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Persaud: I am getting 'goose bumps'. It is a warm feeling to know that we all have the same goal. At the PPP rallies you could not find this oneness. We are one people and one nation and we have one destiny and our goal is to remove the PPP.


Persaud says he has always been an advocate for UNITY! "Dis time nah lang time. This is now! What is wrong with bringing the two races like we are today?


Charandaas Persaud comes to the podium to take over the hosting of the formal segment of the Whim Rally and leads the crowd in the National Pledge

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why every picture posted from PNC/AFC rally in Whim is most Black????  


Contact PNC/AFC Rent-a-Crowd. 

Kitty is in Demerara. Why are all the people in the crowd speaking Berbice English like you? 


Pre-coverage of our live Whim and Kitty updates: At least 15 Guysuco contract trucks have been seen heading down from Berbice en route to Kitty.

Last edited by Mars

That should be a cause for celebration that people from nearby villages are interacting and coming together.  You have a problem with that?  That's the new Guyana we want to build.  Everyone living in love and unity.  That's what Moses and Granger are about.  It's time Guyana moves forward.


The PPP side only reminds you of our fears, not our hopes and dreams. The Coalition wants to build hope again so our nation can rise together.


Remember when the Indian alcoholic manager at Skeldon was slapped by the black brother and they fired him?  All the Indian canecutters went on strike in support of him.  That's what you are seeing at Whim.  The narrative has changed.  Every race punishing.


The people usually work together but every election, the PPP campaigns on ancient history.

Originally Posted by albert:

Hahahahahaha you boast about having wide support yet you go to a village that is overwhelmingly Indo populated and show only a handful of the relatives of your party members? Hahahahaha where are the Whim residents?  

How much buses y'all bring down from Berbice? Dem canecutters getting a paid day off tomorrow in addition to free meals today? 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by albert:

Hahahahahaha you boast about having wide support yet you go to a village that is overwhelmingly Indo populated and show only a handful of the relatives of your party members? Hahahahaha where are the Whim residents?  

NAHAHA SO TRUE. Coalition in for a rude awakening.

Two ignoramuses sniffin each others batty hole,while feeling soooo impotent.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by albert:

Hahahahahaha you boast about having wide support yet you go to a village that is overwhelmingly Indo populated and show only a handful of the relatives of your party members? Hahahahaha where are the Whim residents?  

NAHAHA SO TRUE. Coalition in for a rude awakening.

Two ignoramuses sniffin each others batty hole,while feeling soooo impotent.

Dat is the best you have JACKASS!!! The dope should not be blamed for the lack of intelligence!!!

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I know him as Errol Persaud, what a dunce, he was PPP then left to join AFC then left to join PNC. He failed in Canada, he couldn't sell his own sister or brother a house when he was selling real estate, because they did not trust him. he is an opportunist.

You have to get nasty and personal with the man. I can tell you one thing this chap is loved by his brothers and sisters. I have seen them first hand in Toronto and New York together.


As a matter of fact his sisters and brothers are major fund raisers in Toronto and New York for Errol You sir are a ****ing liar.


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I know him as Errol Persaud, what a dunce, he was PPP then left to join AFC then left to join PNC. He failed in Canada, he couldn't sell his own sister or brother a house when he was selling real estate, because they did not trust him. he is an opportunist.

You have to get nasty and personal with the man. I can tell you one thing this chap is loved by his brothers and sisters. I have seen them first hand in Toronto and New York together.


As a matter of fact his sisters and brothers are major fund raisers in Toronto and New York for Errol You sir are a ****ing liar.


I know the family, ask Errol if he supports his x wife and kids, he runs away from responsibilities to Guyana. CAN YOU TRUST SUCH PERSON. no way. He put his mouth where the soup flows.


Run away from what wife and kids you are again getting personal with the man and spreading filth about the man.


First you brought up his sisters I countered you on that now you gone to another lie. His daughter in Guyana who is a medical doctor is very close to Errol I have seen her with him several times. His son in Toronto was here with him the last time he was in NYC you sir are again a ***** and a liar.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


I know him as Errol Persaud, what a dunce, he was PPP then left to join AFC then left to join PNC. He failed in Canada, he couldn't sell his own sister or brother a house when he was selling real estate, because they did not trust him. he is an opportunist.

You have to get nasty and personal with the man. I can tell you one thing this chap is loved by his brothers and sisters. I have seen them first hand in Toronto and New York together.


As a matter of fact his sisters and brothers are major fund raisers in Toronto and New York for Errol You sir are a ****ing liar.



I know the family, ask Errol if he supports his x wife and kids, he runs away from responsibilities to Guyana. CAN YOU TRUST SUCH PERSON. no way. He put his mouth where the soup flows.

Why in the world do you take it upon yourself to bring the mans personal story here when he does not post here, is not a public official and did not even make any statement that is worthy of an assault as this. He is there walking with a flag! Call him stupid for his political beliefs and leave his family life out of this even if you know of it. If you are not his family you have no right to speak to that either.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I know him as Errol Persaud, what a dunce, he was PPP then left to join AFC then left to join PNC. He failed in Canada, he couldn't sell his own sister or brother a house when he was selling real estate, because they did not trust him. he is an opportunist.

You have to get nasty and personal with the man. I can tell you one thing this chap is loved by his brothers and sisters. I have seen them first hand in Toronto and New York together.


As a matter of fact his sisters and brothers are major fund raisers in Toronto and New York for Errol You sir are a ****ing liar.


I know the family, ask Errol if he supports his x wife and kids, he runs away from responsibilities to Guyana. CAN YOU TRUST SUCH PERSON. no way. He put his mouth where the soup flows.


That's pretty uncalled for man.


He's your political opponent not the devil incarnate. Even if he is indeed a deadbeat dad (which I don't believe for a second on account of the source and context) then even that is irrelevant to the conversation.


There are probably quite a few of us (myself included) who know terribly personal things about certain high PPPites but decency forbids us from spilling the beans. Either we acquired such knowledge through one-time or continued personal friendship or the facts are just irrelevant.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That should be a cause for celebration that people from nearby villages are interacting and coming together

But how is it unity when its only blacks coming out to listen?  You cannot talk unity and not demonstrate that you have diverse support.  The pictures are basically a PNC crowd.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That should be a cause for celebration that people from nearby villages are interacting and coming together

But how is it unity when its only blacks coming out to listen?  You cannot talk unity and not demonstrate that you have diverse support.  The pictures are basically a PNC crowd.


I cannot make this up. Dem AFC smartman actually believe that the Cummingsburg Accord is some unalterable legal document instead of a broad statement of cooperation that is not holy writ. A triumph of AFC diplomacy over the PNC.


They really believe they've outsmarted the PNC and in arguments with the PNC they will be able to wave around the Accord as some enforceable lien against the PNC.


I'm sure on some level they expect the Accord to really stick even if the AFC delivers no Indian votes.


At this point, all that is guaranteed is that the AFC will bring 2 to 3 seats to the Coalition to offset the 2 to 3 that Mark Benschop is gonna cost them. A net gain of nothing.


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