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Former Member

Who is going to bury the “hatchet” first?

Dear Editor,
I speak for most Guyanese when I appeal for unity in our beloved country. But if most of us want unity, why is the line on unity not yet mended?
At least we need a starting point and I would like to suggest we start from the promises made by APNU/AFC and PPP/C during the last elections. On the campaign trail the current government promised a new start, to turn a new page and move forward. A very progressive and promising message that implied one important and game changing act; and that is for this government to leave the past behind and bury the hatchet. Not in words but in action and as the captain of the ship, they are also responsible for making the first move towards unity.
The PPP/C campaigned on their successes and accomplishments that came to Guyana under their rule and felt that they were the best choice to take Guyana forward. However, they failed to see and acknowledge the resentment being built up against the party because of the behaviour of a few over the many. Now the PPP/C is the opposition and they too have to find a way to mend that line for unity.
The Government is faced with the challenge to prove their leadership prowess and ability to balance the past with the future and make the right decisions for us. If PM Nagamootoo is representing the government on unity talks, he must understand that unity very rarely comes through just talks, but it requires a genuine and persuasive approach that ironically, have very little to do with politics.
As an example, I am constantly attacked for being an activist in politics; however I do get mostly positive support for my views and fresh perspectives. But to those who sling their abuse at me, I am not angry or hate them for it, because they are my brothers and sisters too and it is important for me to embrace the hate as much as I embrace the love. This is the role of leaders; our job is to find balance and achieve successes from conflict or peace.
My suggestion to both leaders of government and opposition is that they first work on reducing the level of hatred and contempt in their own camps first. You cannot get unity if you are feeding off of the hate of your followers.
Secondly the PM has to ensure his government no longer justifies their bad decisions and practices by claiming the PPP/C “was worse”. This is the opposite of unity and it is a non-starter.
I would be the first willing to support any genuine initiative that is truly aimed towards unity and progress for Guyana, such as LGE.

Malcolm Watkins

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Thank you Malcolm Watkins BUT the PM and others(PPP including) are not matured enough for such actions. The PM is very comfortable being muzzled, being a Puppet . It is ironic for someone who had so much to say before May 11, in the event that someone farted!!!!!!!!


Moses is not qualified to represent the Coalition in Unity talks with the PPP, PPP considers.him as a traitor. Ideally,for such an important issue , Granger should lead such mission. We can only assume that the coalition is NOT serious for UNITY when they are sending the Devil to negotiate in HELL.


AFC is a minority party in the coalition government which has a member as the prime minister. It has no authority to proceed with discussions on the formation of a government with other parties.

 PPP/C, PNC and AFC are the three main political parties, hence issues on political formation / collaboration must be done outside of the government business.

It was noted that when the PNC and AFC merged, their discussions were conducted in private with the eventual approval of the Cummingsburg Accord which has no bearing on the constitution of Guyana.


“Cummingsburg Accord”: APNU-AFC Coalition agreement and program

Georgetown, Guyana

Friday 20th February 2015


 A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have presented a ten-point programme for democracy, development and national unity. This follows their decision to contest the forthcoming General and Regional elections as a single coalition. That decision was embodied in the Cummingsburg Accord signed by Leader of APNU, Brigadier David Granger and Leader of the AFC, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan on the 14th February 2015.

The APNU and AFC pledged to lead Guyana forward into a new era of accountability, human safety, financial probity, governmental transparency, parliamentary democracy and national unity among other things. The Coalition partners promised that, with the formation of a government of national unity, they would implement a programme of governance, the main elements of which will be:

  1.  Constitutional reform: The introduction of a meaningful constitutional reform programme geared towards improved governance and fair representation;
  2. Economic development: The creation of a long-term economic development programme based on consultation and consensus and aimed at realising the vast potential of the country;
  3. Financial legislation: The passage of amended Anti Money-Laundering and Countering the financing of Terrorism legislation and the establishment of a Public Procurement Commission;
  4. Local democracy: The announcement of the date for the holding of local government elections;
  5. National unity: The introduction of a programme for healing, reconciliation and social integration;
  6. Taxation reform: The comprehensive review of current taxation policies, including the value-added tax;
  7.  Telecommunications and information: The review, restructuring and liberalisation of the telecommunications and information sectors;
  8.  Public security: The sustained improvement of crime prevention and the security environment;
  9.  Public services: The reorganisation of the education, health, sports, recreation and other human service sectors;
  10.  Youth Programme: The establishment of a comprehensive youth programme.

The APNU-AFC Coalition, in accordance with the Cummingsburg Accord, commits itself to accept and promote dialogue, discussion and the use of constitutional means to advance economic, political and social change; respect the value and sanctity of human life; maintain high levels of mutual respect; reject ethnicity as a consideration for the participation of citizens in government, denounce corruption and promote financial transparency, probity at all levels of government.

The Coalition’s presidential candidate, Brigadier David Granger, described that the signing of the Cummingsburg Accord as a historic event that marks the start of real inclusionary democracy and the end of the “winner-takes-all” politics in Guyana.


Campaign Headquarters,

133 Crown St, Queenstown,

Georgetown, Guyana


Source -- Guyanese Online, Guyana News and news from Guyanese Associations worldwide, Source

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

What nonsense. The afc/apnu have the majority in parliament. There is no excuse now, yet they continue to try to blame the PPP for their failures. 

THIRTY years after Burnham died you all still blame him for all that is wrong, and have an annual hatefest at Babu John, slinging code words screaming about "bad blackman raping good Indians".

In fact folks even wail about events which happened FIFTY years ago.

Yet the PPP exited office a mere 8 MONTHS ago, and no mention should be made of their failure to transform Guyana!

skeldon_man posted:

Is blackman king in Guyana now that you can't ask them to take any blame?

You need to ask yourself if Indians are king.

I have long blamed Burnham for lots that is wrong, and I offer criticism of APNU/AFC when I think that its appropriate.

Now when have you suggested that Indian racism and victimization of blacks exists, or that much that ails Guyana is due to Jagdeo?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

What nonsense. The afc/apnu have the majority in parliament. There is no excuse now, yet they continue to try to blame the PPP for their failures. 

THIRTY years after Burnham died you all still blame him for all that is wrong, and have an annual hatefest at Babu John, slinging code words screaming about "bad blackman raping good Indians".

In fact folks even wail about events which happened FIFTY years ago.

Yet the PPP exited office a mere 8 MONTHS ago, and no mention should be made of their failure to transform Guyana!

Nonsense, the difference is that the afc/apnu now have carte blanche. There is no threat of mo fiah slow fiah, riots burning and looting by the PPP as it was from the afc/apnu supporters when they were in opposition.  The PPP were a government under constant duress from the afc/apnu supporters during their tenure. 


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