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Who is manipulating the truth  - Ramjattan or Ali?


Is the work of the Housing Ministry Transparent?


Who got the front lands?  Are the close associates of the PPP like ODINGA Lumbunda?


Is Sister Doreen applies for one of these houselots on the East Bank, will she get one on the front land or far away from the main road?


What is the price per acre are these lands sold to the private developer and what is the price they are reselling to the people?


How steep is the profit?


Was the housing program to make people rich or to house the people at an affordable cost?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:

The housing programme is a farce. It is all about enriching a few people. 

Ofcourse it is a farce, the front lands along the East Bank Corridor, is for Special PPP/C Cronies.......When working people do get lands along this Corridor, it is way down at the back.

Mits I think that your Post should not have been closed, and we know the Mr Ramjattan will respond to Irfaan Ali lies.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:

The housing programme is a farce. It is all about enriching a few people. 

Ofcourse it is a farce, the front lands along the East Bank Corridor, is for Special PPP/C Cronies.......When working people do get lands along this Corridor, it is way down at the back.

Mits I think that your Post should not have been closed, and we know the Mr Ramjattan will respond to Irfaan Ali lies.

Thanks ASJ Bhai. Look at how many more have started up in support of Ramjattan.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:

The housing programme is a farce. It is all about enriching a few people. 

Ofcourse it is a farce, the front lands along the East Bank Corridor, is for Special PPP/C Cronies.......When working people do get lands along this Corridor, it is way down at the back.

Mits I think that your Post should not have been closed, and we know the Mr Ramjattan will respond to Irfaan Ali lies.

Thanks ASJ Bhai. Look at how many more have started up in support of Ramjattan.

What Irfaan failed to tell us was how much the so called Developers are paying for the front lands, and how ordinary workers are paying for the middle and back part. I understand that ordinary people are paying two millions G Dollars.

The Corrupt PPP/C are giving away those Front Lands on a platter.


The point I am making is that when Developers build houses they would charge around

25 Million Dollars, given the same Land ordinary workers would pay two million dollars for the land and they would spend around 10 million dollars to build the same type of house that those Developers would.

If one were to follow the Maths.....the  difference would be thirteen millions Guyana Dollars.......and this leave one to speculate "how much from that 13 milliion is going to the Corrupt PPP/C pockets?


Maybe we should pose the question to Donald Ramotar


Learn to read dummies, the man answered all your questions. Prove otherwise.


Q: Where was it advertised, and was it advertised?

A: Contrary to the manipulation of the truth by Kaieteur News and Mr. Ramjattan, who seems to have a special likeness with fondling of the truth, the first phase of development was advertised on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 in the Guyana Chronicle, titled, “Invitation for Expression of Interest for housing development at the proposed Eccles to Mocha Housing Development Site, East Bank Demerara.” A total of 14 proposals (was) received.

Q: What criteria were used to grant these lands to these companies and individuals?

A: The eligibility criteria were outlined in the expression of interest and the framework through which the proposals were to be submitted. The complete criteria and framework were outlined in the said advertisement, and the proposals were all examined and evaluated within the context of these criteria. So there were laid out prescribed criteria and eligibility, and that is in the context in which all the proposals were examined. There is also the perception in the article that most of the lots between Eccles and Providence did not go to normal house lots.

Q: Why was it not available for normal house lots?

A: The policy for our housing programme is based on the development of many partnerships. In our previous press conference, we outlined extensively the nature of these partnerships: how the partnerships are developed, and for what purposes. We also outlined very clearly that the majority of development went to the public sector. As a matter of fact, between Eccles to Providence, the Government developed more than 4000 lots for the normal application process.

Q: The minister claims that the lands were advertised in the Guyana Chronicle from June. Explain to us, then, how some of these developers have been on the land, some doing infrastructural work for more than a year now. Further, for something like this, should it (not) be advertised publicly?

A: What the article was seeking to do was to portray a view that we gave the land out before the advertisement. But the land they are referring to was the area under development by private developers in response to the December 15, 2010 application. These works started since 2010/2011. Again, (this is) a manipulation and misrepresentation of the truth. According to the leaked document, 1000 house lots have been made available at Eccles for house lots, and just 400 acres behind Providence. There is absolutely no leaked document, because the map that was provided in Kaieteur News was made available since 2011 to all the media. We have nothing to fear in relation to any document, because we conduct our business in a fair, open, and transparent manner. All the land in Eccles was used for the public sector housing programme, amounting to approximately 1000 lots. We are not clear if the map is telling us that the new 1000 house lots behind Providence are part of the 400 acre.

Again, the speculative, manipulative agenda of Ramjattan and Kaieteur News to misguide people with propagandistic, sensational madness bounded by no morals or ethics remains nastily exposed. The 1000 homes here — as clearly outlined at site visits, project launches and press conferences, many of which Kaieteur News was also present — is located in Perseverance, all of which will go to the public housing development programme specifically targeting clerical and service workers.

Q: The article concludes by saying: “Some 400 acres in the Coverden area have been granted to a businessman close to the administration.”

A: This cannot be described in any way but (as) a nasty, nasty, nasty lie. This is a nasty lie! One wonders what is hoped to be achieved by this disgusting, rotten piece of journalism. Then again, credibility, honesty, ethics, morals and professionalism seem to be obsolete in this case, because this is far from the truth.

No businessman was, is, or will be allocated 400 acres. (As) a matter of fact, we have not even entertained any proposals thus far (regarding) allocation of 400 acres to a businessman. So I find this to be even more disgusting.


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