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Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Not us — AFC denies knowledge of Tiwarie’s appointment

THE Alliance For Change (AFC) has denied it was ever consulted on the appointment of businessman Brian Tiwarie as an honorary ministerial advisor.In a brief statement, the coalition member said that at no time was any of its leaders aware of the appointment of Mr Tiwarie as ministerial advisor prior to the public revelation.
Businessman Brian Tiwarie

Businessman Brian Tiwarie

The AFC contends that, following the public revelation of same, party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan raised the issue with President David Granger and the party supported the President’s decision to rescind the appointment.

“The party was only aware of the appointments of the following persons as Diaspora advisors: Dr Rohan Somar, Ron Alert, Ewart Marshall and Tameshwar Lilmohan. These appointments were widely reported in the media. The AFC had also recommended Mr Floyd Haynes for similar Diaspora advisor appointment, but is to date unaware if this was done. The party reiterates that it was not consulted or informed of any advisor appointments other than those listed above,” the statement concluded.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, in a statement on Thursday, said he did not make the decision to appoint businessman Brian Tiwarie as a ministerial advisor all by himself, but through consultation with the AFC and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR).

According to Mr Harmon, after the General and Regional Elections of 2015, many persons who had indicated their deep interest in assisting the Government and fulfilling its campaign promises were appointed to various positions. He noted that some of those persons were not interested in formal employment or receiving remuneration, but were willing to contribute.

“After some consultation, during which the Minister of Public Security (Khemraj Ramjattan) and the Minister of Natural Resources (Raphael Trotman) gave advice, it was agreed that such persons should be appointed as Honorary Ministerial Advisors, and that a certificate entitled ‘Instrument of Appointment… Ministerial Adviser’ would be issued,” Harmon said.

Both Ramjattan and Trotman are founding members of the AFC.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Harmon added: “Over the period October 6, 2015 to February 8, 2016, 34 persons were identified on the recommendation of the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), the General-Secretary of the Peoples National Congress (PNC), and the General-Secretary of A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the instruments were accordingly issued. Some of these appointments, particularly in the diaspora, received wide publicity. Mr Brian Tiwarie, upon the recommendation of the General-Secretary of the APNU, was one such person identified and issued with an instrument.”

Subsequent to the appointment of Mr Tiwarie, the Minister of State was advised by President Granger, who was not aware of all the appointees, that he (Granger) was not in agreement with the appointment.

APNU+AFC coalition supporters, on learning of the appointment, criticised the administration, with many contending that the decision was a poor one. Mr Tiwarie was criticised by the APNU, when it was in opposition, for work it deemed not up to standard.

On his part, Mr Tiwarie, in a statement, has accused Glenn Lall, publisher of Kaieteur News, of having a personal vendetta against him. Kaieteur News had broken the story about Tiwarie’s appointment.

“The fact of the matter is that Minister Harmon ‘appointed’ Mr Tiwarie as his personal advisor on business. This he is entitled to do, and by virtue of Mr Tiwarie’s business acumen, such an ‘appointment’ can be seen as nothing else but legitimate decision. Needless to say, Mr Tiwarie’s efforts in this capacity are pro bono,” the statement from Tiwarie has said.

President Granger, in noting his disagreement with the appointment of the businessman, ordered that his appointment be rescinded, and this was done on March 24.

“I agreed with the decision of His Excellency and his rationale for rescinding the appointment,” Harmon concluded in his statement.

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AFC was consulted on BK’s


MINISTER of State Joseph Harmon did not make the decision all by himself to appoint businessman Brian Tiwarie as a ministerial advisor to Government but through consultation with the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR). According to Mr Harmon in a statement, after the General and Regional Elections of 2015, many persons, who indicated their deep interest in assisting the Government and fulfilling its campaign promises, were appointed to various positions.
Businessman Brian Tiwarie

Businessman Brian Tiwarie

He noted that some of those persons were not interested in formal employment or receiving remuneration, but were willing to contribute.
“After some consultation, during which the Minister of Public Security (Khemraj Ramjattan) and the Minister of Natural Resources (Raphael Trotman) gave advice, it was agreed that such persons should be appointed as Honorary Ministerial Advisors and that a certificate entitled ‘Instrument of Appointment… Ministerial Adviser’ would be issued.
Both Ramjattan and Trotman are founding members of the AFC. Several senior members of that party in the coalition had also said they were unaware of Tiwarie’s appointment.
However, Harmon in his statement added: “Over the period October 6, 2015 to February 8, 2016, 34 persons were identified on the recommendation of the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), the General Secretary of the Peoples National Congress (PNC) and the General Secretary of A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the instruments were accordingly issued. Some of these appointments, particularly in the diaspora, received wide publicity. Mr Brian Tiwarie, upon the recommendation of the General Secretary of the APNU, was one such person identified and issued with an instrument,” Mr Harmon explained.
At a recent retreat to review the party’s performance, the AFC, a key ally in the coalition Government, contended that the current difficulties which the Government has encountered in the continuing revelations arising out of the appointment of Mr Tiwarie and related issues have their roots in the concentration of the powers of the office of the Cabinet Secretary, the Minister of State in the Ministry of the Presidency, and the effective Head of the Presidential Secretariat in a single person.
But President David Granger has since defended the responsibilities of Mr Harmon, pointing out that the AFC did not object to it at the consultation in which that and other decisions were made.
Subsequently to the appointment of Tiwarie, the Minister of State was advised by President David Granger, who was not aware of all the appointees that he (Granger) was not in agreement with the appointment.
APNU+AFC coalition supporters on learning of the appointment criticised the administration, with many contending that the decision was a poor one. Mr Tiwarie was criticised by the APNU when it was in opposition for work it deemed not up to standard.
On his part, Mr Tiwarie in a statement had accused Glenn Lall, publisher of Kaieteur News, of having a personal vendetta against him. Kaieteur News had broken the story about Tiwarie’s appointment.
“The fact of the matter is that Minister Harmon ‘appointed’ Mr Tiwarie as his personal advisor on business. This he is entitled to do, and by virtue of Mr Tiwarie’s business acumen, such an ‘appointment’ can be seen as nothing else but legitimate decision. Needless to say, Mr Tiwarie’s efforts in this capacity are pro bono,” the statement from Tiwari said.
President Granger, in noting his disagreement with the appointment of the businessman, ordered that his appointment be rescinded and this was done on March 24.
“I agreed with the decision of His Excellency and his rationale for rescinding the appointment,” Harmon concluded in his statement.


AFC debunks Harmon’s explanation for appointing Brian Tiwarie

April 17, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

-as party distances self claims in Ministry of the Presidency statement
More than two weeks after Kaieteur News first broke the story of Minister of State Joseph Harmon’s

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader
Khemraj Ramjattan

appointment of Brian Tiwarie as business advisor, the Minister offered an explanation, through a press release.
However, the Alliance for Change (AFC) has debunked the release, which stated that Tiwarie was one of 34 persons identified based on the recommendation of AFC leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, and the General Secretaries of the Peoples National Congress (PNC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
Calling the information supplied and carried in the state- run Guyana Chronicle misleading and erroneous, the AFC in its response emphasised that it was not consulted or informed of any advisors excepting four— Dr. Rohan Somar, Ron Alert, Ewart Marshall and Tameshwar Lilmohan.
The party noted that these appointments were widely reported in the media. The same cannot be said of Tiwarie’s appointment.
Tiwarie’s instrument of appointment dates from January 19, last, and was not in the public domain until two months later.
In fact, AFC stated that it had recommended Floyd Haynes for a similar Diaspora advisor appointment, but to date was not aware whether this request had been fulfilled.
“At no time was the party or any of its leaders aware of the appointment of Mr. Brian Tiwarie as Ministerial Advisor prior to the public revelation,” the party stated. “Following the public revelation of same, party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan raised the issue with President David Granger and the party supports His Excellency’s

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

decision to rescind the appointment.”
“The party reiterates that it was not consulted or informed of any advisor appointments other than those listed above.”
In the wake of public criticism and pressure after the appointment came to light, Harmon presented a statement to Cabinet which explained several controversial issues including the Brian Tiwarie appointment.
This statement had been approved and subsequently issued on Thursday.
In the statement from the Minister of State, it was noted that after the General and Regional Elections of 2015, many persons, who had indicated their deep interest in assisting the government and fulfilling its campaign promises were appointed to various positions.
The statement added that some of those persons were not interested in formal employment or receiving remuneration, but were willing to contribute.
“After some consultation, during which the Minister of Public Security and the Minister of Natural Resources gave advice, it was agreed that such persons should be appointed as Honorary Ministerial Advisors and that a Certificate entitled “Instrument of Appointment … Ministerial Adviser” would be issued.”
The statement went on to add that over the period October 6, 2015 to February 8, 2016, thirty-four persons were identified on the recommendation of the Leader of the AFC, the General Secretary of the Peoples National Congress (PNC) and the General Secretary of A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the

Local businessman Brian Tiwarie

Local businessman Brian Tiwarie

Instruments were accordingly issued.
According to the statement some of these appointments, particularly in the Diaspora, received wide publicity.
“Mr. Brian Tiwarie, upon the recommendation of the General Secretary of the APNU, was one such person identified and issued with an instrument.
“I was subsequently advised by the President, who was not aware of all the appointees, that he was not in agreement with this one and that the appointment should be rescinded on March 24, 2016.


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