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Who compiled and has the list on Jagdeo’s reign?

April 16, 2016 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

The former President has taken over the role of Champion of Foolishness from Clement Rohee. The nation knows that Guyanese cynically referred to Mr. Jagdeo, when he was President as Champion of Dirt given the way he left Georgetown to die in dirt even though he was awarded an international title of Champion of the Environment.
Mr. Jagdeo, as Opposition Leader, has announced a policy whereby his party will be compiling a list of illegal edicts issued to state officials by the governmental leadership.  The document will be used in evidence against the APNU-AFC leaders should the PPP regain power. Only the self-destruction of the current government can bring Jagdeo back in power
At first glance you laugh when Mr. Jagdeo spoke his nonsense. And the laughter was automatic because here was a politician when he was governor, committed egregious, repugnant and culturally debasing things, an enumeration of which should land him, as what we are seeing in Latin America, before a court of law.  Let’s discuss the damning edicts of the Jagdeo’s administration.  Wasn’t there a similar compilation when Jagdeo was the hegemon of Guyana? Who did it and who has the list? Well I know about some items on the list. We start with the Chief Justice.

On the High Court verandah, in front of Chris Ram, I told the then Chief Justice, Mr. Ian Chang, that I knew he wrote the President for the President’s intervention after his request to the GRA for his duty free car was turned down with instruction that the application be made through the Chancellor of the Judiciary rather than directly from the Chief Justice himself.
The Chief Justice was quite happy to discuss the issue in front of Mr. Ram. Jagdeo must answer if he interfered with the work of the GRA in this context.

Who in the civilian government gave the police the order to charge Mark Benschop for treason when Benschop was three corners away when demonstrators invaded the Office of the President? Who gave the police the order to arrest army officer Bruce Munroe, his wife and the Munroe family friend, Mr. Wharton for treason?
These three accused were freed at the preliminary hearing after the only piece of evidence was a contorted, distorted, inaudible cassette in which the hardly discernible voices of the three are heard having an informal conversation.

Who gave the order to CANU that failure to pass a polygraph should be the basis of dismissal? Nine persons suffered that fate which was not backed by law.

The same illegal direction was taken at the Guyana Energy Authority where there were multiple terminations after the polygraph failure. Did President Jagdeo order this illegal test?
Connected to this depravity was the fact as revealed in the recent audit of the Energy Authority that there were retentions among those who failed the test. One can only conclude that Jagdeo ran a cowboy government in that, the rule of law was ignored and the state was administered through the moods of Jagdeo.

Who gave the order to allocate land at Sparendam behind the police station at far below market cost to Mr. Jagdeo and his acolytes and subordinates? The site is now facetiously nicknamed Pradoville 2.

Who instructed Lands and Survey to do the paper work?  Who mandated the then Ministry of Works to do the landscaping of the area and the removal of the NCN transmitters that were on the land?

Who instructed GWI to lay pipelines and GPL to install electricity? Does Bharrat Jagdeo know anything about these transactions that could lead to his prosecution?

The publisher of this newspaper, Glenn Lall, told me that I can quote a conversation we had in his office. He related to me that even though Jagdeo was not the President, it was through the instrumentality of Mr. Jagdeo that GRA pursued him on evasion charges on two vehicles.
If Mr. Lall is correct not only was Jagdeo the de jure President giving orders to state officials that were in clear violations of Guyana’s laws, but he also continued with that abomination when he was de facto President under Donald Ramotar.

Readers ought to know that the brief enumeration here of Jagdeo’s violations is not even the tip of the iceberg. As President, Jagdeo ran this country as a typical 19th century Latin American oligarch. I close on a personal note. I know Jagdeo, de facto President in 2012, had given the order to terminate my UG contract.  So who has the list of Jagdeo’s illegalities? I do.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

Freddie on a roll,Jaggy run Guyana like a cow boy gov't,and with the support of the Indians all that matters for them is "abie kind a rule".

We should take what this guy Freddie says with a grain of salt. This article is about his personal issue with Jagdeo....nothing more. After a year, there is no conviction. He ruled Guyana like any  any third world leader. 

He was an immoral leader yes, but dont fall for the other nonsense people write about him....where is the list???


The same set of fools now claim that Georgetown is the responsibility of the mayor and not central govt. In fact the cleanup of GT was financed by businessmen like Brian Tiwari looking to get political influence.


Why don't you make a list of all the accomplishments of the Jagdeo government?  Or is that too long to handle?  Freddie is getting kicked by the PNC boys so any nonsense against Jagdeo is news for him.  He and people like Cain should focus on the failures of the Granger administration. Or is that list too long to handle?

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

Freddie on a roll,Jaggy run Guyana like a cow boy gov't,and with the support of the Indians all that matters for them is "abie kind a rule".

Django, I don't know if anyone told you as yet but Jagdeo is not the President of Guyana.  Ask somebody if you don't know.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why don't you make a list of all the accomplishments of the Jagdeo government?  Or is that too long to handle?  Freddie is getting kicked by the PNC boys so any nonsense against Jagdeo is news for him.  He and people like Cain should focus on the failures of the Granger administration. Or is that list too long to handle?

That's a KNOCK OUT Saturday Punch. 


Freddie will continue to write about Jagdeo because he has nothing to say about the coalition. In yesterday's piece he attacked the AFC of dishonesty, but not Harmon and the PNC. They forget that Jagdeo is not running the country fact they bypass a president who was there for 3 years to get to Jagdeo. Talk about obsession!!

Last edited by VishMahabir
VishMahabir posted:

Freddie will continue to write about Jagdeo because he has nothing to say about the coalition. In yesterday's piece he attacked the AFC of dishonesty, but not Harmon and the PNC. They forget that Jagdeo is not running the country fact they bypass a president who was there for 3 years to get to Jagdeo. Talk about obsession!!

Obsession indeed!  I would take it a step further - Fear!!!  Jagdeo is slowing becoming a rock star.  Everywhere he goes the whole village shows up to see him as if he is Jesus Christ.  People see him as their only hope.  His popularity is driving fear into Freddie and his coalition friends.

One little old lady selling greens at Mon Repos market held his hand with tears in her eyes and said, "Ow baia, you ah all abbey gat now.  See wha you can do fuh abbey."

Bibi Haniffa
ian posted:


Let's deal with the current Government who has no plan for development. 

Freddy Kruger AKA SHIT FACE likes to hear his stupid, ignorant voice!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Freddie will continue to write about Jagdeo because he has nothing to say about the coalition. In yesterday's piece he attacked the AFC of dishonesty, but not Harmon and the PNC. They forget that Jagdeo is not running the country fact they bypass a president who was there for 3 years to get to Jagdeo. Talk about obsession!!

Obsession indeed!  I would take it a step further - Fear!!!  Jagdeo is slowing becoming a rock star.  Everywhere he goes the whole village shows up to see him as if he is Jesus Christ.  People see him as their only hope.  His popularity is driving fear into Freddie and his coalition friends.

One little old lady selling greens at Mon Repos market held his hand with tears in her eyes and said, "Ow baia, you ah all abbey gat now.  See wha you can do fuh abbey."


Are you based in Guyana?

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

Freddie on a roll,Jaggy run Guyana like a cow boy gov't,and with the support of the Indians all that matters for them is "abie kind a rule".

We should take what this guy Freddie says with a grain of salt. This article is about his personal issue with Jagdeo....nothing more. After a year, there is no conviction. He ruled Guyana like any  any third world leader. 

He was an immoral leader yes, but dont fall for the other nonsense people write about him....where is the list???

I have to agree with Vish. President Jagdeo was not a turn the other cheek type of East Indian leader that East Indians of Guyana had in the past. You hit him and he hits back. Many of these East Indians who are attacking him are doing so to impress and have the support of other races who hate him because of the race he belongs to.


VishMahabir posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Freddie will continue to write about Jagdeo because he has nothing to say about the coalition. In yesterday's piece he attacked the AFC of dishonesty, but not Harmon and the PNC. They forget that Jagdeo is not running the country fact they bypass a president who was there for 3 years to get to Jagdeo. Talk about obsession!!

Obsession indeed!  I would take it a step further - Fear!!!  Jagdeo is slowing becoming a rock star.  Everywhere he goes the whole village shows up to see him as if he is Jesus Christ.  People see him as their only hope.  His popularity is driving fear into Freddie and his coalition friends.

One little old lady selling greens at Mon Repos market held his hand with tears in her eyes and said, "Ow baia, you ah all abbey gat now.  See wha you can do fuh abbey."


Are you based in Guyana?

I am not currently based in Guyana.  I have deep family connections in the PPP party and I visit often. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Freddie will continue to write about Jagdeo because he has nothing to say about the coalition. In yesterday's piece he attacked the AFC of dishonesty, but not Harmon and the PNC. They forget that Jagdeo is not running the country fact they bypass a president who was there for 3 years to get to Jagdeo. Talk about obsession!!

Obsession indeed!  I would take it a step further - Fear!!!  Jagdeo is slowing becoming a rock star.  Everywhere he goes the whole village shows up to see him as if he is Jesus Christ.  People see him as their only hope.  His popularity is driving fear into Freddie and his coalition friends.

One little old lady selling greens at Mon Repos market held his hand with tears in her eyes and said, "Ow baia, you ah all abbey gat now.  See wha you can do fuh abbey."

What can be deciphered from the statement is only "abie kind can look after us" what the other side of the fence feels,is it not the same,that's the problem with Guyanese the two major races does not trust each other.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Freddie will continue to write about Jagdeo because he has nothing to say about the coalition. In yesterday's piece he attacked the AFC of dishonesty, but not Harmon and the PNC. They forget that Jagdeo is not running the country fact they bypass a president who was there for 3 years to get to Jagdeo. Talk about obsession!!

Obsession indeed!  I would take it a step further - Fear!!!  Jagdeo is slowing becoming a rock star.  Everywhere he goes the whole village shows up to see him as if he is Jesus Christ.  People see him as their only hope.  His popularity is driving fear into Freddie and his coalition friends.

One little old lady selling greens at Mon Repos market held his hand with tears in her eyes and said, "Ow baia, you ah all abbey gat now.  See wha you can do fuh abbey."

What can be deciphered from the statement is only "abie kind can look after us" what the other side of the fence feels,is it not the same,that's the problem with Guyanese the two major races does not trust each other.

I remember my nani used to talk like dis. What you interpret the woman saying is different from what she said. 

The race problem was there before Jagdeo or Ramotar.  She is expressing hopelessness. Maybe she is already disappointed with the government. 

Granger should tackle the race problem and try to bring people together. 

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Freddie will continue to write about Jagdeo because he has nothing to say about the coalition. In yesterday's piece he attacked the AFC of dishonesty, but not Harmon and the PNC. They forget that Jagdeo is not running the country fact they bypass a president who was there for 3 years to get to Jagdeo. Talk about obsession!!

Obsession indeed!  I would take it a step further - Fear!!!  Jagdeo is slowing becoming a rock star.  Everywhere he goes the whole village shows up to see him as if he is Jesus Christ.  People see him as their only hope.  His popularity is driving fear into Freddie and his coalition friends.

One little old lady selling greens at Mon Repos market held his hand with tears in her eyes and said, "Ow baia, you ah all abbey gat now.  See wha you can do fuh abbey."

What can be deciphered from the statement is only "abie kind can look after us" what the other side of the fence feels,is it not the same,that's the problem with Guyanese the two major races does not trust each other.

I remember my nani used to talk like dis. What you interpret the woman saying is different from what she said. 

The race problem was there before Jagdeo or Ramotar.  She is expressing hopelessness. Maybe she is already disappointed with the government. 

Granger should tackle the race problem and try to bring people together. 

Django is displaying his racist tendency by assuming that the lady is Indian.  There are many women from Buxton who sell at Mon Repos market. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Freddie will continue to write about Jagdeo because he has nothing to say about the coalition. In yesterday's piece he attacked the AFC of dishonesty, but not Harmon and the PNC. They forget that Jagdeo is not running the country fact they bypass a president who was there for 3 years to get to Jagdeo. Talk about obsession!!

Obsession indeed!  I would take it a step further - Fear!!!  Jagdeo is slowing becoming a rock star.  Everywhere he goes the whole village shows up to see him as if he is Jesus Christ.  People see him as their only hope.  His popularity is driving fear into Freddie and his coalition friends.

One little old lady selling greens at Mon Repos market held his hand with tears in her eyes and said, "Ow baia, you ah all abbey gat now.  See wha you can do fuh abbey."

What can be deciphered from the statement is only "abie kind can look after us" what the other side of the fence feels,is it not the same,that's the problem with Guyanese the two major races does not trust each other.

I remember my nani used to talk like dis. What you interpret the woman saying is different from what she said. 

The race problem was there before Jagdeo or Ramotar.  She is expressing hopelessness. Maybe she is already disappointed with the government. 

Granger should tackle the race problem and try to bring people together. 

Django is displaying hisracist tendency by assuming that the lady is Indian.  There are many women from Buxton who sell at Mon Repos market. 

How do you conclude that??

Question are Guyanese oppressed by the current government.

VishMahabir posted:

Were they oppressed under the Jagdeo and Ramotar government?

Like some people forget that thePPP held national elections unlike the PNC 28 years

Agreed and they lost two of the elections.


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