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Problems in Bourda Market

Posted By Feona Morrison On March 18, 2013 @ 5:04 am In What the People Say | No Comments

This week we visited the Bourda Market and asked vendors and users of the market about the matters affecting them.
Their responses follow:

Interviews and photos by Feona Morrison

20130318dasratBrian Dasrat – ‘The drains in this market always overflow when it rains and the roof also leaks. This is a problem we have been having for years and we have reported it and nothing is being done to help with the state of this market. People should come to Bourda Market when it rains. The gutters smell like a septic tank and it is not healthy. This market got a lot of rats that is why people prefer to shop in the supermarkets. We have no security in this market. People always getting rob outside this market. You see when it rains the clothes vendors would have to take down their clothes.’

20130318brianBrian Prince, butcher – ‘Inside the market is reasonably clean but outside is dirty. We need somebody with a gun by every gate in this market because people always getting rob. Certain parts of the roof leak when it rains. But this market needs cleaning because when it rains this whole place does look dirty. If something is not done soon, business is going to fall. They also need to remove them junkies from in front the market. We tired of complaining, it appears to go through one ear and come out the other. We also need parking space.’

 20130318patLambert, vendor – ‘There is a stall behind me that is very stink. The junkies make it their toilet. I had complained but they have not done anything. I have to pay the junkies to clean the drains. A while back they broke into my stall and carried away my goods and a scale.’

20130318elaineElaine Grenada – ‘This market stinks, the roads needs to be fixed because it is in a terrible state. When it rains this whole market looks stink. This market also needs repairing.

 20130318winifredWinifred Sebrene, vendor – ‘The market needs cleaning; it stinks when it rains. It also needs proper security to stop the bandits.’

20130318angelaAngela Curdis, teacher – ‘There is too much garbage piled up at the market. There are also too many cars parked along the roadways and no place for people to walk. Well, we cannot really do anything about them vagrants, because everybody got to live. The road in the market also needs repairing. I think they should clean up the market and make it beautiful.’

20130318hortonHorton Branche, newspaper vendor – ‘It is very unhealthy in the market. They need to spend more money on getting the place clean. It has a terrible stench.’

20130318estherEsther Singh, vendor – ‘There is no pipe in this market; we have to pay junkies to fetch water for us.’

20130318andrewAndrew Austin, caretaker – ‘They should do something better with the market. The condition is terrible, it is bad and filthy.’

20130318leroyLeroy Sommersell, taxi driver – ‘The market is too congested; there is no space there to walk or drive properly. Well the garbage at the market is a regular thing. I think the market needs more security.’

Replies sorted oldest to newest

old tief counsee would not touch this thread because it is the voice of the people. 





20130318elaineElaine Grenada – ‘This market stinks, the roads needs to be fixed because it is in a terrible state. When it rains this whole market looks stink. This market also needs repairing.


 20130318winifredWinifred Sebrene, vendor – ‘The market needs cleaning; it stinks when it rains. It also needs proper security to stop the bandits.’








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