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Originally posted by raymond:
all dem rebels in Libya were white? wow...ah didn't know dat

I know they were black haters. Have you forgotten they treated every black Libyan as a Gaddafi supporter, just because Gaddafi had implemented a sort of affirmative action to give black Libyans the same opportunities as non-blacks.
Originally posted by baseman:
THis man Gadhafi was just sheer wutliss. Look how he got himself killed and now word in Saif Islam Gadhafi is also dead. He destroyed his kids with himself, like Sadaam did.

Gaddafi thought that Obama was a good man because he was black. He also liked Condolezza. This was where the the Arab leader got it wrong. Now Obama wants his admiror to be buried at the Fallen Arabians Ocean (Formerly known as Indian Ocean), like Osama bin Laden
Originally posted by Lucas:
Originally posted by raymond:
all dem rebels in Libya were white? wow...ah didn't know dat

I know they were black haters..

yes lucas the ones who killed hundreds of blacks in 2000.

Can you explain to me why Gaddafy did nothing to stop them?

They killed blacks even without hiding behind an excuse taht they were mercenaries. They just didnt like blacks PERIOD.

Pity you all fall for scamsters like Mugabe, Castro and Gaddafy. Blacks suffer immensely under these dictators.

I dont know why you dont like Burnham. Or maybe you do.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
[se Gaddafi had implemented a sort of affirmative action to give black Libyans the same opportunities as non-blacks.

why would black Libyans have needed affirmative action after over 40 years of Gaddafy rule? Surely by then any inequities would have been removed.

Correct, that's why the so called rebel government (puppet or proxy rebels to be more exact) decided to carry out arrests en masse of black Libyans, accusing them of been mercenaries for Gaddafi. It is natural that black Libyans feel sympathetic about a man that restored their dignity. However this is not the way Sarkozy's proxy rebels see it.
The hero:

Thunderous celebratory gunfire and cries of "God is great" rang out across Tripoli well past midnight, leaving the smell of sulfur in the air. People wrapped revolutionary flags around toddlers and flashed V for victory signs as they leaned out car windows. Martyrs' Square, the former Green Square from which Gadhafi made many defiant speeches, was packed with revelers.

In Sirte, the ecstatic former rebels celebrated the city's fall after weeks of fighting by firing endless rounds into the sky, pumping their guns, knives and even a meat cleaver in the air and singing the national anthem.

The outpouring of joy reflected the deep hatred of a leader who had brutally warped Libya with his idiosyncratic rule. After seizing power in a 1969 coup that toppled the monarchy, Gadhafi created a "revolutionary" system of "rule by the masses," which supposedly meant every citizen participated in government but really meant all power was in his hands. He wielded it erratically, imposing random rules while crushing opponents, often hanging anyone who plotted against him in public squares.
Originally posted by Lucas:
What do you reckon? Did he get what he deserved?
He was given a chance for a graceful exit and many European nations would have taken him and his billions in hidden accounts. He instead did as dictators do, refuse to see reason and pushed his luck. Unfortunately his dealings with his people was paternalistic and not one of actualizing their potential. He had 40 years to create a summoning culture but instead sought to keep them compartmentalized into tribal enclaves to suit his agenda for complete control. Once he lost that control the house of cards fell and he should have taken the chance for a graceful exit.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
As a human being and moreso a Christian, I am opposed to murder.
I have been against the US role in the region, both under Bush and Obama. I am not certain I will vote for Obama next year.

Bush set the stage for todays Arab spring, Obama helped them to undersand they can do it themselves and the US is ready to tip the balance in their favour, but they must do it.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
As a human being and moreso a Christian, I am opposed to murder.
I have been against the US role in the region, both under Bush and Obama. I am not certain I will vote for Obama next year.

Bush set the stage for todays Arab spring, Obama helped them to undersand they can do it themselves and the US is ready to tip the balance in their favour, but they must do it.
The neocons never envisioned this. Their agenda was carefully detailed in their Project for the American century. It detailed a different trajectory. Further, many of these states will not change or even become friendly with the west. Tunisia is reconstituting the dictatorship, and so is Egypt. The Saudis are resisting liberalization and places like Afghanistan and Yemen will possibly be failed states.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
As a human being and moreso a Christian, I am opposed to murder.
I have been against the US role in the region, both under Bush and Obama. I am not certain I will vote for Obama next year.

Bush set the stage for todays Arab spring, Obama helped them to undersand they can do it themselves and the US is ready to tip the balance in their favour, but they must do it.
The neocons never envisioned this. Their agenda was carefully detailed in their Project for the American century. It detailed a different trajectory. Further, many of these states will not change or even become friendly with the west. Tunisia is reconstituting the dictatorship, and so is Egypt. The Saudis are resisting liberalization and places like Afghanistan and Yemen will possibly be failed states.

I remembered Bush saying a democratic Iraq will spur changes throughout the region. Clearly he did not have a crystal ball to know exactly how it will play out, but he may have been correct, in the broader context.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
As a human being and moreso a Christian, I am opposed to murder.
I have been against the US role in the region, both under Bush and Obama. I am not certain I will vote for Obama next year.

You would have been happier if Gaddafi had killed off all the dissidents like he was doing?
Since when are Christians opposed to murder?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Wally:
Two things Gaddafi will always be remembered for. 1. He was a pan Africanist to the very end. .

yes supporting many African dictators and funding their white elephant projects while basic services were not available to the ordinary folks.

Gaddafi was killed by a special hit team put together by western intelligence. I posted the article here a few months ago. It was in one of the newspapers. Caribj, I have a feeling the only reason you may be supporting Obama is because he is black.

Caribj, you better watch out before he use that "Support me I am your black brother" solidarity against you like how other well known black despots did.
Originally posted by Lucas:
What do you reckon? Did he get what he deserved?

Your subject headline is very telling. This is a very complex area of politics, despotism, oppression, racial non-entity, but not racism.

Remember, no one went after Pinochet in Chile. European leaders ignored Hitler until it was too late?

The Arab world ignored Gaddafi for decades. It had to take a united international order, at least by Europeans.
What can we expect in Libya now?? The US itself cannot confidently say that new power men in Tripoli will build a free and democratic society. Has the western style of democracy ever taken roots and grew in a Muslim nation??? Why are we so concerned about democracy in enemy states while show little concern for it in friendly undemocratic muslim/Arab States???
Anyone who studies Western history over the last five hundred years know that economics was the driving force behind expansion and conquests of lands outside of Europe. Are the powers of Europe and North American still motivated by this factor?? It is so interesting when we look at things closely. WE see so much more.

Good luck to the people of Libya. Hope you achieved what you have been promised.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Economics was the driving force for expansion since time immemorial. It is the nature of the human beast to survive by exploiting others.
Those with power exploit those without and those without aspire for power.
Muslims have been brainwashed by their religion to accept punishment and discrimination as divine faith, hence the long line of dictators and dynasties. However, the youth with their iPhone and iPads have access to how the rest of the world lives, and they want to enjoy that. These rebellions were not initiated by Europeans. Muslims have been suppressed too long by their leaders an their religion. They are breaking free.
Originally posted by Mad Max:
Economics was the driving force for expansion since time immemorial. It is the nature of the human beast to survive by exploiting others.
Those with power exploit those without and those without aspire for power.
Muslims have been brainwashed by their religion to accept punishment and discrimination as divine faith, hence the long line of dictators and dynasties. However, the youth with their iPhone and iPads have access to how the rest of the world lives, and they want to enjoy that. These rebellions were not initiated by Europeans. Muslims have been suppressed too long by their leaders an their religion. They are breaking free.

Only a jackass makes such statements.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
What can we expect in Libya now?? The US itself cannot confidently say that new power men in Tripoli will build a free and democratic society. Has the western style of democracy ever taken roots and grew in a Muslim nation??? Why are we so concerned about democracy in enemy states while show little concern for it in friendly undemocratic muslim/Arab States???
Anyone who studies Western history over the last five hundred years know that economics was the driving force behind expansion and conquests of lands outside of Europe. Are the powers of Europe and North American still motivated by this factor?? It is so interesting when we look at things closely. WE see so much more.

Good luck to the people of Libya. Hope you achieved what you have been promised.

Billy Ram, they will get their act together and better than Guyana ever did. I just saw an interview with one of their lawyers. He remimded us of the reality and the lack of basics to run an effective demorcacy. He pointedly said, rush to ballots is not true democracy. Libya firstly needs a constitution which meets international standards. The only document they have is Gadhafi's green book. They have to set up rules for political parties and catering for the tribal divisions, they have to establish an independent judicial system, even import lawyers to help, they have to establish accountability committees, they have to redefine th role of the military and police, etc, etc, etc.

He said the biggest hurdle however, are not these, but lies in teaching the masses of the ways of democracy, let them understand the value of objecting and discenting views, etc, etc. Basically they have to teach democracy, not implant it.

Such were the thinking grossly lacking in Guyana and why Guyana has such a "accidental" democracy. Guyana's democracy is defined by it's ethnic balance played out only at balloting time.

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