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Originally Posted by seignet:

Not meaning to contentious. But it appears as if there was coup. Dem fellas looks like the Fiji Generals who took over and are having the good life. Hmmmm!, Granger did say his administration will usher in the good life.

Quit the crap. Those are just some fellows enjoying the  salubrious GT air and having a drink. The idea of Fijian generals is but you dog whistling again. You fellows cannot help yourself massaging this race crap. How many time you complained about those rotie wallas drinking and having a merry time as being  pretend Rajputs?


I bet If Amerindians  had the numbers in the state as the native Fijians have they would let blacks and indians run rough shod over them. The Fijians have every right not to be marginalized in their own country.


BTW, Finjians, ( Fifi Indians)  are not like Guyanese Indians. They are also fiercely nationalistic and embrace the culture of the land. Guyanese Indians need to learn to acknowledge Guyana as their home and not like you and others  did as soon as the Venezuelans threaten, want to switch sides

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

Not meaning to contentious. But it appears as if there was coup. Dem fellas looks like the Fiji Generals who took over and are having the good life. Hmmmm!, Granger did say his administration will usher in the good life.

They enjoying the spoils of war!  SOP after a military victory.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Not meaning to contentious. But it appears as if there was coup. Dem fellas looks like the Fiji Generals who took over and are having the good life. Hmmmm!, Granger did say his administration will usher in the good life.

They enjoying the spoils of war!  SOP after a military victory.

At least they aren't buggering black people (without any grease) like what Jagdeo and Ramotar loved to do.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Not meaning to contentious. But it appears as if there was coup. Dem fellas looks like the Fiji Generals who took over and are having the good life. Hmmmm!, Granger did say his administration will usher in the good life.

They enjoying the spoils of war!  SOP after a military victory.

At least they aren't buggering black people (without any grease) like what Jagdeo and Ramotar loved to do.

Blacks will suffer the same fate as under the old PNC if they try the same shyte, but this time it will be faster.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Not meaning to contentious. But it appears as if there was coup. Dem fellas looks like the Fiji Generals who took over and are having the good life. Hmmmm!, Granger did say his administration will usher in the good life.

They enjoying the spoils of war!  SOP after a military victory.

At least they aren't buggering black people (without any grease) like what Jagdeo and Ramotar loved to do.

Blacks will suffer the same fate as under the old PNC if they try the same shyte, but this time it will be faster.

I agree.


Afro Guyanese will suffer the most under the current PNC. They are starting to feel the pressure with a five percent increase and the dollar declining by five percent eating up the tiny salary increase.


They suffered immensely under Burnham and Hoyte and worse now under Granger. It is their own doing, PNC is cursed.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Not meaning to contentious. But it appears as if there was coup. Dem fellas looks like the Fiji Generals who took over and are having the good life. Hmmmm!, Granger did say his administration will usher in the good life.

They enjoying the spoils of war!  SOP after a military victory.

At least they aren't buggering black people (without any grease) like what Jagdeo and Ramotar loved to do.

Blacks will suffer the same fate as under the old PNC if they try the same shyte, but this time it will be faster.

I agree.


Afro Guyanese will suffer the most under the current PNC. They are starting to feel the pressure with a five percent increase and the dollar declining by five percent eating up the tiny salary increase.


They suffered immensely under Burnham and Hoyte and worse now under Granger. It is their own doing, PNC is cursed.

Oh so now blacks suffered under Burnham.  I thought so and have said so, but folks like you screamed that only Indians suffered.



Originally Posted by KishanB:

The new Lord enjoy a whiskey from the sweat of the workers  - General Phillips, Best and Collins in the Presidential suite.


Kishan, what is it about a picture of 3 ole blackman soldier buddies relaxing and having a drink that bothers u so?


would u feel less threatened if they were quaffing high wine of bush rum deh?


check yuhself mah brutha


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