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Stormborn posted:

He is will dry up, staff will flee and he will have to close down shop. Unless he puts in 200 million he is toast because he cannot fun a campaign on fumes.

In any event...he will lose. I said about six month back he will lose by 10 points. Looks like this is a wipe out...good riddance. Welcome to Clinton redux....!!!!!!!!!

This man has no sense.

He is taking on Goliath's  and he will crumble.

How can you curse out the media? They will get you.

How can you boast about not paying tax?  The tax man will eventually get you.

His end is near not only for political office but with everything else.



Trump messed up big time.  Hillary is not winning because of Hillary, but because of Trump.  To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes, the GOP will now need to focus on controlling the House and Senate.  Stymie her efforts to create a controlling Leftist faction on the Supreme Court and block any further drift to the Left and the selling of the nation.

Trump has done one good thing, he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.  Leaving out the past, since the Convention, he has made many unforced errors, totally uncalled-for, totally avoidable.  Without these, he would have been able to weather the storm of his past indiscretions.

A new candidate needs to rise up and pick up some of where he left off but be a bit more presidential.

Trump handed Hillary this election on a silver platter!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Trump messed up big time.  Hillary is not winning because of Hillary, but because of Trump.  To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes, the GOP will now need to focus on controlling the House and Senate.  Stymie her efforts to create a controlling Leftist faction on the Supreme Court and block any further drift to the Left and the selling of the nation.

Trump has done one good thing, he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.  Leaving out the past, since the Convention, he has made many unforced errors, totally uncalled-for, totally avoidable.  Without these, he would have been able to weather the storm of his past indiscretions.

A new candidate needs to rise up and pick up some of where he left off but be a bit more presidential.

Trump handed Hillary this election on a silver platter!!

He has exposed nothing. His portion of the votes was coming from a group that is not numerically viable to take the white house. Any new Republican strategy would not embrace the soft bigotry of this group but  try to mitigate it's cancerous effect on the party by appealing to a wider swath of the electorate which includes blacks and Hispanics.  They cannot appeal to blacks with the refusal to acknowledge implicit bias across the spectrum of this society that acts to keep black people from equal access to resources. They cannot appeal to Hispanics without comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship.

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump messed up big time.  Hillary is not winning because of Hillary, but because of Trump.  To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes, the GOP will now need to focus on controlling the House and Senate.  Stymie her efforts to create a controlling Leftist faction on the Supreme Court and block any further drift to the Left and the selling of the nation.

Trump has done one good thing, he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.  Leaving out the past, since the Convention, he has made many unforced errors, totally uncalled-for, totally avoidable.  Without these, he would have been able to weather the storm of his past indiscretions.

A new candidate needs to rise up and pick up some of where he left off but be a bit more presidential.

Trump handed Hillary this election on a silver platter!!

He has exposed nothing. His portion of the votes was coming from a group that is not numerically viable to take the white house. Any new Republican strategy would not embrace the soft bigotry of this group but  try to mitigate it's cancerous effect on the party by appealing to a wider swath of the electorate which includes blacks and Hispanics.  They cannot appeal to blacks with the refusal to acknowledge implicit bias across the spectrum of this society that acts to keep black people from equal access to resources. They cannot appeal to Hispanics without comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship.

Still, no to illegals an no to rewarding illegals!!  In 2020 Blacks will be in the same place as they were in 2008 and 2016.  Hillary want's their votes then she gone!

ba$eman posted:

Trump messed up big time.  Hillary is not winning because of Hillary, but because of Trump.  To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes, the GOP will now need to focus on controlling the House and Senate.  Stymie her efforts to create a controlling Leftist faction on the Supreme Court and block any further drift to the Left and the selling of the nation.

Trump has done one good thing, he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.  Leaving out the past, since the Convention, he has made many unforced errors, totally uncalled-for, totally avoidable.  Without these, he would have been able to weather the storm of his past indiscretions.

A new candidate needs to rise up and pick up some of where he left off but be a bit more presidential.

Trump handed Hillary this election on a silver platter!!

To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes.......

Which planet are you living on?

......he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.

What is this path he exposed, pray tell!



ba$eman posted:

Still, no to illegals an no to rewarding illegals!!  In 2020 Blacks will be in the same place as they were in 2008 and 2016.  Hillary want's their votes then she gone!

First of all, anything that happens to black people will happen to you or your kin. You are not honorary white.

There will be comprehensive reforms if Mrs C is president. The lady lived her life for this very moment. Unlike Trump...she put time into connecting with the problems of the ordinary person. He ripped them off.

Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump messed up big time.  Hillary is not winning because of Hillary, but because of Trump.  To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes, the GOP will now need to focus on controlling the House and Senate.  Stymie her efforts to create a controlling Leftist faction on the Supreme Court and block any further drift to the Left and the selling of the nation.

Trump has done one good thing, he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.  Leaving out the past, since the Convention, he has made many unforced errors, totally uncalled-for, totally avoidable.  Without these, he would have been able to weather the storm of his past indiscretions.

A new candidate needs to rise up and pick up some of where he left off but be a bit more presidential.

Trump handed Hillary this election on a silver platter!!

To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes.......

Which planet are you living on?

......he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.

What is this path he exposed, pray tell!



Trump has emerged as the leader of the White Trash. People of color has much to be worried about. Their uncouth ways and behavior has no civility. In other words watch ur back from now on. Racism- hidden, cloaked or pretense has finally been released in the American community. It was expected, for America has become a community of communities. 

The Clintons put an end to American Patriotism. For money they sold out America. The husband parceled off white jobs to the Chinese, thereby freeing American Businesses to the commitment of jobs for Americans. He then turned around and instituted laws that increased the number of Blacks to go to prison.

The wife gives the final blow. Complacency. To be President, that all it is. Just pure Prestige.

"All hell goan break loose", quoted from Who is Coming to Dinner.

Prince posted:

Trump will bounce back. He is against the storm right now.

Prince, it is almost impossible for him to bounce back unless he performs an impossible miracle.

It looks like the race is over and as Base pointed out, he led to his own demise. 

No one needs to keep wake, he just could not shut up his big mouth.

RIP Trump's campaign. Hope Hillary keeps up her promises.

Pence in 2020.

Last edited by Former Member

Excuses, Excuses ,Trump is the lowest of the low, how can he demean ALL women over and over again and still expected to be elected president of USA. This 11 years old rant is the final nail to his coffin , I wonder how can he face up to his daughters and wives and the so called women supporters, maybe they don't have feelings,no heart, no morals.

yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

Trump will bounce back. He is against the storm right now.

Prince, it is almost impossible for him to bounce back unless he performs an impossible miracle.

It looks like the race is over and as Base pointed out, he led to his own demise. 

No one needs to keep wake, he just could not shut up his big mouth.

RIP Trump's campaign. Hope Hillary keeps up her promises.

Pence in 2020.

You and Base concede very early.

Anyway it's nice to note that you are on the side of decency.

kp posted:

Excuses, Excuses ,Trump is the lowest of the low, how can he demean ALL women over and over again and still expected to be elected president of USA. This 11 years old rant is the final nail to his coffin , I wonder how can he face up to his daughters and wives and the so called women supporters, maybe they don't have feelings,no heart, no morals.

Hold your Horses regarding women. While Trump is no saint, why was Bill poking a cigar in a young woman in the white house and staining her dress ? Was that morally correct ? Hillary was by his side all of this time.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

Trump will bounce back. He is against the storm right now.

Prince, it is almost impossible for him to bounce back unless he performs an impossible miracle.

It looks like the race is over and as Base pointed out, he led to his own demise. 

No one needs to keep wake, he just could not shut up his big mouth.

RIP Trump's campaign. Hope Hillary keeps up her promises.

Pence in 2020.

I don't follow the crowd that is bent on blowing everything out of proportion. Some people eat, sleep and shit Trump all day. He will bounce back. End of story.

seignet posted:
Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump messed up big time.  Hillary is not winning because of Hillary, but because of Trump.  To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes, the GOP will now need to focus on controlling the House and Senate.  Stymie her efforts to create a controlling Leftist faction on the Supreme Court and block any further drift to the Left and the selling of the nation.

Trump has done one good thing, he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.  Leaving out the past, since the Convention, he has made many unforced errors, totally uncalled-for, totally avoidable.  Without these, he would have been able to weather the storm of his past indiscretions.

A new candidate needs to rise up and pick up some of where he left off but be a bit more presidential.

Trump handed Hillary this election on a silver platter!!

To prevent the impending demise of America and the overrun by illegals and Islamist hordes.......

Which planet are you living on?

......he exposed a path to the WH which has been long neglected.

What is this path he exposed, pray tell!



Trump has emerged as the leader of the White Trash. People of color has much to be worried about. Their uncouth ways and behavior has no civility. In other words watch ur back from now on. Racism- hidden, cloaked or pretense has finally been released in the American community. It was expected, for America has become a community of communities. 

The Clintons put an end to American Patriotism. For money they sold out America. The husband parceled off white jobs to the Chinese, thereby freeing American Businesses to the commitment of jobs for Americans. He then turned around and instituted laws that increased the number of Blacks to go to prison.

The wife gives the final blow. Complacency. To be President, that all it is. Just pure Prestige.

"All hell goan break loose", quoted from Who is Coming to Dinner.

Are you blaming black people for Trump's  uncouth, uncivil, obscene and naked predation on women on account of status? No one uses the term white trash. These are in electoral terms the fly over people...those between the coasts and living in rural communities and tied to manual labor. This is on no account the cause of black people or the Clintons.

If you read these, especially the descendants of the highland clans in Scotland were always outsiders and and so do not have networks to the instruments of power and money. They have been in this state for centuries and only now are the young reaching out as the mining forces them out from their rural enclaves.

Indeed they need new job opportunities to replace coal and steel.  Trump wants to revive impossibility since the coal mining companies are into strip mining. Ms C said trughfully Coal is dead and needed to be buried and on its grave new industries to serve the people.


Watch out for the Bradley effect - those who say they will never vote Trump and on the day of the election cycle pull the lever for him. Sot of like....Brexit. Democratic voters who say its over and decide tyo not go vote is another worry. So too are those who hate Hillary and will vote for that "Aleppo" guy - what's his name again? Bill Maher says Gary Johnson tattoos his name on his hand so he can know who he is.

Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:

Trump will bounce back. He is against the storm right now.

Prince, it is almost impossible for him to bounce back unless he performs an impossible miracle.

It looks like the race is over and as Base pointed out, he led to his own demise. 

No one needs to keep wake, he just could not shut up his big mouth.

RIP Trump's campaign. Hope Hillary keeps up her promises.

Pence in 2020.

You and Base concede very early.

Anyway it's nice to note that you are on the side of decency.

I was hoping the banna clean up his act after the conventions and pivot away from lose rants.  He raised good points but he is the wrong messenger!


Trump is a campaigner or a titan, excellent at creating conditions for his advancement. It would not surprise me, if he himself had the tape leaked.

By doing this, he then have the liberties of being extremely nasty towards Hilary. Like, it is no holds barred.

If there is a a next debate? Hilary must be having anxiety attacks. Trump will be at his best. Down right NASTIIIIIIII. Nothing to loose makes the gamble worthwhile.

I read a small portion of Lyndon Johnston's biography. Politicians during his young days were devious. Even Lincoln was up to the tricks. I think Trump is reviving it. 

ba$eman posted:

He raised good points but he is the wrong messenger!

Good points Ba$e??!!

Like taking net zero immigration for years and making it a cause to calling Mexicans rapists?

Like making the nut-job radicalized non-Muslim murderers across the globe a call to ban Muslims from America?

Liker being ignorant of Free Trade and America's influence in shaping working conditions and the environment across the globe and calling for throwing out TPP?

Like looking at the number of Americans lifted out of poverty, the 14 million jobs created under Obama and the technological prowess of America and saying America going to hell on a hand basket?

Like saying Putin is a hero and our guy is a pu$$y?

Like saying bomb Iran instead of getting them to roll back their nuclear programs without firing a shot?

Like nuking parts of Syria and Iraq to get rid of ISIS and muillions of innocent civilians in the process?

Like asking supporters to physically harm those who hold up protest signs at his rallies?

Kari posted:

Watch out for the Bradley effect - those who say they will never vote Trump and on the day of the election cycle pull the lever for him. Sot of like....Brexit. Democratic voters who say its over and decide tyo not go vote is another worry. So too are those who hate Hillary and will vote for that "Aleppo" guy - what's his name again? Bill Maher says Gary Johnson tattoos his name on his hand so he can know who he is.

So the guy din know what was Aleppo. His an American. Dat Jew gat too much frigging mouth. He tink he is smart. 

seignet posted:

Trump is a campaigner or a titan, excellent at creating conditions for his advancement. It would not surprise me, if he himself had the tape leaked.

By doing this, he then have the liberties of being extremely nasty towards Hilary. Like, it is no holds barred.

If there is a a next debate? Hilary must be having anxiety attacks. Trump will be at his best. Down right NASTIIIIIIII. Nothing to loose makes the gamble worthwhile.

I read a small portion of Lyndon Johnston's biography. Politicians during his young days were devious. Even Lincoln was up to the tricks. I think Trump is reviving it. 

Trump felt he could insult his way to the Presidency. He has no record of creating any condition of improvement...not in business or in politics. In business he ran into bankruptcies 4 times robing the common man each time and using their equity to build up debt on which he bootstrapped himself.

Hilary is a completely grounded person and a policy wonk. No neophyte can give her problem with the facts. Trump would have to go low and then she would simply use that to pile on given his preponderous deficits is business, social issues and specifically with women. His arrogance and narcissism did him in. It would have been the classic greek tragedy had he won. He would have failed and we would have lost because of his hubris of pigheaded contemptuousness for propriety.


Hillary had a background of secrecy - from working undercover to expose discrimination against minorities to the Committee on the Nixon hearings to keeping a lid on the Bill dalliances, especially the Lewinski affair. He also speaks lawyerly which tunes people out. She's a good retail politician but lacking in populism. All that said, her experience and knowledge as well as her judgement are superlative for a Presidential candidate

Kari posted:

Hillary had a background of secrecy - from working undercover to expose discrimination against minorities to the Committee on the Nixon hearings to keeping a lid on the Bill dalliances, especially the Lewinski affair. He also speaks lawyerly which tunes people out. She's a good retail politician but lacking in populism. All that said, her experience and knowledge as well as her judgement are superlative for a Presidential candidate

This mean you are picking the lesser of the 2 evils. She should win this one easily, but republicans and democrats should be able to put up better candidates in 4 years to boot her out.

yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Excuses, Excuses ,Trump is the lowest of the low, how can he demean ALL women over and over again and still expected to be elected president of USA. This 11 years old rant is the final nail to his coffin , I wonder how can he face up to his daughters and wives and the so called women supporters, maybe they don't have feelings,no heart, no morals.

Hold your Horses regarding women. While Trump is no saint, why was Bill poking a cigar in a young woman in the white house and staining her dress ? Was that morally correct ? Hillary was by his side all of this time.


Yugi you have a major problem. You believe in an eye for and eye and this is not the first time you are expressing this very sentiment.

Bill Clinton did wrong that does not give another President the right to so the same nonsense. 

PNC did a host of nonsense to Guyana and up to today you think it was right for the Ppp to out do them.

Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Excuses, Excuses ,Trump is the lowest of the low, how can he demean ALL women over and over again and still expected to be elected president of USA. This 11 years old rant is the final nail to his coffin , I wonder how can he face up to his daughters and wives and the so called women supporters, maybe they don't have feelings,no heart, no morals.

Hold your Horses regarding women. While Trump is no saint, why was Bill poking a cigar in a young woman in the white house and staining her dress ? Was that morally correct ? Hillary was by his side all of this time.


Yugi you have a major problem. You believe in an eye for and eye and this is not the first time you are expressing this very sentiment.

Bill Clinton did wrong that does not give another President the right to so the same nonsense. 

PNC did a host of nonsense to Guyana and up to today you think it was right for the Ppp to out do them.


You have it all wrong. I do not believe in an eye for an eye and I also believe that no one should take eye pass.

Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. MLK are testimony of this fact.

First, I have safely concluded that Trump is not fit to be President to conduct the affairs of the greatest nation of the world. His arrogance and big mouth was his downfall.

His attack Muslims by stating that they will not be allowed to enter the USA was also an insult to peaceful people. 

Let me also state this, Hillary was 100 Percent behind Bill Clinton when he was shoving cigarettes and whatever in the young woman at the White House and staining her dress. The many women who came forward with what Bill did to them also stand testimony that Hillary stood by Bill while all of this happened.

She is no angel either.

This is politics and this is how it plays out.

As for PPP, they did not do even ten percent of what the PNC did, especially what Indos had to endure. I do not wish to publish the list.

Look at what the current shameless PNC is still doing right now.

I remember you stating that you had to resort to smuggling during the PNC days. Smuggling is equally wrong but given the circumstances during the PNC days, it was probably the only option because people had no food and other basic survival items.

I am never afraid to speak out. See it whatever way you want you.




Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Excuses, Excuses ,Trump is the lowest of the low, how can he demean ALL women over and over again and still expected to be elected president of USA. This 11 years old rant is the final nail to his coffin , I wonder how can he face up to his daughters and wives and the so called women supporters, maybe they don't have feelings,no heart, no morals.

Hold your Horses regarding women. While Trump is no saint, why was Bill poking a cigar in a young woman in the white house and staining her dress ? Was that morally correct ? Hillary was by his side all of this time.


Yugi you have a major problem. You believe in an eye for and eye and this is not the first time you are expressing this very sentiment.

Bill Clinton did wrong that does not give another President the right to so the same nonsense. 

PNC did a host of nonsense to Guyana and up to today you think it was right for the Ppp to out do them.


You have it all wrong. I do not believe in an eye for an eye and I also believe that no one should take eye pass.

Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. MLK are testimony of this fact.

First, I have safely concluded that Trump is not fit to be President to conduct the affairs of the greatest nation of the world. His arrogance and big mouth was his downfall.

His attack Muslims by stating that they will not be allowed to enter the USA was also an insult to peaceful people. 

Let me also state this, Hillary was 100 Percent behind Bill Clinton when he was shoving cigarettes and whatever in the young woman at the White House and staining her dress. The many women who came forward with what Bill did to them also stand testimony that Hillary stood by Bill while all of this happened.

She is no angel either.

This is politics and this is how it plays out.

As for PPP, they did not do even ten percent of what the PNC did, especially what Indos had to endure. I do not wish to publish the list.

Look at what the current shameless PNC is still doing right now.

I remember you stating that you had to resort to smuggling during the PNC days. Smuggling is equally wrong but given the circumstances during the PNC days, it was probably the only option because people had no food and other basic survival items.

I am never afraid to speak out. See it whatever way you want you.




Let me set the record STRAIGHT.

I never did any smuggling , PERIOD!

Vishnu in his defence of me when I was being attacked, innocently  made that incorrect statement.



yugi, let me make this clear to you. What Bill Clinton did has absolutely nothing to do with this campaign. What you are doing is grasping at anything and trying to make  a loser look good even though you admit he is not fit to be President.

Strange that after all this time you backed the man even after he,s done all that you wrote there and some now all of a sudden you find out he's a creep?

Don't know what Guyana's politics has to do with this campaign.

Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Excuses, Excuses ,Trump is the lowest of the low, how can he demean ALL women over and over again and still expected to be elected president of USA. This 11 years old rant is the final nail to his coffin , I wonder how can he face up to his daughters and wives and the so called women supporters, maybe they don't have feelings,no heart, no morals.

Hold your Horses regarding women. While Trump is no saint, why was Bill poking a cigar in a young woman in the white house and staining her dress ? Was that morally correct ? Hillary was by his side all of this time.


Yugi you have a major problem. You believe in an eye for and eye and this is not the first time you are expressing this very sentiment.

Bill Clinton did wrong that does not give another President the right to so the same nonsense. 

PNC did a host of nonsense to Guyana and up to today you think it was right for the Ppp to out do them.


You have it all wrong. I do not believe in an eye for an eye and I also believe that no one should take eye pass.

Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. MLK are testimony of this fact.

First, I have safely concluded that Trump is not fit to be President to conduct the affairs of the greatest nation of the world. His arrogance and big mouth was his downfall.

His attack Muslims by stating that they will not be allowed to enter the USA was also an insult to peaceful people. 

Let me also state this, Hillary was 100 Percent behind Bill Clinton when he was shoving cigarettes and whatever in the young woman at the White House and staining her dress. The many women who came forward with what Bill did to them also stand testimony that Hillary stood by Bill while all of this happened.

She is no angel either.

This is politics and this is how it plays out.

As for PPP, they did not do even ten percent of what the PNC did, especially what Indos had to endure. I do not wish to publish the list.

Look at what the current shameless PNC is still doing right now.

I remember you stating that you had to resort to smuggling during the PNC days. Smuggling is equally wrong but given the circumstances during the PNC days, it was probably the only option because people had no food and other basic survival items.

I am never afraid to speak out. See it whatever way you want you.




Let me set the record STRAIGHT.

I never did any smuggling , PERIOD!

Vishnu in his defence of me when I was being attacked, innocently  made that incorrect statement.



Then we should hold Vishnu responsible for making that statement.

If for any reason Vish made an incorrect statement, then I erred based on what Vish posted and offer my apology.

Vishnu needs to clarify this statement for the record on GNI.


yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Excuses, Excuses ,Trump is the lowest of the low, how can he demean ALL women over and over again and still expected to be elected president of USA. This 11 years old rant is the final nail to his coffin , I wonder how can he face up to his daughters and wives and the so called women supporters, maybe they don't have feelings,no heart, no morals.

Hold your Horses regarding women. While Trump is no saint, why was Bill poking a cigar in a young woman in the white house and staining her dress ? Was that morally correct ? Hillary was by his side all of this time.


Yugi you have a major problem. You believe in an eye for and eye and this is not the first time you are expressing this very sentiment.

Bill Clinton did wrong that does not give another President the right to so the same nonsense. 

PNC did a host of nonsense to Guyana and up to today you think it was right for the Ppp to out do them.


You have it all wrong. I do not believe in an eye for an eye and I also believe that no one should take eye pass.

Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. MLK are testimony of this fact.

First, I have safely concluded that Trump is not fit to be President to conduct the affairs of the greatest nation of the world. His arrogance and big mouth was his downfall.

His attack Muslims by stating that they will not be allowed to enter the USA was also an insult to peaceful people. 

Let me also state this, Hillary was 100 Percent behind Bill Clinton when he was shoving cigarettes and whatever in the young woman at the White House and staining her dress. The many women who came forward with what Bill did to them also stand testimony that Hillary stood by Bill while all of this happened.

She is no angel either.

This is politics and this is how it plays out.

As for PPP, they did not do even ten percent of what the PNC did, especially what Indos had to endure. I do not wish to publish the list.

Look at what the current shameless PNC is still doing right now.

I remember you stating that you had to resort to smuggling during the PNC days. Smuggling is equally wrong but given the circumstances during the PNC days, it was probably the only option because people had no food and other basic survival items.

I am never afraid to speak out. See it whatever way you want you.




Let me set the record STRAIGHT.

I never did any smuggling , PERIOD!

Vishnu in his defence of me when I was being attacked, innocently  made that incorrect statement.



Then we should hold Vishnu responsible for making that statement.

If for any reason Vish made an incorrect statement, then I erred based on what Vish posted and offer my apology.

Vishnu needs to clarify this statement for the record on GNI.



It was easy for Vish to get things mixed up at that time, for a quite a few folks were involved in the back track trade.

Back in the late 70's I had a grocery store in Queenstown for a brief period. I used to travel to Georgetown to purchase goods along with Ashok( N0 78 Market) and Jairam. We used to purchase   scarce commodities  in GT such as Cooking Oil , Soap etc to bring back to Berbice to sell.

Vishnu brother was one of our contact  in GT to secure those items. I met Vish through his brothers upon his return from England and we hosted a luncheon for him at Demico Roof top. From that day on  I always  to address Vish as "Engineer". When I migrated we continued the relationship with Vishnu family. His father is a wonderful man and so is the rest of his siblings.

At the same time through my Uncle, I became agent for Texaco. I  was supplying all of Berbice with Texaco products, basically engine oil. As stated before I also was agent for Hand In Hand  Fire Insurance. Always been in legit businesses.

Came to NY , bought a van and started to do deliveries whilst at the same time took  the 45 hrs Real Estate class and got my license. Started my own Courier business and work hard and the rest is history.



seignet posted:

Trump is a campaigner or a titan, excellent at creating conditions for his advancement. It would not surprise me, if he himself had the tape leaked.

By doing this, he then have the liberties of being extremely nasty towards Hilary. Like, it is no holds barred.

If there is a a next debate? Hilary must be having anxiety attacks. Trump will be at his best. Down right NASTIIIIIIII. Nothing to loose makes the gamble worthwhile.

I read a small portion of Lyndon Johnston's biography. Politicians during his young days were devious. Even Lincoln was up to the tricks. I think Trump is reviving it. 

plesase do not go into the campaign strategy business. Why would he deliberately offend the same people he needs to win....educated and college age women?

yuji22 posted:

Small world, he is married to my Aunt. 

Yes, he used to travel to GT to buy goods and resold them at the Skeldon market until he moved to the USA.

You guys worked and toiled very hard. Kudos to you.

Small world indeed. This morning after I finished praying I said to myself that I have to go visit Ashok  and his wife this coming Tuesday ( religious day for us) for both of them are not doing so good health wise.

Although I was way younger than Ashok, we bonded really well and became very good friends. I learnt something from Ashok that I practice up to this day. Some weeks when we go to Gt we will not get goods and Ashok used to say that even though it's a bad week we must still enjoy ourselves as though it's a good week. So that lesson of when things are up or down. that one should stay cool is a very positive message. 

You used the correct word" toiled", business people from the Corentyne  used to leave our homes like 12 am to get to GT and will not return till the following morning like 2 or 3 am with our goods.


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