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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Mek think Supa suffering from sleep titis. He eat too much flour and rotie. dunno

Canecuttah mentality. How would you become a minister with that kind of attitude..
You are from a long line of cane cutters so yo0ur contempt for your origins is a pity. Ramotar will be president so their is no more lower than that one can get. If a fat crook with an gnats brain can be president what else can one say?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Mek think Supa suffering from sleep titis. He eat too much flour and rotie. dunno

Canecuttah mentality. How would you become a minister with that kind of attitude..
You are from a long line of cane cutters so yo0ur contempt for your origins is a pity,

No member of my family were canecutters, so watch your mannerism..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Mek think Supa suffering from sleep titis. He eat too much flour and rotie. dunno

Canecuttah mentality. How would you become a minister with that kind of attitude..
You are from a long line of cane cutters so yo0ur contempt for your origins is a pity,

No member of my family were canecutters, so watch your mannerism..
THey did not bring your ancestors from India to be Brahmins and to delight cane cutters with their wisdom. They brought their impoverished behinds to work in the cane fields like all the rest of our kinfolks
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Mek think Supa suffering from sleep titis. He eat too much flour and rotie. dunno

Canecuttah mentality. How would you become a minister with that kind of attitude..
You are from a long line of cane cutters so yo0ur contempt for your origins is a pity,

No member of my family were canecutters, so watch your mannerism..
THey did not bring your ancestors from India to be Brahmins and to delight cane cutters with their wisdom.

They were busines people..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by D2:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Mek think Supa suffering from sleep titis. He eat too much flour and rotie. dunno

Canecuttah mentality. How would you become a minister with that kind of attitude..
You are from a long line of cane cutters so yo0ur contempt for your origins is a pity,

Do you have a problem with meh father coming from the Sugar Belt - he was born in Port Morant?

I am proud of my roots and my ancestors.

Where is your roots?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Mek think Supa suffering from sleep titis. He eat too much flour and rotie. dunno

Canecuttah mentality. How would you become a minister with that kind of attitude..
You are from a long line of cane cutters so yo0ur contempt for your origins is a pity. Ramotar will be president so their is no more lower than that one can get. If a fat crook with an gnats brain can be president what else can one say?

good ting he is not gay and a bumm cheers cheers
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by jags:
It is absolutely stunning that a country with so much history in Sugar does not even have a plan to get BioDiesel and Ethanol production going.

This is such a colossal failure its not funny.

Don't let these buzzwords fool you, bio fuels are not profitable nor cost effective as they cost more than fossil fuel to produce and leave a larger carbon footprint. The nations that produce bio fuels do so under heavy government subsidies. The AFC dunces are talking off the top of their heads and have not really studied the matter. The same way the PPP undertook the failed Skeldon venture and now leave the tax payers on the hook.
Bio fuel is the future. releasing Carbon sequestered in the fossil fuel is not the same as burning biofuel. One is releasing Carbon and the other is carbon neutral.

It does not surprise me that you are very poorly read and do not stay on top of current trends, but then again many consider you a fraud. And to think you have so much time to catch up with your readings from behind your dollar store counter on slow days.......

California in 2009 declared that ethanol leaves a larger carbon footprint than gasoline.

In fact sugarcane ethanol is not sustainable due to its high requirement of fertilizers and massive amounts of land.

The dark side of sugarcane
Sugarcane is grown as a monocrop, predominantly in southern and central Brazil as well as in parts of Asia and Africa. It relies on heavy quantities of inputs, particularly fertilizer. Harvesting is often done by hand, and working conditions are notoriously harsh.

A number of studies in Brazil have shown that demand for land for sugarcane is leading to the conversion of grasslands and wooded savannah for crops, releasing stored carbon dioxide, and displacing previous users like cattle farmers who move into tropical forests.

One recent study has estimated that, if of the effect of land conversion was taken into account, it would take sugar cane ethanol sourced from previously wooded Cerrado lands in Central Brazil 17 years to repay its climate debt - that means that for those 17 years, the level of greenhouse gases emitted because of land conversion will be higher than the emissions from burning fossil fuels. Given the rate at which sugarcane depletes the soil, there is no guarantee that converted land will still be supporting sugarcane in 17 years time - this carbon debt may in fact never be paid.[2]
You are too shallow to grasp even what you read. The term is "BIOFUEL" meaning it is using non sequestered carbon hence by definition it does not and cannot increase the carbon footprint it is taking carbon from the carbon cycle. Secondly, I said Biofuel is the future. We are learning from mistakes of using corn and other much needed food commodity. We are also learning to use other bio sources as well.

And the report about monocrops; the bloody entire state of modern agriculture that way. Don't pretend you grasp what you do not. If Brazil makes mistakes we learn from them.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Mek think Supa suffering from sleep titis. He eat too much flour and rotie. dunno

Canecuttah mentality. How would you become a minister with that kind of attitude..
You are from a long line of cane cutters so yo0ur contempt for your origins is a pity. Ramotar will be president so their is no more lower than that one can get. If a fat crook with an gnats brain can be president what else can one say?

good ting he is not gay and a bumm cheers cheers
I would not know his sexuality except the rumors of his affinity for underage girls. And only a low life scum would constantly presume you know I am a bum. If you think you are bill gates or jobs, be my guest. It won't make it so.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Mek think Supa suffering from sleep titis. He eat too much flour and rotie. dunno

Canecuttah mentality. How would you become a minister with that kind of attitude..
You are from a long line of cane cutters so yo0ur contempt for your origins is a pity. Ramotar will be president so their is no more lower than that one can get. If a fat crook with an gnats brain can be president what else can one say?

good ting he is not gay and a bumm cheers cheers
I would not know his sexuality except the rumors of his affinity for underage girls. And only a low life scum would constantly presume you know I am a bum. If you think you are bill gates or jobs, be my guest. It won't make it so.

well at lees the man into girls..unlike you Bboy cheers

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