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Former Member

Who is the Communist and the ‘control freak’?


THE Alliance for Change (AFC) can no longer deny that its main objective is to make this nation ungovernable and so enable APNU to regain power in this country. The AFC’s agenda and that of the United Force (UF) party in the 1961-64 period are exactly the same.

Once again the AFC has been using the ‘Communist’ propaganda in order to feebly hold on to its support in Berbice. The AFC’s Member of Parliament, Ramayya, on June 28 told Berbicians that since the PPP/C Government is a Communist one, then the US Embassy will stop issuing visas to Berbicians. Ramayya claimed that the same thing happened in the 1960’s when the PPP was in Government. This MP, indeed, has a knowledge deficit when it comes to Guyanese history or he is deliberately trying to rewrite Guyana’s history to suit the AFC’s agenda.
In the period 1961-64, when the PPP was in Government there was no problem in getting a US visa, in fact, many Guyanese migrated to the U.S. in those days to escape racially instigated violence in Guyana. This trend had continued until the US began to place visa restrictions to stem the migration flow to the US. It became increasingly difficult for Guyanese to obtain visas during the PNC dictatorship until they had to resort to the infamous ‘backtrack’ route which eventually destroyed and tore many families apart.
Now once again during the PPP/C tenure in Government, almost every Guyanese can obtain a US visa without the fabrication of volumes of documentation and without the great hassles during the PNC era.
On May 10 this year, The AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan used the same ploy when he told Berbicians that ‘this Communist PPP Government’ will cause the US Embassy to take away or revoke their visas and that they will stop issuing visas to them, ‘all hell will break loose and you will not get your visa.’
Do Ramjattan and Ramayya know more about the modus operandi of the US Embassy than anyone else? Are they privy to inside information or are they making suggestions to the US Embassy? Do they want the US Embassy to act on their suggestions? I think the last question is more in line with their agenda!
Instead of spreading falsehood, I want the AFC to provide factual evidence to prove to the Guyanese people that the PPP/C is governing this country using the Communist ideology. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The PPP/C Government should be distinguished from the PPP as a political party and this is what the AFC has failed to realise. The economic policy is that of capitalism, the private sector is encouraged, foreign investments are encouraged, there is no price control, the forces of supply and demand are allowed to function, private property is protected and encouraged, there are many independent media houses, and there is no Central Committee making decisions, and the list goes on. The PPP has maintained its strong working class link and that is vital for the survival for the poor people of this country. Is this the Communism that the PPP is guilty of practising? Unlike the AFC, the PPP is not a hypocrite to the cause of the poor and down trodden!
Furthermore, to give credence to his Communist theory, MP Ramayya on this same programme accused the PPP of ‘control freakism.’ But I want to submit here that Ramayya himself is the biggest ‘control freak.’ Here is the evidence. In February 2012, when I was unanimously elected as the AFC’s Regional Management Committee Chairman and Councillor, Donna Mathoo as the Secretary, Ramayya wanted us to do his bidding to raise funds to ‘repay’ him $4.5 M and when we refused to do so he called a new election behind our backs and installed a new chairman and secretary he could manipulate. He selected himself as the vice-chairman to ensure he has control over the inflow of monies and what is going on within the RMC. Ramayya had no bills to substantiate the spending of $4.5M and neither was he authorised to do so and then he rigged the elections to gain control, so who is the ‘control freak’? Then to confirm his ‘control freakism’ Ramayya told his viewers that’ if you feel I am saying something wrong don’t call me.’ This man beats the late L.F.S Burnham by miles! Imagine the AFC programme is a ‘call in’ one, yet Ramayya does not want callers to tell him that he is wrong.
Then this MP who claims to be a capitalist warned Berbicians that they should only read the Stabroek News and Kaieteur News since the Guyana Times and the Guyana Chronicle are not reliable sources of information. However, Ramayya seems to be oblivious of the numerous apologies appearing in small rectangular boxes in both these newspapers mentioned. As a Member of Parliament, he even wants to control which media one should read.
Who is the Communist and who is the ‘control freak’?

AFC Councillor-Region 6


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

You cannot trust PNC/AFC for anything. They both share the same agenda. The PPP must stand on its own two feet and take back the house of parliament. Only then Guyana will move forward.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

You cannot trust PNC/AFC for anything. They both share the same agenda. The PPP must stand on its own two feet and take back the house of parliament. Only then Guyana will move forward.

You can talk shit all day long councie banna but the reality is, most here don't believe any of your posts, seriously banna, it's not working. Look at the drivel you just posted there. We all know the PPP and the PNC are cut from the same cloth just different scissors used.


The PPP has been in office for how long councie..and here you're saying that ...only then Guyana will move forward. What the rass, they shoulda kept on moving forward from the day they got into office.

Last edited by cain

Haseef Yusuf says: "Instead of spreading falsehood, I want the AFC to provide factual evidence to prove to the Guyanese people that the PPP/C is governing this country using the Communist ideology."


Gilbakka says: Read the PPP Constitution. The PPP is still guided by Marxism-Leninism. The communist organizational principle of democratic centralism is still applied by the PPP.


Haseef Yusuf says: "The PPP/C Government should be distinguished from the PPP as a political party and this is what the AFC has failed to realise. The economic policy is that of capitalism...."


Gilbakka says: A crapaud in a manicured lawn will behave the same way as a crapaud in a gutter. The PPP is using Stalinist methods to foster crony capitalism.

Such methods lead eventually to fascism, with no local government elections, police brutality, cleansing the society of hundreds of Afro youths, bullying and instilling fear among Indians, etc.


Last edited by Former Member

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