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Former Member

Green and the PPP are the problem not the solution

Posted By Staff Writer On June 14, 2014 @ 5:05 am In Letters | 

Dear Editor,

My friend, the charming Dr Dolly Hassan has taken me to task to speak to Mayor Hamilton Green about the garbage situation in Georgetown (‘The PNC should concede that certain mistakes were made during its tenure,’ SN, June 11).


Before I venture a response, let me first say that I always admired her writings – always so refreshingly interjected with creative metaphors and images. I truly have benefited from both her literary and legal expertise.

At the meeting with David Granger in Queens, Dolly admitted she was not conversant with the day-to-day politicking in Guyana. She still cherishes memories of the indomitable Cheddi Jagan, and what was then the PPP. Hence, she might be surprised to know that Hamilton Green became Mayor of Georgetown in 1994, not with the blessing of the PNC, but with that of Dr Jagan and the PPP, through a deal to keep the PNC at bay from control of Georgetown. Green, at the time, was expelled from the PNC. He then formed the Good and Green Guyana (GGG) party which ironically was initially established as an environmental group. Green, himself, admitted he had been holding secret talks with Dr Jagan and his son, Joey (Joey being the witness).


So, it is no wonder that the General Secretary of the PPP, who apparently attended the same school as Green, only last week dogmatically proclaimed that local government elections are not important right now. Basically, what Clement Rohee is saying is that he (and the PPP) is satisfied with the status quo of stench and the mayorship of Green. And, typical of Stalinist modus operandi, violating the constitution and the rights of constituents to participate in democratic elections is quite okay. Noted also is the PPP’s penchant, then and now, for courting and bedding with opportunistic politicians expelled from the PNC.


Besides, for me, I have no desire to speak to Mr Green or any of the uncaring diehards in the PPP. I, like so many others who have left the party, have said enough to muted minds. Mr Green (as well as the PPP) is the problem, not the solution. Like I said from the start, he practices the politics of the sixties, just as Mr Rohee prattles and practises antediluvian Stalinism. There are too many albatrosses around his neck. The ship is at a standstill, and until the spirits of these albatrosses, with such names as Field-Ridley, Teekah, Ramsammy, are appeased by repentance of the ancient mariner, we are sailing nowhere. Likewise the PPP is accountable for numerous questionable killings, widespread corruption, inculcation of a secondary drug economy, and the general moral decay of society.

I have said that the PNC now stands at a very historic moment, as we approach our fiftieth independence anniversary and general elections in 2016, to take advantage of several situations:

(1)   The leadership of the PPP is too politically narcissistic and intellectually challenged to engage in any introspection that could lead to positive changes.


(2)   They will not change, nor can they change mainly because they are intellectually bankrupt. The progressive and intellectual elements have all abandoned ship. They will never regain the Nagamootoos, Ramjattans, Ramkarrans and other giants (Misir, Persaud etc) who daily grow disenchanted hnd gave recourse to foreign shores. Left are only the opportunistic and corrupted.


(3)   The Jagdeo influence is too strong, and Mr Ramotar will dance any dance taught him by his Soviet-trained mentor.

(4)   Many of their once strong Richmond Hill (and US) supporters are in jail, going to jail, or in hiding from the Feds.

(5)   A strong Indo-academic interest in New York is emerging with sincere altruistic intentions for Guyana, and would throw their weight onto the party that is seriously interested in cleaning up the stench. Hence their olive branch to Mr Granger.


Dr Tarron Khemraj, Mr Gerhard Ramsaroop and Mr Malcolm Harripaul have enumerated about a dozen reformative steps initiated by the late President Desmond Hoyte (Persaud). Basically, I think they are intimating some continuation of these steps. (In addition, I would like to see drastic prosecution of some big ones for corruption and drugs when the PNC wins.) These steps by Mr Hoyte did not, in 1992, result in significant inroads into the Indian electorate. But then, Mr Hoyte had Dr Jagan and the PPP as the opponent. Today we have Jagdeo and God knows into what the PPP has degenerated.


Yours faithfully, 
Gokarran Sukhdeo

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!


All should atone

Posted By Staff Writer On June 14, 2014 @ 5:04 am In Letters | 


Dear Editor,


The David Granger visit to Richmond Hill, Queens, a few weeks ago, in what was once considered a PPP overseas stamping ground, probably was a first for Guyana’s main opposition party, but may also have inflicted the first crack in Guyana’s racial curse or made racial tensions worse, depending on who you believe in the various letters and comments to date on the visit.

My take is that it took a lot of courage for Mr Granger to visit the community, but even greater courage for Mr Mike Persaud to graciously host Mr Granger and his team in the PPP’s so-called stamping ground. According to published letters, some issues raised and addressed seemed straightforward in resonating with all and sundry, but the chief sticking point seems to revolve around whether the PNC should apologize for what it did during its tenure in office.


As a Guyanese, I do think the PNC owes Guyana an apology. A blanket apology would suffice after being out of office for 22 years. In fact, if memory serves me well, I believe former President and PNC Leader, Desmond Hoyte, as he moved the PNC away from the ideological path pursued by his predecessor, admitted ‘mistakes were made’ during the PNC era, without going into detail or even offering a direct apology.

In 2004, then PNC Leader Robert Corbin, reportedly suggested the idea of setting up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in a bid to give closure to those who were still aggrieved about the country’s past. Former Health Minister and son-in-law of the late Forbes Burnham, Richard Van West Charles, who was open to a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, said it would be dependent on how it was structured, but started a spirited discussion when he suggested, “There should be apology for past wrongs…” (SN, May 24, 2009). Even the PPP-controlled Guyana Chronicle chipped in with a piece titled, “A PNCR apology will help remove suspicion,” (June 2, 2009).

Former PNC Vice-Chairman Vincent Alexander, in that same Van West Charles news item, reportedly also believed there is need for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission involving the participation of all stakeholders, to settle any outstanding questions, but added, “All parties–the PNCR and the PPP in particular–have to bear some responsibility for what happened to Guyana.” He further reportedly suggested that all parties should atone for their past wrongs. “We’ve all got to bare our souls and in that process somebody might be [guiltier] than the other–if that is the case–but it is not the case where there are the innocent and the guilty.”

Shortly after he was expelled from the PNC, current Georgetown Mayor Hamilton Green, described the PNC’s past alleged acts of violence as “political warfare” of that era, without clearly offering any direct involvement or apology.

So, in a nutshell, the PNC has been discussing, defending, explaining and perhaps debating, the issue of an apology or something akin to a reconciliation with offended Guyanese about its past. But has anyone at the executive level from the PNC ever suggested the PPP needs to also apologize for what it has done and is doing to Guyana and Guyanese? I welcome examples of past or current senior PNC (or even PPP) executives who suggested the PPP needs to apologize just to show the calls are being balanced.

Having said earlier that I think the PNC owes Guyanese an apology, I now say that the PPP owes Guyanese an even bigger apology. Why? Because, whereas the PNC did not have a government run by Guyanese from which to learn past mistakes, the PPP had the PNC regime’s past mistakes from which to learn.

Instead, it came to office on a platform filled with promises of ‘lean and clean’ government or to do better than the PNC, but after Cheddi Jagan died in 1997, it was as if all hell broke loose in the party, resulting in the PPP losing its parliamentary majority in 2011, and causing the party to struggle to govern in a sea of lawlessness in and out of government.

What is most disappointing, though, is that instead of taking responsibility or even remedial action for its mistakes, the PPP resorts to defending the indefensible and blaming everybody but itself, which means an apology is not even in the works, even as the party is badly haemorrhaging support from its base.

In my opinion, there is enough blame to be shared between the PPP and PNC for mismanaging the government and country after the British left in 1966, and for the levels of ethnic violence and property destruction. Those Guyanese, who repeatedly voted race, also contributed to our country’s present quagmire, so there is no innocent party and no innocent race, for we are all guilty in some way, even if by our silence. Nevertheless, if political parties want to apologize, let it not be one, but as Mr Alexander proffered: let all atone!


Not that I am holding my breath for either PNC or PPP to apologize, because in 1985, the PPP and PNC entered into shared governance talks, and the main bone of contention, according to Mr Green, was that Mrs Janet Jagan wanted the PPP to be the senior partner in such an arrangement because it commanded greater numerical support among Indian Guyanese than the PNC had among Blacks.

If the two parties were going enter into shared governance without apologizing to each other or the nation, the nation could have encountered eventual chaos because the foundation of trust on which a unity government needs to rest has to start with apologies to each other and the nation.


Yours faithfully,
Emile Mervin


Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Sukhdeo is as good a scholar as any and was once a loyal foot soldier for the Jaganite PPP strategy. That he dares not kowtow slavishly as you have to to a rotten PPP party does not make him stupid but it shows he can think for himself. You on the other hand smells of PPP rot.


He is also a simple, honorable man and robs no one. You need to look to Ramotar, Rohee, Jagdeo et all who did not have a pot to piss in when they entered office and are now obscenely wealthy. Those are the robber barons and to whom you should apply the term since you seem to love to use it but does so with no thought to its appropriate application.


Who is deceiving the Guyanese again? How about those crooks that accepted a 200 million factory without knowing if it works? How about those who spent the nations cash to build a hotel to give it away to the Chinese? Obviously kick backs rule the day here since they are not giving away their grandfathers property but that of Guyanese collective.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


If yuou do not know him then it is evidence of you  disconnect from the RH political consciousness. Why do you not ask Churchill about him before you set about to call him stupid.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

If anyone on GNI is a MORON it will be no other than YOU, wheter you call yourself Stormy, D2 or whatever, a MORON IS A MORON.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

When people write ignorantly they open themselves to be called ignorant. Does he really know TK, Harripaul and flower Gardener GR??????

You know them?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

Oh so you know Mr Nehru. He knock the bottle right?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

Oh so you know Mr Nehru. He knock the bottle right?

Come on you know I does Knack other things too. If you don't who will.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

Oh so you know Mr Nehru. He knock the bottle right?

I do not know him personally. If he is the fellow who works at the college as suggested by others here I know of him since. He is twice your age and looks somewhat like a washed up ol mule. 


I know of his drinking only because he says he is the connoisseur of the fine art of getting wasted. It shows on his face.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

Oh so you know Mr Nehru. He knock the bottle right?

I do not know him personally. If he is the fellow who works at the college as suggested by others here I know of him since. He is twice your age and looks somewhat like a washed up ol mule. 


I know of his drinking only because he says he is the connoisseur of the fine art of getting wasted. It shows on his face.

 which college he is a prof at? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

Gokarran Sukhdeo won the Casa de las Americas Prize for Best Caribbean Literature, I can't remember the exact year.

Another thing. Gokarran writes: "Besides, for me, I have no desire to speak to Mr Green or any of the uncaring diehards in the PPP. I, like so many others who have left the party...."

The list of brilliant and progressive minds who have left the PPP is very long and is bound to get longer with time. Tell me, are all these people dumb or soup drinkers or jackasses?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

Gokarran Sukhdeo won the Casa de las Americas Prize for Best Caribbean Literature, I can't remember the exact year.

Another thing. Gokarran writes: "Besides, for me, I have no desire to speak to Mr Green or any of the uncaring diehards in the PPP. I, like so many others who have left the party...."

The list of brilliant and progressive minds who have left the PPP is very long and is bound to get longer with time. Tell me, are all these people dumb or soup drinkers or jackasses?

Wow Mr Gilbakka. Me didnt know about the prize. Man of substance indeed.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

Gokarran Sukhdeo won the Casa de las Americas Prize for Best Caribbean Literature, I can't remember the exact year.

Another thing. Gokarran writes: "Besides, for me, I have no desire to speak to Mr Green or any of the uncaring diehards in the PPP. I, like so many others who have left the party...."

The list of brilliant and progressive minds who have left the PPP is very long and is bound to get longer with time. Tell me, are all these people dumb or soup drinkers or jackasses?

They are certainly setting themselves up for Gold digging and being the usual "I did not get my way so to hell with them" low life attitudes.


Gilly, I am not here to argue with you. You like I am entitled to our opinions. But why would he pick GR, TK and Harripaul as the future Leaders and is gloating for the RETURN of the PNC.  Are you also dreaming of such a GLORIOUS return???  Sometime Commonsesne BETTER than any Award and Degrees.  I deal with *******S at my Job everyday that has PHDS.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, I am not here to argue with you. You like I am entitled to our opinions. But why would he pick GR, TK and Harripaul as the future Leaders and is gloating for the RETURN of the PNC.  Are you also dreaming of such a GLORIOUS return???  Sometime Commonsesne BETTER than any Award and Degrees.  I deal with *******S at my Job everyday that has PHDS.

Bhaiya, I'm all for a national unity government. The PNC has massive following still. We cannot ignore reality. Everyone and every political party has a negative past. No one is innocent.

So, to repeat myself, I'm presently supporting the AFC and I want the AFC to join a government of national unity.

I would have liked the PPP in the GNU but last week that goat Rohee laid out some impossible conditions for cooperating with the PNC, in effect saying the PPP wants nothing to do with a GNU.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

Mr Nehru you know Mr Sukhdeo?


He possibly does since they lived close by so he lies this ass off for suggesting the man is ignorant. The man  is a writer of acknowledge stature and has always been engaged in our political affairs while this useless moron only opens his mouth to yap idly as is his forte.  

If anyone on GNI is a MORON it will be no other than YOU, wheter you call yourself Stormy, D2 or whatever, a MORON IS A MORON.

Did you not call CaribJ a "Rwandan type of racist" a moment ago? Now that alone is sufficient to earn you the tag of "moron". It is akin to you using the term "robber barons" to label PPP critics when they are the ones pillaging the state! One does not have to try  hard to find a reason to call you an idiot.  You simply have to post.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

I do not agree with you too often Nehruji but on this post I am with you 100%.  These krulli are read to sell out their ancestors for a few backbenches in the party that brought rigged elections to Guyana.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Sukhdeo has to be an ASS. The 3 OPPORTUNISTS he mentioned to bring Guyana to Prosperity is NOT ONLY LAUGHABLE BUT tells you the level people like Sukhdeo are willing to go to deceive the Guyanese People. I have a warning for him: Guyanese are NOT Stupid and don't like ASS KISSERS and ROBBER BARRONS!!!!!!!!

I do not agree with you too often Nehruji but on this post I am with you 100%.  These krulli are read to sell out their ancestors for a few backbenches in the party that brought rigged elections to Guyana.

Hey Hey Hey...dem doin betta than beat up dem wife or spen out she money. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, I am not here to argue with you. You like I am entitled to our opinions. But why would he pick GR, TK and Harripaul as the future Leaders and is gloating for the RETURN of the PNC.  Are you also dreaming of such a GLORIOUS return???  Sometime Commonsesne BETTER than any Award and Degrees.  I deal with *******S at my Job everyday that has PHDS.


Ayo hear this keera mout a talk stale manure. Goh tek lil kakabelly and wite rum da side. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, I am not here to argue with you. You like I am entitled to our opinions. But why would he pick GR, TK and Harripaul as the future Leaders and is gloating for the RETURN of the PNC.  Are you also dreaming of such a GLORIOUS return???  Sometime Commonsesne BETTER than any Award and Degrees.  I deal with *******S at my Job everyday that has PHDS.


Ayo hear this keera mout a talk stale manure. Goh tek lil kakabelly and wite rum da side. 

Shit licker, Batty licker Leppa Mouth IDIOT, You go wash yuh shit mouth before you come on GNI. Abee gatSmellovision and Monitorvision, we can see and smell yuh shit mouth.  WATAK WHo SAY WATAK


We can complain all we want about the PPP and how they are obscenely wealthy, the fact is if you give Ramjattan and Moses the same opportunity they would do the exact same thing the PPP is doing.


After all look at their record on Amalia falls, The Caribbean Press, Rohee's budget.


So what is the answer? Should the population be demanding constitutional change and should they be demanding that political parties tell them up front what constitutional changes they will make within the first 120 days of taking office?


Are you willing to be fooled again and again and are still willing to trust any politician in Guyana?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

We can complain all we want about the PPP and how they are obscenely wealthy, the fact is if you give Ramjattan and Moses the same opportunity they would do the exact same thing the PPP is doing.


After all look at their record on Amalia falls, The Caribbean Press, Rohee's budget.


So what is the answer? Should the population be demanding constitutional change and should they be demanding that political parties tell them up front what constitutional changes they will make within the first 120 days of taking office?


Are you willing to be fooled again and again and are still willing to trust any politician in Guyana?

Doh is a really good point harse. Doh is wisdom bai. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

We can complain all we want about the PPP and how they are obscenely wealthy, the fact is if you give Ramjattan and Moses the same opportunity they would do the exact same thing the PPP is doing.


After all look at their record on Amalia falls, The Caribbean Press, Rohee's budget.


So what is the answer? Should the population be demanding constitutional change and should they be demanding that political parties tell them up front what constitutional changes they will make within the first 120 days of taking office?


Are you willing to be fooled again and again and are still willing to trust any politician in Guyana?

Look TK, tell abbe these East Indians about Robert Carbin and the GPL Barge fiasco during PNC Part 2.  LOL.  and TK defends PNC p[art 2.  LOL.


Plently loose screws upstair TK.  PLENTY.


You and Gerhard need some senna PODS.  You all mentally constipated.


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