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Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have no regrets pummeling you. I do not like the PPP as constituted then or now. I do hope you have become stronger in all the broken places where you took punches from us. I can affirm you did beat up good and proper. 

I've become a comedienne now.   Some used to rip me apart and ask why was I fighting for BJ, that he doesn't know of my existence.  I saw all the abuse that was heaped on Indians, so I decided to fight for my people. Some knights in shining armor jumped in to rescue the damsel in distress. Who can forget Mara? I hope he recovers from his illness. 

Glad you decide to fight for your people. That is a noble act.  Now leave us Indians alone.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:
Leonora posted:

The Mafia Kingpin gave him a suitcase of cash to do what we saw today.

You sounding like sour grapes.

I was born a PPP and will die the same. My village was bigtime PPP, and hosted CBJ and Janet many times. Like many others, I never liked BJ's policies because he didn't endorse CBJ's ideals. As D2 pointed out on another thread, I fought for PPP for 15+ years here, took abuse from 40+ members but still held my head high. D2 and Mars called me all kinds of names. The turning point came when PPP cursed out the Ambassador; I was ashamed to be associated with such a party. Then PPP was thrown out on their butts, and Obama was happy to do business with Granger. We're watching to see what happens now. Maharaja BJ wants to meet Granger to make a deal. Hope Yugi and friends get nice and fancy jobs with the PPP.  

 But in my books, you will always be a soup drinker.  Yuji and friends don't need PPP jobs.  For 60 plus years my family served the govt of Guyana.  Many of my classmates got Gov't scholarship to study.  I accepted nothing.

Your lil note book is inconsequential.  No one gives a shit. You think more of yourself than you are.

You never accepted because you never got offered.  

A former teacher of yours said you actually struggled needing extra weekend lessons due to low grades.  So you were never in any running!   You lie!!

And who gives a crap about what your family did or did not do.  They got paid to do a job, like anyone else!

I am not the one who got kicked out of Coventry Garden Secondary School in third form and telling everyone I’m a CPA.  Doing Quickbooks at H&R Block doesn’t make you a CPA.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have no regrets pummeling you. I do not like the PPP as constituted then or now. I do hope you have become stronger in all the broken places where you took punches from us. I can affirm you did beat up good and proper. 

I've become a comedienne now.   Some used to rip me apart and ask why was I fighting for BJ, that he doesn't know of my existence.  I saw all the abuse that was heaped on Indians, so I decided to fight for my people. Some knights in shining armor jumped in to rescue the damsel in distress. Who can forget Mara? I hope he recovers from his illness. 

Glad you decide to fight for your people. That is a noble act.  Now leave us Indians alone.

Didn't realize that Leonora was an Afro, but the clues were there as the poster sided with the slopsters on a regular basis. 

Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have no regrets pummeling you. I do not like the PPP as constituted then or now. I do hope you have become stronger in all the broken places where you took punches from us. I can affirm you did beat up good and proper. 

I've become a comedienne now.   Some used to rip me apart and ask why was I fighting for BJ, that he doesn't know of my existence.  I saw all the abuse that was heaped on Indians, so I decided to fight for my people. Some knights in shining armor jumped in to rescue the damsel in distress. Who can forget Mara? I hope he recovers from his illness. 

Glad you decide to fight for your people. That is a noble act.  Now leave us Indians alone.

Didn't realize that Leonora was an Afro, but the clues were there as the poster sided with the slopsters on a regular basis. 


kp posted:
Drugb posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have no regrets pummeling you. I do not like the PPP as constituted then or now. I do hope you have become stronger in all the broken places where you took punches from us. I can affirm you did beat up good and proper. 

I've become a comedienne now.   Some used to rip me apart and ask why was I fighting for BJ, that he doesn't know of my existence.  I saw all the abuse that was heaped on Indians, so I decided to fight for my people. Some knights in shining armor jumped in to rescue the damsel in distress. Who can forget Mara? I hope he recovers from his illness. 

Glad you decide to fight for your people. That is a noble act.  Now leave us Indians alone.

Didn't realize that Leonora was an Afro, but the clues were there as the poster sided with the slopsters on a regular basis. 


But why Lennox using an indo woman picture as his avatar?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 But in my books, you will always be a soup drinker.  Yuji and friends don't need PPP jobs.  For 60 plus years my family served the govt of Guyana.  Many of my classmates got Gov't scholarship to study.  I accepted nothing.

Your lil note book is inconsequential.  No one gives a shit. You think more of yourself than you are.

You never accepted because you never got offered.  

A former teacher of yours said you actually struggled needing extra weekend lessons due to low grades.  So you were never in any running!   You lie!!

And who gives a crap about what your family did or did not do.  They got paid to do a job, like anyone else!

I am not the one who got kicked out of Coventry Garden Secondary School in third form and telling everyone I’m a CPA.  Doing Quickbooks at H&R Block doesn’t make you a CPA.

I never said you were kicked out of CGGSS!  You attended QC.  Is it true what your former teacher said, that you were struggling to hang onto "C"?

How come you know of certification like that and never knew Deloitte, PWC, KPMG, etc was not only NYC firms!  You missed out somewhere!  Correct, HRB cannot make you a CPA!

Quickbooks, heard of it but never laid my hands on it.  How about you, or are you more into Slowbooks, Blackbooks, Phonebooks??

Now tell us, which scholarship you did not accept?  YOU LIE!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have no regrets pummeling you. I do not like the PPP as constituted then or now. I do hope you have become stronger in all the broken places where you took punches from us. I can affirm you did beat up good and proper. 

I've become a comedienne now.   Some used to rip me apart and ask why was I fighting for BJ, that he doesn't know of my existence.  I saw all the abuse that was heaped on Indians, so I decided to fight for my people. Some knights in shining armor jumped in to rescue the damsel in distress. Who can forget Mara? I hope he recovers from his illness. 

Glad you decide to fight for your people. That is a noble act.  Now leave us Indians alone.

Who make you authoritative on indians? Remember I can claim that mantle also having been raised by a hindu father in a hindu home. You are truly arrogant to presume you are the gate keeper to "indianness"

yuji22 posted:

That banna is the biggest Indo hater at GNI. He is a POS, no party wants an idiot like him. He can go scratch the PNC ball and is on record stating he prefers the incompetent PNC clowns over the PPP. 

Dumbass...I was asked....were you? Speak to what you know piggo. The PNC were no less incompetent than the PPP who accepted without warranty a 250 million white elephant in Skeldon which contributed to the debt burden of the sugar industry that took it under. With them in office we would be the state of Ban Shan Lin and not the republic of Guyana. Those craven fellows never thought of the people. They only though of their pocket book hence all the projects conceived by them were grift and graft projects. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
I am not the one who got kicked out of Coventry Garden Secondary School in third form and telling everyone I’m a CPA.  Doing Quickbooks at H&R Block doesn’t make you a CPA.

Making the green is all that matters and having a good heart. You seem to have to take a trip to OZ to let the wizard give you the missing parts. 

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have no regrets pummeling you. I do not like the PPP as constituted then or now. I do hope you have become stronger in all the broken places where you took punches from us. I can affirm you did beat up good and proper. 

I've become a comedienne now.   Some used to rip me apart and ask why was I fighting for BJ, that he doesn't know of my existence.  I saw all the abuse that was heaped on Indians, so I decided to fight for my people. Some knights in shining armor jumped in to rescue the damsel in distress. Who can forget Mara? I hope he recovers from his illness. 

Glad you decide to fight for your people. That is a noble act.  Now leave us Indians alone.

Who make you authoritative on indians? Remember I can claim that mantle also having been raised by a hindu father in a hindu home. You are truly arrogant to presume you are the gate keeper to "indianness"

How you could be raised by a Hindu father and cussing Indians every day here using three different handles.  What happen to Iguana?  You eat him for dinner with your parsad and Khir?

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:

I never said you were kicked out of CGGSS!  You attended QC.  Is it true what your former teacher said, that you were struggling to hang onto "C"?

How come you know of certification like that and never knew Deloitte, PWC, KPMG, etc was not only NYC firms!  You missed out somewhere!  Correct, HRB cannot make you a CPA!

Quickbooks, heard of it but never laid my hands on it.  How about you, or are you more into Slowbooks, Blackbooks, Phonebooks??

Now tell us, which scholarship you did not accept?  YOU LIE!!!

Ease up on the personal shit since no one cares who is was substandard or not in elementary and high school. We are eons away from that era and ought to have picked up sufficient informal information along the way to make us better educated and better humans.  You guys pick up the phone and fight rather than air the dirty laundry here.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

This fella has taught us well, stand up for what you believe in.  

Text book shot up their ass!πŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΎπŸ˜€

You forgot it was the AFC that truncated Ramotar's regime....Should I say that was a foot up the rear?

The AFC did not topple the coalition govt. It was Charandas - singlehandedly.  Give him credit where credit is due.  The AFC holler No, no, no.  Charandas holler Yes, yes, yes.  And the deck of cards came tumbling down to a screeching halt.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have no regrets pummeling you. I do not like the PPP as constituted then or now. I do hope you have become stronger in all the broken places where you took punches from us. I can affirm you did beat up good and proper. 

I've become a comedienne now.   Some used to rip me apart and ask why was I fighting for BJ, that he doesn't know of my existence.  I saw all the abuse that was heaped on Indians, so I decided to fight for my people. Some knights in shining armor jumped in to rescue the damsel in distress. Who can forget Mara? I hope he recovers from his illness. 

Glad you decide to fight for your people. That is a noble act.  Now leave us Indians alone.

Who make you authoritative on indians? Remember I can claim that mantle also having been raised by a hindu father in a hindu home. You are truly arrogant to presume you are the gate keeper to "indianness"

How you could be raised by a Hindu father and cussing Indians every day here using three different handles.  What happen to Iguana?  You eat him for dinner with your parsad and Khir?

Stupid woman. I do not "cuss" Indians blacks or Amerindians. I harangue nasty attitudes fostered by a political culture that is a different from national identity in the etymological sense. And Indians are not some holistic entity that you can define and categorize and put a tag on it. Indians are a diverse group with varying belief often antithetical to each other. A Christian ( 30 percent 0f indians) is not the same as a Hindu or a Muslims. My cousins range from Brits to Chinese to Russian parentage and they all call themselves Indians. You haul you old calcified behind da side as if you are the bastion of Indian cultural identity.  You are not. You just are stupid enough to believe you are.

As for the rest of the identities you speak of that is your ignorant imagination gone wild as usual and makes up the reason why I conclude  you are a nit. I do not know those fellows. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

I have no regrets pummeling you. I do not like the PPP as constituted then or now. I do hope you have become stronger in all the broken places where you took punches from us. I can affirm you did beat up good and proper. 

I've become a comedienne now.   Some used to rip me apart and ask why was I fighting for BJ, that he doesn't know of my existence.  I saw all the abuse that was heaped on Indians, so I decided to fight for my people. Some knights in shining armor jumped in to rescue the damsel in distress. Who can forget Mara? I hope he recovers from his illness. 

Glad you decide to fight for your people. That is a noble act.  Now leave us Indians alone.

Who make you authoritative on indians? Remember I can claim that mantle also having been raised by a hindu father in a hindu home. You are truly arrogant to presume you are the gate keeper to "indianness"

How you could be raised by a Hindu father and cussing Indians every day here using three different handles.  What happen to Iguana?  You eat him for dinner with your parsad and Khir?

No Indian in Leslie.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

This fella has taught us well, stand up for what you believe in.  

Text book shot up their ass!πŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΎπŸ˜€

You forgot it was the AFC that truncated Ramotar's regime....Should I say that was a foot up the rear?

The AFC did not topple the coalition govt. It was Charandas - singlehandedly.  Give him credit where credit is due.  The AFC holler No, no, no.  Charandas holler Yes, yes, yes.  And the deck of cards came tumbling down to a screeching halt.

As usual you are behind the 8th ball. I said they dethroned the ramotar regime with a similar stunt

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
alena06 posted:

This fella has taught us well, stand up for what you believe in.  

Text book shot up their ass!πŸ‡¬πŸ‡ΎπŸ˜€

You forgot it was the AFC that truncated Ramotar's regime....Should I say that was a foot up the rear?

The AFC did not topple the coalition govt. It was Charandas - singlehandedly.  Give him credit where credit is due.  The AFC holler No, no, no.  Charandas holler Yes, yes, yes.  And the deck of cards came tumbling down to a screeching halt.

As usual you are behind the 8th ball. I said they dethroned the ramotar regime with a similar stunt

you sound upset about it?

seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

As usual you are behind the 8th ball. I said they dethroned the ramotar regime with a similar stunt

you sound upset about it?

Sure it is not your tinnitus acting up? 

Wait yuh skont till I find what is tinnitus? Help me out here, explain it.

You talking about how I sound so I am just trying to grasp the reason you are hearing phantom sounds....could be tinnitus....that comes to some as they age.  Now why are you acting like you want to fite? Remember you are ol peeple!

Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

As usual you are behind the 8th ball. I said they dethroned the ramotar regime with a similar stunt

you sound upset about it?

Sure it is not your tinnitus acting up? 

Wait yuh skont till I find what is tinnitus? Help me out here, explain it.

You talking about how I sound so I am just trying to grasp the reason you are hearing phantom sounds....could be tinnitus....that comes to some as they age.  Now why are you acting like you want to fite? Remember you are ol peeple!

Yuh damn rite, I would kick your azz. If yuh wan clear skin putagee, prepare for changes of color, black, blue, pink and green. All dem color from blows.

I googled, tinnitus. I wrote a response for you. It was a buisng. Then when I guh to post it, unexplained, it disappeared from the monitor. Being a Sunday, I accepted it as the Lord's way of avoiding me from using bad words to you.

Anyway, my ears doan be ringing and I doan hear voices in my head. 


seignet postedYou doan hear ringing

I googled, tinnitus. I wrote a response for you. It was a buisng. Then when I guh to post it, unexplained, it disappeared from the monitor. Being a Sunday, I accepted it as the Lord's way of avoiding me from using bad words to you.

Anyway, my ears doan be ringing and I doan hear voices in my head. 


If you doan hear ringing nor voices in yo head is probably because yo rass also deaf.

An dah monitor story is a good one yo know but I think is Gentle Jesus way of tellin you fi get a new computer...dah Atari days done rass.


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