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Django posted:

Read and learn before making assumptions of who can't run cake shops.

There are more reports on the Industry via link

Bhai it hut yo Heart so much, yo gat to quote “ who cants run cake shop” and show reference from the 80s 

Most of the Guysuco land is Baran.. constant planting of the same crop ... me learn that at school.

the sugar cane was not growing in quality to maximize a profit and sugar price was falling on the international market.

and you Kabaka cause we dollar to devalue ... all this cantribute ..ok 

so summarize how sugar dead 

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:

Most of the Guysuco land is Baran.. constant planting of the same crop ... me learn that at school.


This was totally the PPP's fault.

Yes bhai sugar cane start planting in 1991  me fo get 


Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

Last edited by Django

In 1973 the Bunham Slo Fiah Mo Fiah Govt received 135 MILLION US Dollars from Guysuco(Bookers) and they FRIG IT UP, Send it to Switzerland, wine and go down low and backball thus the beginning of the END of Progress not only for the sugar Industry but for SHIT HOLE Guyana!!!

Last edited by Nehru
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

Me nah gat time to read, that’s lots a reading .. summarize am fo abe 


Dave posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

Me nah gat time to read, that’s lots a reading .. summarize am fo abe 


The summary will show the Russian trained Ecanamist,East Indians lard and saviah put am in the coffin,time will tell when it will be buried.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

So you saying that during the PPP days the dollar got devalued? Regardless of who was the head of the PNC,  both Burnham and Hoyte caused Guyana to be the beggar of the Caribbean. Remember, in the 60s Guyana was the breadbasket of the Caribbean. Wonder how that happened if the GYD had power? Wonder why Guyanese had to line up for food and there were shortages of all basic foodstuff?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

So you saying that during the PPP days the dollar got devalued? Regardless of who was the head of the PNC,  both Burnham and Hoyte caused Guyana to be the beggar of the Caribbean. Remember, in the 60s Guyana was the breadbasket of the Caribbean. Wonder how that happened if the GYD had power? Wonder why Guyanese had to line up for food and there were shortages of all basic foodstuff?

Did i said that ? refresh your memory you will remember when the G$$$ was drastically devalued.You were living in the ole USA when that measure was taken.

Nehru posted:


Try adding some thing useful to the conversation,instead of jumping in each thread with your regular stupidity.

skeldon_man posted:

So you saying that during the PPP days the dollar got devalued? Regardless of who was the head of the PNC, 

Stop worrying about what the PNC did 40 years ago and comment instead on the sad state that the PPP left Guysuco in as recently as 2015. As soon as the coalition came in Guysuco ran to them wailing that unless they got a bail out in 2 weeks they couldn't meet payroll.

The PPP has 23 years to fix Guysuco and left it in WORSE shape than Hoyte did.  It is clear to see that when Jagdeo took control Guysuco began to decline.  Look at the numbers that one of you PPP frauds provided.

Nehru posted:

The ONLY time SUGAR Production reached 500000 Tons was under the great. competent, NON VIOLENT PPP!!!

yuh mean when they used to encourage workers to burn canefields


Politics frigged up the Sugar industry.  The PPP (Via GAWU) used the sugar industry for political purposes against the PNC.  The PNC took revenge not investing in, and modernizing, the industry as they felt it strengthen the PPP.

The Guyana sugar industry remained sub-optimal from a global standpoint, hardly impactful.  Had they invested when things were good and brought output up and modernize the factories, the situation would have been different today.  However, that would have made the PPP stronger and the PNC would have none of it.

So it's good no one in Guyana have any control over oil, but Exxon.  Guyanese politicians are intellectual pigmys and undeserving of being given a nation to run and people's lives to determine.  They are irresponsible, selfish, immature, myopic and tactical. 

There is no future for the people of Guyana unless it's in the hands of a foreign corporation!  American Corporate governance is heads and shoulders over Guyana's political governance.  If Guyanese want to know what's happening between Exxon and their Government, read Exxon's 10Q and 10K.  It's the source of the truth, not those dunces running the show!

Guyana should be sold to an American Corp and let the people become employees.  They will have a better future vs being ruled by, what must be, the most duncified leadership group of any country in the world.  I was reading up on East Timor, they have surpassed Guyana in economic and human development.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

You just won the prize for the second most stupid comment ever made on GNI.  Your stupidity is second to none.  

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

So you saying that during the PPP days the dollar got devalued? Regardless of who was the head of the PNC,  both Burnham and Hoyte caused Guyana to be the beggar of the Caribbean. Remember, in the 60s Guyana was the breadbasket of the Caribbean. Wonder how that happened if the GYD had power? Wonder why Guyanese had to line up for food and there were shortages of all basic foodstuff?

Did i said that ? refresh your memory you will remember when the G$$$ was drastically devalued.You were living in the ole USA when that measure was taken.

Kakaka days the $$ had power, refresh yuh memory

If the dollar had power, why did your Kabaka allow Guyana to be a nation less fortunate than Haiti? What kind of power did the GYD have? Did it have the power to take food out of Guyanese mouths and put them into food lines? Power is a powerful word, use it sparingly.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

You just won the prize for the second most stupid comment ever made on GNI.  Your stupidity is second to none.  

Hey Mudhead, you are not qualified to make such statements. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

You just won the prize for the second most stupid comment ever made on GNI.  Your stupidity is second to none.  

Dave posted:

Bhai it hut yo Heart so much, yo gat to quote “ who cants run cake shop” and show reference from the 80s 

Most of the Guysuco land is Baran.. constant planting of the same crop ... me learn that at school.

the sugar cane was not growing in quality to maximize a profit and sugar price was falling on the international market.

and you Kabaka cause we dollar to devalue ... all this cantribute ..ok 

so summarize how sugar dead


Guyana's economic decline during 1985-1991

"But at the same time, the government began a steady devaluation of the Guyanese dollar in order for the official exchange rate to match the market rate. Since the beginning of the ERP to 1991, exchange slid at the rate of 250 percent annually. The Guyana dollar was also systematically devalued; the exchange rate of $US1 in 1986 was G$4.37; in 1987 - G$10; 1989 - G$33; and 1990 - G$45. This process of devaluation was an essential feature of the ERP on the belief that it would destroy the parallel economy and also improve the country's export competitiveness.

However, as the central tool of economic management, the exchange rate policy was negatively affected by all forms of exchange management over a relative short period. These included a fixed exchange rate, "crawling peg", "currency basket" mechanism, "managed float" and "secondary foreign exchange window" (during 1985-1987) and "free floating" or "cambio" (in 1990). These proved to have little success.

Then in early 1991, the government adopted a floating exchange which removing the distinction between the official and the market exchange rates and by mid-year the exchange rate stabilised at G$125."


Well Missy if some time was taken, to follow the thread,you would have observed my post was responding to Dave claim about Guyana $$,educate yourself with the info above.

I don't like to put folks down, you deserve Mars description on this thread

Dr Harold Davis Jnr is new GuySuCo CEO

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

So you saying that during the PPP days the dollar got devalued? Regardless of who was the head of the PNC,  both Burnham and Hoyte caused Guyana to be the beggar of the Caribbean. Remember, in the 60s Guyana was the breadbasket of the Caribbean. Wonder how that happened if the GYD had power? Wonder why Guyanese had to line up for food and there were shortages of all basic foodstuff?

Did i said that ? refresh your memory you will remember when the G$$$ was drastically devalued.You were living in the ole USA when that measure was taken.

Kakaka days the $$ had power, refresh yuh memory

If the dollar had power, why did your Kabaka allow Guyana to be a nation less fortunate than Haiti? What kind of power did the GYD have? Did it have the power to take food out of Guyanese mouths and put them into food lines? Power is a powerful word, use it sparingly.

See my other post.

Django posted:


Here is 2000 to 2009 performance of GUYSUCO


Are you saying that the value of the Guyana Dollar was depreciating during the Jagdeo years. No way! That can't be true with the 5 time dacta ecanamis at the helm. 

Django posted:


My above post will show the exchange rate of the G$$,notice the difference of the value from 1991

Django what’s your point to show a graph only from 2000 - 2009. ???

There are a number of factors that impact productivity during the period mention. 

Compare the years of PPP government to PNC government.... that’s what you should be doing. Don’t select a period when sugar price was tumbling on the world market. 

Lets take the 2000- 2009 for argument sake and compare to PNC government 28 years and the past 3 years. The PPP still increase production.

My above comment reference your comments “ Guysuco performance 2000 - 2009 . 





Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

You just won the prize for the second most stupid comment ever made on GNI.  Your stupidity is second to none.  

Hey Mudhead, you are not qualified to make such statements. 

Is that the way you speak to women. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:


My above post will show the exchange rate of the G$$,notice the difference of the value from 1991

Django what’s your point to show a graph only from 2000 - 2009. ???

There are a number of factors that impact productivity during the period mention. 

Compare the years of PPP government to PNC government.... that’s what you should be doing. Don’t select a period when sugar price was tumbling on the world market. 

Lets take the 2000- 2009 for argument sake and compare to PNC government 28 years and the past 3 years. The PPP still increase production.

My above comment reference your comments “ Guysuco performance 2000 - 2009 .

I have done a brief  review of documents on GUYSUCO website,from 1976 ,production was not bad. although there were destabilization.There were two years 1978 and 1981 over 300,000 tons of sugar was produced.Average production was over 250,000 tons.

Looking at the data,i think the population was fed erroneous information on GUYSUCO during that period.

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

You just won the prize for the second most stupid comment ever made on GNI.  Your stupidity is second to none.  

Hey Mudhead, you are not qualified to make such statements. 

Is that the way you speak to women. 

That's how he was brought up at home, doesn't know better.

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

You just won the prize for the second most stupid comment ever made on GNI.  Your stupidity is second to none.  

Hey Mudhead, you are not qualified to make such statements. 

Is that the way you speak to women. 

Dave, respect is earned, not a right. If you jump into a ring, expect to have punches thrown your way.

Last edited by GTAngler
GTAngler posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

You just won the prize for the second most stupid comment ever made on GNI.  Your stupidity is second to none.  

Hey Mudhead, you are not qualified to make such statements. 

Is that the way you speak to women. 

Dave, respect is earned, not a right. If you jump into a ring, expect to have punches thrown your way.

Low lifers only know to throw punches. There is no positive, constructive thinking to come from that bunch.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Bhai read the reports from 1985 to date you will get an idea who killed GUYSUCO.Also you can check the Kabaka days.

Kakaka days the $$ had power,refresh yuh memory you will get the idea when the $$$ was devalued to the current market value with a few shifts in negative and positive.

Doan be like the blow..blow..crew.

You just won the prize for the second most stupid comment ever made on GNI.  Your stupidity is second to none.  

Hey Mudhead, you are not qualified to make such statements. 

Is that the way you speak to women. 

Dave, respect is earned, not a right. If you jump into a ring, expect to have punches thrown your way.

Low lifers only know to throw punches. There is no positive, constructive thinking to come from that bunch.

Absolutely correct. Not like the positive and constructive thinking that suggests a Corporation do away with it's charter and get rid of it's directors.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who does GUYSUCO represent?  How many sugar workers are in Guyana right now?  Don’t twist my words.  I said to revise the bylaws!!

Oh, that's it. You forgot what GUYSUCO is. It's GUYana SUgar COrporation and it represents the sugar industry and it workers. Right off the bat I'd say it represents a few estates worth of former workers and 3 estates worth of current ones. Not an economist like you but I'd hazard a guess that Guysuco would be the ones handling disposing assets.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who does GUYSUCO represent?  How many sugar workers are in Guyana right now?  Don’t twist my words.  I said to revise the bylaws!!

She does not profess to know about business.  She has spent the last 25 years of her life working for one of the most successful CEOs in the world. Now that there are only three functioning estates, why do we even need GUYSUCO?  Those bylaws should be revised and the Board of Directors should be dismantled.  Jobs for the PNC boys is the issue here.  Jagdeo has nothing to do with this.



Who is talking about GUYSUCO assets?  Aren’t we discussing bylaws?  One size does not fit all.  The current GUYSUCO is a fraction of what it was when it was fully operational.  The structure of the organization has changed.  It’s just a matter of time before GUYSUCO becomes extinct.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who is talking about GUYSUCO assets?  Aren’t we discussing bylaws?  One size does not fit all.  The current GUYSUCO is a fraction of what it was when it was fully operational.  The structure of the organization has changed.  It’s just a matter of time before GUYSUCO becomes extinct.  

I beg your pardon. You asked who GUYSUCO represented and I digressed. Now, should GUYSUCO be made extinct, who will represent the sugar workers and see that they are paid monies owed to them?


The articles of Incorporation are not traded like fish in the fish bazaar.  These are what make it a "living and breathing" entity!

It's nonsense to use the fact that the estate count went from 10 to 3 as reasoning for changes.  This is immaterial to the legal structure, the obligations and role of Guysuco.  Guysuco is a holding company for the Sugar industry and "parent" for all the subordinated entities.  It's role remains intact. 

When all the estates have been liquidated, then changes could be contemplated as Guysuco would have become a shell entity. Until then, it's relevant.

I'm sure PWC and the GoG looked into this and decided to leave it as is since half measures make no sense!

Last edited by Former Member

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