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We’ve seen and heard the hullabaloo about the rampaging ISIS and Obama’s weak response to that threat – all coming from the same group that got us into the Iraq war. Moreover Obama’s refusal to label ISIS “Islamic” was all the talk about weakness.

Well guess what? The loud mouths have moved on to more trumped up outrage – Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails for State Department’s business.


We all know that ISIS is really AQI – Al Qaeda in Iraq – plus Saddam’s ex-military and ruling elite who were shoved aside by Al Malaki – Bush’s boy. Bush’s stupid mis-adventure in Iraq in 2003 wrought the civil strife embodied by ISIS.

We all know that Obama is right that America should not get involved in a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites, but will act when genocidal actions by a marauding set of thugs who hijacked Islam and claim some Caliphate, using 21st century tactics to hurl the lands they conquered back to the 7th century.


Today the only beheadings and burnings that ISIS is doing is to all those stchupidee Jihadis who came for their 72 virgins and want out now. The US-led air strikes have crippled ISIS’s ability to capture and keep lands and to operate in the open. Now they’re encouraging an Anbar-province and Faluja-style effort with tribal Sunnis fed up with these thugs to turn against them. You see while Al Qaeda has ambitions of global reach (the Twin Towers for example), ISIS is not a direct threat outside of the sand waste they’ve captured from the cowardly Shia militias and Al Maliki’s army. The Republicans are obviously un-schooled in the nuances of the Middle East dynamic.


Where is ISIS today? Getting ready to melt back into the shit-hole they came from as the Iraqi regular army and Sunni tribalists get ready for a spring offensive. And where are the Republican voices calling Obama weak? Stupid fodder-muckers!

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Originally Posted by Kari:

We’ve seen and heard the hullabaloo about the rampaging ISIS and Obama’s weak response to that threat – all coming from the same group that got us into the Iraq war. Moreover Obama’s refusal to label ISIS “Islamic” was all the talk about weakness.

Well guess what? The loud mouths have moved on to more trumped up outrage – Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails for State Department’s business.


We all know that ISIS is really AQI – Al Qaeda in Iraq – plus Saddam’s ex-military and ruling elite who were shoved aside by Al Malaki – Bush’s boy. Bush’s stupid mis-adventure in Iraq in 2003 wrought the civil strife embodied by ISIS.

We all know that Obama is right that America should not get involved in a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites, but will act when genocidal actions by a marauding set of thugs who hijacked Islam and claim some Caliphate, using 21st century tactics to hurl the lands they conquered back to the 7th century.


Today the only beheadings and burnings that ISIS is doing is to all those stchupidee Jihadis who came for their 72 virgins and want out now. The US-led air strikes have crippled ISIS’s ability to capture and keep lands and to operate in the open. Now they’re encouraging an Anbar-province and Faluja-style effort with tribal Sunnis fed up with these thugs to turn against them. You see while Al Qaeda has ambitions of global reach (the Twin Towers for example), ISIS is not a direct threat outside of the sand waste they’ve captured from the cowardly Shia militias and Al Maliki’s army. The Republicans are obviously un-schooled in the nuances of the Middle East dynamic.


Where is ISIS today? Getting ready to melt back into the shit-hole they came from as the Iraqi regular army and Sunni tribalists get ready for a spring offensive. And where are the Republican voices calling Obama weak? Stupid fodder-muckers!

All y'all wasting time fighting wid dis day dreaming Kari tek note of dis thread started on 3/9/15. Iz sheer shit Kari does talk when it comes to the ME. This jokey thread he started should go into GNI hall of shame if there is such a thing. "Whither ISIS". LMFAO

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:

All y'all wasting time fighting wid dis day dreaming Kari tek note of dis thread started on 3/9/15. Iz sheer shit Kari does talk when it comes to the ME. This jokey thread he started should go into GNI hall of shame if there is such a thing. "Whither ISIS". LMFAO

Iteeeee, you can say what you will about me. Those facts are not about me.


"dis day dreaming Kari" you say, when the Kurds and Yazidis aided by US air power and intel retook Sinjar last Friday. Sinjar is the town that holds the supply lines between ISIS-controlled areas in Syria and Iraq. That preparation took months.


"Iz sheer shit Kari does talk" when the Shiite government of Haider al-Abadi, started talking to Sunni leaders earlier this year on a 2nd Sunni awakening to drive ISIS out of Iraq?


"This jokey thread he started" is how you would describe someone who states that ISIS in Syria and Iraq are fighting a civil war with both governments over the treatment of Sunnis and then broaden it to an apocalyptic Salafist end-of-world armegeddon to bring in more fighters?


"GNI hall of shame" is all you have to say along with kill all Muslims because of a tiny minority of Arabs who bastardize the religion of Islam?


Do you have any idea what is taking place in the Middle East other than spouting what the right-wing loonies are shouting? Why is the caribny notion of Muslims being culpable and supportive of these barbarians because somehow they are not denouncing them a cause celebre for you?


You may be well-meaning Iteeee, but you have no clue about the things you address. If it helps you in any way feel free to magnify the compliments you so generously heap on my. Make me important (sic!), but stay with the matter at hand - we have to get rid of this cancer of ISIS. If by me shutting up will help killing off ISIS let me know. IF I should go to Times Square 24/7 with a placard and bull-horn to denounce ISIS and so they will disappear, let me know.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

All y'all wasting time fighting wid dis day dreaming Kari tek note of dis thread started on 3/9/15. Iz sheer shit Kari does talk when it comes to the ME. This jokey thread he started should go into GNI hall of shame if there is such a thing. "Whither ISIS". LMFAO

Iteeeee, you can say what you will about me. Those facts are not about me.


"dis day dreaming Kari" you say, when the Kurds and Yazidis aided by US air power and intel retook Sinjar last Friday. Sinjar is the town that holds the supply lines between ISIS-controlled areas in Syria and Iraq. That preparation took months.


"Iz sheer shit Kari does talk" when the Shiite government of Haider al-Abadi, started talking to Sunni leaders earlier this year on a 2nd Sunni awakening to drive ISIS out of Iraq?


"This jokey thread he started" is how you would describe someone who states that ISIS in Syria and Iraq are fighting a civil war with both governments over the treatment of Sunnis and then broaden it to an apocalyptic Salafist end-of-world armegeddon to bring in more fighters?


"GNI hall of shame" is all you have to say along with kill all Muslims because of a tiny minority of Arabs who bastardize the religion of Islam?


Do you have any idea what is taking place in the Middle East other than spouting what the right-wing loonies are shouting? Why is the caribny notion of Muslims being culpable and supportive of these barbarians because somehow they are not denouncing them a cause celebre for you?


You may be well-meaning Iteeee, but you have no clue about the things you address. If it helps you in any way feel free to magnify the compliments you so generously heap on my. Make me important (sic!), but stay with the matter at hand - we have to get rid of this cancer of ISIS. If by me shutting up will help killing off ISIS let me know. IF I should go to Times Square 24/7 with a placard and bull-horn to denounce ISIS and so they will disappear, let me know.

Banna, quit while you're ahead and stop embarassing yuhself talking pure shit. You auditioning fuh Josh Earnest job? What does the nonsense you wrote above have to do with the bold proclamation in your opening post that ISIS is dead and that obama has basically won the war? Pulling wan wan hair from yuh ass don't mek a wig bai.


Contrary to yuh bullshit on March 9, ISIS is alive and kicking and advanced to attacking the west now, endangering the lives of all of us. They right hay pon western shores. Iz only you waging this pathetic one man carnival telling we that obama winning.



a) the king of Jordan said we are in a third world war

b) how many secretary of defenses quit and write memoirs criticizing the obama policies? how many generals?

c) 9 hours before the attacks yuh bai obama come out and seh "isis contained". Weh he contain dem to? yuh toilet?

d) Today Jen Psaki seh the strategy is not a military one. Suh wha is the strategy? Air dropping Blo blo, goldfinger sweetie and flutie?


But you, de great Kari know mo dan alllllllll dem people about wha going on in the mideast. The rest of these people livin' deh "don't have a clue" eh? And what is this shit about democrat and repbulican and right wing? We talking about your purely misinformed bullshit fallacy in the opening post.


Banna shut yuh ole skont and guh sleep yeh.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

All y'all wasting time fighting wid dis day dreaming Kari tek note of dis thread started on 3/9/15. Iz sheer shit Kari does talk when it comes to the ME. This jokey thread he started should go into GNI hall of shame if there is such a thing. "Whither ISIS". LMFAO

Iteeeee, you can say what you will about me. Those facts are not about me.


"dis day dreaming Kari" you say, when the Kurds and Yazidis aided by US air power and intel retook Sinjar last Friday. Sinjar is the town that holds the supply lines between ISIS-controlled areas in Syria and Iraq. That preparation took months.


"Iz sheer shit Kari does talk" when the Shiite government of Haider al-Abadi, started talking to Sunni leaders earlier this year on a 2nd Sunni awakening to drive ISIS out of Iraq?


"This jokey thread he started" is how you would describe someone who states that ISIS in Syria and Iraq are fighting a civil war with both governments over the treatment of Sunnis and then broaden it to an apocalyptic Salafist end-of-world armegeddon to bring in more fighters?


"GNI hall of shame" is all you have to say along with kill all Muslims because of a tiny minority of Arabs who bastardize the religion of Islam?


Do you have any idea what is taking place in the Middle East other than spouting what the right-wing loonies are shouting? Why is the caribny notion of Muslims being culpable and supportive of these barbarians because somehow they are not denouncing them a cause celebre for you?


You may be well-meaning Iteeee, but you have no clue about the things you address. If it helps you in any way feel free to magnify the compliments you so generously heap on my. Make me important (sic!), but stay with the matter at hand - we have to get rid of this cancer of ISIS. If by me shutting up will help killing off ISIS let me know. IF I should go to Times Square 24/7 with a placard and bull-horn to denounce ISIS and so they will disappear, let me know.

Banna, quit while you're ahead and stop embarassing yuhself talking pure shit. You auditioning fuh Josh Earnest job? What does the nonsense you wrote above have to do with the bold proclamation in your opening post that ISIS is dead and that obama has basically won the war? Pulling wan wan hair from yuh ass don't mek a wig bai.


Contrary to yuh bullshit on March 9, ISIS is alive and kicking and advanced to attacking the west now, endangering the lives of all of us. They right hay pon western shores. Iz only you waging this pathetic one man carnival telling we that obama winning.



a) the king of Jordan said we are in a third world war

b) how many secretary of defenses quit and write memoirs criticizing the obama policies? how many generals?

c) 9 hours before the attacks yuh bai obama come out and seh "isis contained". Weh he contain dem to? yuh toilet?

d) Today Jen Psaki seh the strategy is not a military one. Suh wha is the strategy? Air dropping Blo blo, goldfinger sweetie and flutie?


But you, de great Kari know mo dan alllllllll dem people about wha going on in the mideast. The rest of these people livin' deh "don't have a clue" eh? And what is this shit about democrat and repbulican and right wing? We talking about your purely misinformed bullshit fallacy in the opening post.


Banna shut yuh ole skont and guh sleep yeh.

Iteee, you can't think for yourself and you rely on all those people you quote - what King Jordan said; what Jen Psaki said; what so-and-so said, and you even ridicule Spokesman Josh Earnest.


It is a fact that ISIS is worse than it was in the beginning of the year. How many of their territory have not been regained - by ARABS not US? How many of their supplies and men have not been killed?


This is where you're a stupid cünt, you batty-bwoi. Some terror in Paris with some white people dead and suddenly ISIS is king kong when they ass reeling in Syria and Iraq. Even if they rass dead, dead, there will still be Paris terror - that's frigging life until you remove the urge for them to do that. Paris terror does not make them any stronger than what Obama said. The US is pounding their asses, but yes, cells in Paris and Belgium and Germany can wreak havoc and strike fear in your panty-ass mind. caribny wants a bomb in Times Square so he can say yes, I told you so and Kari is a jackass. Banna kiss my ass you sk0nthole piece of ISIS sh1t.

Last edited by Kari
Originally Posted by Kari:

Iteee, you can't think for yourself and you rely on all those people you quote - what King Jordan said; what Jen Psaki said; what so-and-so said, and you even ridicule Spokesman Josh Earnest.


It is a fact that ISIS is worse than it was in the beginning of the year. How many of their territory have not been regained - by ARABS not US? How many of their supplies and men have not been killed?


This is where you're a stupid cünt, you batty-bwoi. Some terror in Paris with some white people dead and suddenly ISIS is king kong when they ass reeling in Syria and Iraq. Even if they rass dead, dead, there will still be Paris terror - that's frigging life until you remove the urge for them to do that. Paris terror does not make them any stronger than what Obama said. The US is pounding their asses, but yes, cells in Paris and Belgium and Germany can wreak havoc and strike fear in your panty-ass mind. caribny wants a bomb in Times Square so he can say yes, I told you so and Kari is a jackass. Banna kiss my ass you sk0nthole piece of ISIS sh1t.

LMAO...what pile of delusional shit by ahwe own Baghdad Bob. Lemme break it down fuh you bai. Read nice and slow, arite?


1) Evidence is used by smart people who think for themselves. Idiots make up their own delusional shit (look in the mirror). The king of Jordan, the WH spokesperson etc. give facts and empirical evidence of the situation. More reliable than your fabricated ramblings from some bar in Queens.


2) Please supply reliable numbers of the men killed and the territory regained. If significant then what are the French bombing, you turd? How many sorties have arab forces flown? ISIS has now invaded the west, no longer constrained to the ME. And here you are bragging about wan wan syrian town temporarily seized with yuh simple minded simpleton "analysis".


3) You gotta love this delusional gem "Paris terror does not make them any stronger than what Obama said.". LMFAO. 'nuff said.


4) And, oh wise sage - how do we "...remove the urge for them to do that" eh? What's the plan to remove the "urge" for over a thousand years of internecine religious war in the region eh? And to say it is "frigging life" until we remove said urge!!!! You are a fcking clown!!!!


5) You calling me ISIS shit is funny as hell. I ain't de one runnin' around hay apologizing fuh dem.


Now go ress yuh ole self.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

Contrary to yuh bullshit on March 9, ISIS is alive and kicking and advanced to attacking the west now, endangering the lives of all of us. They right hay pon western shores. Iz only you waging this pathetic one man carnival telling we that obama winning.



Even as we  speak Syrians arriving with fake Greek passports have been arrested in St Maarten, and Honduras.  Indications that ISIS is now becoming embedded with the Mexican cartels on the US border.


And yet Kari screams "ISIS problem solved", and all who claim otherwise are Muslim haters.



Just last night I was talking to an Italian American real estate developer about what are the potential threats to NYC.  He stated an ISIS bomb, and that he will be sorry for any one who looks like a Muslim in the aftermath.


Now one would think that Kari would have a vested interested in ensuring that desert nomads do not define his religion.  But he in fact thinks that those who offer this advise are ISIS supporters. I make note that NONE of the Muslims on GNI seem supporter of his lunacy.


Kari your average Neanderthal American cannot tell a Muslim, from a Sikh or from a Hindu, so stop fooling yourself that they are knowledgeable of all the nuances that you babble about.  As far as they are concerned Muslims are a bunch of terrorists intent to kill them.  That is because the most VOCAL face of Islam is the jihadists screaming their lunacy. If you don't think that this is a problem for YOU as a Muslim, feel free.


Just understand.  I do not look Muslim.  I think that the prospects of my injury or death, resulting from terrorism is remote. If others do suffer this fate, they will not be looking at me for revenge.


In fact the months after 9/11 saw blacks being embraced by whites in a way that had NEVER happened before.  So I really have nothing to worry about.  YOU DO!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:

5) You calling me ISIS shit is funny as hell. I ain't de one runnin' around hay apologizing fuh dem.


Now go ress yuh ole self.

The irony of it.  Kari says ISIS, no problem, and proceeds to lambaste any one who says otherwise, and who suggests to Muslims that they have to work harder to change the image of Islam, and to prevent these savages from using Allah as they practice their wanton bloodthirsty rampage.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

Like we bai kari "wither" away. LOL. Or he looking fuh them statistics I ask he fuh?

Kari is simply slithering away as he does.  He screams that you and I must "understand" why Indians vote based on race, and then becomes hysterical when I similarly demand that he understands why African and mixed people exhibit similar behavior.


Now he wants to pretend as if trhe Muslim religion isnt in crisis when we see large numbers of fanatics attacking and killing other Muslims, in the name of Allah. And then they go and attack others, also in the name of Allah. 


He refuses to explain why we do not see similar behavior on a global scale from those infused with the spirit of Jesus Christ, or Jehovah, to name the two cousins of Islam.  Muslims can live in Christian and Jewsih lands, even if they do face bias. Try being a Christian in Iraq, or Pakistan, or any one of the nations on the Arab peninsular, or even Eqypt.


Because of this he then contests that Muslims do not have a problem, and that its only their "enemies" who will make this claim.

Last edited by Former Member

caribny, what Ii gon tell ya. You've been on this site for eternity claiming the obvious - there is a problem with the religion of Islam. No problem here. It is how you view this problem and how Ii view this problem. You see it as ALL modder-****ing Muslims are responsible for ISIS and Al Qaeda and Boko Haram and Al Nusra and the Mali gang, etc. I  see these people as not representing Islam, as abusing Islam to do their evil deeds.

Originally Posted by Kari:

caribny, what Ii gon tell ya. You've been on this site for eternity claiming the obvious - there is a problem with the religion of Islam. No problem here. It is how you view this problem and how Ii view this problem. You see it as ALL modder-****ing Muslims are responsible for ISIS and Al Qaeda and Boko Haram and Al Nusra and the Mali gang, etc. I  see these people as not representing Islam, as abusing Islam to do their evil deeds.

Many "peaceful" Muslims are closet supporters.  So, the numbers are way beyond the actual terrorists.  You and yuh bai Chief talk from both sides pf your mouth.  I'm sure there are Muslims who don't agree with ISIL, but when there are so many closet supporters and apologists, who can you trust!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

YUh see Kari, all you had to do was try hard. Dat is what we all saying.


No one, not even Trump saying all Muslims bad.

Trump will be the best president for the Latinos and for Muslims, but they are consumed by Liberal kool-aid that they just don't get it.


The lot of them have wet dreams and grandeur of rebuilding the long lost Marx's Socialist "Caliphate" here in the USA.  However, thus far they have been limited to the bars and fringes of Liberty Ave and time is running out.  I doubt any young Guyanese here even listen to them.


It's unfortunate as these guys have talent but they are just misguided.

Last edited by Former Member

My nephew was invited to ABC News Washington to speak about what it is being a young Muslim in America yesterday and unfortunately as he prepares for that visit, Mali happened. Supposedly there was a rally in Washington DC last night called 'Muslims against ISIS'. All good work but it is a world struggle because these crazy Muslims are scattered all over the place wrecking havoc on innocent people. The sooner they are eliminated, the better for the rest of us Muslims. With Muslims like those, it is no longer about quantity but quality.


One thing for Muslims around the world to contemplate. As they forge ahead with changing how they talk, eat, wear, and celebrate to resemble the Arab pattern, those same Arabs welcome them into their society in the same spirit. Shaikh Gulshair lived a long time in Saudi and married an Arab but was never a citizen of Saudi nor were his Saudi born children. The time has come for Muslims around the world to stop Arabizing themselves and return to what they were before the last 30 years. I liked us better back then. 

Originally Posted by baseman:

Many "peaceful" Muslims are closet supporters. 

If they are closet supporters, how did you come to know that they are supporters? Just assuming again like your mattee did in Guyana claiming that all Muslims were scamps?


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