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Which sane voter is going to choose the AFC?

I believe there are two parties in this country that have to stop the moral sickness that characterises their so-called existence and do the right thing – accept that reality must be faced, history moves on and they too must move on. They are the AFC and the WPA.
History moves on. We cannot stop it. Bolt is gone. Tendulkar is gone. Michael Jordan is gone. Chris Gayle will be going. One day Stephen Curry will go. One day Beyonce will fade and be replaced. You call it dialectics.
The WPA was a radical party of the 1970s. That was almost fifty years ago. Rodney is dead. Josh Ramsammy is dead. Andaiye is dead. Bonita Bone is finished with politics. Dr. Nigel Westmaas is finished with politics. Dr. Clive Thomas is finished with active politics. Rupert Roopnaraine is finished with active politics. Moses Bhagwan is finished with active politics and lives in the US where he is touching 90. Kwayana is in his mid nineties, living in the US.
Over 70 percent of our population is under forty years of age. They did not grow up with the WPA. My opinion is that almost 100 percent of the Guyanese population, not the electorate but the nation as a whole, will not choose the WPA in front of maybe six other political parties.
The WPA has no meaningful membership, no meaningful support. It has no resources much less the resources needed to contest a general election. It is an insult to the people of this troubled land for three or four persons to keep talking about a party named the WPA.
The decent thing to do is to acknowledge there is no longer biology and anatomy and move on.
The Alliance For Change is facing humiliation so large that one has to look hard to find a similar example since Independence. The AFC is at the moment caught in a vexatious controversy that will certainly cause it to lose the vote of any sane Guyanese. Before we describe the dilemma and its antecedents, some notes on how history moves.
The AFC was born into the 2006 elections. It had two formidable fortresses that were so strong that maybe in 2020 or 2025 it could have won the government. One was a section of Guyanese population who genuinely wanted to move away from the PPP and PNC and search for a multi-racial future. The second was youth who welcomed a new formation that held out promise.
The 2011 election results further strengthened the arrival of the AFC. It replicated the efforts of the United Force in 1964 when in 2015, it became only the second third force to enter government. But from day one after the election results were known, the AFC began to falter, a self-destructive journey that has finally ended in its demise.
While selecting its ministerial candidates, three of its founding members called one of their friends and offered her the Ministry of the Environment. It devastated cadres who were qualified and who fought valiantly to make the AFC a success.
More than six of the second tier leaders besieged me to expose this depravity in my columns. I did that. David Patterson sent me a deceiving response which I will shortly make public.
As the years wear on, AFC lost quality people and the quality of its politics faded. The ubiquitous accusation was that it lost its Third Force identity and could no longer deliver an independent, multi-racial rampart that Guyanese longed for.
As 2018 drew to a close, it became embroiled in an ugly confrontation with APNU. In June, it declared that Khemraj Ramjattan would be its PM candidate for the 2020 poll.
After APNU kept delaying acceptance it held a press conference and literally demanded a deadline for APNU’s acceptance of Ramjattan. Granger and Ramjattan met and there was an announcement that the issue was solved.
Then something mysterious and strange happened and it further killed whatever credibility the AFC was left it. The AFC from the date of that fateful meeting never made a formal, public statement that in accordance with the Cummingsburg Accord, Ramjattan will be the PM candidate.
At the D’Urban Park rally to launch the 2020 campaign, Ramjattan was not announced as the PM candidate.
Yesterday, President Granger told the media that he will pick a PM after the election and asserted his right to do. David Patterson responded quickly and denounced the presidential emanation as not being in keeping with the Accord.
But Patterson issued this in a statement, ” The General Secretary said the AFC remains fully committed to the APNU+AFC coalition agreement and does and is not expecting any further confusion for the remainder of the campaign. The AFC continues to do all in its power to work towards electoral victory, as the APNU+AFC remains the best choice for the Guyanese people.
The AFC said it hoped clarity has been brought to the issue, which was carefully considered and agreed during the Cummingsburg Accord discussions.”
So if there are AFC voters out there, they will not know before the election results if Ramjattan will be the PM. Will you vote for such a party? I hope not.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

He running a Funeral Home.


The country needs a neutral force with calm spirits.

The leadership of this country definitely has a problem. Guyana seems destined not to have a peaceful existence. The extremists have brought us to  a very troubling destination in our existence as an independent nation.

The few things that politicians do, will amount to ten percent of a citizen's life. The remaining ninety percent are the trials of life.  Citizens reactions to the political assertiveness of the selected or elected few.

If you dream of better days then let us dream together.

Don't you think you deserve to find a wonderful place in the world? If you were to immigrate, you will certainly seek to build a life. That dream is possible right here in Guyana

This present trend that we are on, creates a further distrust among the two major ethnic groups.

Just review the reactions of fellow citizens. Listen to the rhetoric of both sides. All creatures are endowed with a spirit, the spirits that dwells with God and imparted in the animate and inanimate. Our politicians seems to have lost that spirit of goodwill. Why the anger?

There is an offer of an alternative. It is the future that takes you on a march to progress.

It is important to put the interest of the country first. It is a choice, you as citizens of this land have to make. It is my desire that such a type of governance will lessen the dominance of one race over the other.

Our history has not been one of trust.

There is no need for re-capping- you have lived it and so did your fore-fathers.

The vision is to build a society that projects to the future.

A society where our youths are naturally ushered in, with a purpose-something of value- a country-yes, this land of many waters, Guyana.

The value of adding to a continual effort of making life better for this generation and the generations to come.

To be born in Guyana is a privilege of the Almighty. Our fields will flourish and our citizens would be generous to the impoverished of the world.

This is the task of our youths for the future is theirs.

A leap of faith.

Hate and hate will get us nowhere.

Hell is not too distant from heaven.

It is a wonderful thing to find your place in this world.

Time has a mysterious kindness, it always gives back to us what we have lost through wisdom and memories. Life gives us moments. Let this particular moment be that you choose a new path.

Tell yourself the truth and you would have shamed the devil. For words and thoughts are audible to God.  God hears your complaints-the response should be, do something about it.

We think of it, like it, want it, but are not moved to make it happen. We all want a peaceful progressive tolerant country. There is plenty for all us and extras for the poor of the world.

The aim is to unify, embrace our differences, be safe and secure, must be able to trust your government, limits of individualism, window of acceptance.

Activate the better angels of our nature.

For our past steps are on the heels of the present, extreme inequality.

Power and dominion lays in the hands of the impoverished, yet they fail to realize their importance.

Perhaps, they feel they have only one vote, and insignificant. Collectively, it is a power beyond imagination and abundance of possibilities of a caring society.

For decades that has been the dilemma of the Guyanese people. And every election a new party emerges with possible solutions.

One People:That is like your brother's keeper. It should be the conciousness of all citizens.In this country, laws are transgressed upon some citizens simply on their ethnicity. If you are not part of  that community, such transgression  have no significance to you. This ought not be. Injustice upon one of your fellow countrymen is equally an injustice upon you, for you are your brother's keeper.

As citizens, it is important that do your part of transforming Guyana where ONE PEOPLE  means every citizen is equal in the eyes of the law, the Guyana Police Force, the Guyana Defense Force and every politician in and out of Parliament. Let us achieve this by a change of attitude.


One Nation:That is having pride in the land that nourished us. From the yield of the land to the streams that quench our thirst. That which we take for granted without any regards. We are the people.

This is the time, young electorate must emerge as the significant block of votes in order to change the trend of governance offered by the major political parties. They are predictable in their governments-prejudiced and corrupt. They have icons. Dead ones, Forbes Burnham and Cheddie Jagan.. They ignore the local man. They assume their prestige made them into gods living in the clouds, escaping the day to day trials and tribulations of the impoverished of the land.

It is the season of change. In unity there is strength.

While you young people do not know of Jagan or Burnham, your ethnic leaders takes you to their altars. Your future is sacrificed, they sacrifice you.

You are free of that past history, so you must bond together to secure your rightful place as the future of Guyana.

The elections of 1953 gave British Guiana a unified voice to the nations of the world, mainly Britain and United States of America.

A British Colony with a history of prejudices among the races, labor conflicts and murder of sugar workers by the Colonial Police, under orders of the Sugar Producers Association.

A history of spilling the blood of its citizens, close to seven decades. The Elite Class of Moderates and Extremists, along with those of prejudiced opinions on racism sowed the seeds of Strife, Fear, Intimidation, eventually created the period referred to as the Disturbances where the lives of  innocent citizens were short lived.

The politicians of  1953 found a path they coined  "Class Struggle". It was believed such approach would eliminate the racial tendencies of the nation. Not long after, as early as 1955, the fabric of British Guiana torn into race factions resulting in a Constitution that promoted rigged elections and the dominance of one race over another. Such false sense of power resulted in poverty, and poverty prevailed regardless who held power under the flawed Constitution.

The fear of rigged elections is the pre-occupation of the electorate. If only, the citizens can be certain of the honesty of the Elections Commission.

One Destiny: It is your choice.

God Bless.


Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

PNC is a neanderthal man party. Look at your peoples' behavior.

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

PNC is a neanderthal man party. Look at your peoples' behavior.

Banna...dis is election time...yall stop being squeamish and anti-manish...

...some people gon misbehave, on both sides...

yall stop crying and stop running to dem police for help. 


Bai. last time PPP put lash on PNC terrorists dem a holler till today. Thanks to Brother Gajraj and BJ. PNC crying like antiman bout how 500 dead. Stop talking bout antimen cause PPP don't sit down and take shyte.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Bai. last time PPP put lash on PNC terrorists dem a holler till today. Thanks to Brother Gajraj and BJ. PNC crying like antiman bout how 500 dead. Stop talking bout antimen cause PPP don't sit down and take shyte.

Ha...yall tek shyte silently and religiously for 28 yrs, no?? Old Jimmy had to step in to give yall a break...but yall had too many sticky fingers and keep disrespecting nonIndos.

Gajraj ran an illegal operation by giving control of the state law enforcement institution to a drug dont see a problem with that???

Is Gajraj a real hero for you? Then, so must be the spygate maestro---Ramasammy.

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

Vish, you amaze me that you know that the PPP is a coolie party but you don’t know what a Punanni is?

Dondadda posted:
VishMahabir posted:

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

Vish, you amaze me that you know that the PPP is a coolie party but you don’t know what a Punanni is?

VishMahabir probably believes that Annai in Upper Takatu is a Punanni.

Dondadda posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

Vish, you amaze me that you know that the PPP is a coolie party but you don’t know what a Punanni is?

He playing de rass did he self.

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

PNC is a neanderthal man party. Look at your peoples' behavior.

Banna...dis is election time...yall stop being squeamish and anti-manish...

...some people gon misbehave, on both sides...

yall stop crying and stop running to dem police for help. 

Bai vish u are right on both counts. It is election time and people on both sides will misbehave. But there's a twist. Coolie people will misbehave behind closed doors, while the other people will misbehave in public for the world to see. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, they can do much much more than that. Ask ksaz


During my recent visit I got the opportunity to speak to the rank and file. What I can tell you guys is that pnc got black people solidly in their corner.  PNC lost most of the business people, those who still support pnc are ones being fed soup. The Indos who supported jackass Granger are disillusioned. Its the turncoats like gilly,mits and slop boy that can save Granger. Not sure about the Amerindians and mixed races. But the sentiment among blacks is strongly pro pnc. 

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

Everybody knows that Guyanese politics is race based. So the PPP is a coolie people party and the PNC is a black people party. Both bawling about inclusiveness neither practicing what they preach.

Same shit different toilet.

Sheik101 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

Everybody knows that Guyanese politics is race based. So the PPP is a coolie people party and the PNC is a black people party. Both bawling about inclusiveness neither practicing what they preach.

Same shit different toilet.

Nah bai. Black people ah shit cookup rice and coolie ah shit dahll and rice. Coolie ah shit in latrines but Granger built indoor toilets fuh he people.

Drugb posted:

During my recent visit I got the opportunity to speak to the rank and file. What I can tell you guys is that pnc got black people solidly in their corner.  PNC lost most of the business people, those who still support pnc are ones being fed soup. The Indos who supported jackass Granger are disillusioned. Its the turncoats like gilly,mits and slop boy that can save Granger. Not sure about the Amerindians and mixed races. But the sentiment among blacks is strongly pro pnc. 

I agree. It has gone totally race as we have not seen for a while. But Black people always into race politics.  The impact is felt here in America amongst the Guyanese community.  It’s so deep, even charitable causes are being impacted.

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah daaagg!

skeldon_man posted:
Sheik101 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Freddie said that the WPA and AFC are dead. Jackass Granger is leading a deadbeat coalition. It’s back to PNC and their 28 percent.

This ain’t looking good for them. 
Only Knucklehead Vish believes what the constitutional rapist GrNher says. 

PNC cork duck.

You and Freddie are knuckleheads...PPP ia a "coolie" party...yall cant wiggle out of this one!

Everybody knows that Guyanese politics is race based. So the PPP is a coolie people party and the PNC is a black people party. Both bawling about inclusiveness neither practicing what they preach.

Same shit different toilet.

Nah bai. Black people ah shit cookup rice and coolie ah shit dahll and rice. Coolie ah shit in latrines but Granger built indoor toilets fuh he people.

Waam, ayuh still deh shithouse?  Well, blame Jagdeo!!


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