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White House condemns death sentence for Morsi

David Jackson, USA TODAY 2:33 p.m. EDT June 16, 2015, Source



Ousted Egyptian President, Mohamed Morsi reacts inside defendants cage in the courtroom as the judge is reading a verdict against him in Cairo, Egypt, on Tuesday.



The White House is criticizing Egypt's military-run government over the death sentence facing former President Mohamed Morsi.


"We are deeply troubled by the politically motivated sentences that have been handed down against former president Morsi and several others by an Egyptian court today," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Tuesday.


President Obama's spokesman said "the United States has repeatedly raised concerns about the detention and sentencing of a variety of political figures in Egypt," including Morsi.


"We are concerned that proceedings have been conducted in a way that is not only contrary to universal values but also damaging to stability that all Egyptians deserve," Earnest said.


From the wire service AFP:

"An Egyptian court upheld Tuesday a death sentence against ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi for plotting jailbreaks and attacks on police during the country's 2011 uprising.


"It also sentenced Morsi, Egypt's first democratically elected president, to life in prison on charges of spying for the Palestinian Hamas movement, Lebanon's Shiite Hezbollah and Iran. ...


"Then army chief and now President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ousted Morsi in 2013 after mass protests calling for an end to his divisive one-year rule."

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USA did that to there Friend Saddam so why not Morsi Use them and loose them

White House condemns death sentence for Morsi

David Jackson, USA TODAY 2:33 p.m. EDT June 16, 2015, Source



Ousted Egyptian President, Mohamed Morsi reacts inside defendants cage in the courtroom as the judge is reading a verdict against him in Cairo, Egypt, on Tuesday.



The White House is criticizing Egypt's military-run government over the death sentence facing former President Mohamed Morsi.


"We are deeply troubled by the politically motivated sentences that have been handed down against former president Morsi and several others by an Egyptian court today," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Tuesday.


President Obama's spokesman said "the United States has repeatedly raised concerns about the detention and sentencing of a variety of political figures in Egypt," including Morsi.


"We are concerned that proceedings have been conducted in a way that is not only contrary to universal values but also damaging to stability that all Egyptians deserve," Earnest said.


From the wire service AFP:

"An Egyptian court upheld Tuesday a death sentence against ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi for plotting jailbreaks and attacks on police during the country's 2011 uprising.


"It also sentenced Morsi, Egypt's first democratically elected president, to life in prison on charges of spying for the Palestinian Hamas movement, Lebanon's Shiite Hezbollah and Iran. ...


"Then army chief and now President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ousted Morsi in 2013 after mass protests calling for an end to his divisive one-year rule."


Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Isn't White House hypocritical?


They helped overthrew Morsi and now they want to kill him.


There needs to be a worldwide condemnation of this to free the man.


Spoken lie a true idiot Jaganite chap. You all juss can't help yuhself.


Morsi and his crowd would devour Christians and Hindus but here you are defending him in true Jagan style. You're in mudhead territory here my friend. Please back away slowly.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Morsi won the elections although US tried to rig against him.


Isn't that what democracy is about?


Learn what a democracy is truly about. It does not begin and end with free and fair elections. One cannot win an election and then destroy all institutions of state, engage in a naked power grab, and then run to impose a Constitution which enshrines dictatorship and still be considered a democratic leader running a democratic government. Free and fair elections are but one of the many necessary ingredients to democracy.


The political culture of Indians in Guyana is so poor and semi-literate that they share this novel idea that all a democracy needs to be democratic is periodic elections based on race.


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