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Govt. scraps oil exportation licence Sam Hinds gave Chinese

Entrepreneurs who were said to be on safe ground during the previous administration are now ‘feeling the squeeze.

’One such businessman would be Su Zhi Rong. He is the owner of China Zhonghao Inc, a sister company of Rong-An Inc.

An audit into the affairs of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) revealed that China Zhonghao Inc. was granted a license to export oil. Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds later took full responsibility for the granting of the licence saying that it was by no means an act of corruption.What mostly worried the auditors is that the import licence carried an expiry date of January 19, 2025.

However, Kaieteur News understands that that date of expiration shall no longer be enforced as the licence is no longer in effect.Regulations indicate that an applicant desirous of exporting petroleum and petroleum products must apply to GEA and lodge supporting documents.The forensic audit report prepared by Nigel Hinds did not confirm whether the company indeed satisfied all the necessary requirements.
However, Minister of Infrastructure, David Patterson, said that the company did not produce the necessary documents within the time given to do so.“A company is given time to provide additional information that was outstanding. If it doesn’t, then the licence is deemed revoked or expired.”He said that in the first place, the company did not have an oil exportation licence, as was highlighted in the audit report. What Hinds granted was a conditional licence and that is no longer in effect.
“The company was given a conditional licence which meant that at the time of issuance, it still had outstanding issues but was given an interim licence anyway,” Minister Patterson stated.

He said that when he assumed office he sought to find out on what basis the company was granted the conditional license. The Minister was informed that the permission to export oil was to facilitate a proposal by China Zhonghao to attempt to establish refueling and other bunkering services in port or at sea, to Chinese or other fishing fleets, and any other vessels traversing the Caribbean Sea.
Patterson said that since the PPP/C never granted the fishing licence, “we wrote seeking justification for a license since fishing was their basis first time around.”

Former Prime Minister Hinds was also given the energy portfolio.
Defending his decision to grant the licence, Hinds said that it is a matter of regret that the report of issuing fuel export/re-export licences was presented to the public as a preposterous matter.“There is no corruption. Guyana already has small incidental exports/re-exports of fuel. All fuel (and other) sales to international carriers –ships and planes – are exports/re-exports,” he said.
Hinds said that during the years of the PPP/C administration, the economy increased and there was a need to improve it a further tenfold if the country wanted to attain the prosperity it wants.“We have to look for new activities, thinking out of the box, opening our minds to a thousand possible new ventures with the hope that some tens of them would take root and be fruitful.”It is against this background, the former PM said, that the then Government “agreed” to issue a fuel export license.

In early January, the APNU/AFC government disclosed that a multi-million-dollar bulk fuel importation operation on the East Bank of Demerara was on hold, with the Chinese owners asked to dismantle an unauthorized wharf construction.
Government said that the Chinese conducted an operation called “Falls”, located at Coverden. They reportedly built a larger-than-authorized wharf.Officials from the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) reportedly unearthed the unauthorized works during inspections. The matter was reported to the Ministry, and the company ordered to do corrective worksNow, China Zhonghao is not operating at all.Patterson explained that the one licence covered all of the company’s operations along with the conditions of operation “as soon as one of the conditions became irrelevant so did all the others.”

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Joseph Harmon (seated, left) on a private jet with representatives from BSL and Rong-An Inc (image courtesy of Kaieteur news)

A photograph also appeared in Kaieteur News, one of Guyana’s two independent newspapers,  apparently taken on 27 March during the China trip, of Harmon in a private jet flanked by Chu Wenze and Chu Hongbo, of BSL, and Su Zhirong, of Rong-An Inc., the second biggest Chinese logger and log trader in Guyana.

“The picture by itself, of course, is a very uncomfortableone to look at,” admitted Raphael Trotman, the minister for forestry. Harmon finally issued a statement which claimed inter alia that the Chinese Ambassador to Guyana had arranged the private jet trip for him to visit Long Jiang Forestry Industries Group, a company based in Heilongjiang Province, in northeastern China.

@Totaram posted:

So Su susu to the Vice News lady about the Vice President...

obviously dey fell out. he better pack his bags and run, dey gon gun him down. BJ doing business wid Chinese, he ain't see nothing yet    hahahaha


Lobbying is a critical path of the Guyanese political culture.

Gov’t hires lobbying firm that had been used by PPP

Jose Cardenas
Jose Cardenas

The Guyana Government has hired a United States (US) lobbying firm to aid it in its relations with US government agencies and members of the US Congress.

The agreement was signed by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Elisabeth Harper and James Link of the Cormac Group on December 28, 2020.

Otto Reich Associates has been named a joint venture firm with the Cormac Group. Registered on the account are Cormac Group partner James Link and consultants Otto Reich and Jose Cardenas.

A report published on the Foreign Lobby website noted that the two firms partnered last year to lobby for the International Centre for Democracy, a New York outfit close to the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) during their elections campaign.

According to a filing with the US Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), the contract is for “government relations and lobbying services” and is “anticipated to include outreach to US congressional members and staff, executive branch officials, and relevant private sector organizations.”

The contract is valid for a period of six months at a cost of US$25,000 per a month.

According to documents filed with the Justice Department and which were seen by this newspaper, the team has committed to working towards engaging US policymakers to ensure a close working relationship with the Government of Guyana.

In the document, Link described the proposed scope of work as “ambitious”.

“….It reflects the agenda we have followed in the past with other clients. It is understood that we would not undertake all actions simultaneously, and that some are of much higher priority than others, but I wanted to share our plan with you,” the document states.

The entities which will be targeted include relevant US Government agencies and departments; international organizations and financial institutions such as the Organization of American States, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Washington-based public policy community.

The group is also expected to lobby the White House, National Security Council, Departments of State, Treasury, Commerce, Defense, and other relevant parts of the Executive Branch.

According to the document, the group has also committed to work with Guyana’s foreign policy and economic development team in order to develop specific political, economic, and communications strategy plans designed to promote the agenda and image of the Government with policy stakeholders in Washington, DC.

The lobbying team also intends to engage the Washington-based public policy community such as “Think Tanks,” non-governmental organizations and selected members of the media to cover the importance of Guyana to democracy and stability in the region.

According to the Foreign Lobby report, Link is a former aide to then-Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) and then-Reps. Dick Cheney (R-Wyo.) and William Dickinson (R-Ala.).

“Reich notably served as Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs under President George W. Bush and is the founder of Florida-based Otto Reich Associates; Cardenas served as acting assistant administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean at the US Agency for International Development, also under Bush,” it said.

Julian Pecquet is the founder and editor of Foreign Lobby Report which tracks foreign influence operations in Washington.


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