay is the ruling PPP/C and opposition PNC/R's unwillingness to find a political compromise that allows elections to proceed in a constructive fashion.

Without such negotiation and compromise, the political temperature in Guyana will continue to rise as September and a fresh constitutional crisis draw closer. END COMMENT. Bullen


Dave , while citing propaganda  in your reply, try to post every thing on 2006 Election debacle.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Even Chung's signature there on the 1980 constitution was an abuse by the PNC as Chung was only a paper president.

Due to PNC party paramountcy, Burnham called all the shots and dictated to Chung how to act.

Fast forward 40 years, the PNC still abusing the constitution wit their current illegal behavior.

Then you have all their illegal and terroristic behavior while in opposition. Those too were abuses of the constitution by the PNC. Conclusion: The PNC has always been the ones abusing the constitution.

That was Burnham one party state document foisted on the people in 1980.

Now be truthful,  which Political Party are the most abusers ? when it started ?

The PNC.

As flawed as the constitution is, it still MUST be obeyed until it is reformed/replaced.

No different from how flawed the 55MPH law was. That too had to be obeyed. Today that same law is mostly 70MPH which too has to be obeyed.

Nope , the abuse started in 1992.

Wow, you really surprise me deh!

If I do not have great restraint, I would have been cussing him here for his being so inane. At times, I wonder if he is experiencing advanced senility.

Zed posted:

If I do not have great restraint, I would have been cussing him here for his being so inane. At times, I wonder if he is experiencing advanced senility.

Don't hold back , that what ayuh good for. For senility that ain't step in yet , start checking yourself .

Now tell which political party top the list abusing the Guyana Constitution ? here is a hint  for one, check Article 155 and 183 .

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Zed posted:

If I do not have great restraint, I would have been cussing him here for his being so inane. At times, I wonder if he is experiencing advanced senility.

Don't hold back , that what ayuh good for. For senility that ain't step in yet , start checking yourself .

Now tell which political party top the list abusing the Guyana Constitution ?

Haven’t you got the message from everyone yet. 

You posted a subject and asked a question, so begin by showing your stats nah ...  Rass man. 

show it in 3 column.. 

PNC - 28 years  / PPP - 23 years / APNU/ AFC - 4 years.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Django, you are as corrupt as those you support!

Strong words to define people who stating the facts.

where is your facts Django???? 

Buy a pair of glasses , if you can't see also shed the tribalism.


I have seen nothing that DJ posted to attest to his assertion that the PPP violated the constitution. 

The situation he used resulted from PNC obstruction, and GECOM inability to effectively prepare for elections. 

The PNC, every time it has been in government has violated tge democratic rights of tge people and tge constitution. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

If I do not have great restraint, I would have been cussing him here for his being so inane. At times, I wonder if he is experiencing advanced senility.

Don't hold back , that what ayuh good for. For senility that ain't step in yet , start checking yourself .

Now tell which political party top the list abusing the Guyana Constitution ?

Haven’t you got the message from everyone yet. 
You posted a subject and asked a question, so begin by showing your stats nah ...  Rass man. 

show it in 3 column.. 

PNC - 28 years  / PPP - 23 years / APNU/ AFC - 4 years.

Are you aware the PPP was in government more than 23 yrs ?

Zed posted:

I have seen nothing that DJ posted to attest to his assertion that the PPP violated the constitution. 

The situation he used resulted from PNC obstruction, and GECOM inability to effectively prepare for elections. 

The PNC, every time it has been in government has violated tge democratic rights of tge people and tge constitution. 

Really !!! take off the blinders.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

If I do not have great restraint, I would have been cussing him here for his being so inane. At times, I wonder if he is experiencing advanced senility.

Don't hold back , that what ayuh good for. For senility that ain't step in yet , start checking yourself .

Now tell which political party top the list abusing the Guyana Constitution ?

Haven’t you got the message from everyone yet. 
You posted a subject and asked a question, so begin by showing your stats nah ...  Rass man. 

show it in 3 column.. 

PNC - 28 years  / PPP - 23 years / APNU/ AFC - 4 years.

Are you aware the PPP was in government more than 23 yrs ?

Django that’s irrelevant to my question.. you are a good at this. 
now get to your subject. 

Django posted:
Zed posted:

I have seen nothing that DJ posted to attest to his assertion that the PPP violated the constitution. 

The situation he used resulted from PNC obstruction, and GECOM inability to effectively prepare for elections. 

The PNC, every time it has been in government has violated tge democratic rights of tge people and tge constitution. 

Really !!! take off the blinders.









you show show FCk all django. 


Even if one is to look at the years before 1964, one would still see the PNC as the worse party. Back then Burnham wanted to take over Jagan leadership position in the PPP. Even back then the PNC were usurpers.


Django, get your head straight.  It’s filled with PNC shit!

The PNC blatantly rigged the elections from 1968 and ended in 1992.  Now they attempting the same. 

That is not only a violation of the constitution, it’s also a violation of the rights of the people and a violation of international norms of democratic and civil behavior!

You drank too much PNC mauby!


Run Djanjo Run... I guess the heat is too much .. 

remember Basil William trying to tell ayo 32 is greater than 33 and you was one who agreed with him .. now  you trying the constitution violation thing ... it wouldn’t wok bhai.
Ayo can believe ayo own lies. 

Dave posted:

Run Djanjo Run... I guess the heat is too much .. 

remember Basil William trying to tell ayo 32 is greater than 33 and you was one who agreed with him .. now  you trying the constitution violation thing ... it wouldn’t wok bhai.
Ayo can believe ayo own lies. 

Behave like wan big man not like the gutter rat, given was some hints seems ayuh blind like bat, when it comes to PPP violation. Blame the PNC !!!

Now think about illegal parliamentarians and ministers, blocking h2h, recommended by observers of past elections , tossing court orders...etc

Last edited by Django

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