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Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How do you know it was blown up??? Have you got some inside knowledge?

A plane flying at 10 km altitude should give the pilots enough time to trigger an SOS before plunging into the sea.

I continue to sustain that the aircraft was blown up by pro-democracy terrorists sponsored by the West (Britain or US) or their Saudi allies




Some of the possible causes for the plane disappearing include:

  • A catastrophic structural failure of the airframe or its Rolls-Royce Trent  800 engines. Most aircraft are made of aluminium which is susceptible to  corrosion over time, especially in areas of high humidity. But given the plane's  long history and impressive safety record, experts suggest this is  unlikely.
  • Bad weather. Planes are designed to fly though most severe storms. However,  in June 2009, an Air France flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris crashed during a  bad storm over the Atlantic Ocean. All 228 passengers and crew aboard died. The  pilots never radioed for help. But in the case of Saturday's Malaysia Airlines  flight, all indications show that there were clear skies.
  • Pilot disorientation. Curtis said that the pilots could have taken the plane  off autopilot and somehow went off course and didn't realise it until it was too  late. The plane could have flown for another five or six hours from its point of  last contact, putting it up to 4800km away. This is unlikely given that the  plane probably would have been picked up by radar somewhere.
  • Failure of both engines. In January 2008, a British Airways 777 crashed  about 300 metres short of the runway at London's Heathrow Airport. As the plane  was coming in to land, the engines lost thrust because of ice build-up in the  fuel system. There were no fatalities.
  • A bomb. Several planes have been brought down including Pan Am Flight 103  between London and New York in December 1988. There was also an Air India flight  in June 1985 between Montreal and London and a plane in September 1989 flown by  French airline Union des Transports Ariens which blew up over the Sahara  Desert.
  • Hijacking. A traditional hijacking seems unlikely given that a plane's  captors typically land at an airport and have some type of demand. But a  hijacking like those on September 11, 2001 is possible, with terrorists forcing  the plane into the ocean.
  • Pilot suicide. There were two large jet crashes in the late 1990s that  investigators suspected were caused by pilots deliberately crashing the  planes.
  • Accidental shoot-down by some country's military. In July 1988, the United  States Navy missile cruiser USS Vincennes accidentally shot down an Iran Air  flight, killing all 290 passengers and crew. In September 1983, a Korean Air  Lines flight was shot down by a Russian fighter jet.


Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak

The Malaysian prime minister, Najib Razak, delivers a statement to the media. Photograph: Wong Maye-E/AP

The hunt for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has taken a dramatic turn after the country's prime minister confirmed that communications on board had been deliberately disabled and that the jet had flown off course for more than six hours after it lost contact with air traffic control.

The revelation came as police raided the home of the missing flight's pilot, sparking intense speculation that someone on the plane had been responsible for its disappearance or hijack.

No group has claimed responsibility, but the Malaysian authorities confirmed foul play was now the most likely theory to explain the plane's fate.


Latest development:


10.28pm GMT


That’s going to be all for a while on Flight MH370, but please check back later for further developments. In the meantime, here’s a summary of major developments on Saturday:

  • Malaysia’s prime minister confirmed that communications on board the plane had been deliberately disabled
  • The missing jet flew for another six hours after losing contact with air traffic control
  • Police raided the home of MH370’s pilot, fuelling speculation someone on board may have been involved in a hijack
  • Missing aircraft could be as far north as Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan or as far south as the Indian Ocean
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by asj:

or could it be in China??

Mecca is not in China...

Muslims want to go to Mecca to for prayers, not to China. The pilots were Muslims and so too many of the guys travelling under stolen and fake passports.

There are more moques and more muslims in China rather than Saudi Arabia

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by asj:

or could it be in China??

Mecca is not in China...

Muslims want to go to Mecca to for prayers, not to China. The pilots were Muslims and so too many of the guys travelling under stolen and fake passports.

There are more moques and more muslims in China rather than Saudi Arabia

But not is not Mecca, where many Muslims dream of dying.

Last edited by Former Member


Malaysian PM says lost airliner was diverted deliberately.  

A missing Malaysian airliner appears to have been deliberately steered off course after someone on board shut down its communications, Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Saturday.

A week after the disappearance of flight MH370, Najib said its last transmission of satellite data came nearly seven hours after it disappeared from radar screens.


Found no evidence that would indicate that the plane had come down in its waters, the Defence Ministry said.

A senior military official in Port Blair, capital of the archipelago, said Indian aircraft had combed waters stretching up to 300 nautical miles offshore and overflown all 572 islands in the chain but "we don't have anything so far".




Gathering from the above, there is a belief that the plane was hijacked and the hijackers took over command of the plane, and if this is so, then it stands to reason that those aboard might still be alive.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by asj:

It is now reported that the Airplane has been Hijacked, and there is speculations that all passenger abroad might be safe:


Official: Malaysian investigators

conclude missing airliner hijacked

Last Updated Mar 15, 2014 3:30 AM EDT


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia -- Malaysia's prime minister says the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 appears to be "deliberate."

Speaking to the press early Saturday, Prime Minister Najib Razak said the investigation has refocused onto the crew and passengers aboard the missing plane. He added that despite growing evidence to suggest a possible hijacking or sabotage, all possibilities are still being investigated.

The prime minister also said that authorities are now trying to trace the plane across two possible "corridors" -- a northern corridor from northern Thailand through to the border of Kazakstan and Turkmenistan, and a southern corridor from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean -- and that search efforts in the South China Sea would be ended.

"Clearly the search for MH370 has entered a new phase," he said.

Earlier, a Malaysian government official who is involved in the investigation said investigators have concluded that one of the pilots or someone else with flying experience hijacked the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.

The official said no motive has been established, and it is not yet clear where the plane was taken. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

The official said that hijacking was no longer a theory. "It is conclusive."


Massive 25 Countries search is ongoing for the missing plane. Given that one week has elapsed, but in this time, a lot has been known/learned.


Where is the missing plane and why has the world been misled, in the sense that a lot of information was not shared by the people who was looking for the aircraft.

Last edited by Former Member

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