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 Who are these women who are prepared to strip another
woman in public?
April 27, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters 
Dear Editor,
The verbal abuse and threats against Rights Activists, Ms. Sherlinger Nageer by Minister Bheri Ramsaran, dubbed the “slap and strip” Minister have left all decent citizens aghast except for those  supporters of the PPP who blindly support the party.
The big question the people should ask the PPP in this election campaign is why in this poor small country there is always scandal, corruption, mismanagement, theft, the denigration of women and threats of violence against the critics of the government from PPP officials including ministers as in the case of the “slap and strip” Minister.
The Minister publicly expressed views on women reflect his disrespect for them, backwardness, perversion and ignorance in the 21st century. But his threats to slap and strip naked, Ms. Nageer is only one of many incidents by Ministers in the PPP who seem to believe that they are above the law because they are the “untouchables.”
By any standards, local or international and even in Guyana’s debased political culture, Bheri Ramsaran verbal abuse and threats to get his women to strip her naked is not only disgraceful but have exceeded all the known boundaries of what is permissible in society. Who are these women who are prepared to strip another woman in public?
However, the PPP seems to have an obsession with slapping people. It was not long ago that President Ramotar told an Amerindian citizen that former President Jagdeo would have slapped him had he been present.
Subsequent to that, another Amerindian citizen was actually slapped by a member of the Presidential Guard for scolding the president for his criticism of the PNC record and challenged him to address the record of the PPP. Also, in this election campaign, it is common for the desperate and paranoid leaders of the PPP to call the citizens stupid or idiots.
The leaders of the dictatorial PPP regime are of the firm opinion that this kind of disgraceful behavior is normal. So reprimand of the “slap and strip” minister by the do-nothing president and the conceited and phony condemnation of him by Jagdeo and Ms. Harper are hypocritical to say the least.
They are not serious about addressing violence against women, gender equality and the denigration of women because if they do, then they should, with one voice called for the Minister to resign pronto. Instead, they have stated that the Minister was provoked and his remarks were taken out of context. If this is not being deceitful and two-faced, then we do not know what is?
Last year, the Minister of Education cuss-down the US Ambassador at his residence and President Ramotar did not discipline her. Shortly after, Attorney General threatened the lives of Kaieteur New Publisher, Glen Lall, Editor in Chief, Adam Harris and their entire staff, and attempted to pimp a young female reporter for one of his relatives and the President said that the AG statements were taken out of context.
Now we have the Minister of Health who verbally abused and denigrated Ms. Nageer and threatened to get his women to strip her naked and the president gave him a “pat” on his shoulder. Clearly the modus operandi of the selfish, greedy and power drunk leaders of the PPP is to put their interests first and those of the people and the country last.
Minister Bheri Ramsaran apology is insincere because two days after abusing and degrading Ms. Nageer, he showed his utter contempt for women as a whole in Guyana when he called her a miscreant and stated that she needs psychiatric help.
This suggests that he had no remorse for his boorish behavior. If there is anyone who needs psychiatric help is the “slap and strip” Minister of Health and several others in the PPP and not Ms. Nageer.
Lest we forget, neither Jagdeo nor Ramotar has fired anyone for theft, degrading women or for being involved in corruption which is defined as the use of public office for private gain. In fact, the PPP is known for promoting those who breach the laws and violate the rights of the people. Such devious behavior is inevitable in the PPP which have been excused on the grounds of group think, ethnic favoritism and racial preference and has continued to flourish in the party becoming the norm rather than the exception. So President Ramotar statement that he has established high standards for ministers is utter nonsense. He does not know the meaning of “high standards.”
Ultimately, because of the many evil and wicked acts associated with the PPP, it circumvents all the tiny things they have done by any seemingly well-intention. It is high time that the people as a nation, especially the youths, demand real accountability from those in the corridors of power who use threats and abusive language against those who expose their evil acts.
The PPP leadership is pre-occupied with vulgarity, bullyism, character assassinations and untruths and the people should stand up in defiance of their evil and wicked acts. The Jagdeo/Ramotar regime has and continues to misrepresent the truth, ruins high moral standards and character, assaults and violates the rights of the people, steals from the poor and vulnerable, and erodes public confidence.
It is time for the people to wage a war on wrong doings and the evil acts committed against innocent citizens by Ministers and other senior PPP officials by supporting the APNU+AFC Coalition whose aspiration is to lead them towards a true democracy, social justice, fairness and equality with rights and freedoms for all, especially for the poor and downtrodden.
If the citizens continue to accept the notion that threats against them and the denigration of women by senior members of the PPP are an inevitable part of their politics, then what legacy are they leaving for the young people, especially females? The youths are the arrows to shoot into the future if Guyanese are to succeed as a community and as a nation.
Dr. Asquith Rose, Chandra Deolall, Dr. Merle Spencer-Marks

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Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
 Who are these women who are prepared to strip another
woman in public?
Jagdeo & Kwame Ladies


LOL - yuh mekkin laugh story wid serious business here Jalil. Behave.


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