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PPPC claims big Local Govt elections victory; to take alleged abuse of State resources to House


Ten months after losing general elections by a slim margin, Guyana’s main opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) on Saturday claimed a significant victory in Local Government Elections held a day earlier.

“As a result of this overwhelming electoral support, the PPP/C emerged victorious with over 60% of the votes cast in the seventy (70) Local Authority Areas (LAA) which the party contested,” the PPPC said in a statement.

The PPPC said it won the majority of votes in some Neighbourhood Democratic Councils where “traditionally it had limited or no support.”  GECOM sources said in relation to towns, the PPPC has won Anna Regina, Rose Hall and Corriverton with five of the remaining six going to coalition of A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change.

Claiming that the governing APNU+AFC not only allegedly intimidated voters in Bartica and elsewhere but also abused state resources through the Ministry of Social Cohesion at the new towns of Bartica, Mabaruma and Lethem, the PPPC announced plans to take the issue to the 65-seat National Assembly. “The Party wishes to notify of its intention to raise these abuses of State resources by the APNU+AFC in the National Assembly and to call for a full- scale investigation into the matter.”

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, in a separate statement, vowed that his party would work tirelessly to improve the conditions of supporters who voted solidly. “Now that the Local Government Elections are over, the PPP/C will ensure that the communities, where we won a majority, are served in a manner that is responsive to their concerns and professional, without distinction for their race, political affiliation or religion,” he said.

The party, which is now in the opposition for the first time in 23 years, credited its victory to the determination by its supporters to oust the governing APNU+AFC coalition office, long and tireless hours of work: door-to-door campaigns, and educating communities on the PPP/C vision for development, among other commendable activities.

“The latest numbers indicate a massive victory for the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) at the Local Government Elections and I would like to thank all of our supporters and the hundreds of volunteers and other persons who have helped us with the campaign,” Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo said in his statement.

The PPPC called on the International Community to pay attention to the alleged abuse of state resources for electioneering purposes. “The party calls on the International Community to take note of this troublesome development which clearly undermines and erodes confidence in the electoral process in Guyana,” the PPPC said.

The American, British and Canadian diplomats here have given the Local Government Elections a clean bill of health. “We wish to reiterate our strong and considered opinion that the voting and counting processes in the Guyanese local government elections were free, fair, and credible. Our diplomatic observer teams, consisting of some ninety observers spread throughout nine regions, found nothing to question the integrity or credibility of the voting process,” the diplomats who observed the polls said in a joint statement.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

How do you win local and lose general elections with the same voters in a matter of ten months?  With such a big margin of difference!!

General elections are a different ball game,by the way  LGE the turn out was 38% to 39%,alyuh still can't accept loss.

Last edited by Django

Same voters.  Same election system.  Agreed that voter turnout was lower because the people are disappointed with the government that promised a better life.  But that still does not explain a 60% - 40% difference!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Same voters.  Same election system.  Agreed that voter turnout was lower because the people are disappointed with the government that promised a better life.  But that still does not explain a 60% - 40% difference!

Will get back to you on the 60% per cent claim,wait for the final results,so far most of the towns the voters lean towards APNU/AFC candidates.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How do you win local and lose general elections with the same voters in a matter of ten months?  With such a big margin of difference!!

It could be that many of those duped into believing that the Coalition was better than the PPP and will actually do more for the people than the PPP had nine to ten months of proof that they only wanted to be the government so they can enrich themselves and actually are very hapless. But I don't blame the Politicians because Politicians by nature are dishonest people. It is the voters who allowed themselves to be conned.

Any reasonably thinking person should be able to decipher truth from falsehood. When Nagamootoo said that he will not be a nimakharam and join the AFC, then he joined the AFC because he said that he was upset that Ramoutar was chosen to be the Presidential candidate instead of him who had the blessings of Jagan because Jagan whispered it in his ear that he was the heir to the PPP throne (don't know why Nagamootoo did not fret with Janet when she chose Jagdeo but only did so after she was not here to clarify her husband's position). So when he realized that the AFC will be no more than a spoiler in Guyanese politics, he joined up with his archenemy, the PNC because it gave him the chance to be Prime Minister. Now he would have preferred President but his many decades of being whooped by the PNC taught him that Prime Minister was the most he will get even though without his deceitful help, the PNC would be wallowing in the Opposition.

Guyanese are stupidee voters and can easily be conned. Preach pat on the backs, rubbing shoulders can easily con Guyanese.


I would also like to add Congratulations to the Government for holding the decades-long overdue LGE. At last! Also notable is the fact that the ABC countries declared the elections to have been "free, fair and credible". 

Despite the low voter turnout, so far the results seem to be as I expected. 

Last edited by Former Member

I don't know how accurate this is but it does seem plausible.

"The impressive victories scored by the PPP/C clearly vindicates its long held view that the Party was always prepared to contest Local Government Elections and could never be held responsible for delaying these elections. The party reiterates that all the delays for the holding of Local Government Elections were due to the persistent street demonstrations, legal and other challenges raised by those who used every possible means to throw up obstacles on the path for Local Government Elections. The Opposition Leader pointed to the Joint Task Force on Local Government Reform between the then governing PPP/C and the Opposition PNC which deliberated for 8-years with little success. That Committee was eventually disbanded by former President Jagdeo who had opted to unilaterally table the Local Government Bills but the PNC Leader Robert Corbin had indicated his party was unwilling to support four pieces of those legislation." iNews Guyana

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

I don't know how accurate this is but it does seem plausible.

"The impressive victories scored by the PPP/C clearly vindicates its long held view that the Party was always prepared to contest Local Government Elections and could never be held responsible for delaying these elections. The party reiterates that all the delays for the holding of Local Government Elections were due to the persistent street demonstrations, legal and other challenges raised by those who used every possible means to throw up obstacles on the path for Local Government Elections. The Opposition Leader pointed to the Joint Task Force on Local Government Reform between the then governing PPP/C and the Opposition PNC which deliberated for 8-years with little success. That Committee was eventually disbanded by former President Jagdeo who had opted to unilaterally table the Local Government Bills but the PNC Leader Robert Corbin had indicated his party was unwilling to support four pieces of those legislation." iNews Guyana

By now we should all know the smell of bullshit, don't we kaz?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Same voters.  Same election system.  Agreed that voter turnout was lower because the people are disappointed with the government that promised a better life.  But that still does not explain a 60% - 40% difference!

30% of the voters are in G/town. The PPP is now a mere "independent" party with a mere 2 seats. The independents collectively won 3 seats.

G/town folks stayed home, knowing that the PPP wasn't a threat.

NOTE the PPP LOST ground in G/twn, Lethem, and Mabaruma.  NOT good for a party which has to move beyond its ethnic base if it plans to win in 2020.

So wail about the "60%".

ksazma posted:

I don't know how accurate this is but it does seem plausible.

"The impressive victories scored by the PPP/C clearly vindicates its long held view that the Party was always prepared to contest Local Government Elections and could never be held responsible for delaying these elections. The party reiterates that all the delays for the holding of Local Government Elections were due to the persistent street demonstrations, legal and other challenges raised by those who used every possible means to throw up obstacles on the path for Local Government Elections. The Opposition Leader pointed to the Joint Task Force on Local Government Reform between the then governing PPP/C and the Opposition PNC which deliberated for 8-years with little success. That Committee was eventually disbanded by former President Jagdeo who had opted to unilaterally table the Local Government Bills but the PNC Leader Robert Corbin had indicated his party was unwilling to support four pieces of those legislation." iNews Guyana

Plausible in what way?

LGE was way overdue, so why didn't the PPP host it?  When APNU and the AFC demanded it, they closed down parliament rather than scheduling it. Going back into ancient Corbin era history fools no one!

Why did the PPP only seriously contest in its core areas, leaving them only 2 seats in G/town, where the turn out was quite low, and yet where 30% of the voters live?  Why have they let Lethem and Mabaruma begin to slip into the hands of the coalition?

The PPP needed to prove to themselves that they weren't losing their Indian base. In fact this is their paranoia, which is why they descended into the worst level of racist pandering that Guyana has seen since the 61 and 64 elections.

As a PPP supporter please tell them that Indians are no longer more than 50% of the vote. As the emerging mixed population matures into adulthood, this will be a key voting bloc.  Yet the PPP leaves them for APNU, as we can see in the Bartica wipe out.

You all need to dump Jagdeo and his fellow brown bai KKK mates, Bobby and Ravi, or the PPP will become a "40%" party!


The PPP was pleased to win local elections that they had denied the population for more than two decades. Isn't it amazing how suddenly the PPP has no recollection of how they starved local communities from a democratic say? But just wait for a while. Dem same crooks that ran the local communities from the PPP head office in GT, are now going to run those communities from their office in the local rum shop. Watch those regions descend into even more poverty as the PPP ruins whatever is left of those regions.

ksazma posted:

I don't know how accurate this is but it does seem plausible.

"The impressive victories scored by the PPP/C clearly vindicates its long held view that the Party was always prepared to contest Local Government Elections and could never be held responsible for delaying these elections. The party reiterates that all the delays for the holding of Local Government Elections were due to the persistent street demonstrations, legal and other challenges raised by those who used every possible means to throw up obstacles on the path for Local Government Elections. The Opposition Leader pointed to the Joint Task Force on Local Government Reform between the then governing PPP/C and the Opposition PNC which deliberated for 8-years with little success. That Committee was eventually disbanded by former President Jagdeo who had opted to unilaterally table the Local Government Bills but the PNC Leader Robert Corbin had indicated his party was unwilling to support four pieces of those legislation." iNews Guyana

The PPP/C is delusional if they think that this victory at LGE signals a win for them in 2020. 75% of the population resides in Demerara and a substantial portion who work and reside in GT. PNC won the towns while PPP won the country side. Then there is Lethem and Maburuma that voted for the PNC.

Mr.T posted:

. Dem same crooks that ran the local communities from the PPP head office in GT, are now going to run those communities from their office in the local rum shop. .

And when drains become blocked, garbage piles up, and mosquitos block the sky in their density, they will scream "black man a kill ahbe", instead of blaming Jagdeo for installing stooges who he can control!


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