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Former Member
PEOPLE’S Progressive Party (PPP/C) Member of Parliament, Norman Whittaker, was sworn in yesterday as the new Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, by President Bharrat Jagdeo, in the credentials room of the Presidential Secretariat, New Garden Street, Georgetown
President Bharrat Jagdeo with the new Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker.
The new minister took his Oath of Office before several government officials, relatives and friends, and pledged to uphold the Constitution of Guyana, to serve as the Minister Local Government and Regional Development and to act fairly and justly in his ministerial capacity.
In an invited comment, shortly after taking the Oath of Office, on what his focus will be as Minister, Whittaker said that the initial focal point will be on forging partnerships and encouraging teamwork
“The expectation is that we work as a team; there have been persons at the ministry who have been there a long time and it is essential that I get on board and have discourse with them and familiarize myself with what is happening,” he said.
Addressing the interest in reintroducing local government elections, Whittaker highlighted it is the wish of the PPP/C for this to happen.
He explained,“The Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar, made that clear, that is we would like to have local government elections following the reform at the earliest opportunity.”
As to what interventions, if any, will be made to alleviate the ongoing problems at City Hall, the new minister recognized that for some time there has been difficulty in controlling expenditures and also models of debt collection there.
He stated, “That’s what it translates to; they have been asking for legislation that would allow them to widen their revenue base, but the focus needs to be on collection of outstanding debts and to put controls in place.”
He emphasized too that his duties will extend to the 10 Regional Democratic Councils, 65 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils, and the remaining five municipalities, besides City Hall.
Alluding to his overall vision for the ministry, the new minister pointed to the importance of collaboration and cooperation.
“I would like to see more people getting involved in the issue of development and decision making, and to see more and more people coming aboard, to see the staff of the ministry is more empowered, and to build more capacity,” he declared.
This is important if the Ministry of Local Government is to deliver a better quality of service to people in a timely fashion, Whittaker added.
Whittaker, who currently serves as a senior functionary within the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, was Chairman of Region One (Barima/Waini) from 1998-2006, and will assume the duties of the Minister of Local Government, as former Minister Kellawan Lall is being assigned a diplomatic posting in Brazil.
Lall will be named Ambassador to Brazil, taking up the post formerly held by Harrinarine Nawbatt, who has since been reassigned.

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Originally posted by Horse Man:
Congrats Mr. Whittaker you worked hard to get this position, you deserve it and you are most qualified and his excellency always selects the best man for the job.

Absolutely. The President always selects the best man for the job.

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